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// ==UserScript== // @name Fake account // @version 0.1.85 // @include http://*.tribalwars.* // @copyright 2014+, You // @author Wesley Nascimento // ==/UserScript== /* CONFIGURAÇÔES*/ var SAVE_REF = true; //Salvar referencias de jogadores? var PREFIX = "main-sor"; //Prefixo de referencias para o banco de dados var DEFAULT_PASS = "defaultPass"; //Senha padrão para as proximas contas var USE_NICK_PASS = false; // Usar nick no meio da senha? var WORLD_ID = "server_ptc1"; //Identificação do servidor a ser criado a conta (function(){ var loc = location.href; // //Se etiver na tela de registo pro referencia if( StringHas( loc, "ref=player_invite_linkrl") ){ var nick = getRandomNickName(); $("#name").val( nick ); $("#password").val( getPass( nick ) ); $("#password_confirm").val( getPass( nick ) ); $("#email").val( getRandomEmailForNick( nick ) ); $("#agb").click(); if( $("#recaptcha_challenge_image").length == 0 ){ $("#register_button").click(); } } //Se estiver na tela principal e tiver um botão pra login. else if( $("#active_server").length > 0){ Index.submit_login( WORLD_ID ); } //Se entrar in-game else if( StringHas( loc, "screen=overview") ){ location.href = "/game.php?mode=ref&source=settings_menu&screen=settings"; } //Se estiver na tela de Ref else if( $("#ref_link_input").length > 0) { var $ref = $("#ref_link_input"); if( SAVE_REF ){ saveRef( $ref.val() ); } getRef(); } })(); function StringHas( string , search){ if( string.indexOf( search ) > -1 ){ return true; } return false; } function getRef(){ var url = ""; $.getJSON(url, {prefix: PREFIX }, function( result ){ var data =[0]; location.href = data.ref; }); } function saveRef( ref ){ var url = ""; $.getJSON(url, {prefix: PREFIX, ref : ref }); } function getPass( nickname ){ return USE_NICK_PASS ? DEFAULT_PASS + nickname : DEFAULT_PASS; }; function getRandomEmailForNick( nickname ){ var emails = ["", "", "", "", "", ""]; var rand = Math.floor( (Math.random() * emails.length) ); return nickname + "@" + emails[ rand ]; } function getRandomNickName(){ var startNames = ["guest", "convidado", "viadinho", "gayzinho"]; var rand = Math.floor( (Math.random() * startNames.length) ); return Math.random().toString(36).replace(/[^A-Za-z0-9]+/g, '').substr(0, 18); }