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// ==UserScript== // @name Minethings Title Notifications // @version 0.1.6 // @description Append ">>" or "(#)" to page title, if a mine has new findings, or if # messages have arrived. // @author trabladorr // @downloadURL // @updateURL // @require // @grant none // @match http://** // ==/UserScript== var $j = jQuery.noConflict(); var checker = function(){ //remove previous modifications from the title var title = document.title.replace(/([>]|\(\d*\))/g, ''); //append number of messages to new title, if any have arrived var MessagesLink = $j("#MessagesDiv"); if (MessagesLink.text().includes("(")) title = MessagesLink.text().substring(MessagesLink.text().indexOf("("))+title; //append ">>" to new title, if new findings available var MinesLink = $j("#FindingsDiv"); if (MinesLink.text().includes(">>")) title = ">>"+title; //set the new title document.title = title; //repeat every second setTimeout(checker,1000); }; checker();//start script