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// ==UserScript== // @name Magento - Whitepages Identity Check Integration // @namespace // @version 0.1 // @description Embeds a button within Magento order details pages to verify contact information integration with Whitepages Pro Identity Check // @author Trevor Anderson <> // @match http://*/index.php/admin/sales_order/view/order_id/* // @grant none // ==/UserScript== //First thing we need to do is wait until required elements are loaded. //We'll wait in periods of 500ms, but will only wait up to 10 seconds to prevent any infinite loop from occurring. function getContactText(numTries){ numTries++; //all the stuff we're looking for is within div tags having the class 'entry-edit' var divs = document.getElementsByClassName("entry-edit"); var contactText = ""; for(var i = 0; i < divs.length; i++){ contactText += divs[i].innerHTML; } //if sourceText doesn't contain a billing address, it doesn't have what we need yet. if(contactText.indexOf(">Billing Address<") >= 0){ return contactText; }else if(numTries >= 20){ return null; }else{ return setInterval(getContactText(numTries),500); } } var contactText = getContactText(0); if(contactText !== null){ /*** COLLECT THE CONTACT INFORMATION FROM THE PAGE ***/ var custEmail, billingName, billingStreet, billingStreet2, billingCity, billingState, billingZip, billingPhone, shippingName, shippingStreet, shippingStreet2, shippingCity, shippingState, shippingZip, shippingPhone = ''; //emails should follow the 'Email' label, with some other tags in between. var emailPattern = /<label>Email<\/label>(?:\s*<[^>]+>)+(\w+[^<]*\@[\w\.]+\.[a-z]{2,4})</; var emailResults = emailPattern.exec(contactText); if(emailResults.length > 1) custEmail = emailResults[1]; /*** PULL BILLING DATA ***/ //after the 'Billing Address' h4 tag are some tags, then an 'edit' link, some more tags, and then is the billing info blob, contained in an '<address></address>' block var billingInfoPattern = />Billing Address<\/h4>(?:\s*<[^>]+>)+\s*Edit(?:\s*<[^>]+>)+\s*<address>((?:[^<]+<[^>]+>)*[^<]+)<\/address>/; //billing info is arranged on a number of lines, that are always in the same order. If a particular piece of data is missing, the line is blank. var billingInfo = []; var billingInfoResults = billingInfoPattern.exec(contactText); if(billingInfoResults.length > 1) billingInfo = billingInfoResults[1].replace(/<[^<]+>/g,"").split(/\n/); billingName = billingInfo[0]; billingStreet = billingInfo[2]; billingStreet2 = billingInfo[3]; var billingCityStateZip = billingInfo[6].split(", "); if(billingCityStateZip.length > 2){ billingCity = billingCityStateZip[0]; billingState = billingCityStateZip[1]; billingZip = billingCityStateZip[2]; } //phone is always on the 8th line and prefixed with "T: " billingPhone = billingInfo[8].substring(3); /*** PULL SHIPPING DATA ***/ //after the 'Shipping Address' h4 tag are some tags, then an 'edit' link, some more tags, and then is the shipping info blob, contained in an '<address></address>' block var shippingInfoPattern = />Shipping Address<\/h4>(?:\s*<[^>]+>)+\s*Edit(?:\s*<[^>]+>)+\s*<address>((?:[^<]+<[^>]+>)*[^<]+)<\/address>/; //shipping info is arranged on a number of lines, that are always in the same order. If a particular piece of data is missing, the line is blank. var shippingInfo = []; var shippingInfoResults = shippingInfoPattern.exec(contactText); if(shippingInfoResults.length > 1) shippingInfo = shippingInfoResults[1].replace(/<[^<]+>/g,"").split(/\n/); shippingName = shippingInfo[0]; shippingStreet = shippingInfo[2]; shippingStreet2 = shippingInfo[3]; var shippingCityStateZip = shippingInfo[6].split(", "); if(shippingCityStateZip.length > 2){ shippingCity = shippingCityStateZip[0]; shippingState = shippingCityStateZip[1]; shippingZip = shippingCityStateZip[2]; } //phone is always on the 8th line and prefixed with "T: " shippingPhone = shippingInfo[8].substring(3); /*** BUILD ID CHECK WEB URL ***/ var WPPURL = ""; if(custEmail !== '') WPPURL += "email_address="+encodeURIComponent(custEmail)+"&"; if(billingName !== '') WPPURL += "billing_name="+encodeURIComponent(billingName)+"&"; if(billingStreet !== '') WPPURL += "billing_address_street_line_1="+encodeURIComponent(billingStreet)+"&"; if(billingStreet2 !== '') WPPURL += "billing_address_street_line_2="+encodeURIComponent(billingStreet2)+"&"; if(billingCity !== '') WPPURL += "billing_address_city="+encodeURIComponent(billingCity)+"&"; if(billingState !== '') WPPURL += "billing_address_state="+encodeURIComponent(billingState)+"&"; if(billingZip !== '') WPPURL += "billing_address_postal_code="+encodeURIComponent(billingZip)+"&"; if(billingPhone !== '') WPPURL += "billing_phone="+encodeURIComponent(billingPhone)+"&"; if(shippingName !== '') WPPURL += "shipping_name="+encodeURIComponent(shippingName)+"&"; if(shippingStreet !== '') WPPURL += "shipping_address_street_line_1="+encodeURIComponent(shippingStreet)+"&"; if(shippingStreet2 !== '') WPPURL += "shipping_address_street_line_2="+encodeURIComponent(shippingStreet2)+"&"; if(shippingCity !== '') WPPURL += "shipping_address_city="+encodeURIComponent(shippingCity)+"&"; if(shippingState !== '') WPPURL += "shipping_address_state="+encodeURIComponent(shippingState)+"&"; if(shippingZip !== '') WPPURL += "shipping_address_postal_code="+encodeURIComponent(shippingZip)+"&"; if(shippingPhone !== '') WPPURL += "shipping_phone="+encodeURIComponent(shippingPhone)+"&"; //cut the trailing '&' WPPURL = WPPURL.substring(0,WPPURL.length-1); //build button var span = document.createElement("span"); span.innerHTML = "<button id=\"wpp_idcheck_button\" title=\"Verify with Whitepages Pro\" class=\"scalable\" type=\"button\" onclick=\"'"+WPPURL+"','_blank')\">Verify with Whitepages Pro</button>"; //get button list var buttonList = document.getElementsByClassName("form-buttons")[0]; buttonList.appendChild(span); }