theheroofvn / Thread Navigating by Arrow keys

// ==UserScript==
// @name        Thread Navigating by Arrow keys
// @namespace
// @description Use ← or → and Ctrl to navigate to previous, next, first or last page
// @author      theheroofvn
// @include     /^.*(thread|forum|diendan).*$/
// @include*
// @require
// @grant       none
// @version     5.9
// ==/UserScript==
if (frameElement) return;
this.$ = this.jQuery = jQuery.noConflict(true);
var prev, next, first, last, up, up_sub = '[itemtype=""] a';
var site_info = [
        host: "",
        prev: "a.arrowPrePage",
        next: "a.arrowNextPage",
        first: "a.arrowFstPage",
        last: "a.arrowLstPage"
        host: "",
        prev: "a.js-pagenav-prev-button[href]:not([href=''])",
        next: "a.js-pagenav-next-button[href]:not([href=''])",
        first: "a[data-page='1']",
        last: "a.js-pagenav-button[href]:not([href='']):nth-last-child(2)",
        up: "#breadcrumbs a.crumb-link"
function custom_site(list) {
    if (list.length === 0) return 0;
    for (var i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {
        if (location.hostname == list[i].host) {
            prev  = list[i].prev;
            next  = list[i].next;
            first = list[i].first;
            last  = list[i].last;
            up    = list[i].up;
            return 1;
    return 0;
function checkScriptExist(script) {
    return $('script[src*="' + script + '"]').length > 0 ? true : false;
function detect_forum() {
    var result = "";
    if (checkScriptExist("vbulletin")) result = "vbb"; else if (checkScriptExist("xenforo")) result = "xenforo"; else if (checkScriptExist("general.js")) result = "mybb"; else if (checkScriptExist("forum_fn.js")) result = "phpbb";
    return result;
var detect = detect_forum();
if (custom_site(site_info) === 0) {
    if (detect == "vbb") {
        prev  = 'a[rel="prev"]';
        next  = 'a[rel="next"]';
        first = 'a[rel="start"]';
        last  = 'a[title^="Last"], a[title*="uối"]';
        up    = "span.navbar a, li.navbit a";
    } else if (detect == "xenforo") {
        prev  = ".PageNav a.text:first-child";
        next  = ".PageNav a.text:last-child";
        last  = ".PageNav nav > a:nth-last-child(2)";
        first = 'a[rel="start"]';
        up    = "a.crumb";
    } else if (detect == "mybb") {
        prev  = "a.pagination_previous";
        next  = "a.pagination_next";
        first = "a.pagination_first";
        last  = "a.pagination_last";
        up    = ".navigation > a";
    } else if (detect == "phpbb") {
        prev  = ".display-options a.left-box.left";
        next  = ".display-options a.right-box.right";
        first = ".pagination > span > a:first-child";
        last  = ".pagination > span > a:last-child";
        up    = ".navlinks > .icon-home a";
    } else return;
var nav = {
    prev: $(prev)[0],
    next: $(next)[0],
    first: $(first)[0],
    last: $(last)[0],
    up: function() {
        return $(up).length > 0 ? $(up).last()[0] : $(up_sub).last()[0];
var allowed = true;
$(window).keydown(function(e) {
    if (!allowed) return;
    allowed = false;
    var key = e.keyCode, action = null;
    if (e.ctrlKey) {
    	allowed = true;
    	if (key == 39) action = "last";
    	else if (key == 37) action = "first";
    	else if (key == 8) action = "up";
    else if (key == 39) action = "next";
    else if (key == 37) action = "prev";
    else return;
    if (!action || typeof nav[action] === "undefined" || == "INPUT" || == "TEXTAREA") return;
    var link = (typeof nav[action] === "function") ? nav[action]() : nav[action];
    window.location = link;
}).keyup(function(e) {
    allowed = true;