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// ==UserScript== // @icon // @name hmip-ccu3-cleanui // @namespace // @version 2.0 // @description Material Dark Theme for Homematic IP CCU3 (version 3.47.18) // @author Simon Kowallik // @license ISC // @include */pages/index.htm?sid=@*@ // @homepageURL // @supportURL // @downloadURL // @updateURL // @grant none // ==/UserScript== "use strict"; // main function (function () { // create style hash table var cssHash = {}; var r; // loop through idCss rules (idCss is used by the CCU3 webui) for (let i in (r = idCss.sheet.rules)) { cssHash[r[i].selectorText] = r[i]; } /* //light - blue var color_surface = "#4690ea"; var color_surface_light = "#98c1f3"; var color_text = "#1f1f1f"; var color_border = "#d0d0d0"; var color_content_bg = "#f0f6ff"; var color_primary = "#2583f6"; // #c98736 var color_link = "#0000ff"; */ // dark var color_surface = "#1f1f1f"; var color_surface_light = "#2f2f2f"; var color_text = "#e0e0e0"; var color_border = "#616161"; // #9e9e9e var color_content_bg = "#2f2f2f"; // #d0d0d0 var color_primary = "#3678c9"; // #c98736 var color_link = "#68b4ff"; // custom font (loaded via google font apis) var custom_font = "Roboto Mono"; // include the font from googleapis var s = document.createElement('link'); s.type = "text/css"; s.rel = "stylesheet"; s.href = "" + custom_font; (document.head || document.documentElement).appendChild(s); // insert some base css rules var s2 = document.createElement('style'); s2.type = "text/css"; s2.innerHTML = ` * { font-family: ` + custom_font + `, Courier New ! important; color:` + color_text + `; font-size: 12px ! important; } html, body { margin:0; padding:0; color:`+ color_text + `; background-color:`+ color_content_bg + `; } input, select, textarea { background-color:`+ color_content_bg + `; border: 1px solid `+ color_border + `; } input:focus, select:focus, textarea:focus { background-color:`+ color_primary + `; } `; (document.head || document.documentElement).appendChild(s2); // start very targeted style updated cssHash['*'].style.fontFamily = custom_font + ", Courier New"; cssHash['.MainMenuSubItem'].style.fontWeight = 'normal'; cssHash['.MainMenuSubItem'].style.borderTopWidth = '0px'; cssHash['.MainMenuSubItem'].style.backgroundColor = color_surface; cssHash['.MainMenuItem_Right'].style.backgroundColor = color_surface; cssHash['.MainMenuItemCaption'].style.backgroundImage = ""; cssHash['.MainMenuItemCaption'].style.borderRadius = "0px"; cssHash['.MainMenuItemCaption'].style.marginLeft = "5px"; cssHash['.MainMenuItemCaption'].style.fontWeight = 'normal'; cssHash['.MainMenuItemCaption'].style.borderWidth = "0px"; cssHash['.MainMenuItemCaption'].style.backgroundColor = color_surface; cssHash['.MainMenuItemCaption'].style.color = color_text; cssHash['#menubar'].style.backgroundColor = color_surface; cssHash['#menubar'].style.borderBottom = "1px solid " + color_border; cssHash['.MainMenuItem_Left'].style.backgroundColor = color_surface; cssHash['.MainMenuSubItem_Highlight'].style.backgroundColor = color_surface; cssHash['.MainMenuSubItem_Highlight'].style.color = color_text; cssHash['.MainMenuSubMenu'].style.backgroundColor = color_surface; cssHash['#content'].style.backgroundColor = color_content_bg; cssHash['#contentRight'].style.borderLeft = "1px solid " + color_border; cssHash['#header'].style.backgroundColor = color_surface_light; cssHash['#footer'].style.backgroundColor = color_surface; cssHash['#footer'].style.borderTop = "1px solid " + color_border; cssHash['html, body'].style.backgroundColor = color_content_bg; cssHash['.popupControls div'].style.backgroundImage = ""; cssHash['#tblListFold'].style.backgroundColor = color_surface; cssHash['.popupWhiteCells'].style.backgroundColor = color_content_bg; //cssHash['.colorGradient'].style.backgroundImage = ""; // top nav bar cssHash['#PagePath'].style.border = "1px solid " + color_border; cssHash['#PagePath'].style.borderRadius = "2px"; cssHash['.UILink'].style.color = color_link; cssHash['.firmwareAvailable'].style.color = color_link; cssHash['.translated'].style.color = color_text; // control buttons, for example switch actuator on/off cssHash['.ControlBtnOff'].style.borderRight = ""; cssHash['.ControlBtnOff'].style.borderWidth = "1px 1px 1px 1px"; cssHash['.ControlBtnOn'].style.borderTop = ""; cssHash['.ControlBtnOn'].style.borderRight = ""; cssHash['.ControlBtnOn'].style.borderWidth = "1px 1px 1px 1px"; cssHash['.ControlBtnPushed'].style.borderTop = ""; cssHash['.ControlBtnPushed'].style.borderRight = ""; cssHash['.ControlBtnPushed'].style.borderWidth = "1px 1px 1px 1px"; cssHash['.ControlBtnPushed'].style.backgroundColor = "yellow"; cssHash['.ControlBtnPushed'].style.color = "black"; cssHash['.ControlBtnInfo'].style.backgroundColor = color_content_bg; cssHash['.ButtonStatusRooms'].style.height = "auto"; cssHash['.ButtonStatusRoomsSelected'].style.height = "auto"; cssHash['.ButtonStatusRoomsPic'].style.height = "auto"; cssHash['.ButtonStatusRoomsPicSelected'].style.height = "auto"; cssHash['.PercBtn'].style.borderTop = ""; cssHash['.PercBtn'].style.borderRight = ""; cssHash['.PercBtn'].style.borderWidth = "1px 1px 1px 1px"; // some buttons/fields need black text color as the bg color is coded in the tag style ".OkButtonRunning #DeviceConfigDialogTestResult #ChannelConfigDialogTestResult".split(" ").forEach(function (el, i) { if (cssHash[el]) { cssHash[el].style.color = "#000000"; cssHash[el].style.backgroundColor = "gray"; } }) // update as many buttons as possible "._StdButton .StdButton .StdButtonBig .colorGradient .colorGradient50px .StdButtonInactive .Messages .NavButton .FooterButton .btnRemove .FilterCaption .FilterButton .FilterBtn .DeviceListButton .StdTableBtn".split(" ").forEach(function (el, i) { if (cssHash[el]) { cssHash[el].style.backgroundImage = ""; cssHash[el].style.backgroundColor = color_surface; cssHash[el].style.color = color_text; cssHash[el].style.borderColor = color_border; cssHash[el].style.borderRadius = "2px"; cssHash[el].style.borderWidth = "0.5px"; cssHash[el].style.lineHeight = "1.42857143"; cssHash[el].style.verticalAlign = "middle"; } }) // Highlighted Cells, Rows, Fields ".DeviceListRow_Highlight .MainMenuSubItem_Highlight .ChannelChooserRow_Highlight .ChannelChooserCell_Highlight .MultiChannelChooserRow_Highlight".split(" ").forEach(function (el, i) { if (cssHash[el]) { cssHash[el].style.backgroundColor = color_primary; cssHash[el].style.color = color_text; } }) // Probably additional classes ".CLASS01811".split(" ").forEach(function (el, i) { if (cssHash[el]) { cssHash[el].style.color = color_text; } }) // "#ic_deviceparameters #id_body #tblListFol .DeviceListCell_Invisible".split(" ").forEach(function (el, i) { if (cssHash[el]) { cssHash[el].style.backgroundColor = color_content_bg; } }) // mass updater for various settings. This probably makes some targeted css updates redundant.. but I'm not going to fix that now.. for (let Style in cssHash) { if (cssHash[Style].style) { // background color updates if (cssHash[Style].style.backgroundColor) { // check for #89989b if (cssHash[Style].style.backgroundColor === "rgb(137, 152, 155)") { cssHash[Style].style.backgroundColor = color_surface; } // check for #f0f0f0 if (cssHash[Style].style.backgroundColor === "rgb(240, 240, 240)") { cssHash[Style].style.backgroundColor = color_content_bg; } // check for white if (cssHash[Style].style.backgroundColor === "white") { cssHash[Style].style.backgroundColor = color_content_bg; } // check for #192c6e if (cssHash[Style].style.backgroundColor === "#192c6e") { cssHash[Style].style.backgroundColor = color_content_bg; } // check for rgb(188, 199, 203) if (cssHash[Style].style.backgroundColor === "rgb(188, 199, 203)") { cssHash[Style].style.backgroundColor = color_content_bg; } } if (cssHash[Style].style.backgroundImage) { // url(/ise/img/tr50.gif) -> transparent black if (cssHash[Style].style.backgroundImage === 'url("/ise/img/tr50.gif")') { cssHash[Style].style.backgroundImage = ""; cssHash[Style].style.backgroundColor = "rgba(0,0,0,.5)"; } if (cssHash[Style].style.backgroundImage === 'url("/ise/img/gradientButton25px.png")') { cssHash[Style].style.backgroundImage = ""; } if (cssHash[Style].style.backgroundImage === 'url("/ise/img/gradientButton50px.png")') { cssHash[Style].style.backgroundImage = ""; } } // (text) color updates if (cssHash[Style].style.color) { // check for black if (cssHash[Style].style.color == "black") { cssHash[Style].style.color = color_text; } } } } // end })();