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// ==UserScript== // @name Blacklist for // @namespace // @version 2.8.5 // @author Demiurg <> // @license GNU General Public License v3 // @description Чистит ленту от упоротых авторов. // @include // @include* // @grant none // @updateURL // ==/UserScript== jQuery(function(){ $(document).ready(function() { let storage; if (typeof unsafeWindow !== "undefined") { storage = unsafeWindow.localStorage; } else { storage = window.localStorage; } let config = { blackList: [ ], blackListNames: [ ], blackListMapped: [ ], count: 1, settings: false }; function search(target, arr, cb) { let min = 0; let max = arr.length - 1; let found = -1; while (min <= max) { let mid = Math.round((min + max) / 2); let ret = cb (target, arr[mid]); if (ret < 0) { max = mid - 1; } else if (ret > 0) { min = mid + 1; } else { found = mid; break; } } return found; } function processElement(el) { let anchor = $(el) .find('> a[href], div:not([class *= "recm"]) > a[href]') .filter('[href$=""],[href^="/@"],[href^=""],[href^=""]') .filter(':eq(0)'); let href = anchor.attr('href'); let name = anchor.attr('title') || anchor.text(); if (! href) { return; } let target = href.toLowerCase() .replace(/^https?:\/\/|\/$/ig, '') .replace(/^\/@|\.cont\.ws$|^cont\.ws\/@/g, ''); if (! target) { return; } let found = search(target, config.blackList, (a, b) => a.localeCompare(b)); if (found !== -1) { config.count += 1; if (el.tagName === 'LI') { config.count += 1; $(el).html('Комментарии <a href="' + href + '"><b>' + name + '</b></a> скрыты [ <a id="_restore' + config.count + '" href="#" data-blog="' + target + '" data-name="' + name + '">показать все</a> ]'); $('#_restore' + config.count).click(deleteFromBlackList); } else { $(el).remove(); } } else if (!'hasBlacklistBtn')) { let btnBL = document.createElement("a"); btnBL.innerHTML = ' [ Скрыть ] '; btnBL.href='#'; $(btnBL).data('name', name.trim()); $(btnBL).data('blog', target); $(btnBL).click(addToBlacklist); anchor.after(btnBL);'hasBlacklistBtn', 1); } } function processElementByName(el) { let author = $(el).find(""); if (author.length > 0) { let name = author.text().trim().replace(/\s+\d+$/, ''); let idxName = search(name, config.blackListName, (a, b) => a.localeCompare(; if (idxName !== -1) { $(el).remove(); } } } function mappingBlackListName() { config.blackListMapped = { blog }) => blog ); } function deleteFromBlackList(ev) { ev.preventDefault(); let blog = $(this).data('blog'); let name = $(this).data('name'); if (confirm("Вы действительно хотите снова увидеть статьи и комментарии " + name + "?")) { let idx = search(blog, config.blackList, (a, b) => a.localeCompare(b)); let idxName = config.blackListMapped.indexOf(blog); if (idxName !== -1) { config.blackListName.splice(idxName, 1); mappingBlackListName(); } if (idx !== -1) { config.blackList.splice(idx, 1); saveBlacklist(); if (config.settings) { $(this).parents('li:eq(0)').remove(); } else { window.location.reload(false); } } } } function addToBlacklist(ev) { ev.preventDefault(); let blog = $(this).data('blog'); let name = $(this).data('name'); if (confirm("Вы действительно хотите скрыть статьи и комментарии " + name + "?")) { config.blackList.push(blog); config.blackListName.push({ blog: blog, name: name }); mappingBlackListName(); saveBlacklist(); triggerExorcism(); } } function removeBadAuthor() { $('.post_prv:has(".author-bar")') .each( (idx, el) => processElement(el) ); $('.post_prv:has(".author-bar .post_card .media-body")') .each( (idx, el) => processElement(el) ); } function removeBadAuthorName() { $('div.sidebar > div.post_prv2:has(".author-bar")') .each( (idx, el) => processElementByName(el) ); } function removeBadComment() { $('.comments li:has("> a")') .each( (idx, el) => processElement(el) ); } function triggerExorcism() { removeBadAuthor(); removeBadAuthorName(); removeBadComment(); } function setInquisitionEvents() { let posts_container = document.querySelector('.content > #posts_container'); if (posts_container) { posts_container.addEventListener("DOMNodeInserted", ({ target }) => processElement(target) ); } let posts = document.querySelector('.content > .post, .content #more'); if (posts) { posts.addEventListener("DOMNodeInserted", ({ target }) => processElement(target) ); } let comments = document.querySelector('.comments'); if (comments) { comments.addEventListener("DOMNodeInserted", ({ target }) => processElement(target) ); } } function callInquisition() { setInquisitionEvents(); triggerExorcism(); } function saveBlacklist() { config.blackList.sort(); config.blackListName.sort((a, b) =>; storage.contBlackList = JSON.stringify(config.blackList); storage.contBlackListName = JSON.stringify(config.blackListName); } function loadBlacklist() { // ---- BlackList ---- let blackList = storage.contBlackList; config.blackList = JSON.parse(blackList ? blackList : '[]'); if (! config.blackList instanceof Array) { config.blackList = [ ]; } // ---- /BlackList ---- // ---- BlackListName ---- let blackListName = storage.contBlackListName; config.blackListName = JSON.parse(blackListName ? blackListName : '[]'); mappingBlackListName(); if (! config.blackListName instanceof Array) { config.blackListName = [ ]; } // ---- /BlackListName ---- for (let i in config.blackList) { let item = config.blackList[i].toLowerCase(); if (item.match(/\.cont\.ws$/)) { config.blackList[i] = item.replace(/\.cont\.ws$/, ''); } else { config.blackList[i] = item; } } } function blacklistSettings() { $('ul[role="tablist"]').append('<li role="presentation"><a href="#hidden-users" aria-controls="blacklist" role="tab" data-toggle="tab">Скрытые пользователи</a></li>'); $('.user_setting > div > .tab-content').append('<div role="tabpanel" class="tab-pane fade" id="hidden-users"><section><div class="jumbotron"><ol id="hidden-users-list"></ol></div></section></div>'); for (let i in config.blackList) { let target = config.blackList[i]; let idxName = config.blackListMapped.indexOf(target); let name = idxName !== -1 ? config.blackListName[idxName].name : target; $('#hidden-users-list').append('<li><a href="/@' + target + '">' + name + '</a> <span class="pull-right">[ <a href="#" id="hiddenUser' + i + '" data-blog="' + target + '" data-name="' + name + '">показать</a> ]</span></li>'); $('#hiddenUser' + i).click(deleteFromBlackList); } } function removePromoBar() { $('.content div.post_toolbar.post_toolbar__promo').remove(); } removePromoBar(); loadBlacklist(); config.settings = $('.user_setting').length > 0; if (config.settings) { blacklistSettings(); } else { callInquisition(); } }); });