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// ==UserScript== // @name Autonomous Browser // @description Automatic browser. To which adventure will it lead you? // @author Schimon Jehudah, Adv. // @namespace org.openuserjs.sjehuda.roboweb // @homepageURL // @supportURL // @updateURL // @copyright 2024, Schimon Jehudah (http://schimon.i2p) // @license MIT; // @version 24.11.27 // @run-at document-start // @match *://*/* // @icon  // ==/UserScript== setInterval(function() { history.back() }, 40000); let contentReady = new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { //setTimeout(console.log('wait'), 10000) let request = new XMLHttpRequest(); try {'GET', location.href); request.onload = function() { if (request.status == 200) { resolve(request); console.log('contentReady.resolve()') } else { //alert('(request.status == 200) else') //history.back(); } }; //request.onprogress = function() {introPageLoader()}; //request.onprogress = (event) => {introPageLoader()}; request.onerror = function() { if (request.status == 403) { //alert('if (request.status == 403)') history.back(); } else if (request.status == 404) { history.back(); //alert('if (request.status == 404)') } else { //alert('else request.onerror') history.back(); } }; // try {request.send();} catch {history.back();} // Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 403 () request.send(); } catch { history.back(); } }); contentReady.then( function(request) { console.log('contentReady.then()') rawDocument = pageLoader(request); if (!isHTML()) { //alert('!isHTML()') history.back(); } var drive = setInterval( approveLink, 10000, rawDocument ); }, function(error) { history.back(); } ); const tldList = [ -2131357492, -2095271699, -1830313082, -1752349395, -1610658671, -1542825754, -1536293812, -1473409395, -1426426751, -1328826067, -1311829293, -779965899, -679381487, -657310838, -633654849, -373274299, -364826023, -138012666, -88694192, -78033866, 107861201, 110087831, 413633535, 533748962, 667475342, 736767581, 1052592056, 1078179023, 1701667746, 1942548305, 1985010934, 1078179023, -657310838, 112291595, -478448338, 1242938149, ]; // Javascript implementation of Java’s String.hashCode() method String.prototype.hashCode = function(){ var hash = 0; if (this.length == 0) return hash; for (i = 0; i < this.length; i++) { char = this.charCodeAt(i); hash = ((hash<<5)-hash)+char; hash = hash & hash; // Convert to 32bit integer } return hash; } // Manwe Security Consulting function pageLoader(request) { console.log('pageLoader()') const domParser = new DOMParser(); const rawDocument = domParser.parseFromString(request.responseText, 'text/html'); cssSelectors = [ 'audio', 'embed', 'form', 'iframe', 'input', 'script', 'select', 'style', 'textarea', 'video' ]; for (let i = 0; i < cssSelectors.length; i++) { console.log(cssSelectors[i]) for (const item of rawDocument.querySelectorAll(cssSelectors[i])) {item.remove()} } const insertDocument = document.importNode(rawDocument.documentElement, true); const removeDocument = document.documentElement; try { document.replaceChild(insertDocument, removeDocument); } catch { history.back(); } return rawDocument; } function approveLink(rawDocument) { console.log('approveLink()') link = pickURL(rawDocument); if (link) { link = link.href; } else { history.back(); } //// alert('link1: ' + link) switch (true) { case (link.endsWith('/')): case (link.endsWith('.php')): case (link.endsWith('.htm')): case (link.endsWith('.html')): break; case (isFileExtension(link)): case (isBlacklisted(link)): case (link.includes(':') && !link.startsWith('http')): // NOTE consider HTTPS //history.back(); link = null; break; } //// alert('* / ' + link.endsWith('/') + ' * php ' + link.endsWith('.php') + ' * htm ' + link.endsWith('.htm') + ' * html ' + link.endsWith('.html') + ' * isFileExtension(link) ' + isFileExtension(link) + ' * isBlacklisted(link) ' + isBlacklisted(link) + ' * link.includes(: and not start with http ' + (link.includes(':') && !link.startsWith('http'))) //// alert('link2: ' + link) if (link) {, '_self'); } else { history.back(); } } function isHTML() { console.log('isHTML()') if (document.contentType == 'text/html') { return true; } } function pickURL(rawDocument) { console.log('pickURL()') links = rawDocument.querySelectorAll('a[href]'); //if (links.length < 3) {return;} link = links[Math.floor(Math.random()*links.length)]; return link; } function isFileExtension(link) { console.log('isFileExtension()') partedURL = link.split('/'); console.log(partedURL) lastAfterSlash = partedURL[partedURL.length-1]; console.log(lastAfterSlash) dot = lastAfterSlash.lastIndexOf('.'); console.log(dot) if (dot < 0) {return;} fileExtension = lastAfterSlash.slice(dot); console.log(fileExtension) if (fileExtension.length < 8) { console.log('return true') return true; } } function isBlacklisted(link) { console.log('isBlacklisted()') console.log(link) host = new URL(link).host; hostParted = host.split('.'); tld = hostParted[hostParted.length-2] + '.' + hostParted[hostParted.length-1]; tldHash = tld.hashCode(); if (tldList.includes(tldHash)) { return true; } }