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// ==UserScript== // @name Steam Community - Complete Your Set (Steam Forum Trading Helper) // @icon // @namespace // @version 1.90 // @description Automatically detect missing cards from a card set, help you auto-fill Trading Thread input areas // @author Quang Trinh // @license MIT; // @homepage // @match *://*/*/gamecards/* // @match *://*/tradingforum/* // @match *://*/tradingforum // @run-at document-idle // @grant GM_getValue // @grant GM_setValue // @grant GM_deleteValue // ==/UserScript== /* global GM_getValue, GM_setValue, GM_deleteValue */ // ==Configuration== const tradeTag = 2; //1 = #Number of Set in Title//2 = Card Name in Title const tradeMode = 0; //0 = List both Owned and Unonwed Cards//1 = Only List Owned Cards, 2 = Only List Unowned Cards const showQtyInTitle = false; //Show quantity in title? const fullSetMode = 2; //0 = Cards Lister Mode//1 = Only check for game set that you have enough cards to make it full//2 = Complete your remainng set const fullSetTarget = 0; //0 = Don't set a target number of Card Sets//Integer > 0 = Set a target number for Card Sets const fullSetUnowned = true; //Check for sets that you're missing a whole full set? This has no effect if fullSetMode = 1 const fullSetStacked = false; //false = Will check for the nearest number of your card set, even if you have enough cards to have 2, 3 more set const useLocalStorage = false; //Use HTML5 Local Storage instead, set this to true if you're using Greasemonkey const useForcedFetch = false; //Use this if your Language is unsupported by the script by now, this is a workaround const useForcedFetchBackup = true; //If no language is detected, it switches to Forced Fetch Mode automatically so that it won't throw an error const steamID64 = ""; //Your steamID64, needed for fetch trade data directly from trade forum const customSteamID = ""; //If you have set a custom ID for you Steam account, set this const yourLanguage = ""; //Set this if the script has problems detecting your language, see the Langlist below const customTitle = " [1:1]"; const customBody = "\n[1:1] Trading"; const haveListTitle = "[H] "; const wantListTitle = "[W] "; const haveListBody = "[H]\n"; const wantListBody = "[W]\n"; const foilTitle = "(Foil) "; const foilBody = "(Foil Trading)\n"; const debugMode = false; // ==Configuration== // ==Codes== //List of languages, if you can't find your Language below, please contact me. const langList = { "english" : /\s(\d+)\sof\s\d+,\sSeries\s\d+\s$/, "bulgarian" : /\s(\d+)\sот\s\d+,\sсерия\s\d+\s$/, "czech" : /\s(\d+)\sz\s\d+,\s\d+\.\ssérie\s$/, "danish" : /\s(\d+)\saf\s\d+,\sserie\s\d+\s$/, "dutch" : /\s(\d+)\svan\sde\s\d+,\sserie\s\d+\s$/, "finnish" : /\s(\d+)\s\/\s\d+,\sSarja\s\d+\s$/, "french" : /\s(\d+)\ssur\s\d+,\sséries\s\d+\s$/, "german" : /\s(\d+)\svon\s\d+,\sSerie\s\d+\s$/, "greek" : /\s(\d+)\sαπό\s\d+,\sΣειρά\s\d+\s$/, "hungarian" : /\s(\d+)\s\/\s\d+,\s\d+\.\ssorozat\s$/, "italian" : /\s(\d+)\sdi\s\d+,\sserie\s\d+\s$/, "japanese" : /\s\d+\s枚中\s(\d+)枚,\sシリーズ\s\d+\s$/, "koreana" : /\s\d+장\s중\s(\d+)번째,\s시리즈\s\d+\s$/, "latam" : /\s(\d+)\sde\s\d+,\sserie\s\d+\s$/, "norwegian" : /\s(\d+)\sav\s\d+,\sserie\s\d+\s$/, "polish" : /\s(\d+)\sz\s\d+,\sseria\s\d+\s$/, "portuguese" : /\s(\d+)\sde\s\d+,\s\d+ª\sSérie\s$/, "brazilian" : /\s(\d+)\sde\s\d+,\ssérie\s\d+\s$/, "romanian" : /\s(\d+)\sdin\s\d+,\sseria\s\d+\s$/, "russian" : /\s(\d+)\sиз\s\d+,\sсерия\s\d+\s$/, "schinese" : /\s\d+\s张中的第\s(\d+)\s张,系列\s\d+\s$/, "spanish" : /\s(\d+)\sde\s\d+,\sserie\s\d+\s$/, "swedish" : /\s(\d+)\sav\s\d+,\sserie\s\d+\s$/, "tchinese" : /\s(\d+)\s\/\s\d+,第\s\d+\s套\s$/, "thai" : /\s(\d+)\sจาก\s\d+\sในชุดที่\s\d+\s$/, "turkish" : /\s(\d+)\/\d+,\sSeri\s\d+\s$/, "ukrainian" : /\s(\d+)\sз\s\d+,\sсерія\s№\d+\s$/, "vietnamese" : /\s(\d+)\strong\s\d+,\ssê-ri\s\d+\s$/ }; (function () { "use strict"; const DisplayText = { set (text, color) { const cysDisplay = document.getElementById("cys_display"); cysDisplay.textContent = `(CYS) - ${text}`; = color; }, success (text) { this.set(text, "green"); }, error (text) { this.set(text, "red"); }, default (text) { this.set(text, "yellow"); } }; const Debugger = { log: (target) => { if (!debugMode) { return; } console.log("(CYS)", target); }, warn: (target) => { if (!debugMode) { return; } console.warn("(CYS)", target); }, error: (target) => { if (!debugMode) { return; } console.error("(CYS)", target); } }; function getInfo(doc, lang) { let ularrCards = [], arrCards = [], objCards = {}, total = 0, qtyDiff = false, cardCheck = true, lowestQty = Infinity, set; function clean(str, replacements) { replacements.forEach(function (value, key) { str = str.replace(key, value); }); return str; } function getOwnedCards() { const ownedCards = doc.getElementsByClassName("owned"), owned = [], replaceOwned = new Map([ [/\s+/gm, " "], [langList[lang], "=.=$1"], [/^\s\((\d+)\)\s/, "$1=.="] ]); Array.from(ownedCards).forEach(function (card) { owned.push(clean(card.textContent, replaceOwned).split("=.=")); }); Debugger.log({ owned }); return owned; } function getUnownedCards() { const unownedCards = doc.getElementsByClassName("unowned"), unowned = [], replaceUnowned = new Map([ [/\s+/gm, " "], [langList[lang], "=.=$1"], [/^\s/, "0=.="] ]); Array.from(unownedCards).forEach(function (card) { unowned.push(clean(card.textContent, replaceUnowned).split("=.=")); }); Debugger.log({ unowned }); return unowned; } function sortArr(arr, index) { let sort = Object.keys(new Int8Array(arr.length + 1)).map(Number).slice(1); let result = []; sort.forEach(function (key) { let found = false; arr = arr.filter(function (item) { if (!found && Number(item[index]) === key) { result.push(item); found = true; return false; } else { return true; } }); }); return result; } ularrCards = getOwnedCards().concat(getUnownedCards()); arrCards = sortArr(ularrCards, 2); Debugger.log({ arrCards }); set = (arrCards.length > 0) ? arrCards.length : 0; arrCards.forEach(function (card) { let curQty = Number(card[0]); if (arrCards[0][0] !== card[0]) { qtyDiff = true; } if (curQty < lowestQty) { lowestQty = curQty; } if (!(/\d+/).test(card[0]) || !(/\d+/).test(card[2])) { cardCheck = false; } total += curQty; objCards[`card${card[2]}`] = { "order": Number(card[2]), "name": card[1], "quantity": curQty }; }); Debugger.log({ objCards }); return { objCards, total, set, qtyDiff, lowestQty, cardCheck }; } function calcTrade(info, numSet, tradeNeed, CYSstorage, foil) { if (!tradeNeed) { return; } let CYStext = [], haveListTextTitle = (foil) ? `${foilTitle}${haveListTitle}` : haveListTitle, wantListTextTitle = wantListTitle, haveListText = (foil) ? `${foilBody}${haveListBody}` : haveListBody, wantListText = wantListBody; Object.keys(info.objCards).map((e) => info.objCards[e]).forEach(function (v) { let tag = (tradeTag === 2) ? : v.order; if (v.quantity > numSet && tradeMode !== 2) { haveListTextTitle += (showQtyInTitle) ? `${tag} (x${(v.quantity-numSet)}), ` : `${tag}, `; haveListText += `Card ${v.order} - ${} - (x${(v.quantity-numSet)})` + "\n"; } if ((v.quantity < numSet || (fullSetMode === 0 && v.quantity === numSet)) && tradeMode !== 1) { wantListTextTitle += (showQtyInTitle) ? `${tag} (x${(numSet-v.quantity)}), ` : `${tag}, `; wantListText += `Card ${v.order} - ${} - (x${(numSet-v.quantity)})` + "\n"; } }); haveListTextTitle = haveListTextTitle.replace(/(?:,|,\s+)$/, " "); wantListTextTitle = wantListTextTitle.replace(/(?:,|,\s+)$/, ""); Debugger.log({ haveListTextTitle, wantListTextTitle, haveListText, wantListText }); if (CYSstorage === "fetch") { (function (reply, topic, btn) { if (btn.length > 0) { btn[0].click(); } reply[0].value = ""; if (topic.length > 0) { topic[0].value = ""; } reply[0].value = `${haveListText}` + "\n" + `${wantListText}${customBody}`; if (topic.length > 0) { topic[0].value = `${haveListTextTitle}${wantListTextTitle}${customTitle}`; } }(document.getElementsByClassName("forumtopic_reply_textarea"), document.getElementsByClassName("forum_topic_input"), document.getElementsByClassName("responsive_OnClickDismissMenu"))); return; } CYStext = JSON.stringify([ `${haveListText}` + "\n" + `${wantListText}`, `${haveListTextTitle}${wantListTextTitle}`, window.location.pathname.split("/")[4], ]); Debugger.log({ CYStext: JSON.parse(CYStext) }); CYSstorage.storageSet(CYStext); const AugmentedSteam = document.querySelectorAll("a.es_visit_tforum[href^=\"\"]"); if (!AugmentedSteam.length) { const a = document.createElement("a"); a.className = "btn_grey_grey btn_medium"; a.href = `${window.location.pathname.split("/")[4]}/tradingforum/`; a.innerHTML = "<span>Visit Trade Forum</span>"; = "rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.3)"; document.getElementsByClassName("gamecards_inventorylink")[0].appendChild(a); return; } AugmentedSteam[0].style.backgroundColor = "rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.3)"; } function readInfo(cardInfo, calcTrade, CYSstorage, foil) { const info = cardInfo; Debugger.log({ info }); if (!info.cardCheck) { alert("(CYS) Something is wrong, please try setting your Language in the script settings manually\n" + "Or try enabling useForcedFetch"); } // Raw number of total sets const setDiff = / info.set; // Lowest number of card sets based on the quantity of total cards const lowestNumset = Math.floor(setDiff); // User has the exact number of cards to make card sets full const isFullSet = Number.isInteger(setDiff); let numSet, tradeNeed = false; // Returns the numbers of cards user needs to complete the sets function remainCards(a) { return (Math.abs( - (info.set * a))); } if (fullSetTarget !== 0) { numSet = fullSetTarget; tradeNeed = Boolean(lowestNumset < numSet || (lowestNumset === numSet && info.qtyDiff)); Debugger.log(`Target Set :${fullSetTarget}`); if (!tradeNeed) { const message = "Script stopped since you've reached this target already"; Debugger.log(message); DisplayText.success(message); } else { const message = `You need ${remainCards(numSet)} more card(s) to get ${numSet} full set(s)`; Debugger.warn(message); DisplayText.default(message); } } else { // No custom target set was defined let remainSet; switch (fullSetMode) { // Card lister mode case 0: numSet = 0; tradeNeed = true; Debugger.warn("Card lister mode"); DisplayText.default("Card lister mode"); break; // Only check for game set that you have enough cards to make it full case 1: if (lowestNumset === 0) { // Don't have enough cards const message = "You don't have enough cards for a full set"; Debugger.log(message); DisplayText.default(message); } else if (isFullSet && info.qtyDiff) { // Have exact numbers, but need trading numSet = lowestNumset; tradeNeed = true; const message = `Your cards are enough to get ${numSet} full set(s)`; Debugger.log(message); DisplayText.success(message); } else if (info.qtyDiff && lowestNumset > 1) { // fullSetStacked = false; Will check for the nearest number of your card set, even if you have enough cards to have 2, 3 more set numSet = (fullSetStacked) ? lowestNumset : info.lowestQty + 1; tradeNeed = true; const remains = Object.values(info.objCards).filter(function (card) { return card.quantity === info.lowestQty; }).length; const message = (fullSetStacked) ? `Your cards are enough to get ${numSet} full set(s)` : `You need to trade ${remains} card(s) for the next full set - ${lowestNumset} sets in total`; Debugger.log(message); DisplayText.success(message); } else { const message = "You don't have enough cards for a full set"; Debugger.log(message); DisplayText.default(message); } break; // Complete your remainng set case 2: remainSet = Boolean(!isFullSet || (isFullSet && info.qtyDiff)); if (remainSet) { numSet = (fullSetStacked) ? lowestNumset + 1 : info.lowestQty + 1; tradeNeed = true; const message = (isFullSet) ? `You have enough cards to get ${lowestNumset} full set(s)` : (setDiff === 1) ? `You need ${remainCards(numSet)} more card(s) to get ${numSet} full set(s)` : (setDiff > 1) ? `You have enough cards to get ${lowestNumset} full set(s) | You need ${remainCards(lowestNumset + 1)} more card(s) to get the next full set` : `You need ${remainCards(numSet)} more card(s) to get ${numSet} full set(s)`; Debugger.log(message); if (isFullSet || setDiff > 1) { DisplayText.success(message); } else { DisplayText.default(message); } } else { if (fullSetUnowned) { numSet = Math.floor(setDiff + 1); tradeNeed = true; if (remainCards(numSet) !== info.set && info.qtyDiff) { const message = `You need ${remainCards(numSet)} more card(s) to get ${numSet} full set(s)`; Debugger.log(message); DisplayText.default(message); } else { const message = (info.qtyDiff) ? "You have enough cards to get a full set" : "You need a whole full set"; Debugger.log(message); if (info.qtyDiff) { DisplayText.success(message); } else { DisplayText.default(message); } } } else { numSet = lowestNumset; const message = "You need a whole full set - " + "Script stopped according to your configurations (fullSetUnowned = false)"; Debugger.warn(message); DisplayText.default(message); } } break; } } calcTrade(info, numSet, tradeNeed, CYSstorage, foil); } function inTrade(CYSstorage, disBtn) { if (disBtn.length === 0) { return; } disBtn[0].click(); document.getElementsByClassName("forumtopic_reply_textarea")[0].value = CYSstorage.storageItem(0) + customBody; document.getElementsByClassName("forum_topic_input")[0].value = CYSstorage.storageItem(1) + customTitle; setTimeout(function () { CYSstorage.storageClear(); }, 1000); } function getStorage(mode) { let storageItem, storageInv, storageClear, storageSet; if (!mode) { storageInv = function () { return Boolean(typeof GM_getValue("CYS-STORAGE") !== "undefined" && GM_getValue("CYS-STORAGE").length > 0); }; storageItem = function (index) { return JSON.parse(GM_getValue("CYS-STORAGE"))[index]; }; storageClear = function () { GM_deleteValue("CYS-STORAGE"); Debugger.log("GM Storage Cleared"); }; storageSet = function (content) { GM_setValue("CYS-STORAGE", content); Debugger.log("Done storing trade info in GM Storage"); }; } else { storageInv = function () { return Boolean(window.localStorage.cardTrade !== undefined && window.localStorage.cardTrade.length > 0); }; storageItem = function (index) { return JSON.parse(localStorage.cardTrade)[index]; }; storageClear = function () { window.localStorage.removeItem("cardTrade"); Debugger.log("Local Storage Cleared"); }; storageSet = function (content) { window.localStorage.cardTrade = content; Debugger.log("Done storing trade info in Local Storage"); }; } return { storageInv, storageItem, storageClear, storageSet }; } function passiveFetch(lang, appID, CYSstorage, foil) { const checkURL1 = ""; const checkURL2 = ""; const steamID = (function () { const pattn = [/steamRememberLogin=(\d{17})/, /\/\/(?:id|profiles)\/([\w-_]+)\//]; let tempID = null, userAva = document.getElementsByClassName("user_avatar"); if (/^\d{17}$/.test(steamID64)) { tempID = steamID64; } else if (/^[\w-_]+$/.test(customSteamID)) { tempID = customSteamID; } else if (document.cookie.match(pattn[0])) { tempID = document.cookie.match(pattn[0])[1]; } else if (userAva.length > 0) { if (userAva[0].href.match(pattn[1])) { tempID = userAva[0].href.match(pattn[1])[1]; } } return tempID; }()); if (steamID === null) { alert("(CYS) SteamID not set, failed to get it from cookies\n" + "Cannot perform fetching your cards data\nPlease try setting your steamID manually"); return; } Debugger.log(`Your SteamID = ${steamID}`); const URL = (/^7656119[0-9]{10}$/.test(steamID)) ? `${checkURL1}${steamID}` : `${checkURL2}${steamID}`; let resURL; fetch(`${URL}/gamecards/${appID}/${ (foil) ? `?border=1&l=${lang}` : `?l=${lang}`}`, { method: "GET", mode: "same-origin" }).then(function (response) { resURL = response.url; Debugger.log(`Getting data from ${resURL}...`); return response.text(); }) .then(function (text) { if (!resURL.match(`/gamecards/${appID}`) && resURL.match("/?goto=")) { alert("(CYS) Something might not be right\nPlease try again or doing it manually " + "if your trade data is not right"); } const gameCardPage = document.createElement("div"); gameCardPage.innerHTML = text; readInfo(getInfo(gameCardPage, lang), calcTrade, CYSstorage, foil); }) .catch(function (error) { alert("(CYS) Something went wrong, cannot fetch data, please try doing it manually"); Debugger.warn("Cannot fetch data, please try doing it manually", error); }); } function fetchButton(lang, appID, CYSstorage) { const rightbox = document.getElementsByClassName("rightbox"); const tradeofBtn = document.getElementsByClassName("forum_topic_tradeoffer_button_ctn"); const inForum = Boolean(/\/(?:tradingforum|tradingforum\/)$/.test(window.location.href)); if (!inForum && tradeofBtn.length === 0) { return; } const container = (inForum) ? rightbox[0] : tradeofBtn[0]; const content = document.createElement("div"); content.className = "content"; const a = document.createElement("a"); a.className = "btn_darkblue_white_innerfade btn_medium"; a.innerHTML = "<span>Fetch Info</span>"; content.appendChild(a); const checkbox = document.createElement("input"); checkbox.type = "checkbox"; = "cysfoil"; = "foil-checkbox"; content.appendChild(checkbox); const label = document.createElement("Label"); label.setAttribute("for",; label.innerHTML = "Foil"; content.appendChild(label); if (inForum) { const rule = document.createElement("div"); rule.className = "rule"; container.insertBefore(content, container.insertBefore(rule, container.firstChild)); } else { = "inline-flex"; = "2px"; container.insertBefore(content, container.lastChild); } a.onclick = function () { passiveFetch(lang, appID, CYSstorage, checkbox.checked); }; } function getUserLang(testEl) { if (testEl.length === 0) { return false; } let tempLang = null; const msgLang = "Couldn't detect you current language using cookies\n" + "Or your language setting in the script not right\n" + "Please set your Language in the script settings then try again"; const cookieLang = document.cookie.match(/Steam_Language=(\w+)/); if (yourLanguage.length > 0) { tempLang = yourLanguage; } else { tempLang = (cookieLang) ? cookieLang[1] : null; } if (tempLang !== null && Object.keys(langList).indexOf(tempLang) > -1) { Debugger.log(`Your current language: ${tempLang}`); } else { tempLang = null; } if (useForcedFetch) { tempLang = "fetch"; } if (!tempLang) { if (!useForcedFetchBackup) { alert("(CYS) Forced Fetch disable\n" + msgLang); return false; } tempLang = "fetch"; Debugger.warn(msgLang); } return tempLang; } function configCheck(condi, value) { return condi.some(function (config) { return config === value; }); } function initialize() { let useStorage = useLocalStorage, CYSstorage = {}, userLang; const numChecks = [ !(Number.isInteger(fullSetTarget) && fullSetTarget >= 0), [1, 2].indexOf(tradeTag) === -1, [0, 1, 2].indexOf(tradeMode) === -1, [0, 1, 2].indexOf(fullSetMode) === -1, typeof useLocalStorage !== "boolean", typeof showQtyInTitle !== "boolean", typeof fullSetUnowned !== "boolean", typeof fullSetStacked !== "boolean", typeof useForcedFetch !== "boolean", typeof useForcedFetchBackup !== "boolean", typeof debugMode !== "boolean" ], GMChecks = [ typeof GM_setValue !== "undefined", typeof GM_getValue !== "undefined", typeof GM_deleteValue !== "undefined" ]; if (configCheck(numChecks, true)) { alert("(CYS) - Invalid Config Settings\nPlease Check Again!"); return; } if (!useStorage && configCheck(GMChecks, false)) { useStorage = true; Debugger.warn("GM functions are not defined - Switch to use HTML5 Local Storage instead"); } CYSstorage = getStorage(useStorage); if (/\/gamecards\//.test(window.location.pathname)) { const displayText = document.createElement("div"); const badgeDetail = document.getElementsByClassName("badge_detail_tasks")[0]; = "cys_display"; displayText.textContent = "(CYS) initialize..."; = "center"; = "yellow"; = "24px"; badgeDetail.insertBefore(displayText, document.getElementsByClassName("gamecards_inventorylink")[0]); userLang = getUserLang(document.getElementsByClassName("gamecards_inventorylink")); if (!userLang) { return; } if (CYSstorage.storageInv()) { CYSstorage.storageClear(); } const badgeType = Boolean(/border=1/.test(window.location.href)); if (userLang === "fetch") { Debugger.log("Forced Fetch Mode is ON"); userLang = "english"; Debugger.log(`Your current language: ${userLang}`); passiveFetch(userLang, window.location.pathname.split("/")[4], CYSstorage, badgeType); } else { readInfo(getInfo(document, userLang), calcTrade, CYSstorage, badgeType); } } if (/\/tradingforum/.test(window.location.pathname)) { userLang = getUserLang(document.getElementsByClassName("user_avatar")); if (!userLang) { return; } if (userLang === "fetch") { userLang = "english"; Debugger.log("Forced Fetch Mode is ON"); Debugger.log(`Your current language: ${userLang}`); } fetchButton(userLang, window.location.pathname.split("/")[2], "fetch"); if (!CYSstorage.storageInv()) { Debugger.log("No Stored Trade Info In Storage"); return; } if ((new RegExp(CYSstorage.storageItem(2))).test(window.location.pathname)) { const storedTime = - CYSstorage.storageItem(3); Debugger.log(`Time: ${storedTime}ms`); if (storedTime > 21600000) { if (window.confirm("It's been more than 6 hours since you checked your cards\n" + "You can go back to your GameCard Page or do an info Fetch,\n" + "since your stored trade info might be outdated\n" + "Hit OK will take you go back to your GameCard Page")) {`${CYSstorage.storageItem(2)}`, "_blank"); return; } } setTimeout(function () { inTrade(CYSstorage, document.getElementsByClassName("responsive_OnClickDismissMenu")); }, 1000); } } } initialize(); }());