tehchy / Salesforce Addons


Version: 1.8.1+f8bca8c updated

Copyright: 2019, tehchy (https://openuserjs.org/users/tehchy)

License: MIT


1.7.x - 1.7.4 - Filling a Date is now Tab specific (Can use multiple tabs now) - 1.7.3 - Added More time slots to Filldate - 1.7.2 - Fixed More FillDate Function Mistakes - 1.7.1 - Fixed FillDate Function Mistake - 1.7.0 - Added Popup Blocker Detection & Fixed issue with manage income 1.6.x - 1.6.14 - Fixed Volunteer Login button link - 1.6.13 - Changed url matches due to salesforce update - 1.6.12 - Fixed infoChecker missed appointment - 1.6.11 - fixed volgistics and appointment increase - 1.6.10 - Prepping for new stuff - 1.6.9 - Fixed issue with date merge detection - 1.6.8 - Changed sunday title to missed appt & added missed appointment & reregister checker to contacts - 1.6.7 - New features (intake disable cancel, search on enter, service log qol) & new settings - 1.6.6 - More tabs for saturday - 1.6.5 - minor bug fixes - 1.6.4 - Fixed checkDates - 1.6.3 - Added more settings - 1.6.2 - Added date checkers for Contacts - 1.6.1 - Added the ability to load and save settings - 1.6.0 - Added the start of a settings menu 1.5.x - 1.5.14 - Button border color is based on page now - 1.5.13 - Even more style changes - 1.5.12 - More style changes - 1.5.11 - Did some work to Recert & Started to change design - 1.5.10 - Fixed loading screen typo & service log detection - 1.5.9 - Fixed Intake form change detection & organized other functions - 1.5.8 - Fixed annoying issue - 1.5.7 - Added more misc features - 1.5.6 - Reworked page detection and contact id detection - 1.5.5 - Typos for days (Dont code while at work) - 1.5.4 - Fixed page detection issue - 1.5.3 - Fixed typo - 1.5.2 - Added Manage Household Incomes to Accounts & Added New Page Detection - 1.5.1 - Fixed Contact Id Issue - 1.5.0 - Semi Rewrite 1.4.x - 1.4.15 - Changed Deleted Blank Incomes Button to "Manage Incomes" - 1.4.14 - Added Delete Blank Incomes Button - 1.4.13 - Added More Contact features - 1.4.12 - Added new button to open necessary tabs for Food pantry - 1.4.11 - Added merge date detector to help prevent bug found - 1.4.10 - Added Income Review & Removed Proof Today, Removed CheckDoubles Shortcut & Made it automatic - 1.4.9 - Added new CheckDoubles function(ALT + SHIFT + D) - 1.4.8 - Printable bugfix - 1.4.7 - Fixed PrintableView again - 1.4.6 - Simplifying things - 1.4.5 - Cleaning up - 1.4.4 - Remove debug console logs - 1.4.3 - Fixed issue with dropdown in Notes - 1.4.2 - Disabled Case Management changes for now - 1.4.1 - Changed Printable view button to a icon and moved to the right to fit salesforce theme, added some Receptionist stuff for Emmy, added LiveChanges mode to table changes (ALT + SHIFT + L) - 1.4.0 - Merged with Salesforce Contacts Addons, Volunteer Login button adds to all pages possible 1.3.x - 1.3.9 - Fixed issue with Resetables & Community Dining Room - 1.3.8 - Changed Name header to Case Note - 1.3.7 - Appointment totals now have the totals we use and are spaced out - 1.3.6 - Fixed issue with missed appointment counter, changed pots header icon - 1.3.5 - Fixed issue with clickable casenotes overriding itself, Replaced show changes button with a custom keybind(CTRL ALT C) - 1.3.4 - Removed return on mentor meeting, changed volgistics url, title changes for all services now - 1.3.3 - Changes to missed appointment counter - 1.3.2 - Table changes now refresh when contact is changed (salesforce refreshes list for some dumb reason) - 1.3.1 - Tab title changes to pantry date & changed "missed & new" feature - 1.3.0 - Added counter for missed appointments & new clients 1.2.x - 1.2.9 - Decreased name textsize on printview to prevent wrapping - 1.2.8 - Limited FillDate to Food Pantry Only - 1.2.7 - Limited Table changes to Food Pantry only - 1.2.6 - Fixed filldate - 1.2.5 - experimental printview is now the main print option - 1.2.4 - Added new experimental printview option - 1.2.3 - test button now visible for taina - 1.2.2 - Fixed printview adding too many blanks & removed underlined names - 1.2.1 - New hidden function to check changes in table - 1.2.0 - More cleaning up 1.1.x - 1.1.11 - Cleaned some stuff up - 1.1.10 - Fixed volunteer link appearing to much - 1.1.9 - Added volunteer login link - 1.1.8 - Changed salesforce logo to pots logo - 1.1.7 - Added Event handler for bottom save button - 1.1.6 - Changed loading screen gif hoster and inverted it - 1.1.5 - Fixed loading screen disappearing sometimes - 1.1.4 - Decreased opacity - 1.1.3 - Added Temp Loading Screen - 1.1.2 - Removed scroll stuff - 1.1.1 - Fixed printview, commented FormEvent(not needed atm) & added new info type link - 1.1.0 - Created new refresh code method (future proof) 1.0.x - 1.0.9 - Redid abunch of other stuff THANKS AGAIN RICK - 1.0.8 - Redid elementids again THANKS RICK ._. - 1.0.7 - Added new 'Mentor Meeting' case (for later use if needed) - 1.0.6 - Added failsafe for date/time - 1.0.5 - Removed old filldate - 1.0.4 - Fixed Printview not adding enough blanks - 1.0.3 - Filldate requires confirmation now - 1.0.2 - Merged all localstorage for filldate - 1.0.1 - Merged buttons into options list - 1.0.0 - Fixed font resizing for printview 0.9.x - 0.9.9 - Removed cancel button - 0.9.8 - Added Saturday Holiday Filling - 0.9.7 - Added Holiday Filling - 0.9.6 - Added Staff Meeting Filling - 0.9.5 - Added 'Updates' Section - 0.9.4 - Reworked printable view - 0.9.3 - Abbreviated some table headers - 0.9.2 - Minor fixes to other service logs - 0.9.1 - Minor fixes - 0.9.0 - Fixed resetables after save 0.8.x - 0.8.9 - changed code to allow other services - 0.8.8 - fixed casenotes not refreshing on date change - 0.8.7 - fixed searching error - 0.8.6 - added casenote searching - 0.8.5 - Fixed long names in printable view - 0.8.4 - Fixed to work with new changes - 0.8.3 - Completely redid Printable view - 0.8.2 - Fixed minor update issue with over booking - 0.8.1 - Added solid borders to printable view table headers - 0.8.0 - Fixed over booked alert but still disabled 0.7.x - 0.7.3 - Fixed to work without serviceType - 0.7.2 - Disabled over booked alert - 0.7.1 - Fixed printview log date not showing - 0.7.0 - Fixed printview auto print 0.1.x - 0.6.x -LOST 0.0.x - 0.0.1 - Initial release

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