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// ==UserScript== // @name KYKWifi_Internet_Calculator // @namespace // @version 1.0 // @date 2019-10-29 // @author Sisyshell // @description KYKWifi_Internet_Calculator: calculates the amount of internet used and the amount of internet remaining // @match* // @include* // @match* // @include* // @license MIT // @copyright 2019, sisyshell ( // ==/UserScript== PrimeFaces.ab({ s: "servisUpdateForm:j_idt123" }); var timer = null; function myStopFunction() { clearInterval(timer); } timer = setInterval(function () { var table = document.getElementById('sorguSonuclari_data'); if (table !== undefined && table !== null) { var rows = table.childNodes; var lastMount = 0; var usedInternet = 0; for (var i = 0; i < rows.length; i++) { if (lastMount === 0) { lastMount = rows[i].firstChild.innerText.split('.')[1]; } if (lastMount == rows[i].firstChild.innerText.split('.')[1]) { usedInternet += Number(rows[i].childNodes[2].innerText) + Number(rows[i].childNodes[3].innerText); } } document.getElementsByClassName('ui-button')[0].innerText = 1024 * 16 - usedInternet + " MB internet left ( <= Main Page)"; //alert(1024 * 16 - usedInternet + " MB internet left"); myStopFunction(); } }, 3000);