stealtosvra / Moon Captcha v2 Solver


Version: 0.4+807d73d

Summary: Moon Captcha Captcha Solver by @satology @vikiweb @stealtosvra.

License: MIT

Only a few websites currently use this type of captcha, so if you find any other websites that use it, please let me know so I can prepare the files for matching. Please note that this is not an official release as it may fail on some websites, even if there is a match on file.

I would like to give a big thanks to @satology & @vikiweb for helping with the code. This solver can be adapted to work on any image element and with your own personal dataset. To use this script, edit the following parameters:

@resource (the JSON file of hashes) If you would like to use different strengths of hashing. I have provided 32 and 64 strength json files. just add the number to the hashes.json. (eg. hashes64.json)

@match (the website the userscript will be active on)
captchaImgs (Image class)

The solver works by matching hashes. Once the entire bundle is completed, I will release it on GitHub.

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