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// ==UserScript== // @namespace // @name ( 淘宝天猫购物优惠券 搜券助手 省钱必备工具 // @author skypesky // @collaborator liang // @copyright 2018, skypesky ( // @version 18.09.14 // @description [skypesky 出品]支持手机扫描二维码领取优惠券 淘宝天猫购物优惠券 优惠券 省钱必备工具 最新版(2018-09-14) // @license Apache-2.0 // @connect * // @grant GM_getResourceText // @grant GM_addStyle // ==========================详情页=========================== // @include http*://* // @include http*://* // @include http*://* // @include http*://* // ==========================搜索页============================ // @include http*://* // @include http*://* // @include http*://* // @include http*://* // @include http*://* // ==========================资源============================ // @resource toastr // @resource contexMenu // ==========================js============================ // @require // @require // @require // @require // @require // ==/UserScript== const config = { successClassTag: `skypesky-search-success`, errorClassTag: `skypesky-search-error`, requestApi: { url: "", method: "POST" } }; (function () { 'use strict'; //导入的样式 const cssList = [ "contexMenu", "toastr" ]; const SingleProductList = [{ 'webUrl': 'http*://*', 'testUrl': [ '' ], 'description': '淘宝商品详情页', 'rule': /\/\/\//, 'title': { 'selector': '.tb-main-title', } }, { 'webUrl': 'http*://*', 'testUrl': [ '' ], 'description': '天猫商品详情页', 'rule': /\/\/\//, 'title': { 'selector': '.tb-detail-hd > h1', } }, { 'webUrl': 'http*://*', 'testUrl': [ '' ], 'description': '天猫超市商品详情页', 'rule': /\/\/\//, 'title': { 'selector': '.tb-detail-hd > h1', } }, { 'webUrl': 'http*://*', 'testUrl': [ '' ], 'description': '天猫国际商品详情页', 'rule': /\/\/\//, 'title': { 'selector': '.tb-detail-hd > h1', } }, { 'webUrl': 'http*://*', 'testUrl': [ '' ], 'description': '天猫医药商品详情页', 'rule': /\/\/\//, 'title': { 'selector': '.tb-detail-hd > h1', } }, ]; const SearchProductList = [{ 'webUrl': '*', 'testUrl': [ '' ], 'description': '淘宝网直接搜索', 'rule': /\/\/\/search/, 'id': { 'selector': '.title a[data-nid]', 'attr': 'data-nid' }, 'title': { 'selector': 'div.title a', }, 'image': { 'selector': '.pic-box-inner' }, 'product': { 'selector': '.J_MouserOnverReq', } }, { 'webUrl': 'http*://*from=yao..pc_1_searchbutton', 'description': '天猫医药馆直接搜索', 'testUrl': [ '' ], 'rule': /\/\/\/search_product.htm[\s\S]*from=yao..pc_1_searchbutton/, 'id': { 'selector': 'div.product[data-id]', 'attr': 'data-id' }, 'title': { 'selector': '.productTitle a', }, 'image': { 'selector': '.productImg-wrap' }, 'product': { 'selector': 'div.product', } }, { 'webUrl': 'http*://*from=chaoshi..pc_1_searchbutton', 'testUrl': [ '', '' ], 'description': '天猫超市直接搜索', 'rule': /\/\/\/+search_product.htm[\s\S]*from=chaoshi/, 'id': { 'selector': 'li.product', 'attr': 'data-itemid' }, 'title': { 'selector': '.product-title a', }, 'image': { 'selector': '.product-img' }, 'product': { 'selector': 'li.product', } }, { 'webUrl': 'http*://', 'testUrl': [ '' ], 'description': '天猫国际直接搜索', 'rule': /\/\/\/search_product.htm/, 'id': { 'selector': 'div.product[data-id]', 'attr': 'data-id' }, 'title': { 'selector': '.productTitle', }, 'image': { 'selector': '.productImg-wrap' }, 'product': { 'selector': 'div.product', } }, { 'webUrl': '*from=mallfp..pc_1_searchbutton', 'testUrl': [ '', '' ], 'description': '天猫直接搜索', 'rule': /\/\/\/search_product.htm*/, 'id': { 'selector': 'div.product[data-id]', 'attr': 'data-id' }, 'title': { 'selector': '.productTitle', }, 'image': { 'selector': '.productImg-wrap' }, 'product': { 'selector': 'div.product[data-id]' } } ]; $(function () { $('body').css('background', '#F4F4F4'); // 添加样式 importUtil.setCssList(cssList); importUtil.importCss(); // 商品详情页搜券程序, new SingleProduct()); }); $(window).on('load', function () { // 商品搜索页搜券程序, new SearchProduct()); }) })(); // 商品详情 function SingleProduct() { // 二维码 this._qrocde = null; // 优惠券图标 this._discountIcon = null; } // 运行函数 = function (website) { // 创建discountIcon this.createDiscountIcon("点我搜券"); $('body').append(this._discountIcon); // 创建qrcode this.createQrcode(); $(this._discountIcon).before(this._qrcode); // 获取title let url = window.location.href; let id = (url.match(/[&?]id=\d+[&]?/g) + "").match(/\d+/g) + ""; // 获取id let title = $.trim($(website.title.selector).text()); // 验证id,title的合法性 if (!Validate.checkIdAndTitle(id, title)) { console.error(`${id} or ${title} error!`); return; } // 第一次请求api $.ajax({ url: config.requestApi.url, method: config.requestApi.method, data: { title: title, id: id }, success: (res) => { if (res && res.flag) { // 优惠券存在 // 更新discountIcon this.updateDiscountIcon("查找成功! " +; this._discountIcon.attr('onclick', '"' + + '")'); // 更新qrcode this.updateQrcode(; $(this._discountIcon).before(this._qrcode); } else { // 优惠券不存在 // 更新discountIcon this.updateDiscountIcon('优惠券逃跑了*_*'); this._discountIcon.removeAttr('onclick'); } } }); // click discountIcon $('#skypesky-discountIcon').bind('click', (event) => { console.log(`再次发起请求`); // 验证id,title的合法性 if (!Validate.checkIdAndTitle(id, title)) { console.error(`${id} or ${title} error!`); return; } // 请求api $.ajax({ url: config.requestApi.url, method: config.requestApi.method, data: { title: title, id: id }, success: (res) => { if (res != null && res.flag) { // 优惠券存在 // 更新discountIcon this.updateDiscountIcon("查找成功! " +; // 设置跳转的链接 this._discountIcon.attr('onclick', '"' + + '")'); // 更新qrcode this.updateQrcode(; $(this._discountIcon).before(this._qrcode); } else { // 优惠券不存在 // 更新discountIcon this.updateDiscountIcon('优惠券逃跑了*_*'); this._discountIcon.removeAttr('onclick'); } } }); }); $(window).scroll(function () { if ($(window).scrollTop() > 1000) { // 隐藏优惠券和qrcode $('#skypesky-discountIcon').hide(); $('#skypesky-qrcode').hide(); } else { $('#skypesky-discountIcon').show(); $('#skypesky-qrcode').show(); } }); }; /* ** @desc: 创建qrcode ** @param: text => 扫描链接 ** @return: 返回qrcode */ SingleProduct.prototype.createQrcode = function (text = '') { text = Util.toUtf8(text); let id = 'skypesky-qrcode'; // create qrcode element this._qrcode = $('<div></div>'); // set id property this._qrcode.attr('id', id); // set css qrcode this._qrcode.css({ 'position': 'fixed', 'left': '5px', 'bottom': '10rem', 'z-index': '666' }); // create qrcode image this._qrcode.qrcode({ width: 90, height: 90, render: 'canvas', typeNumber: -1, correctLevel: 0, background: '#ffffff', foreground: '#000000', text: text }); return this._qrcode; }; /* ** @desc: 更新qrcode ** @param: text => 扫描链接 ** @return: 返回qrcode */ SingleProduct.prototype.updateQrcode = function (text) { this.removeQrcode(); this.createQrcode(text); return this._qrcode; }; /* ** @desc: 移除qrcode ** @param: ** @return: */ SingleProduct.prototype.removeQrcode = function () { this._qrcode.remove(); }; /* ** @desc: 创建discountIcon ** @param: text => 显示的文本信息 ** @return: 返回discountIcon */ SingleProduct.prototype.createDiscountIcon = function (text = '点我搜券') { // 设置id let id = 'skypesky-discountIcon'; // create tag this._discountIcon = $('<button></button>').text(text); // set id property this._discountIcon.attr('id', id); this._discountIcon.attr('type', 'button'); //set css property this._discountIcon.css({ 'position': 'fixed', 'left': '0px', 'bottom': '3rem', 'margin-left': '5px', 'padding': ".5em 1em", 'width': '90px', 'height': 'auto', 'line-height': '24px', 'font-family': 'Hiragino Sans GB,microsoft yahei,sans-serif', 'font-size': '12px', 'white-space': 'normal', 'color': '#fff', 'background-color': '#0e90d2', 'border-color': '#0e90d2', 'display': 'inline-block', 'border-radius': '0', 'border': '1px solid transparent', 'text-align': 'center', 'z-index': '666' }); return this._discountIcon; }; /* ** @desc: 更新discountIcon ** @param: text => 显示的文本信息 ** @return: 返回discountIcon */ SingleProduct.prototype.updateDiscountIcon = function (text) { this._discountIcon.text(text); return this._discountIcon; }; // 商品搜索处理类 function SearchProduct() { this._discountTag = null; // 统计数据 this._statistic = new Statistic(); // 搜索的商品数 this._number = 0; }; /* ** @desc: 创建discountTag ** @param: text => 显示的文本信息 ** @return: 返回discountTag */ SearchProduct.prototype.createDiscountTag = function (text) { let id = 'skypesky-discountTag'; // create tag this._discountTag = $('<span></span>'); // 设置文本信息 this._discountTag.text(text); // 设置id属性 this._discountTag.attr('id', id); // 设置样式 this._discountTag.css({ 'position': 'absolute', 'right': '0px', 'top': '0px', 'padding': '0.5em 0.2em', 'width': '80px', 'height': 'auto', 'line-height': '14px', 'font-family': 'Hiragino Sans GB,microsoft yahei,sans-serif', 'font-size': '14px', 'white-space': 'normal', 'color': '#fff', 'background-color': '#DC143C', 'display': 'inline-block', 'text-align': 'center', 'z-index': '8' }); return this._discountTag; }; // 运行函数 = function (website) { // 添加右键菜单 $.contextMenu({ selector: 'body', callback: (key, options) => { if (key == "showSome") { // 仅显示优惠券信息 iziToast.success({ message: "仅显示优惠券信息!", position: "bottomLeft" }); this.onlyShowDiscount(); } else if (key == "showAll") { iziToast.success({ message: "显示所有信息!", position: "bottomLeft" }); this.showAll(); } else if (key == "feedback") { //; iziToast.error({ message: "此功能暂未开放!", position: "bottomLeft" }); } else { console.log("选择无效!") } }, items: { "showSome": { name: "仅显示优惠券信息", }, "line1": "--------------------", "showAll": { name: "显示所有信息", }, "line2": "--------------------", "feedback": { name: "反馈", } } }); // 当用户翻页时,也能正常搜券 this.changePageRun(website); // 获取信息 let idList = $(; let titleList = $(website.title.selector); let imageList = $(website.image.selector); // 获取商品总数 this._number = idList.length; // console.log(idList.length, titleList.length, imageList.length); for (let i = 0; i < idList.length; ++i) { // 获取id let id = ! ? $.trim($(idList[i]).attr( : $.trim($(idList[i]).attr(; // 获取标题(去除左右的空格) let title = $.trim($(titleList[i]).text()); // 验证id和title if (!Validate.checkIdAndTitle(id, title)) { console.error(`${id} or ${title} error!`); continue; } // 请求api $.ajax({ url: config.requestApi.url, method: config.requestApi.method, data: { title: title, id: id }, success: (res) => { if (res && res.flag) { // 优惠券存在 // 成功的请求数 this._statistic.successCount++; // 创建标签显示优惠信息 this.createDiscountTag(; // 设置需要跳转的链接 this._discountTag.attr('onclick', '"' + + '")'); $(imageList[i]).append(this._discountTag); $($(website.product.selector)[i]).addClass(config.successClassTag); } else { //优惠券不存在 // 失败的请求数 this._statistic.errorCount++; $($(website.product.selector)[i]).addClass(config.errorClassTag); } } }); } // 找到优惠券给出提示 let task = setInterval(() => { if (this._statistic.getAllCount() == idList.length) { clearInterval(task);{ message: `已找到${this._statistic.successCount}张商品优惠券`, position: "bottomLeft" }); } }, 100); }; /** ** @desc: 仅显示优惠券信息 ** @param: ** @return: */ SearchProduct.prototype.onlyShowDiscount = function () { console.log("onlyShowDiscount"); let task = setInterval(() => { if (this._statistic.getAllCount() == this._number) { clearInterval(task); const errorProductList = $(`.${config.errorClassTag}`); console.log("errorProductList: " + errorProductList.length); errorProductList.hide(); } }, 100); } /** ** @desc: 显示所有信息(不管有没有优惠券) ** @param: ** @return: */ SearchProduct.prototype.showAll = function () { console.log("showAll"); let task = setInterval(() => { if (this._statistic.getAllCount() == this._number) { clearInterval(task); const errorProductList = $(`.${config.errorClassTag}`); console.log("errorProductList: " + errorProductList.length);; } }, 100); } /* ** @desc: 定时检测网站路径的变化,当网站的路径变化时,再次运行搜券程序 ** @param: website => 网站配置项 */ SearchProduct.prototype.changePageRun = function (website) { // 获取初始的url let originUrl = window.location.href; // 注册一个定时器 let task = setInterval(() => { // 用户切换商品页,导致url发送变化 if (originUrl != window.location.href) { clearInterval(task); originUrl = window.location.href; // 清空数据 this.clear(); // 再次执行搜券函数; } }, 100); }; /* ** @desc: 清除一些参数 ** @param: ** @return: */ SearchProduct.prototype.clear = function () { // 清除统计数据 this._statistic.clear(); // 搜索的商品数置为0 this._number = 0; } // 工具类 const Util = { // 选择配置 select: function (configList) { let url = window.location.href; for (let i = 0; i < configList.length; ++i) { if (configList[i].rule.test(url)) { return i; } } return -1; }, // 执行配置 run: function (configList, object) { let index =; if (index != -1) { //匹配成功 console.log("匹配成功! " + configList[index].description);[index]); } else { //匹配失败 console.log("匹配失败!"); } }, // 解决乱码问题 toUtf8: function (str) { let out, i, len, c; out = ""; len = str.length; for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { c = str.charCodeAt(i); if ((c >= 0x0001) && (c <= 0x007F)) { out += str.charAt(i); } else if (c > 0x07FF) { out += String.fromCharCode(0xE0 | ((c >> 12) & 0x0F)); out += String.fromCharCode(0x80 | ((c >> 6) & 0x3F)); out += String.fromCharCode(0x80 | ((c >> 0) & 0x3F)); } else { out += String.fromCharCode(0xC0 | ((c >> 6) & 0x1F)); out += String.fromCharCode(0x80 | ((c >> 0) & 0x3F)); } } return out; } }; // 验证工具类 const Validate = { // 验证id checkId: function (id) { // id不合法或者不是纯数字,返回false if (id == undefined || id == null || id == "" || !/\d*/.test(id)) { return false; } return true; }, // 验证title checkTitle: function (title) { // title不合法返回false if (title == undefined || title == null || title == "") { return false; } return true; }, checkIdAndTitle: function (id, title) { // id, title需要同时满足条件 return (this.checkId(id) && this.checkTitle(title)); }, }; // 统计数据 function Statistic() { this.successCount = 0; this.errorCount = 0; } /* ** @desc: 清空统计数据 ** @param: ** @return: */ Statistic.prototype.clear = function () { this.successCount = 0; this.errorCount = 0; } /* ** @desc: 获取总的统计数 ** @param: ** @return: 返回总的统计数 */ Statistic.prototype.getAllCount = function () { return this.successCount + this.errorCount; } /* ** @desc: 获取成功率 ** @param: ** @return: 返回统计的成功率,保留两位小数 */ Statistic.prototype.getSuccessRate = function () { return (this.successCount / this.getAllCount()).toFixed(2); } // 导入样式库 const importUtil = { cssList: [], importCss: function () { let styles = ""; for (let i = 0; i < this.cssList.length; ++i) { styles += GM_getResourceText(this.cssList[i]); } GM_addStyle(styles); }, setCssList: function (cssList) { this.cssList = cssList; }, clear: function () { this.cssList = null; } }