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// ==UserScript== // @name NerdFitness forum rep // @namespace // @version 0.5 // @description NerdFitness forum - Display reputation // @author Tobbe // @license MIT // @match* // @exclude*&do=embed // @exclude*&do=embed&* // @match*/ // @grant GM_listValues // @grant GM_setValue // @grant GM_getValue // @grant GM_xmlhttpRequest // @connect self // ==/UserScript== function fetchRep(url) { const repRegex = /<span\s+class=.cProfileRepScore_points.>\s*(\d+)\s*<\/span>/; function retry(triesLeft, resolve, reject) { if (triesLeft) { setTimeout(() => { xhr(resolve, reject, triesLeft - 1); }, 10000 - triesLeft * 1000); } else { reject('failure'); } } function xhr(resolve, reject, triesLeft) { GM_xmlhttpRequest({ method: 'GET', url: url + 'reputation/', onload: response => { const text = response.responseText; if (response.status !== 200) { retry(triesLeft, resolve, reject); } else { try { const rep = text.match(repRegex)[1]; resolve(rep); } catch (e) { retry(triesLeft, resolve, reject); } } }, onerror: () => { retry(triesLeft, resolve, reject); }, ontimeout: () => { retry(triesLeft, resolve, reject); }, }); } return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { xhr(resolve, reject, 4); }); } function getUserId(url) { return url .replace(/\/*$/, '') .split('/') .pop(); } function insertRep(aside, rep) { const repInserted = aside.querySelector('li.rep-inserted'); if (repInserted) { repInserted.innerHTML = 'Rep: ' + rep; } else { aside.querySelectorAll('ul.cAuthorPane_info li').forEach(li => { if (li.textContent.match(/posts?$/)) { const liStr = '<li class="rep-inserted">Rep: ' + rep + '</li>'; li.insertAdjacentHTML('beforebegin', liStr); } }); } } function enqueueAsides() { const queue = {}; document.querySelectorAll('aside.ipsComment_author').forEach(aside => { const url = aside.querySelector('h3.cAuthorPane_author a').href; if (queue[url]) { queue[url].push(aside); } else { queue[url] = [aside]; } }); return queue; } function displayForumRep() { const url = window.location.href; if (!url.match(/index.php\?\/topic\//)) { return; } const queue = enqueueAsides(); const cache = GM_getValue('cache'); Object.entries(queue).forEach(([url, asides]) => { const userId = getUserId(url); // insert reps from cache // if we don't have a cached rep for this userId, print 'fetching...' // instead asides.forEach(aside => { insertRep(aside, cache[userId] || 'fetching...'); }); // cached reps from above might be old, so fetch the latest reps and // update the displayed value fetchRep(url) .then(rep => { const userId = getUserId(url); if (cache[userId] !== rep) { asides.forEach(aside => { insertRep(aside, rep); }); cache[userId] = rep; GM_setValue('cache', cache); } }) .catch(e => { asides.forEach(aside => { insertRep(aside, 'unknown'); }); }); }); } function displayProfileRep() { const url = window.location.href; if (!url.match(/index.php\?\/profile\//)) { return; } fetchRep(url).then(rep => { document.querySelectorAll('#elProfileStats li').forEach(li => { if (li.textContent.indexOf('Content Count') !== -1) { const liStr = ` <li> <h4 class="ipsType_minorHeading">Reputation</h4> ${rep} </li>`; li.insertAdjacentHTML('afterend', liStr); } }); }); } (function() { 'use strict'; displayForumRep(); displayProfileRep(); })();