shishink0 / Tinder FastMatch

// ==UserScript==
// @namespace
// @name          Tinder FastMatch
// @description   Shows the image of someone who has already liked you on Tinder. This version also works on iOS using the Shortcut app and the "Execute javascript on a webpage" applet (to make it work on iPhone see comment on line 75, for iPad it works out of the box). Also you can click on the picture to open it on a new tab.
// @copyright     2018, entisocial (
// @license       MIT
// @version       1.2.0
// @include*
// @grant         none
// ==/UserScript==

// ==OpenUserJS==
// @author entisocial
// ==/OpenUserJS==

(function() {
    'use strict';
    fetch('', {
        mode: 'cors',
        credentials: 'include',
        headers: new Headers({
            'X-Auth-Token': localStorage.getItem('TinderWeb/APIToken'),
            'app-version': 1000000,
            'platform': 'web',
    .then(res => Promise.all([res, res.arrayBuffer()]))
    .then(([res, imgData]) => {
        // Unfortunately, the 'fast-match-count is blocked by not being present in the Access-Control-Expose-Headers response header, so this is only viewable from devtools
        // const likes = res.headers.get('fast-match-count');

        let innerHTML;
        if(!imgData.byteLength) {
            innerHTML = `
                <div class="messageListItem__info D(f) Flx($flx1) Ov(h) Fld(c) P(10px) Ta(c)">
                    <div class="messageListItem__nameAndBadges">
                        <h3 class="messageListItem__name D(ib) Fw($semibold)">No likes pending.</h3>
                    <div class="messageListItem__message Ov(h) Whs(nw) Tov(e)">
                        <span class="text">Like them first!</span>
        } else {
            const img = 'data:image/png;base64,' + btoa(String.fromCharCode.apply(null, new Uint8Array(imgData)));
            const name = '← They like you!';
            const msg = `Swipe right on them!`;
            innerHTML = `
                <div class="messageListItem__avatar D(ib) Flxg(0)">
                    <img src="${img}" class="avatar D(ib) Bdrs(50%) Va(m) Bgc($c-placeholder) H(74px) W(74px)" alt="${name}" onclick="'${img}', '_blank');"/>
                <div class="messageListItem__info D(f) Flx($flx1) Ov(h) Fld(c) Pend(10px)">
                    <div class="messageListItem__nameAndBadges">
                        <h3 class="messageListItem__name D(ib) Fw($semibold)">${name}</h3>
                        <span class="badge D(ib) Bgz(ct) Bgp(c) Bgr(nr) Va(m) badge--gold W(24px) H(24px) Va(tb) Mstart(4px)"></span>
                    <div class="messageListItem__message Ov(h) Whs(nw) Tov(e)">
                        <span class="text">${msg}</span>
// made the image clickable to open on a new tab

        const matchedEl = document.createElement('span');
        matchedEl.className = "D(f) Ai(c) Pos(r)--s"; = "background: #f6fafd; border-bottom: 1px solid #e5e9ec";
        matchedEl.innerHTML = innerHTML;

        // const list = document.querySelector('.messageList');
        // list.insertBefore(matchedEl, list.firstChild);

        const setList = () => {
            setTimeout(() => {
                const list = document.querySelector('.desktopMessageListHeader'); //replace .desktopMessageListHeader with matchList if you want to make it work on iphone.
                if (list) list.parentNode.insertBefore(matchedEl, list);
                else setList();
            }, 100);

completion(true) //this is to make it friendly to Shortcut for iOS