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// ==UserScript== // @author TenATaco // @name KissAnime Video Expander // @namespace // @version 1.2.1 // @description Remove the page background (Everything, Including Ads) then expands the video player while watching videos on KissAnime. It's like full screen without full screen. // @include *kissanime.*/Anime/*/* // @grant none // @require // @updateURL // @downloadURL // @copyright 9999, TAT // ==/UserScript== /* Save the video do that it does not get removed with the page. */ var save = $('#divContentVideo').detach(); /* Delete the page content */ $('body').remove(); /* Add the video back (save) */ $('html').append(save); /* Change the player to your screen w/h */ $( document.getElementsByTagName('iframe')[0] ).css({ "width": window.innerWidth, "height": window.innerHeight }); /* Resize the player with your screen */ $( window ).resize(function() { $( document.getElementsByTagName('iframe')[0] ).css({ "width": $( window ).width(), "height": $( window ).height() }); }); /* Trick the player into thinking you're in full screen! */ $(".vjs-control-bar").remove(); $("#my_video_1_html5_api").prop({ controls: true });