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// ==UserScript== // @name Weibo Supervisor Blacklist Tool // @name:zh 微博监督员批量拉黑工具 // @namespace // @description 帮您自动化解决拉黑微博监督员的烦恼,脚本会在后台帮您逐个慢慢拉黑(不过很抱歉,脚本并没有取消拉黑的功能,敬请见谅) // @include* // @include* // @include* // @include* // @include* // @include* // @include* // @include* // @exclude* // @exclude* // @exclude // @exclude* // @exclude* // @exclude // @updateURL // @downloadURL // @homepageURL // @supportURL // @license Mozilla Public License 2.0 // @version 2017.10.13.1 // @grant GM_setValue // @grant GM_getValue // @grant GM_xmlhttpRequest // @grant unsafeWindow // @connect // @run-at document-end // ==/UserScript== (function (supervisors) { if (!unsafeWindow.$CONFIG) return; if (!unsafeWindow.$CONFIG.uid) return; if (document.getElementsByClassName('gn_login').length) return false; var me = unsafeWindow.$CONFIG.uid + ''; var key = 'BlockStatus' + me; var timer = 'BlockTimer' + me; var config = { delay: { min: 6e3, max: 8e3, } }; var read = function () { var blocked = []; try { blocked = JSON.parse(GM_getValue(key, '[]')); } catch (e) { } return blocked; }; var write = function (blocked) { GM_setValue(key, JSON.stringify(blocked)); }; var status = function (callback) { var blocked = read(); callback(blocked.length); }; var next = function () { var blocked = read(); var todo = supervisors.filter(function (uid) { return blocked.indexOf(uid + '') === -1; }); if (todo.length === 0) return null; return todo[Math.floor(Math.random() * todo.length)]; }; var add = function (uid) { var blocked = read(); if (blocked.indexOf(uid + '') === -1) blocked.push(uid + ''); write(blocked); }; var delay = function () { var range = config.delay; return Math.floor(Math.random() * (range.max - range.min)) + range.min; }; var wait = function () { var target = parseInt(GM_getValue(timer, 0)); var current =; var result = 0; if (target > current + config.delay.max) { target = current + delay(); } if (target < current) { target = current + delay(); } else { result = target - current; } GM_setValue(timer, target); return result; }; var block = function (uid, callback) { console.log('blocking user %s ...', uid); GM_xmlhttpRequest({ method: 'POST', url: '//', data: 'uid=' + uid + '&filter_type=1&status=1&interact=1&follow=1', headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', 'Cookie': document.cookie, 'Referer': location.href, }, onload: function (resp) { try { var data = JSON.parse(resp.responseText); console.log('blocking %s result: %o', uid, data); if (data.code === '100000') callback(true); else callback(false); } catch (exception) { console.log('blocking %s failed: %o', uid, exception); callback(false); } }, onerror: function (error) { console.log('blocking %s failed: %o', uid, error); callback(false); }, }); }; setTimeout(function schedule() { if (next() === null) { console.log('blocking done'); return; } var timeout = wait(); if (timeout > 0) { setTimeout(schedule, timeout + 1e3); console.log('scheduled blocking after %o', timeout); return; } var uid = next(); block(uid, function (success) { if (success) add(uid); schedule(); }); }, 20e3); }([ '1041574032', '1113091931', '1234596492', '1265924373', '1280076535', '1282270102', '1282371413', '1283164021', '1297708027', '1305476450', '1348513711', '1374321134', '1377355290', '1391753093', '1403386141', '1405603123', '1409910532', '1410124131', '1429791521', '1484598381', '1495485357', '1505700263', '1525088397', '1570016173', '1579272310', '1588830357', '1613374674', '1632909860', '1642272495', '1649399345', '1651941013', '1653282974', '1657591691', '1658278557', '1666599012', '1670201221', '1674071682', '1680200411', '1682814920', '1690768907', '1693311335', '1694432737', '1696020927', '1702267517', '1703425261', '1709070650', '1713064495', '1719198895', '1723514521', '1723829324', '1725382803', '1732644913', '1736263965', '1736279014', '1737647831', '1739901115', '1743339141', '1745662665', '1748068057', '1749775825', '1749915415', '1751984912', '1755296263', '1759547087', '1762706205', '1765697405', '1766122373', '1774274405', '1775137910', '1775613335', '1777066395', '1781422637', '1782621495', '1787098822', '1789012593', '1790670015', '1790761961', '1794010902', '1800337273', '1823809197', '1824515351', '1824581023', '1839857351', '1840691947', '1851422170', '1851473734', '1852654103', '1859851754', '1884323354', '1885151102', '1887921907', '1889031894', '1889134740', '1889196427', '1891031660', '1892841767', '1893935004', '1900227754', '1903526513', '1906882191', '1909976992', '1912093364', '1913954770', '1918951193', '1920072325', '1922854483', '1926049617', '1926551181', '1935760780', '1937256124', '1943922885', '1945405223', '1954784600', '1954898722', '1978558182', '1985427375', '1997378897', '1997430313', '1998946093', '2018658895', '2033027873', '2042399737', '2045592021', '2066669447', '2095876615', '2102856290', '2106405744', '2112270821', '2119241041', '2122838230', '2143736030', '2162805902', '2170039871', '2195788654', '2202943573', '2205748423', '2219194830', '2238168285', '2240459775', '2253196910', '2265908004', '2274697173', '2278235085', '2284453344', '2299029823', '2301685773', '2308673977', '2313693972', '2314537334', '2330760312', '2334239593', '2335060081', '2345546897', '2346920665', '2348122654', '2355873243', '2357033797', '2360180761', '2369379394', '2369809515', '2372605411', '2379528185', '2397004535', '2400240411', '2401393393', '2401943477', '2405534261', '2407242912', '2418980745', '2455841223', '2468501370', '2477460747', '2504697545', '2518478637', '2520087880', '2528679641', '2531539783', '2546098600', '2561438355', '2571150711', '2610418693', '2611833450', '2612327705', '2614001562', '2614021785', '2622596227', '2626927361', '2633113967', '2639227461', '2640428811', '2645791712', '2647495542', '2650419291', '2661497287', '2667538945', '2669651422', '2681947182', '2682353630', '2694782097', '2697385482', '2708646527', '2709630325', '2714032523', '2720249823', '2722174021', '2728966594', '2731660797', '2734746975', '2766875143', '2803232204', '2806325147', '2822792580', '2826064925', '2829636631', '2847093540', '2849310171', '2875970310', '2877375185', '2884830430', '2885255711', '2898929101', '2922879225', '2928485055', '2932864527', '2934233095', '2945247480', '2950667711', '2963677843', '2970479921', '2992328377', '3029972167', '3030609907', '3040936547', '3049734521', '3050240134', '3051758861', '3065984831', '3078648857', '3087942931', '3116637797', '3123751063', '3141318761', '3157925462', '3159428572', '3168778251', '3170766712', '3173184517', '3174983660', '3182406654', '3184382850', '3189759282', '3190150355', '3209288190', '3209603200', '3212011227', '3226484780', '3230430014', '3235318832', '3240801333', '3261813374', '3271453730', '3280723341', '3287527637', '3305446403', '3318338712', '3358412904', '3397040152', '3440572154', '3477430640', '3481223447', '3496397221', '3545020587', '3590871057', '3592365365', '3607995250', '3621477511', '3626867120', '3653593281', '3685778045', '3688212085', '3703933374', '3715209581', '3732639263', '3738206370', '3786523043', '3786906784', '3831030697', '3840668734', '3848022748', '3932807856', '3948881580', '3951103736', '3973075219', '3974845528', '3975089454', '3979935493', '5012841321', '5014141958', '5020561830', '5031178946', '5038577367', '5059660551', '5063137160', '5064046310', '5078081210', '5088125436', '5088735141', '5091407789', '5092428322', '5100461906', '5106709983', '5108266451', '5116356922', '5117947348', '5131325967', '5142938036', '5146736086', '5150952118', '5158202693', '5158649359', '5174465539', '5207740184', '5209943797', '5219639005', '5226057797', '5235386046', '5241254653', '5243453050', '5248677108', '5253184819', '5284893156', '5289026864', '5293944806', '5303365027', '5330205046', '5338487311', '5343922833', '5344857001', '5364715873', '5379446771', '5380177988', '5381670096', '5398364817', '5426142115', '5433169859', '5450391911', '5454695683', '5460203843', '5464167149', '5471246591', '5474940961', '5480191060', '5488212817', '5515844015', '5527313256', '5532217137', '5532760509', '5571318748', '5573535479', '5577097996', '5580658563', '5580805844', '5589635076', '5603635635', '5608396703', '5612086708', '5613090845', '5623141879', '5623348537', '5623426877', '5623807609', '5634119774', '5638719581', '5640104831', '5651704821', '5651760514', '5657339966', '5666501360', '5669707661', '5671059533', '5674309904', '5675315465', '5675487085', '5682654049', '5686037085', '5697134119', '5700197684', '5752569967', '5760170376', '5768433920', '5785115772', '5791757379', '5801787915', '5816398532', '5836217079', '5865752737', '5868076583', '5895880265', '5897838856', '5898198360', '5926708754', '5935347929', '5942111104', '5973491890', '5976260575', '5984813988', '6031549751', ])); /*! This user script is based on WeiboBlackList by yu961549745, which is licensed under the MIT license: MIT License Copyright (c) 2017 余江涛 Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ /*! This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one at */