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// ==UserScript== // @name GS25 Management Plus // @description GS25 점포경영시스템에 편리 기능을 추가합니다 // @version 1.0.0 // @author toriato // @copyright 2021, Sangha Lee // @license MIT // @icon // @match // @grant GM_xmlhttpRequest // @grant GM_getValue // @updateURL // @supportURL // @homepageURL // ==/UserScript== const DAY = 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000 class GSMP { static DEBUG = false /** @type IDBDatabase */ static DB static SHORTCUTS = { // 중분류 발주 grd_scrOrdLine: { Enter: function (e) { if (!e.shiftKey && !e.ctrlKey) return const parent = this.parent // 발주 값이 수정됐다면 저장하기 if (!parent.gfn_IsUpdateDataset(parent.dsArray)) { parent.fn_SaveOrdStrLine() } if (e.shiftKey) parent.fn_OrdClassMvRight() // 다음 소분류 if (e.ctrlKey) parent.fn_OrdClassMvLeft() // 이전 소분류 } }, } static getFocus() { return application.mainframe.getActiveFrame().getActiveFrame().getForm().getFocus() } static fetch(d) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { d.onabort = () => reject('사용자가 작업을 취소했습니다') d.ontimeout = () => reject('작업 시간이 초과됐습니다') d.onerror = reject d.onload = r => { // 전송한 데이터가 SSV 라면 받은 데이터 디코딩하기 if (typeof === 'string' &&'SSV')) { r.datasets = SSV.decode(r.responseText) } resolve(r) } GM_xmlhttpRequest(d) }) } static login(id) { const f = application.mainframe.FrameSet0.ChildFrame0.form f.ds_login.clearData() f.ds_login.addRow() f.ds_login.setColumn(0, 'USER_ID', id) f.gfn_CallService( 'SVC_Login', 'cssc/portal/portal/', 'ds_login=ds_login', 'ds_user=ds_user ds_todoRole=ds_todoRole', '') } static openDetailsDialog(code) { const form = application.mainframe.getActiveFrame().getActiveFrame().getForm() form.gfn_Dialog('mst::SMSGO02_GoodsMstDetailM.xfdl') // 생성된 다이어로그에 이벤트 추가하기 const frames = form.parent._frames const dialog = frames[frames.length - 1] dialog.addEventHandler('onactivate', () => { const form = dialog.getForm() form.ed_goodsCd.value = code form.fn_SearchGoods() }) dialog.addEventHandler('onkeydown', (dialog, e) => { if (e.keycode === 27) { dialog._closeForm() } }) } static openSummaryDialog(code, date) { const form = application.mainframe.getActiveFrame().getActiveFrame().getForm() if (!date) { const d = new Date() date = [ d.getFullYear(), ('' + (d.getMonth() + 1)).padStart(2, '0'), ('' + (d.getDate())).padStart(2, '0') ].join('') } form.gfn_Dialog( 'ord::SORGN01_OrdGoodsMngP.xfdl', `goodsCd=${code} ordDt=${date}`) // 생성된 다이어로그에 이벤트 추가하기 const frames = form.parent._frames const dialog = frames[frames.length - 1] dialog.addEventHandler('onkeydown', (dialog, e) => { const form = dialog.getForm() const dataset = form.ds_outOrDGood if (e.keycode === 27) { dataset.setColumn(0, "SHELF_INFO", dataset.getOrgColumn(0, "SHELF_INFO")) if (form.isUpdatedCheck()) form.fn_Save() form.fn_Close() } }) } } class Product { /** @type {string} */ code /** @type {string} */ name /** @type {string} */ image /** * 제품의 이름, 이미지 등 제품 정보를 업데이트합니다 */ async fetch() { const { datasets } = await GSMP.fetch({ method: 'POST', url: '', data: SSV.encode([{ id: 'ds_inGoodsmstdtlRetrieveGoodsMstDetailBR', columns: [ { name: 'GOODS_CD' }, { name: 'GOODS_REGION_CD' }, { name: 'ORIGIN_BIZPL_CD' }, { name: 'BIZPL_CD' }, { name: 'ORD_SP' }, { name: 'BIZPL_DSTRB_DT' }, { name: 'RTN_DT' } ], rows: [{ GOODS_CD: this.code }] }]) }) /** @type {Dataset} */ const ds = datasets.OUT_GOODSMSTDTL if (ds.rows.length < 1) { throw new Error(`${this.code} 제품은 존재하지 않습니다`) } const r = ds.rows[0] = r.GOODS_NM this.image = r.IMAGE_FILE_NM const tx = GSMP.DB.transaction('products', 'readwrite') const store = tx.objectStore('products') const index = store.index('code') await new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const r = index.openCursor(IDBKeyRange.only(this.code)) r.onsuccess = e => resolve( r.onerror = e => reject( }).then(c => new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const r = c ? c.update(this) : store.add(this) r.onsuccess = e => resolve( r.onerror = e => reject( })) } /** * 제품의 특정 날짜 입고, 판매, 증정, 반품, 폐기 수량을 업데이트합니다 * @param {Date} since * @param {number} days */ async fetchStats(since, days) { const users = application.mainframe.FrameSet0.ChildFrame0.form.ds_user const bizOriginCode = users.getColumn(0, 3) const bizCode = users.getColumn(0, 5) const product = await this.updateProduct(this.code) // 일자까지만 가져오기 let current = since.getTime() current -= current % DAY current += since.getTimezoneOffset() * 60 * 1000 const until = current - (days * DAY) const untilPadded = until - (14 * DAY) let promises = [] /** @type {Dataset[]} */ const datasets = [ { id: 'ds_inWeatherStk', columns: [ { name: 'ORIGIN_BIZPL_CD' }, { name: 'BIZPL_CD' }, { name: 'ORD_DT' }, { name: 'GOODS_CD' }, { name: 'GOODS_CD_OLD' }, { name: 'LINE_CD' } ] } ] while (current >= untilPadded) { const date = new Date(current) const timestamp = date.getTime() const dateFormat = [ date.getFullYear(), (1 + date.getMonth() + '').padStart(2, 0), (date.getDate() + '').padStart(2, 0) ].join('') const ds = datasets ds[0].rows = [{ ORIGIN_BIZPL_CD: bizOriginCode, BIZPL_CD: bizCode, ORD_DT: dateFormat, GOODS_CD: code }] promises.push( GSMP.fetch({ method: 'POST', url: '', data: SSV.encode(ds) }).then(({ datasets }) => { const stats = Array(14) for (let i = 0; i < 14; i++) { stats[i] = { product: product.key, date: timestamp - (12 - i) * DAY } } for (let row of datasets.ds_outStk.rows) { for (let i = 0; i < 14; i++) { stats[i][row.COL_ID] = parseInt(row[i + 3], 10) } } return stats }) ) current -= 14 * DAY } const stats = (await Promise.all(promises)) .flat() .filter(v => || v.discard || v.stkin || v.present || v.return) .sort((a, b) => - const tx = GSMP.DB.transaction('product_stats', 'readwrite') const store = tx.objectStore('product_stats') const index = store.index('product, date') return await Promise.all( => new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const r = index.openCursor(IDBKeyRange.only([stat.product,])) r.onsuccess = e => resolve( r.onerror = e => reject( }) .then(c => new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const r = c ? c.update(stat) : store.add(stat) r.onsuccess = e => resolve( r.onerror = e => reject( })) .then(key => Object({ key, ...stat })) )) } async stats(days) { const r = { stats: await this.fetchStats(this.code, new Date, days), total: { in: 0, out: 0, present: 0, return: 0, discard: 0 } } for (let stat of r.stats) { if (stat.stkin) += stat.stkin if ( += if (stat.discard) += stat.discard if (stat.present) { += stat.present += stat.present } if (stat.return) { -= stat.return += stat.return } } return r } } class ProductFactory { /** * @param {string} code */ static async get(code) { const data = await new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const tx = GSMP.DB.transaction('products', 'readwrite') const store = tx.objectStore('products') const index = store.index('code') const r = index.openCursor(IDBKeyRange.only(code)) r.onerror = e => reject( r.onsuccess = e => resolve( }) const product = new Product() if (data) { for (let key of Object.keys(product)) { product[key] = data.value[key] } } else { product.code = code await product.fetch() } return product } } class SSV { static recordSeparator = String.fromCharCode(0x1E) static unitSeparator = String.fromCharCode(0x1F) static eot = String.fromCharCode(0x03) /** * @typedef Dataset * @type {Object} * @property {string} id * @property {DatasetColumn[]} columns * @property {Object[]} rows */ /** * @typedef DatasetColumn * @type {Object} * @property {string} name * @property {string} type */ /** * SSV 포맷으로 인코딩된 문자열을 디코딩합니다 * @param {string} raw * @returns {Dataset[]} */ static decode(raw) { const records = raw.split(this.recordSeparator) /** @type {Dataset[]} */ const datasets = {} /** @type {string} */ let cursor = null for (let i = 0, len = records.length; i < len; i++) { const units = records[i].split(this.unitSeparator) // Stream Header if (i == 0) { continue } switch (true) { case units[0] == '': // Reset break case units[0].startsWith('Dataset:'): cursor = units[0].slice(8) datasets[cursor] = { columns: [], rows: [] } break case units[0].startsWith('_Const_'): // TODO: Column Const break case units[0].startsWith('_RowType_'): // Colum Infos for (let j = 1; j < units.length; j++) { const attrs = units[j].split(':') const column = { name: attrs[0], type: 'string' } // TODO: Parse type datasets[cursor].columns.push(column) } break default: // Variables if (cursor == null) { continue } // Record const row = [] for (let j = 1; j < units.length; j++) { const index = j - 1 const column = datasets[cursor].columns[index] // TODO: Type casting let v = units[j] if (v === this.eot) { v = '' } row[index] = v row[] = v } datasets[cursor].rows.push(row) } } return datasets } /** * 데이터셋을 SSV 포맷으로 인코딩합니다 * @param {Dataset[]} datasets * @returns {string} */ static encode(datasets) { const ssv = ['SSV:UTF-8'] for (let dataset of datasets) { ssv.push(`Dataset:${}`) ssv.push([ '_RowType_', => `${}:${c.type ? c.type : 'STRING'}`) ].join(this.unitSeparator)) for (let row of dataset.rows) { const units = ['N'] for (let column of dataset.columns) { if ( in row) { units.push(row[]) } else { units.push(this.eot) } } ssv.push(units.join(this.unitSeparator)) } } return ssv.join(this.recordSeparator) } } document.addEventListener('keypress', e => { const f = GSMP.getFocus() console.log( if ( in GSMP.SHORTCUTS && e.key in GSMP.SHORTCUTS[]) { GSMP.SHORTCUTS[][e.key].call(f, e) return } // 상품 발주조회 다이얼로그 열기 if (f instanceof nexacro.Grid && e.key === '`') { const code = f.getBindDataset().getColumn(f.currentrow, 'GOODS_CD') if (code) { GSMP.openSummaryDialog(code) } } }) application.addEventHandler('onloadforms', () => { new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const idb ='gsmp', 1) idb.onerror = e => reject( idb.onsuccess = () => resolve(idb.result) idb.onupgradeneeded = e => { /** @type {IDBDatabase} */ const db = /** @type {IDBObjectStore} */ let store store = db.createObjectStore('products', { autoIncrement: true }) store.createIndex('code', 'code', { unique: true }) store = db.createObjectStore('product_stats', { autoIncrement: true }) store.createIndex('product, date', ['product', 'date'], { unique: true }) } }) .then(db => { GSMP.DB = db }) .then(() => { // 자동 로그인 if (GM_getValue('autologin')) GSMP.login(GM_getValue('autologin')) const trace = unsafeWindow.trace unsafeWindow.trace = () => { if (GSMP.DEBUG) { trace(...arguments) } } }) .catch(err => { alert('GSMP 초기화에 실패했습니다!\n자세한 오류는 콘솔을 확인해주세요') console.error(err) }) }) unsafeWindow.GSMP = GSMP unsafeWindow.Product = Product unsafeWindow.ProductFactory = ProductFactory unsafeWindow.SSV = SSV