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// ==UserScript== // @name jd-11-action // @namespace http://AsionTang.CN // @version 0.1 // @description // @license MIT // @match <$URL$> // @copyright 2013+, AsionTang // @grant none // ==/UserScript== let productList = [], shopList = [], url = ""; function autoPost(id, type) { fetch(`${url}?timestamp=${new Date().getTime()}`, { method: "POST", mode: "cors", credentials: "include", headers: { "Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" }, body: `functionId=raisepacket_collectScore&body={"type":${type},"ext":"${id}","appsign":1,"msgsign":2}&client=wh5` }) .then(function (response) { return response.json() }) .then(function (res) { console.log(; }); } function start() { fetch(`${url}?${new Date().getTime()}`, { method: "POST", mode: "cors", credentials: "include", headers: { "Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" }, body: 'functionId=raisepacket_getShopAndProductList&body=&client=wh5' }) .then(function (response) { return response.json() }) .then(function (res) { productList =; shopList =; console.log(`获取到任务,商品:${productList.length} 商品:${shopList.length}`); autoProductTask(); }); } //逛商品 function autoProductTask() { for (let i = 0, leng = productList.length; i < leng; i++) { (function (index) { setTimeout(() => { let item = productList[index]; autoPost(item['id'], 4); console.log(`商品总任务数:${leng} 当前任务数:${index + 1}`); if (leng - 1 == index) { autoShopTask(); } }, index * 1500) })(i) } } //逛店铺 function autoShopTask() { for (let i = 0, leng = shopList.length; i < leng; i++) { (function (index) { setTimeout(() => { let item = shopList[index]; autoPost(item['id'], 2); console.log(`商铺总任务数:${leng} 当前任务数:${index + 1}`); if (leng - 1 == index) { autoPlay(); } }, index * 1500) })(i) } } //好玩互动 function autoPlay() { for (let i = 0, leng = 4; i < leng; i++) { (function (index) { setTimeout(() => { autoPost(0, 5); console.log(`好玩互动:${leng} 当前任务数:${index + 1}`); if (leng - 1 == index) { autoInteract(); } }, index * 1000) })(i) } } //视频直播 function autoInteract() { for (let i = 0, leng = 4; i < leng; i++) { (function (index) { setTimeout(() => { autoPost(0, 10); console.log(`视频直播:${leng} 当前任务数:${index + 1}`); if (leng - 1 == index) { autoShopping(); } }, index * 1000) })(i) } } //精彩会场 function autoShopping() { for (let i = 0, leng = 3; i < leng; i++) { (function (index) { setTimeout(() => { autoPost(0, 3); console.log(`精彩会场:${leng} 当前任务数:${index + 1}`); }, index * 1000) })(i) } } start();