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// ==UserScript== // @name Itown // @include http*://* // @version 2.3.382 // @description Algumas coisas uteis para o ITOWN // @copyright 2014+, Wesley Nascimento // @author Wesley Nascimento // ==/UserScript== (function(){ var loc = location.href; //Na pagina de criar OS if( StringHas( loc, "ServiceOrder/Create") ){ bindSOCreate(); } //Na pagina de criar ou editar cadastro do cliente else if( StringHas( loc, "Customer/Create" ) || StringHas( loc, "Customer/Edit" ) ){ bindCCreate(); } //Na pagina de encerrar OS else if( StringHas( loc, "History/Close" ) ){ bindSOFinish(); } //Na pagina da lista de OS resolvidas else if( StringHas( loc, "ServiceOrder/ListResolved" ) ){ bindSOResolvedList(); } })(); //Uteis function StringHas( string , search){ if( string.indexOf( search ) > -1 ){ return true; } return false; } function isNumeric(str) { var er = /^[0-9]+$/; return (er.test(str)); } function stringToMile(str){ str = str.replace(/ /g, ''); var date = str.split(" ")[0]; var time = str.split(" ")[1]; var day = date.split("/")[0], month = date.split("/")[1] - 1, //Fiz month number year = date.split("/")[2]; var hours = time.split(":")[0], minutes = time.split(":")[1], seconds = time.split(":")[2]; return new Date(year, month, day, hours, minutes, seconds, 0).getTime(); } //Complexas function bindCCreate(){ var $zip = $("#ZipCode"); $buscarceperror = $("<p class='field-validation-error'></p>"); $zip.parent().append( $buscarceperror ); $zip.on("keyup", function(){ var zip = $(this).val().replace(/\D/g, ""); if(zip !== null && zip.length === 8 && isNumeric( zip )){ $buscarceperror.text(""); receiveCEP( zip ); } else if(zip.length > 8){ $buscarceperror.text("O cep nao esta no formato correto. Ex: (xxxxxxxx) 8 numeros."); } }); var $error = $('<span class="field-validation-error"></span>'); var $cpf = $("#CPF"); $cpf.parent().append( $error ); $cpf.on("keyup", function(){ var cpf = $(this).val(); if( cpf.length == 11 ){ $.post("/Customer", {cpf: cpf},function( html ){ var $table_tr = $(html).find("#main table tr"); if( $table_tr.length > 1 ){ var id = $table_tr.find("td:eq(0)").text(); $error.html('<a href="/ServiceOrder/Create?customerID='+ id +'">Este cpf já foi cadastrado!</a>'); } }); } else if( cpf.length > 11){ $error.text("The field Modelo must be a string or array type with a maximum length of '11'."); } else { $error.text(""); } }); var $form = $("form"); $form.submit(function( event ){ var $this = $(this); var submits = $this.attr("data-submits"); submits = submits === null ? 0 : submits; $this.attr("data-submits", ++submits ); if( submits == 1){ alert("Já revisou os dados?"); event.preventDefault(); return false; } else if( submits == 2){ return true; } else if( submits > 2 ) { event.preventDefault(); return false; } }); $("input").on("keyup", function( key ){ $form.attr("data-submits", 0); }); } function bindSOFinish(){ var $form = $("form"); $form.submit(function( event ){ var $this = $(this); var submits = $this.attr("data-submits"); submits = submits === null ? 0 : submits; $this.attr("data-submits", ++submits ); if( submits == 1){ alert("Já revisou os dados?"); event.preventDefault(); return false; } else if( submits == 2){ return true; } else if( submits > 2 ) { event.preventDefault(); return false; } }); $("input").on("keyup", function( key ){ $form.attr("data-submits", 0); }); } function receiveCEP( zipCode ){ var $state = $("#State"), $city = $("#City"), $address = $("#Address"), $error = $("#buscarceperro"); $state.val( "Buscando..." ); $city.val( "Buscando..." ); $address.val( "Buscando..." ); var url = ""+ zipCode+".json?callback=?"; $.get("" + zipCode, function(data){ if(data.status == 1) { $address.val(data.address + ", X - "+ data.district); $city.val( ); $state.val( data.state ); } else { $error.text("CEP não encontrado!"); $address.val(""); $city.val(""); $state.val(""); } }); } function bindSOCreate(){ $("#CoverageOption").on('change', function(){ var selected = $(this).val(); var $obs = $("#Observations"); var $eq = $("#EquipmentDescription"); if( $("#Observations").val().length > 0 ){ return; } switch( selected ){ case "OOW": $obs.val("Entregue o SimCard ao cliente, deixado somente o aparelho.\n"+ "Cliente ciente do valor de R$ xxx,xx pela substituição do aparelho podendo ser parcelado em até X vezes.\n"+ "Descrição completa do aparelho."); $eq.val("OOW"); break; case "Guarantee": $obs.val("Entregue o SimCard ao cliente, deixado somente o aparelho.\n"+ "Descrição completa do aparelho."); $eq.val("Em garantia"); break; case "Verify": $eq.val("Em verificação"); $obs.val("Entregue o SimCard ao cliente, deixado somente o aparelho.\n"+ "Cliente ciente de que o aparelho foi deixado para verificação.\n"+ "Descrição completa do aparelho."); break; case "GE": $obs.val("Entregue o SimCard ao cliente, deixado somente o aparelho.\n"+ "Descrição completa do aparelho."); break; } }); var $form = $("form"); $form.submit(function( event ){ var $this = $(this); var submits = $this.attr("data-submits"); submits = submits === null ? 0 : submits; $this.attr("data-submits", ++submits ); if( submits == 1){ alert("Já revisou os dados?"); event.preventDefault(); return false; } else if( submits == 2){ return true; } else if( submits > 2 ) { event.preventDefault(); return false; } }); $("input").on("keyup", function( key ){ $form.attr("data-submits", 0); }); var $model = $("#EquipmentModel"); $model.parent().append('<span class="field-validation-error" id="errorModel"></span>'); $model.on("keyup", function( key ){ if( $(this).val().length > 20 ){ $("#errorModel").text("The field Modelo must be a string or array type with a maximum length of '20'."); } else { $("#errorModel").text(""); } }); } function bindSOResolvedList(){ var $inputBox = $('<div style="background: #CCC;color: #000; border: 2px solid #333;display: none;position: absolute;width: 500px;opacity: 0.8;"></div>'); $(".scroller tr").each(function(index, value){ if( index === 0 ){ return true; } var $this = $( this ); var $os_id = $this.find("td:eq(0)"); $os_id.css("color", "#034af3"); var $customerName = $this.find("td:eq(3)"); var os_number = $os_id.text().match(/\d+/)[0]; var url = ""; $.getJSON(url, "os_id="+ os_number, function( result ){ var data =; if( data.length > 0 ){ $os_id.css("font-weight", "bold"); } }); $customerName.on("mouseover", function( event ){ $.post("/ServiceOrder/Details/" + os_number, function( html ){ var $html = $( html ); var cpf = $html.find("#Customer_CPF").val(); console.log(); $.post("/Customer", {cpf: cpf},function( html ){ var $html = $( html ); var $table_tr = $html.find("#main table tr"); if( $table_tr.length > 0 && $table_tr.length < 5){ var tel_1 = $table_tr.find("td:eq(3)").text(); var tel_2 = $table_tr.find("td:eq(4)").text(); var cidade = $table_tr.find("td:eq(7)").text(); var html = '<table width="100%" style="padding: 10px"><tbody>'; html += '<tr><td>Telefone:</td><td>' + tel_1 + '</td></tr>'; html += '<tr><td>Telefone:</td><td>' + tel_2 + '</td></tr>'; html += '<tr><td>Cidade:</td><td>' + cidade + '</td></tr>'; html += '</tbody></table>'; $inputBox.html( html ); $inputBox.css("top", event.pageY + "px"); $inputBox.css("left", event.pageX + "px"); $; } }); }); }); $customerName.on("mouseout", function(){ $inputBox.hide(); }); $os_id.on("mouseover", function( event ){ var url = ""; $.getJSON(url, "os_id="+ os_number, function( result ){ var data =; if( data.length > 0 ){ var html = '<table width="100%" style="padding: 10px"><tbody>'; html += '<tr><th width="20%">Data</th><th width="30%">Responsável</th><th width="50%">Notas</th></tr>'; for( var i = 0; i < data.length; i++){ var date = new Date( Number( data[i]['date']) ); html += '<tr><td>' + date.toLocaleString() + '</td><td>' + data[i]['author'] + '</td><td>' + data[i]['notes'] + '</td></tr>'; } html += '</tbody></table>'; $inputBox.html( html ); $inputBox.css("top", event.pageY + "px"); $inputBox.css("left", event.pageX + "px"); $; } }); }); $os_id.on("mouseout", function(){ $inputBox.hide(); }); $os_id.on("click", function(){ //Input pra adicionar notas var notes = prompt("Digite a notas a serem adicionadas a esta OS:", ""); if( notes != "" && notes != null && notes.length > 0 ){ //var os_number = $os_id.text().match(/\d+/)[0];//replace(/^\D+/g, ''); var author = $("#logindisplay strong").text(); var url = ""; $.getJSON(url, { os_id: os_number, author : author, notes : notes, date : new Date().getTime() }, function(){ $os_id.on("mouseover"); }); } }); var $changeDate = $this.find("td:eq(4)"); var sevenDays = 7 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000; var threeDays = 3 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000; var time = stringToMile( $changeDate.text() ); var now = new Date().getTime(); if( now - time >= sevenDays ){ $changeDate.css("color", "#C04646"); } else if( now - time >= threeDays ){ $changeDate.css("color", "#E4B41F"); } }); $("body").append( $inputBox ); }