soundclick / FallbackGMAPI

// ==UserScript==
// @name           FallbackGMAPI
// @namespace      FallbackGMAPI
// @description    Default functions for GM_ API library for wider browser compatibility and execution of userscripts from bookmarklets.
// @version        1.0.0
// @downstreamURL
// @include
// @copyright      2009, 2010, 2011 James Campos, Paul Clark
// @license        cc-by-3.0;
// @exclude        *
// @grant          none
// ==/UserScript==

// This is a shim to provide the Greasemonkey API functions if they are not already available.
// Goals:
// - Making userscripts work when they are loaded via a bookmarklet.
// - Making userscripts work better in Google Chrome (installed as extensions or run from bookmarklets).
// - Making userscripts work better in other browsers (I have not actually been testing this!).

// Notes:
// - To use in document scope, just load this script before any userscript JS.
// - To use in a Chrome extension, you need to copy paste from this library
//   into the top of your userscript.
//   (Alternatively, in Chrome, you might be able to load this library into
//   page scope, before continuing your userscript with a callback, but this
//   will not work in Greasemonkey due to the sandbox.)

// TODO: If we are loaded as a userscript, currently we do nothing (writes made
// to 'window' are proxied and forgotten in GreaseMonkey).  But we might be
// able to inject into window scope, by setting exportTarget = unsafeWindow if
// it exists.  This use-case is not tested or supported, but may be in future.


	var exportTarget = window;

	// weAreInUserscriptScope: Should be true when running inside Greasemonkey for Firefox, or inside an installed extension/userscript for Chrome.
	// BUG: For bookmarklets, this only returns the correct answer the *first* time FBGMAPI is loaded.  If more bookmarklets are run, and they load FBGMAPI again, weAreInUserscriptScope will appear 'true'!
	var weAreInUserscriptScope = (typeof GM_log != 'undefined');

	if (typeof GM_log === 'undefined') {
		if (this.console && typeof console.log === "function") {
			console.log("[FBGM] Implementing fallback GM_log");
		// Without 'this' sometimes Bookmarklets in Chrome can't see GM_log!
		exportTarget.GM_log = function(data) {
			if (this.console && console.log) {
			} else {
				// We cannot log to Firefox's error console.
				if (window.navigator.vendor === "") {
					//// This one-liner scares Bookmarklet Builder:
					// setTimeout(function(){ throw new Error(""+data); },0);
					//// So:
					function throwAnError(){
						throw new Error(""+data);
			// Many browsers no longer display the status or even the statusbar
			window.status = ""+data;

	if (window.navigator.vendor.match(/Google/) && weAreInUserscriptScope) {
		// If run from a bookmarklet (not supposed to happen anyway), on certain pages (e.g. github) we get the error:
		//   Refused to execute inline event handler because it violates the following Content Security Policy directive: "script-src".
		//   Uncaught TypeError: Property 'onclick' of object #<HTMLDivElement> is not a function mongoose:1
		try {
			var div = document.createElement("div");
			div.setAttribute("onclick", "return window;");
			exportTarget.unsafeWindow = div.onclick();
		} catch (e) {
			GM_log("Exception trying to set unsafeWindow using Chrome trick.  weAreInUserscriptScope="+weAreInUserscriptScope+" e="+e);

	// Good userscripts use unsafeWindow.  They will fail if it doesn't exist!
	if (typeof unsafeWindow == 'undefined') {
		exportTarget.unsafeWindow = window;

	if (typeof GM_addStyle == 'undefined') {
		// GM_log("[FBGM] Implementing fallback GM_addStyle");
		exportTarget.GM_addStyle = function(css) {
			var style = document.createElement('style');
			style.textContent = css;

	if (typeof GM_openInTab == 'undefined') {
		// GM_log("[FBGM] Implementing fallback GM_openInTab");
		exportTarget.GM_openInTab = function(url) {
			return, "_blank");

	if (typeof GM_registerMenuCommand == 'undefined') {
		// GM_log("[FBGM] Implementing fallback GM_registerMenuCommand");
		exportTarget.GM_registerMenuCommand = function(name, funk) {
			// TODO

	// Implement GM_get/setValue using localStorage if needed.

	// DONE: It would be more appropriate to use globalStorage if it is available.
	// TODO: We should separate keys by script namespace/name/number, or data may
	// overlap with other userscripts or site scripts.

	// This throws an error in FF4: GM_setValue.toString().indexOf("not supported")>=0

	if (typeof GM_setValue == 'undefined' || window.navigator.vendor.match(/Google/)) {

		var storage = this.globalStorage || this.localStorage || this.sessionStorage;
		var name = "some unlabeled";

		// Removed "globalStorage" storage because in FF4 it offers it but errors when we try to use it.
		// Chrome doesn't offer it ATM.
		var storageTypes = ["localStorage","sessionStorage"];
		var storage,name;
		for (var i=0;i<storageTypes.length;i++) {
			if (this[storageTypes[i]]) {
				storage = this[storageTypes[i]];
				name = storageTypes[i];

		if (storage) {
			try {
				storage.length; storage.getItem("dummy");
			} catch (e) {
				alert("Tried to use "+name+" storage but it failed on us!");
				storage = null;

		if (storage) {

			var allStorages = [this.globalStorage,this.localStorage,this.sessionStorage];
			// Removed "Global" storage because in FF4 it offers it but errors when we try to use it.
			// Chrome doesn't offer it ATM.
			var names = ["Local","Session"];
			var i = (allStorages.indexOf ? allStorages.indexOf(storage) : 0);
			var name = (i >= 0 ? names[i] : "unknown");

			GM_log("[FBGM] Implementing fallback GM_get/setValue using "+name+" storage.");

			exportTarget.GM_setValue = function(name, value) {
				value = (typeof value)[0] + value;
				storage.setItem(name, value);

			// This causes a security error in FF4 with GM present.  (I presume that
			// means while running in GM?  Or does it occur when we run in the page
			// too?)
			exportTarget.GM_getValue = function(name, defaultValue) {
				var originalValue = storage.getItem(name);
				if (!originalValue)
					return defaultValue;
				var type = originalValue[0];
				var value = originalValue.substring(1);
				switch (type) {
					case 'b':
						return value == 'true';
					case 'n':
						return Number(value);
					case 's':
						return value;
						return originalValue;

			exportTarget.GM_deleteValue = function(name) {

			exportTarget.GM_listValues = function() {
				var list = [];
				for (var i=0;i<storage.length;i++) {
				GM_log("[FBGM] localstorage is holding "+storage.length+" records.");
				return list;



			// We leave a warning that, unlike Firefox's GM_set/getValue, our data
			// will only persist while on this domain:

			exportTarget.GM_setValue.restrictedToDomain = true;
			exportTarget.GM_getValue.restrictedToDomain = true;

		} else {
			GM_log("[FBGM] Warning: Could not implement GM_get/setValue.");


	// If browser supports GM_set/get but not GM_listValues, let's make a working
	// GM_listValues for scripts.
	// I don't know a need for this at the moment.  My browsers either give me
	// get/set/list or nothing at all.
	// If we are adding this into a userscript after data already exists, we might
	// find some of the existing names through GM_getValue.
	if (typeof GM_listValues == 'undefined') {
		GM_log("[FBGM] Implementing fallback GM_listValues using intercepts.");
		var original_GM_setValue = GM_setValue;
		var original_GM_deleteValue = GM_deleteValue;
		exportTarget.GM_setValue = function(name, value) {
			var values = JSON.parse(GM_getValue("#_LISTVALUES") || "{}");
			values[name] = true;
		exportTarget.GM_deleteValue = function(name) {
			var values = JSON.parse(GM_getValue("#_LISTVALUES") || "{}");
			delete values[name];
		exportTarget.GM_listValues = function() {
			var values = JSON.parse(GM_getValue("#_LISTVALUES") || "{}");
			var list = [];
			for (var key in values) {
			GM_log("[FBGM] GM_listValues is holding "+list.length+" records.");
			return list;

	if (typeof GM_xmlhttpRequest == "undefined") {
		GM_log("[FBGM] Implementing fallback GM_xmlhttpRequest, will only work for local domain.");
		exportTarget.GM_xmlhttpRequest = function(details) {
			var req = new XMLHttpRequest();, details.url);
			req.onreadystatechange = function() {
				if (req.readyState == 4) {
					if (req.status == 200) {
		// Most browsers now restrict XMLHttpRequest to local domain requests only.
		// We leave a warning that this restriction is in effect:
		exportTarget.GM_xmlhttpRequest.localDomainOnly = true;
	// If your browser doesn't even support XMLHttpRequest, you can use this proxy
	// to get something like GM_xmlhttpRequest over JSONP:
