tako774 / Twitter Auto Show New Tweets (for twitter 2019 web UI)

// ==UserScript==
// @name	Twitter Auto Show New Tweets (for twitter 2019 web UI)
// @namespace	tako774.net
// @version	0.5
// @description	Auto show refresh tweet if scrolled to top of page and not mouse over
// @match	https://twitter.com/home
// @author nanashi(@tako774)
// @license	MIT
// ==/UserScript==

  when all conditions below OK, this script do auto refresh
    1) mouse is not on tweet area
    2) window position is (almost) top

    When clicking "home" button, twitter web UI loads new tweets and
    scrolls to former latest tweet area.
    This script emulate clicking home button and scroll to the top (=latest) tweet.

/* settings */
let loadInterval = 10 * 1000;
let checkNewTweetDelay = 1.5 * 1000; // interval from click home button to check new tweet loaded

/* main process */
let isMouseOnStream = false;
window.setTimeout(timer, loadInterval);

/* functions */
function log(message)
  // console.log("[Twitter Auto Show New Tweets] " + message);

function check()
  let body = document.querySelector("body");
  if (!body.onmouseenter || !body.onmouseleave)
    body.onmouseenter = function()
      isMouseOnStream = true;
    body.onmouseleave = function()
      isMouseOnStream = false;

  /* URL path check; some actions navigates not /home URL */
  let path = location.pathname

  log("path: " + path);
  log("isMouseOnStream: " + isMouseOnStream);
  log("window.pageYOffset: " + window.pageYOffset);
  if (path == "/home" && !isMouseOnStream && window.pageYOffset <= 140)


function showNewTweet()
  log("Load New Tweet");
  let home = document.querySelector("a.r-1habvwh:nth-child(1)");
  if (home){
      function() {
        log("Check New Tweet and Path");
        let newTweetSign = document.querySelector(".r-sdzlij.r-1yadl64.r-u8s1d.r-1gg5ah6.r-1ld3bg");
        let path = location.pathname
        log("path: " + path);
        if (path == "/home" && newTweetSign)
          log("Show New Tweet")
          let firstTweet = document.querySelector("section.css-1dbjc4n > div:nth-child(2) > div:nth-child(1) > div:nth-child(1) > div:nth-child(1)");
            behavior: 'smooth',
            block: 'end'
    log("Can't get home button");

function timer()
	window.setTimeout(timer, loadInterval);