serj_lv / egovatwar

// ==UserScript==
// @name        egovatwar
// @namespace   egov4war
// @description Orders and shouts from Alliance Headquarters and Ministry of Defence
// @include     **
// @version     0.2.9
// @author serj_lv
// @license MIT
// @grant GM_getValue
// @grant GM_setValue
// @grant GM_xmlhttpRequest
// ==/UserScript==

function egov4war_start (battleList) {

var egov4war = '0.2.9';
var scriptLink = '';

var countries = {
	"Albania": 167,
	"Argentina": 27,
	"Armenia": 169,
	"Australia": 50,
	"Austria": 33,
	"Belarus": 83,
	"Belgium": 32,
	"Bolivia": 76,
	"Bosnia-Herzegovina": 69,
	"Brazil": 9,
	"Bulgaria": 42,
	"Canada": 23,
	"Chile": 64,
	"China": 14,
	"Colombia": 78,
	"Croatia": 63,
	"Cuba": 171,
	"Cyprus": 82,
	"Czech-Republic": 34,
	"Denmark": 55,
	"Egypt": 165,
	"Estonia": 70,
	"Finland": 39,
	"France": 11,
	"Georgia": 168,
	"Germany": 12,
	"Greece": 44,
	"Hungary": 13,
	"India": 48,
	"Indonesia": 49,
	"Iran": 56,
	"Ireland": 54,
	"Israel": 58,
	"Italy": 10,
	"Japan": 45,
	"Latvia": 71,
	"Lithuania": 72,
	"Macedonia-FYROM": 79,
	"Malaysia": 66,
	"Mexico": 26,
	"Moldova": 52,
	"Montenegro": 80,
	"Netherlands": 31,
	"New-Zealand": 84,
	"Nigeria": 170,
	"North-Korea": 73,
	"Norway": 37,
	"Pakistan": 57,
	"Paraguay": 75,
	"Peru": 77,
	"Philippines": 67,
	"Poland": 35,
	"Portugal": 53,
	"Romania": 1,
	"Russia": 41,
	"Saudi-Arabia": 164,
	"Serbia": 65,
	"Singapore": 68,
	"Slovakia": 36,
	"Slovenia": 61,
	"South-Africa": 51,
	"South-Korea": 47,
	"Spain": 15,
	"Sweden": 38,
	"Switzerland": 30,
	"Taiwan": 81,
	"Thailand": 59,
	"Turkey": 43,
	"Ukraine": 40,
	"United-Arab-Emirates": 166,
	"United-Kingdom": 29,
	"Uruguay": 74,
	"USA": 24,
	"Venezuela": 28

function jsonRequest(u, onSuccess) {
	if ( typeof GM_xmlhttpRequest == 'undefined' ) {
		var aR = new XMLHttpRequest();
		aR.onreadystatechange = function() {
			if( aR.readyState == 4 && (aR.status == 200 || aR.status == 304))
				onSuccess(eval('(' + aR.responseText + ')'));
		};'GET', u, true);
		aR.setRequestHeader('Accept', 'application/json, text/javascript, */*; q=0.01');
	} else GM_xmlhttpRequest({
		method: "GET",
		url: u,
		onload: function(e) {

function $g(aID) {return (aID !== '' ? document.getElementById(aID) : null);}
function $gt(str,m) { return (typeof m == 'undefined' ? document:m).getElementsByTagName(str); }
function $gc(str,m) { return (typeof m == 'undefined' ? document:m).getElementsByClassName(str); }
function $at(aElem, att) {if (att !== undefined) {for (var xi in att) {aElem.setAttribute(xi, att[xi]); if (xi.toUpperCase() == 'TITLE') aElem.setAttribute('alt', att[xi]);}}}
function $t(iHTML) {return document.createTextNode(iHTML);}
function $e(nElem, att) {var Elem = document.createElement(nElem); $at(Elem, att); return Elem;}
function $ee(nElem, oElem, att) {var Elem = $e(nElem, att); if (oElem !== undefined) if( typeof(oElem) == 'object' ) Elem.appendChild(oElem); else Elem.innerHTML = oElem; return Elem;}
function $am(Elem, mElem) { if (mElem !== undefined) for(var i = 0; i < mElem.length; i++) { if( typeof(mElem[i]) == 'object' ) Elem.appendChild(mElem[i]); else Elem.appendChild($t(mElem[i])); } return Elem;}
function $em(nElem, mElem, att) {var Elem = $e(nElem, att); return $am(Elem, mElem);}
function insertAfter(node, rN) {rN.parentNode.insertBefore(node, rN.nextSibling);}

var useDOMs = typeof window.localStorage == 'undefined' ? false: true;
if ( ! (typeof GM_getValue == 'undefined' || /khtml/i.test(navigator.appVersion)) ) {
	if( useDOMs )
		if( GM_getValue('brokenFF',0) == 1 ) useDOMs = false;
		else {
			if( typeof window.localStorage.setItem != "undefined" ) GM_setValue('brokenFF',2);
function RB_getValue ( key, defaultValue ) {
	if( useDOMs ) {
		var value = window.localStorage.getItem(key);
		if( value === null ) value = defaultValue;
		return value;
	} else return GM_getValue( key, defaultValue );
function RB_setValue( key, value ) {
	if( useDOMs )
		window.localStorage.setItem( key, value );
		GM_setValue( key, value );
if (typeof GM_addStyle == 'undefined' ) {
  function GM_addStyle(css) {
    var head = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0];
    if (head) {
      var style = document.createElement("style");
      style.type = "text/css";

function getDivision(e) {
    if (e < 35) return 1;
    if (e < 50) return 2;
    if (e < 70) return 3;
    return 4;
function wallStyle (wallL) {
	return 'margin:0;padding:0;'
		+ 'background: -moz-linear-gradient(left,  #33cc33 0%, #33cc33 ' + wallL + '%, #cc3333 ' + wallL + '%, #cc3333 100%);'
		+ 'background: -webkit-gradient(linear, left top, right top, color-stop(0%,#33cc33), color-stop(' + wallL + '%,#33cc33), color-stop(' + wallL + '%,#cc3333), color-stop(100%,#cc3333));'
		+ 'background: -webkit-linear-gradient(left,  #33cc33 0%,#33cc33 ' + wallL + '%,#cc3333 ' + wallL + '%,#cc3333 100%);'
		+ 'background: -o-linear-gradient(left,  #33cc33 0%,#33cc33 ' + wallL + '%,#cc3333 ' + wallL + '%,#cc3333 100%);'
		+ 'background: -ms-linear-gradient(left,  #33cc33 0%,#33cc33 ' + wallL + '%,#cc3333 ' + wallL + '%,#cc3333 100%);'
		+ 'background: linear-gradient(to right,  #33cc33 0%,#33cc33 ' + wallL + '%,#cc3333 ' + wallL + '%,#cc3333 100%);'
		+ 'border:solid #666 1px;';
function showPoints(order, countryIdL, countryIdR, wallL, wallR, dominationL, dominationR, totalL, totalR) {
	$am($g("order" + order),[
		$e('img',{class:"egov_img egov_iL", src:"" + countryIdL + ".gif"}),
		$e('img',{class:"egov_img egov_iR", src:"" + countryIdR + ".gif"}),
		$ee('span', totalL, {class:"egov_total egov_tL"}),
		$ee('span', totalR, {class:"egov_total egov_tR"}),
		$ee('span', dominationL, {class:"egov_domination egov_dL"}),
		$ee('span', dominationR, {class:"egov_domination egov_dR"}),
			$ee('span', wallL + '%', {class:"egov_wall egov_wL"}),
			$ee('span', wallR + '%', {class:"egov_wall egov_wR"}),
			Math.max(dominationL,dominationR) < 1800 ? "":
			$ee('span', 'Waiting', {class:"egov_percent"})
		],{style:"position:absolute;left:350px;top:10px;width:270px;height:22px;" + wallStyle(wallL)})
function showWall(order, countryIdL, countryIdR, wallL, wallR, dominationL, dominationR, totalL, totalR) {
	var bPercent = Math.floor(Math.max(dominationL,dominationR)/18);
	bPercent = bPercent >= 100 ? "waiting": bPercent + "%";
	$am($g("order" + order),[
		$ee('span', totalL, {class:"egov_total egov_tL"}),
		$ee('span', totalR, {class:"egov_total egov_tR"}),
		$ee('span', bPercent, {class:"egov_percent"}),
			$e('img', {class:"egov_img egov_iL", src:"" + countryIdL + ".gif"}),
			$e('img', {class:"egov_img egov_iR", src:"" + countryIdR + ".gif"}),
			$ee('span', wallL, {class:"egov_wall egov_wL"}),
			$ee('span', wallR, {class:"egov_wall egov_wR"}),
		],{style:"position:absolute;left:215px;top:29px;width:80px;height:11px;" + wallStyle(wallL)})
function getPointsWall(battleId, order, division) {
	jsonRequest("/en/military/nbp-stats/" + battleId + "/"+division, function(json) {
		if (json.message != 'BATTLE_CLOSED') {
			var countryIdL = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(json.division)[0];
			var countryIdR = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(json.division)[1];
      if( json.division.domination[division] == 50 && json.division.domination[11] != 50 )
        division = 11;
			var domination = Math.round(json.division.domination[division] * 1000) / 1000;
			domination = domination.toFixed(3);
			var bar =[division];
			var wallL = domination > 50 ? (
					bar == countryIdL ? domination: 100 - domination
					bar == countryIdL ? 100 - domination: domination
			var wallR = 100 - wallL;
			var dominationL = json.division[countryIdL][division].domination;
			var dominationR = json.division[countryIdR][division].domination;
			var totalL = json.division[countryIdL].total;
			var totalR = json.division[countryIdR].total;
			if (battleList) {
				wallL = Number(wallL).toFixed(3);
				wallR = Number(wallR).toFixed(3);
				showPoints(order, countryIdL, countryIdR, wallL, wallR, dominationL, dominationR, totalL, totalR);
			} else {
				wallL = Number(wallL).toFixed(2);
				wallR = Number(wallR).toFixed(2);
				showWall(order, countryIdL, countryIdR, wallL, wallR, dominationL, dominationR, totalL, totalR);
      if( totalL < 94 && totalR < 94 ) {
				if (order == 6) {
				} else {
				$g("order" + order).style.display="block";
function drawStars2(n) {
	var stars = $e('div', {class:"egov_stars"});
	for (var i = 0; i < n; i++) {
		stars.appendChild($e('img', {style:"width:" + (battleList ? 18:16) + "px;margin:0;", alt:"*", src:""}));
	return stars;
function showOrder ( order, fl ) {
	return $em('li',[
		$ee('span', order.region, {class:"egov_region"}),
		$ee('span', order.note, {class:"egov_note"}),
		$ee('span', $ee('a', 'Fight', {title:"", href:(order.side !== null ?
			'/en/military/battlefield-choose-side/' + order.battle + '/' + order.side:
			'/en/military/battlefield/' + order.battle), class:"button_body colour_"+(order.stars>4?"red":"blue")+" egov_button"}), {class:"button_bkg fight_button"})
	],{id:"order" + (fl ? order.order: 6), class:"egov_li", style:"display:none;"});

var egov4Country = RB_getValue('egov4Country',40);
if( ! battleList ) {
	var sb = $gc('user_finances');
	if( sb.length == 0 ) return;

	var str = 'egovatwar <a target="_blank" href="'+scriptLink+'">v' + egov4war + '</a><select id="selectCountry" style="margin-top:3px;width:150px;font-size:10px;">';
	for( var country in countries )
		str += '<option value="' + countries[country] + '"' + (countries[country] == egov4Country ?' selected="selected">':'>') + country + '</option>';
	str += '</select>';
	insertAfter($ee('div', str, {id:"egov4warSidebar", style:"font-size:10px;font-weight:bold;color:#333;"}),sb[0]);
	$g('selectCountry').addEventListener('change', function() {
		RB_setValue('egov4Country', this.value);
		window.location = location.href;

GM_addStyle("#battle_listing li.egov_li {height: auto; padding: 5px 4px 3px;position:relative;} "+
			".egov_region {position:absolute;left:"+(battleList?20:78)+"px;top:3px;font-size:12px;line-height:14px;color:#333;font-weight:bold;} "+
			".egov_note {position:absolute;left:78px;top:16px;font-size:10px;line-height:12px;color:#333;width:205px;overflow:hidden;white-space:nowrap;} "+
			".egov_stars {white-space:nowrap;position:absolute;left:72px;top:27px;} "+
			".egov_updated {color:#b6b6b6;font-size:90%;font-weight:normal;} "+
			".egov_button {margin-left: 700px;margin-right:20px;} "+
			"#battle_listing .egov_domination {width:30px;position:absolute;top:17px;font-size:10px;line-height:10px;color:#333;font-weight:bold;} "+
			".egov_dL {text-align:right;left:315px;} .egov_dR {text-align:left;left:627px;} "+
			"#battle_listing .egov_img {position:absolute;top:13px;height:16px;border:solid #666 1px;} "+
			".egov_iL {left:210px;} .egov_iR {left:276px;} "+
			"#battle_listing .egov_total {width:14px;position:absolute;top:17px;font-size:10px;line-height:10px;color:#333;font-weight:bold;} "+
			".egov_tL {left:239px;text-align:left;} .egov_tR {left:258px;text-align:right;} "+
			"#battle_listing .egov_wall {width:45px;position:absolute;bottom:6px;font-size:10px;line-height:10px;color:#fff;font-weight:bold;} "+
			".egov_wL {text-align:left;left:7px;} .egov_wR {text-align:right;right:6px;} "+
			"#battle_listing .egov_percent {width:60px;text-align:center;position:absolute;left:105px;bottom:3px;font-size:16px;line-height:16px;color:#ff3;font-weight:bold;}"
			".egov_button {padding: 1px 15px 0px !important;} "+
			"#battle_listing .egov_img {position:absolute;bottom:0;width:12px;height:9px;border:solid #666 1px;} "+
			".egov_iL {left:-16px;} .egov_iR {right:-16px;} "+
			"#battle_listing .egov_total {width:15px;position:absolute;top:30px;font-size:10px;line-height:10px;color:#333;font-weight:bold;z-index:100;} "+
			".egov_tL {left:183px;text-align:right;} .egov_tR {left:314px;text-align:left;} "+
			"#battle_listing .egov_wall {width:40px;position:absolute;bottom:1px;font-size:10px;line-height:10px;color:#fff;font-weight:bold;} "+
			".egov_wL {text-align:left;left:3px;} .egov_wR {text-align:right;right:2px;} "+
			"#battle_listing .egov_percent {width:50px;text-align:right;position:absolute;left:219px;top:10px;font-size:10px;line-height:10px;color:#333;font-weight:bold;}"

jsonRequest('' + egov4Country,
	function(json) {
		var division = getDivision(parseInt($gt('b',$gc("user_level")[0])[0].innerHTML));
		str = '';
		var ordersDiv = $e('div', {style:"clear:both;float:left;"});

		if ( && !== null && ( === null || == division)) {
			if ( == 0) { = 'Fight!';
					json.alliance + ' HeadQuarters ',
					$ee('span','(updated in day ' + + ')', {class:"egov_updated"})
				],{id:"hq1", style:"display:none;float:none;"}),
				$ee('ul', showOrder(, false), {id:"hq2", style:"display:none;"})
			getPointsWall(, '6', division);

		if (json.orders) {
			var checkBattles = false;
			for(var index in json.orders) {
				if (json.orders[index].battle !== null) {
					checkBattles = true;
			if (checkBattles) {
						'Ministry of Defence ',
						$ee('span', '(updated in day ' + json.updated + ')', {class:"egov_updated"})
					],{id:"mod1", style:"display:none;float:none;"}),
					$e('ul',{id:"mod2", style:"display:none;"})
				for(var index in json.orders) {
					if (json.orders[index].battle !== null && (json.orders[index].div === null || json.orders[index].div == division)) {
						if (json.orders[index].note.length == 0) {
							json.orders[index].note = 'Fight!';
						$g('mod2').appendChild( showOrder(json.orders[index], true) );
						getPointsWall(json.orders[index].battle, json.orders[index].order, division);

		if ( ! battleList ) {
			if (json.shouts) {
				var firstPost = $gc("wall_post")[0];
				for(var index in json.shouts) {
					if (json.shouts[index].text.length > 0) {
						var sT = json.shouts[index].alliance !== null ? ["/en/main/alliances",2]:["/en/military/campaigns",1];
							],{href:sT[0], class:"user_pic", target:"_blank"}),
									$ee('a', (sT[1]==2?json.shouts[index].alliance + ' HeadQuarters':'Ministry of Defence'), {href:sT[0]}),
									$ee('em','wrote in day ' + json.shouts[index].updated)
						],{class:"wall_post"}), firstPost);

if (window.location.href.split("/").length == 4) {
} else if (window.location.href.indexOf("/military/campaigns") > 0) {