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// ==UserScript== // @name ACLeague MinLaps Validator // @namespace // @version 0.4.7 // @description Allow to see real drivers' position that do not take to account drivers that hasn't made required number of laps // @author spunky // @include* // @grant none // @run-at document-end // @updateURL // ==/UserScript== (function () { const minLaps = 15; const minLmpLaps = 20; const serverDriversSlots = 35; const noLapsBgColor = '#B40404'; const noTimeBgColor = '#FE9A2E'; const proColor = '#BCF5A9'; const semiColor = '#F4FA58'; const secondsInMinute = 60; const milisecondsInSecond = 1000; const gridPlaces = 108; const lmpMaxProPlaces = 15; const lmpMaxSemiPlaces = 15; const url = ''; const getLmpData = () => fetch(url).then(response => response.json()); const ceilToSeconds = miliseconds => Math.ceil(miliseconds / milisecondsInSecond) * milisecondsInSecond; function parseTimeToMilis(time) { const timeParts = time.split(/(:|\.)/); const minutes = parseInt(timeParts[0]); const seconds = parseInt(timeParts[2]); const miliseconds = parseInt(timeParts[4]); const timeInMiliseconds = (minutes * secondsInMinute * milisecondsInSecond) + (seconds * milisecondsInSecond) + miliseconds; return timeInMiliseconds; } function getTopLapTimes(data) { const topLaps = [].splice(0, 3); const topLapTimes = topLaps.reduce((laps, lap) => [...laps, parseTimeToMilis(lap.bestLap)], []); return topLapTimes; } function countAvarageTime(timeArray) { const sum = timeArray.reduce((prev, time) => (prev + time), 0); const avg = Math.ceil(sum / timeArray.length); return avg; } function getClassifiedLmpTimes(data, timeToGetIn) { const classifiedLaps = data.times.filter(driver => { const lapTime = parseTimeToMilis(driver.bestLap); return (lapTime < timeToGetIn && parseInt(driver.laps) >= minLmpLaps); }); return classifiedLaps; } function colorInCell(row, color, cellNumber = 0) { //, cell => { // = color; //}); row.children[cellNumber].style.backgroundColor = color; } function showClassifiedDrivers(gteGridPlaces, lmpProGridPlaces, lmpSemiGridPlaces) { const rows = document.querySelectorAll('tr.clickableRow'); const maxPositionToPro = serverDriversSlots - lmpProGridPlaces; const maxPositionToSemi = 2 * serverDriversSlots - lmpSemiGridPlaces - lmpProGridPlaces; console.log(maxPositionToSemi); let currentPosition = 1; console.log('gte pro grid places: ', maxPositionToPro); console.log('gte semi-pro grid places: ', maxPositionToSemi - maxPositionToPro);, (row, index) => { const positionCell = row.cells[0]; const laps = parseInt(row.cells[12].innerHTML); = `right`; = '10px'; = '10px'; if (laps < minLaps) { positionCell.innerHTML = `(${index+1}) – `; colorInCell(row, noLapsBgColor); colorInCell(row, noLapsBgColor, 12); } else { positionCell.innerHTML = `(${index+1}) ${currentPosition}`; if (currentPosition > gteGridPlaces) { colorInCell(row, noTimeBgColor); colorInCell(row, noTimeBgColor, 3); } else if (currentPosition <= maxPositionToPro) { colorInCell(row, proColor); } else if (currentPosition <= maxPositionToSemi) { colorInCell(row, semiColor); } currentPosition++; } }); } getLmpData().then(data => { const topLaps = getTopLapTimes(data); const avg = countAvarageTime(topLaps); const milisecondsToGetIn = ceilToSeconds(avg * 1.04); const classifiedLmpTimes = getClassifiedLmpTimes(data, milisecondsToGetIn); const lmpGridPlaces = Math.min(classifiedLmpTimes.length, 30); const gteGridPlaces = gridPlaces - lmpGridPlaces; const lmpProGridPlaces = Math.min(lmpGridPlaces, 15); const lmpSemiGridPlaces = Math.min(lmpGridPlaces - lmpProGridPlaces, 15); console.log('lmp1 qualified pro drivers: ', lmpProGridPlaces); console.log('lmp1 qualified semi-pro drivers: ', lmpSemiGridPlaces); showClassifiedDrivers(gteGridPlaces, lmpProGridPlaces, lmpSemiGridPlaces); }); })();