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// ==UserScript== // @name Spareroom Directions to Work // @namespace // @version 0.8 // @description Add a Directions to Work button to Spareroom flat listings pages // @author Tom V // @license MIT // @homepageURL // @match *://** // @match *://** // @match *://** // @match *://** // @match *://** // @match *://** // @noframes // ==/UserScript== /* jshint ignore:end */ /* jshint esnext: false */ /* jshint esversion: 6 */ (function(){ 'use strict'; // We rely on Spareroom's jQuery if (typeof(jQuery) === "undefined"){ return; } jQuery(function($){ let map = $('.feature--map'); // The url @match patterns on this script are liberal as Spareroom // puts list and detail views on a variety of similar paths. // For this reason, we make an effort to terminate early. if (map.length === 0){ return; } // Property coordinates are written in the page as follows: // // SR.listing.detail.init({ // coords: { // lat: '51.4992180788083', // lon: '-0.0817307614796427' // } // }); // // Currently we scrape this from a script tag as text, would be better // if the coords could be located in the SR data structure directly. let script_tag = $('script') .filter(function(i, e){ // filter by presence of a "unique string" return $(e).text().indexOf('SR.listing.detail.init({') >= 0; }); // Basically screenscraping. Contributions welcome! let coords_json = script_tag .text() .split('coords:')[1] .split('})')[0] .replace(/lat/, '"lat"') .replace(/lon/, '"lon"') .replace(/'/g, '"'); let coords = JSON.parse(coords_json); // let base = ''; let origin = `${},${coords.lon}`; // TODO: find a way to make travelmode and dest customisable let travelmode = 'transit'; // This relies on setting your workplace in your Google Maps account. // See let dest = 'Work'; let url = `${base}&travelmode=${travelmode}&origin=${origin}&destination=${dest}`; $('<button/>') .text('Directions to Work') .appendTo(map) .click(function(){; }) .wrap('<p></p>'); }); })();