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// ==UserScript== // @name Block MML Commercials // @namespace // @version 2016 v1.0 // @description Mutes and hides all the ANNOYING commercials presented from NCAA's march madness web site // @author Ted Weatherly // @match* // @grant none // ==/UserScript== $(function() { var _DEBUG_MODE = true; var _jqBody; var _oldHref; var _mmlObjectElem; var _jqCommercialIndicatorElem; var _jqGameVideoCover; var _jqPlayerContainer; var _jqMainPlayer; var _lastVolume; var _commercialCheckTimeoutId; var _isCommercialBlocked; var _bListeningForCommercialEvents; var _bCommercialActive = true; function _init() { _jqBody = $('body'); _oldHref = null; _jqCommercialIndicatorElem = null; _lastVolume = 0.5; // default _commercialCheckTimeoutId = null; _isCommercialBlocked = false; _bListeningForCommercialEvents = false; _bCommercialActive = false; _detectAppLoaded(); } function _detectAppLoaded() { if (_DEBUG_MODE) console.log("Block MML: _detectAppLoaded()"); if (_isAppLoading()) { // App still loading -> check again after 2 seconds window.setTimeout(_detectAppLoaded, 2000); } else { // App loaded -> do page specific functionality if (_DEBUG_MODE) console.log("Block MML: app loaded"); _detectPageChanges(); } } function _detectPageChanges() { if (location.href != _oldHref) { var currentHref = location.href; if (_DEBUG_MODE) console.log("Block MML: Current href " + currentHref); if (currentHref.indexOf("/march-madness-live/game/") > 0) { if (_DEBUG_MODE) console.log("Block MML: on game page"); _performGamePageActions(); } else { if (_DEBUG_MODE) console.log("Block MML: not on game page"); window.clearTimeout(_commercialCheckTimeoutId); } _oldHref = location.href; } window.setTimeout(_detectPageChanges, 1000); // check every second } function _performGamePageActions() { // Store page elements try { _mmlObjectElem = _jqBody.find('object#mml_falcon_swf')[0]; if (_DEBUG_MODE) console.log("Block MML: _mmlObjectElem found"); } catch(ex) { window.setTimeout(_performGamePageActions, 1000); } // Define some divs _jqPlayerContainer = _jqBody.find('div#player-container'); _jqMainPlayer = _jqPlayerContainer.children('div.main-player'); // Create cover divs _createCoverDivs(); // React to resize $(window).resize(function() { _onResize(); }); _onResize(); // Do stuff _hideGamePageCrap(); _alwaysEnableNavLinks(); _detectCommercialStartStop(); } function _createCoverDivs() { // Video cover _createVideoCover(); } /* **************************************************** */ /* *** PAGE CRAP FUNCTIONS *************************** */ /* **************************************************** */ function _hideGamePageCrap() { var customStylesArray = []; // Always hide cardstrip, game buttons, and footer ////customStylesArray.push('.body-game div.player-container-wrapper > div.player-container { max-height: none !important; }'); customStylesArray.push('.body-game div.player-container-wrapper > div.player-cardstrip { display: none !important; }'); customStylesArray.push('aside.player-sidebar > ul#gamecenter-buttons { display: none !important; }'); customStylesArray.push(' > div.footer-container-swf { display: none !important; }'); _addPermanentStyles("block_mml_styles", customStylesArray); } /* **************************************************** */ /* *** COMMERCIAL FUNCTIONS ************************** */ /* **************************************************** */ function _createVideoCover() { if (_jqBody.find('div#mml_video_cover').length === 0) { if (_DEBUG_MODE) console.log("Block MML: creating mml_video_cover div"); _jqGameVideoCover = _jqPlayerContainer.append('<div id="mml_video_cover"></div>').find('div#mml_video_cover'); _jqGameVideoCover.css({"background-color": "#000", "opacity": 0.9899995, "position": "absolute", "left": "0", "top": "0" }).width("100%").height("105%").hide(); if (_DEBUG_MODE) console.log("Block MML: Video cover added"); } } // -- Detect when commercial starts/ends -------------- // Check based on events from their falcon object function _detectCommercialStartStop() { if (_bListeningForCommercialEvents) { if (_bCommercialActive) _onCommercialStart(); else _onCommercialEnd(); } else {"mmlPlayer:prerollStart", function(eventObj) { if (_DEBUG_MODE) console.log("Block MML: mmlPlayer:prerollStart"); _onCommercialStart(); });"mmlPlayer:prerollEnd", function(eventObj) { if (_DEBUG_MODE) console.log("Block MML: mmlPlayer:prerollEnd"); _onCommercialEnd(); });"mmlPlayer:midroll", function(eventObj) { if (_DEBUG_MODE) console.log("Block MML: mmlPlayer:midroll, eventObj.type = " + eventObj.type, ", eventObj.adSpec = " + eventObj.adSpec); if (eventObj.type === "ADPLAY") { _onCommercialStart(); } else { if (!eventObj.hasOwnProperty("ignoreThisShit")) { _onCommercialEnd(); } } }); _bListeningForCommercialEvents = true; } } // Check based on an element on the page (less reliable) /* function _checkForCommercial2() { var isCommercialShowing = _isCommercialShowing(); if (_DEBUG_MODE) console.log("Block MML: isCommercialShowing = " + isCommercialShowing + ", _isCommercialBlocked = " + _isCommercialBlocked); if (isCommercialShowing && !_isCommercialBlocked) { _onCommercialStart(); } else if (!isCommercialShowing && _isCommercialBlocked) { _onCommercialEnd(); } _commercialCheckTimeoutId = window.setTimeout(_checkForCommercial, 2000); // check every 2 seconds } function _isCommercialShowing() { if (_jqCommercialIndicatorElem === null) _jqCommercialIndicatorElem = _jqBody.find('div#mml-ad-lock'); return (_jqCommercialIndicatorElem.attr('style') === "display: block;"); } */ function _onCommercialStart() { _bCommercialActive = true; if (!_isCommercialBlocked) { if (_DEBUG_MODE) console.log("Block MML: Commercial showing -> blocking"); _muteVideo(_mmlObjectElem.getVolume()); // mute _hideVideo(); // hide //_enableNavLinksAfterCommercialStart(); // enable navigation links...assholes don't let you change pages even when the nav is visible during a commercial _isCommercialBlocked = true; } // Send a non-ADPLAY midroll event to re-enable navigation ////"mmlPlayer:midroll", { type: "PODEND", adSpec: "ignoreThisShit", ignoreThisShit: true }); } function _onCommercialEnd() { _bCommercialActive = false; if (_isCommercialBlocked) { if (_DEBUG_MODE) console.log("Block MML: Commercial not showing -> unblocking"); _unmuteVideo(); // unmute _showVideo(); // show _isCommercialBlocked = false; } } // -- Hide/show commercial video ---------------------- function _hideVideo() {; } function _showVideo() { _jqGameVideoCover.hide(); } // -- Mute/unmute commercial volume ------------------- function _muteVideo(volume) { _lastVolume = volume; // save volume _mmlObjectElem.setVolume(0); // mute } function _unmuteVideo() { _mmlObjectElem.setVolume(_lastVolume); // restore volume } /* **************************************************** */ /* *** NAV LINK FUNCTIONS ***************************** */ /* **************************************************** */ function _alwaysEnableNavLinks() { // Always show navigation _addPermanentStyles("fix_mml_nav_styles", ['nav.nav > div#mml-ad-lock { display: none !important; }']); // During "ads" mode the navigation doesn't get disabled window.mmlFalcon.util.urlParams.mode = "ads"; } function _enableNavLinksAfterCommercialStart() { window.setTimeout(function() { if (_DEBUG_MODE) console.log("Block MML: Enabling navigation links"); = false;; window.mmlFalcon.router.start(); }, 500); } /* **************************************************** */ /* *** MISC FUNCTIONS ********************************* */ /* **************************************************** */ function _isAppLoading() { return _jqBody.hasClass("mml-loading") } function _addPermanentStyles(id, styleStrArray) { // Join styles and add to head tag if ($('head > style#'+id).length === 0) { if (_DEBUG_MODE) console.log("Block MML: Adding permanent styles ("+id+")"); var htmlStr = ''; htmlStr += '<style id="'+id+'" type="text/css">'; htmlStr += styleStrArray.join(" \n"); htmlStr += '</style>'; $(htmlStr).appendTo("head"); } } function _onResize() { if (_DEBUG_MODE) console.log("Block MML: _onResize()"); _jqGameVideoCover.width(_jqMainPlayer.width()+"px"); _jqGameVideoCover.height(_jqMainPlayer.height()+"px"); } $(document).ready(function() { _init(); }); }); /* DIV.footer-container-swf { display: none !important; } ul#gamecenter-buttons { display: none !important; } div#mml-cardstrip { display: none !important; } div#mml-ad-lock.always-hide-cover { display: none !important; } */