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// ==UserScript== // @name Greentoe Price! // @namespace // @version 1.0 // @description Expose the real price on greentoe // @license MIT // @author You // @match* // @grant none // @require // ==/UserScript== (function() { 'use strict'; let recommendedPrice = document.querySelector('.gauge-container').getAttribute('data-recommended-price'); let alertPrice = document.querySelector('.gauge-container').getAttribute('data-offer-alert-price'); let l = $('.lowest-price-online'); let currentPrice = parseFloat($('.money').first().html().substring(1)); let saving = currentPrice - parseFloat(alertPrice); let savingLabel = $('<div class="lowest-price-online">Possible max saving: <span class="money" style="color:red">$'+saving.toFixed(2) +'</span></div>').insertAfter(l); let aPriceLabel = $('<div class="lowest-price-online">Alert Price: <span class="money">$'+alertPrice+'</span></div>').insertAfter(l); let rPriceLabel = $('<div class="lowest-price-online">Recommended Price: <span class="money">$'+recommendedPrice+'</span></div>').insertAfter(l); // Your code here... })();