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// ==UserScript== // @name Hacker News comment filter // @namespace // @description Show HN comments that match queries // @version 0.1.0 // @match* // ==/UserScript== (function() { var MIN_QUERY_LEN, filterComments, filterMatchedStyle, loadJquery, loadScript, nav, navInnerStyle, navStyle, queryStyle; MIN_QUERY_LEN = 3; navStyle = "position: fixed;\ntop: 0;\nleft: 0;\nwidth: 100%;\npadding: 10px 0;\nbackground-color: #644;\ndisplay: flex;\njustify-content: center;"; navInnerStyle = "width: 84%;"; queryStyle = "width: 100%;"; filterMatchedStyle = "background-color: #ff8;"; nav = "<div id='hn_comment_filter-nav' style=\"" + navStyle + "\">\n <div id='hn_comment_filter-nav-inner' style=\"" + navInnerStyle + "\">\n <input id='hn_comment_filter-query' type='text' style=\"" + queryStyle + "\" placeholder='Enter queries (e.g. machine learning, visa)'>\n </div>\n</div>"; loadScript = function(url, callback) { var s; s = document.createElement('script'); s.src = url; s.onload = function() { return callback(); }; return document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(s); }; loadJquery = function(callback) { return loadScript('//', callback); }; loadJquery(function() { return $(function() { $('body').css('padding-top', '44px').prepend(nav); return $('#hn_comment_filter-query').focus().keyup(function() { return filterComments(); }); }); }); filterComments = function() { var items, queries; queries = $('#hn_comment_filter-query').val().split(',').map(function(q) { return $.trim(q); }).filter(function(q) { return q.length >= MIN_QUERY_LEN; }); $('.hn_comment_filter-matched').each(function() { return $(this).replaceWith(this.childNodes); }); return items = $('.comment-tree .athing').each(function() { var comment, i, isMatched, item, len, q; item = $(this); isMatched = true; for (i = 0, len = queries.length; i < len; i++) { q = queries[i]; comment = item.find('.comment'); if (comment.text().match(new RegExp(q, 'i'))) { comment.html(function(_, h) { return h.replace(new RegExp("(" + q + ")(?!([^<]+)?>)", 'gi'), "<span class='hn_comment_filter-matched' style='" + filterMatchedStyle + "'>$1</span>"); }); } else { isMatched = false; } } if (!isMatched) { return item.hide(); } else { return; } }); }; }).call(this);