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// ==UserScript== // @name to Single-page app (with Fullsceen) // @description It turns dictionary into a single-page application, that is it doesn't reload the full page when navigating to a different word. It also minimizes distractions by hiding the left and right columns and by providing fullscreen mode. // @version 1.1 // @grant none // @include* // @require // @namespace // @license MIT // ==/UserScript== const win = window; const doc = document; const loc = win.location; var linkParts, word, lang; const hide = (id) => doc.getElementById(id).setAttribute('hidden', ''); hide('rightcolumn'); hide('leftcolumn'); document.querySelector('#centercolumn').style.width = 'auto' const fullscrBtn = doc.createElement('button'); fullscrBtn.innerHTML = 'Fullscreen'; fullscrBtn.setAttribute('class', 'bttn'); fullscrBtn.addEventListener('click', e => { if (!doc.fullscreenElement) { doc.documentElement.requestFullscreen(); } else { doc.exitFullscreen(); } }); doc.documentElement.addEventListener('fullscreenchange', e => { const fullscrBtn = doc.querySelector('#forumapi button'); if (!doc.fullscreenElement) { fullscrBtn.innerHTML = 'Fullscreen'; } else { fullscrBtn.innerHTML = 'Exit Fullscreen'; } }); doc.getElementById('forumapi').prepend(fullscrBtn); const modifyCenterColumn = () => { linkParts = loc.pathname.split('/'); word = linkParts[2]; lang = linkParts[1]; const html = doc.querySelector('#centercolumn').innerHTML; const dictA = doc.querySelector('#nav a'); const dictLink = { href:dictA.href, text:dictA.text }; history.replaceState({html, word, dictLink}, '', loc.href); doc.querySelector('#fSelect').value = (lang == 'definition')? 'enen':lang; } fetch(''). then(r => r.text()). then(t => { doc.querySelector('#fSelect').innerHTML = t; modifyCenterColumn(); }); const search = doc.querySelector('#search input'); const focusOnSearch = (e) => search.focus(); focusOnSearch(); doc.addEventListener('focus', focusOnSearch); fetch('').then(r => r.text()). then(script => { const redirectWRFunc = script.split('\n')[4].substring(7922,13137) win.eval(redirectWRFunc.replace('window.location.href=e+url','document.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("newpage", {detail: "https:"+e+url}))')); }); const opts = { lines: 12 // The number of lines to draw , length: 1 // The length of each line , width: 5 // The line thickness , radius: 10 // The radius of the inner circle , scale: 9 // Scales overall size of the spinner , corners: 1 // Roundness (0..1) , color: '#000' // #rgb or #rrggbb , opacity: 1/4 // Opacity of the lines , rotate: 0 // Rotation offset , direction: 1 // 1: clockwise, -1: counterclockwise , speed: 1.6 // Rounds per second , trail: 50 // Afterglow percentage , fps: 20 // Frames per second when using setTimeout() , zIndex: 2e9 // Use a high z-index by default , className: 'spinner' // CSS class to assign to the element , top: '40%' // center vertically , left: '36%' // center horizontally , shadow: false // Whether to render a shadow , hwaccel: false // Whether to use hardware acceleration (might be buggy) , position: 'absolute' // Element positioning } load = link => { const target = doc.querySelector('.content'); const spinner = new Spinner(opts).spin(target); fetch(link).then(r => r.text()).then(html => { history.pushState({}, '', link); const div = doc.createElement('div'); div.innerHTML = html; doc.querySelector('#centercolumn').innerHTML = div.querySelector('#centercolumn').innerHTML; doc.querySelector('#nav a').replaceWith(div.querySelector('#nav a')); modifyCenterColumn(); document.dispatchEvent(new Event("newpageloaded")); doc.querySelector('#nav a:nth-child(2)').text = word; focusOnSearch(); spinner.stop(); }); } doc.addEventListener('click', e => { if ( == 'A' && /^https:\/\/\/.+\/.+$/.test( { e.preventDefault(); load(; } }); const suggestions = doc.querySelector('.autocomplete-suggestions'); const hideSuggestions = () => setTimeout(() => { = 'none'; search.value = ''; }, 250); const loadSelection = (sel) => { const v = sel.getAttribute('data-val'); const selection = JSON.parse(decodeURIComponent(v)); load(history.state.dictLink.href + selection.term); hideSuggestions(); } suggestions.addEventListener('mousedown', e => { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); loadSelection(; }, true); doc.querySelector('#search div').addEventListener('keydown', e => { if (e.key == 'Enter') { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); const hovered = doc.querySelector('.autocomplete-suggestion.hover'); if (hovered) { loadSelection(hovered); } else { load(history.state.dictLink.href + search.value); hideSuggestions(); } } }, true); doc.addEventListener('newpage', e => load(e.detail)); doc.addEventListener('keydown', focusOnSearch); window.addEventListener('popstate', e => { const doc = document; doc.querySelector('#nav a:nth-child(2)').text = e.state.word; doc.querySelector('#centercolumn').innerHTML = e.state.html; const dictA = doc.createElement('a'); dictA.href = e.state.dictLink.href; dictA.text = e.state.dictLink.text; doc.querySelector('#nav a').replaceWith(dictA); });