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// ==UserScript== // @name Tribalwars Equal Troops (NL) // @namespace // @version 0.1 // @description Settings -> Run at document end // @run-at document-end // @author Supersnellehenk // @include /.**&screen=barracks/ // @include /.**&screen=stable/ // @grant none // @license MIT // ==/UserScript== // ONLY WORKS FOR SPEAR AND SWORD ATM (function () { 'use strict'; function getWood() { return parseInt(document.getElementById("wood").innerHTML); } function getIron() { return parseInt(document.getElementById("iron").innerHTML); } function getStone() { return parseInt(document.getElementById("stone").innerHTML); } const troops = { spear: { name: "spear", wood: 50, stone: 30, iron: 10 }, sword: { name: "sword", wood: 30, stone: 30, iron: 70 }, axe: { name: "axe", wood: 60, stone: 30, iron: 40 }, archer: { name: "archer", wood: 100, stone: 30, iron: 60 }, spy: { name: "spy", wood: 50, stone: 50, iron: 20 }, light: { name: "light", wood: 125, stone: 100, iron: 250 }, marcher: { name: "marcher", wood: 250, stone: 100, iron: 150 }, heavy: { name: "heavy", wood: 200, stone: 150, iron: 600 } }; function createCheckboxes() { const button = document.createElement("button"); button.className = "btn"; button.textContent = "Bereken"; button.setAttribute("type", "button"); button.setAttribute("style", "float: right;"); button.addEventListener("click", calcHandler); document .querySelector("#train_form") .insertBefore(button, document.querySelector("#train_form > table")); let inputs = document.querySelectorAll( "#train_form > table > tbody > tr.row_a" ); let inputCheckboxes = Object.values(inputs); inputCheckboxes.forEach(el => { let i1 = el.childNodes[1]; let i2 = el.childNodes[1].childNodes[1]; let input = document.createElement("input"); input.setAttribute("type", "checkbox"); input.setAttribute("name", "training_calc"); input.value = i2.dataset.unit; i1.insertBefore(input, i2); }); } function calcHandler() { const inputs = document.querySelectorAll( "#train_form > table > tbody > tr.row_a > td.nowrap > input[type=checkbox]:checked" ); let troops = []; Object.values(inputs).forEach(troop => { troops.push(troop.value); }); equalTroops(troops); } function calcMaxTroops(troopName) { if (troopName === null || troopName === undefined) { return; } const wood = getWood(); const stone = getStone(); const iron = getIron(); let used = { wood: 0, stone: 0, iron: 0 }; let reachedCap = false; let amount = 0; while (reachedCap === false) { if (wood > used.wood && stone > used.stone && iron > used.iron) { const troop = troops[troopName]; if ( troop.wood < wood - used.wood && troop.stone < stone - used.stone && troop.iron < iron - used.iron ) { amount += 1; used.wood += troop.wood; used.stone += troop.stone; used.iron += troop.iron; } else { reachedCap = true; } } else { reachedCap = true; } } return amount; } function equalTroops(troopNames) { const allInputs = document.getElementsByClassName("recruit_unit"); Object.values(allInputs).forEach(input => { input.value = 0; }); if ( troopNames === null || troopNames === undefined || troopNames.length === 0 ) { return; } const wood = getWood(); const stone = getStone(); const iron = getIron(); let used = { wood: 0, stone: 0, iron: 0 }; let reachedCap = false; let amount = {}; const diffTroops = troopNames.length; let currentTroop = 0; while (reachedCap === false) { if (wood > used.wood && stone > used.stone && iron > used.iron) { if (currentTroop >= diffTroops) { currentTroop = 0; } const troop = troops[troopNames[currentTroop]]; if ( troop.wood < wood - used.wood && troop.stone < stone - used.stone && troop.iron < iron - used.iron ) { if (amount[] === undefined) { amount[] = 0; } amount[] += 1; used.wood += troop.wood; used.stone += troop.stone; used.iron += troop.iron; } else { reachedCap = true; } currentTroop += 1; } else { reachedCap = true; } } const keys = Object.keys(amount); keys.forEach(el => { document.getElementsByName(el)[0].value = amount[el]; }); } createCheckboxes(); })();