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// ==UserScript== // @name GMVCbizAlertOnGuysInChatroom // @author . tim4fun6 // @version . 0.1 // @updateURL // @description Alerts when there is someone in the chatroom. Use with an auto-reloader. // @copyright Copyright 2016 tim4fun6, // @license BSD-3-Clause // @homepageURL // @supportURL // @require // @match // @grant GM_notification // @grant GM_setValue // @grant GM_getValue // @run-at document-end // ==/UserScript== (function() { 'use strict'; function fetchStatus () { // There are 1 users and 0 guests connected and 4 available rooms. var regex = /There are (\d+) users and (\d+) guests connected and (\d+) available rooms/; var info = $('p:contains(guests connected)').text(); var result = regex.exec(info); var status = {}; if (result) { status.users = result[1]; status.guests = result[2]; status.rooms = result[3]; if (status.users > 0) { var usersDiv = $('h3:contains(Connected users)').next(); status.usernames = usersDiv.children().map(function(){ return jQuery(this).text(); }).get(); } } else { status.error = 'Could not parse page'; } status.timestamp = (new Date()).getTime(); return status; } function arr2str (arr) { if (!Array.isArray(arr)) { return 'not an array'; } else { return arr.sort().join(';'); } } function statusChanged(first, second){ return first && second && first.users != second.users || arr2str(first.usernames) !== arr2str(second.usernames); } var emptyInfo = { users: 0, guests: 0, rooms: 0, usernames: [], timestamp: 0 }; var priorStatus = GM_getValue('gmvc-roominfo', emptyInfo); var status = fetchStatus(); if (statusChanged(priorStatus, status)) { if (status.users > 0) { GM_notification({ text: 'There are ' + status.users + ' users in the GMVC chat room: ' + status.usernames.join(', '), title: 'People in GMVC chat room', highlight: true, timeout: 15 }); } } GM_setValue('gmvc-roominfo', status); })();