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// ==UserScript== // @name Amazon mit // @namespace de.leipzig.library // @description Reichert die Amazon Buch Detail Seite mit Informationen zur Verfügbarkeit aus der an (Enriches amazon book detaily page by availability information from // @version 1.0 // @include *.amazon.*/dp/* // @include *.amazon.*/gp/product* // @require // @grant GM_xmlhttpRequest // @author timguy // @license MIT // @noframes // @run-at document-end // ==/UserScript== addOwnHTML(); updateProgressBar(10); var isbn = getIsbn(window.content.location.href); console.log("Parsed amazon ISBN:" + isbn); updateProgressBar(20); var libraryStartPage = ""; var libraryDetailSearchPage = ""; //Im Request Header muss das hier sein: //Cookie:JSESSIONID=D37A423603C9C747A637F949BD6CA2BE; USERSESSIONID=18225N35Sd2f78b0ca8462efa8e52887c63e647f65e98852f; BaseURL="/webOPACClient/"; USERSESSIONID=13071N17Sf3948e533b6bf5afbdbb2e830bb7f0ff9e8ee6cd; BaseURL="" //var respHeader = getCookie(libraryStartPage); var respHeader; getCookie(libraryStartPage); updateProgressBar(30); function continueAfterCookie(respHeader) { updateProgressBar(40); var cookieHeader = parseCookieHeaders(respHeader); console.log('response received getCookie: \t jSessionId: ' + cookieHeader.strJSessionID + '\t strUserSessionID: ' + cookieHeader.strUserSessionID); callSearch(libraryDetailSearchPage, cookieHeader); }//search for the isbn and include all cookie and session information function callSearch(libraryDetailSearchPage, cookieHeader) { updateProgressBar(50); libraryDetailSearchPage = libraryDetailSearchPage.replace('USERSESSIONIDplaceholder', cookieHeader.strUserSessionID); libraryDetailSearchPage = libraryDetailSearchPage.replace('ISBN_placeholder', isbn); console.log('start call libraryDetailSearchPage:' + libraryDetailSearchPage); GM_xmlhttpRequest({ method: 'GET', url: libraryDetailSearchPage, headers: { 'User-agent': 'Mozilla/4.0 (compatible) Greasemonkey/0.3', 'Accept': 'application/atom+xml,application/xml,text/xml', //'Cookie': cookieHeader.strSetCookieHeader, }, onload: function (response) { updateProgressBar(80); console.log('response received libraryDetailSearchPage: ' + response.status); var searchResponse = response.responseText; //console.log(searchResponse); if (searchResponse.includes('keine Treffer')) { console.log('library didnt found a book for given isbn' + isbn); addHTMLbiboContent('Buch ISBN (' + isbn + ') gibt es nicht in der Bibo'); updateProgressBar(100); return 0; } var dataTable = $(searchResponse).find('#tab-content').html(); //console.log('-----------------------\ntabContent: ' + dataTable); addHTMLbiboContent(dataTable); updateProgressBar(100); } }); }//################### Help methods ################################ //get the cookie from library page and session information function getCookie(libraryStartPage) { console.log('start call:' + libraryStartPage); GM_xmlhttpRequest({ method: 'GET', url: libraryStartPage, headers: { 'User-agent': 'Mozilla/4.0 (compatible) Greasemonkey/0.3', 'Accept': 'application/atom+xml,application/xml,text/xml', }, onload: function (response) { //console.log(response.responseHeaders); continueAfterCookie(response.responseHeaders); } }); }// Method based on - Based on work by Carrick Mundell function getIsbn(url) { try { //match if there is a / followed by a 7-9 digit number followed by either another number or an x //followed by a / or end of url var isbn = url.match(/\/(\d{7,9}[\d|X])(\/|\?|$)/) [1]; } catch (e) { return 0; } return isbn; } function addOwnHTML() { var inclLibText = '<div id="inclLibText"><br/> <progress id="biboProgress" value="0" max="100"> <i class="fa fa-car"></i> </progress> <div id="biboContent"> </div> </div> '; $(inclLibText).insertBefore('#MediaMatrix'); $('#inclLibText').attr('style', 'border-radius: 25px; background: #73AD21; padding: 20px;'); } function addHTMLbiboContent(biboContent) { $('#biboContent').replaceWith(biboContent); } function updateProgressBar(value) { $('#biboProgress').val(value); }; //parse cookie and session details function parseCookieHeaders(strAllRequestHeaders) { var strSetCookieHeader = strAllRequestHeaders.match(/Set-Cookie: ([\s\S]*?)Keep-Alive/) [1]; var strUserSessionID = strSetCookieHeader.match(/USERSESSIONID=(.*)/) [1]; var strJSessionID = strSetCookieHeader.match(/JSESSIONID=(.*?);/) [1]; return { strSetCookieHeader: strSetCookieHeader, strUserSessionID: strUserSessionID, strJSessionID: strJSessionID }; };