Raw Source
sencagri / Madenciler

// ==UserScript==
// @name           Madenciler
// @namespace   2c7e63c68903f0a8b63d7bfdd749d871
// @description    Madenciler is InfoCompte3 copy with special additions.
// @vOGgame        6.5.2
// @version        1.0.15
// @author         sencagri
// @license 	   MIT
// @grant		   GM_getValue
// @grant		   GM_setValue
// @grant		   GM_deleteValue
// @grant		   GM_getResourceURL
// @grant		   GM_xmlhttpRequest

// @updateURL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/sencagri/Madenciler/Development/Madenciler.user.js
// @downloadURL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/sencagri/Madenciler/Development/Madenciler.user.js

// @include     	*.ogame*gameforge.com/game/index.php?page=*

// @exclude        *.ogame*gameforge.com/game/index.php?page=displayMessageNewPage*
// ==/UserScript==

var Version = '1.0.15';
//var numberUserscript = '133137';

var start_time = (new Date()).getTime();
//var freqMaj = 23*3600;
var url = location.href;
var FireFox = navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Firefox") > -1 || navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Iceweasel") > -1;
var nomScript = FireFox ? '' : 'InfoCompte3';
var Opera = navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Opera') > -1;
var Chrome = navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Chrome') > -1;
var Safari = navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Safari") > -1;
var Tamper = false;
var DATA = new Array();

var adresse_forum = "https://board.tr.ogame.gameforge.com/index.php/Thread/461924-Kademecilik-ve-%C4%B0ncelikleri"

if (Chrome) {

	if (typeof GM_getResourceURL === 'function') {
		Tamper = true; // TamperMonkey

	function GM_getValue(key, defaultVal) {
		var retValue = localStorage.getItem(key);
		if (!retValue) {
			return defaultVal;
		return retValue;

	function GM_setValue(key, value) {
		localStorage.setItem(key, value);

	function GM_deleteValue(value) {

function trim(string) { return string.replace(/(^\s*)|(\s*$)/g, ''); }

function getAccData() {
	var dataNeeded = new Array('ogame-universe', 'ogame-universe-speed', 'ogame-language', 'ogame-player-id', 'ogame-player-name', 'ogame-alliance-id', 'ogame-alliance-name', 'ogame-alliance-tag');

	var dataInput = '';
	for (var i = 0; i < dataNeeded.length; i++) {
		dataInput += '<input style="display:none;" id="' + dataNeeded[i] + '" name="' + dataNeeded[i] + '" value="' + document.getElementsByName(dataNeeded[i])[0].content + '" /> ';

	return dataInput;

function checkVersionAndDisplayMenu() {
	if (document.getElementById('playerName')) {
		var icone = '';
		var icone2 = '';
		var AJours = (GM_getValue(nomScript + "aJours", 'true') + '' == 'true' ? true : false);
		//alert(Boolean(GM_getValue(nomScript+"aJours",'true')) + '  '+ GM_getValue(nomScript+"aJours",'true'))

		var aff_option = '<span class="menu_icon"><a id="iconeUpdate" href=' + (AJours ? adresse_forum : "https://openuserjs.org/scripts/sencagri/Madenciler") + ' target="blank_" ><img class="mouseSwitch" src="' + (AJours ? icone : "http://vulca.projet-alternative.fr/images/caution.gif") + '" rel="' + (AJours ? icone2 : "http://vulca.projet-alternative.fr/images/caution.gif") + '" height="29" width="38"></span><a class="menubutton "';
		aff_option += 'href="' + url + '&infocompte=scriptOptions" accesskey="" target="_self">';
		aff_option += '<span class="textlabel">Madenciler</span></a>';

		var tableau = document.createElement("li");
		tableau.innerHTML = aff_option;
		tableau.id = 'optionIFC';
if (document.getElementsByName('ogame-version')[0])

// ******************************************************************************************************
// ****************************************** InfoCompte Script *****************************************
// ******************************************************************************************************
function InfoCompteScript() {


	var reg = new RegExp(/(galaxy|preferences|fleet2|fleet3|network|=trader|premium|alliance)/);

	if ((!reg.test(url)) || (new RegExp(/infocompte=scriptOptions/)).test(url)) {
		// **********************************************************************************************************************************************************************
		// *********************************************************** Fonctions **************************************************************************************************
		// **********************************************************************************************************************************************************************

		{ // function
			function cut(n) {

				if (n >= 10000) return (addPoints(Math.ceil(n / 1000)) + 'M');
				else if (n >= 10) return (addPoints((Math.ceil(n))) + 'k');
				else return addPoints(Math.ceil(n * 1000)).replace('.', ' ');

			function cutHeure(temps) {
				if (temps < 48) return Math.floor(temps) + text.date.time.h;
				else if (temps < 24 * 15) return Math.floor(temps / 24) + text.date.time.j;
				else if (temps < 24 * 7 * 8) return Math.floor(temps / 24 / 7) + text.date.time.s;
				else return Math.floor(temps / 24 / 30.5) + text.date.time.m;

			function afficheCout(i, f, bati) {
				if (options.generale.affCout) {
					if (bati)
						var temps = ((coutBati[f][0] + coutBati[f][1]) * Math.pow(exposant[f], niveau) / 5) * (2 / (1 + parseInt(BatSta[numeroplanete].split('|')[0]))) * Math.pow(0.5, parseInt(BatSta[numeroplanete].split('|')[5])) / speedUni;
					else {
						niveau = LevelsTech[f];

						var temps = ((coutBati[f][0] + coutBati[f][1]) * Math.pow(exposant[f], niveau)) / (1 + laboTot) / speedUni * coefIng;
					affcout = '<div style="width:66px;background-color : rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.6);">' + text.tag.m.slice(0, 1) + ':' + cut(coutBati[f][0] * Math.pow(exposant[f], niveau)) + '</div>' +
						'<div style="width:66px;background-color : rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.6);">' + text.tag.c.slice(0, 1) + ':' + cut(coutBati[f][1] * Math.pow(exposant[f], niveau)) + '</div>' +
						'<div style="width:55px;background-color : rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.6);">' + text.tag.d.slice(0, 1) + ':' + cut(coutBati[f][2] * Math.pow(exposant[f], niveau)) + '</div>' +
						'<div style="width:50px;background-color : rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.6);">' + cutHeure(temps) + '</div>';

					var sp1 = document.createElement("div");
					sp1.setAttribute("id", "prix" + i);
					var anti_text = document.getElementById("buttonz").getElementsByClassName('ago_items_text');
					if (anti_text.length > 0) {
						for (var anti = 0; anti < anti_text.length; anti++) {
							anti_text[anti].style.top = "0px";
						sp1.setAttribute("style", "color:white; text-align:left; position:relative; top:19px;  font-size:11px");
					else {
						sp1.setAttribute("style", "color:white; text-align:left; position:relative; font-size:11px");

					var sp2 = document.getElementsByClassName('ecke')[i];

					parentDiv = sp2.parentNode;
					parentDiv.insertBefore(sp1, sp2.nextSibling);
					var tableau = document.createElement("div");
					tableau.innerHTML = affcout + '<br/>';

					document.getElementById("prix" + i).appendChild(tableau);

			function fusion() {
				var objet_retour = {};

				for (var i = 0, l = arguments.length; i < l; i++) {
					for (attribut in arguments[i]) {
						objet_retour[attribut] = (typeof arguments[i][attribut] == "object" && objet_retour[attribut]) ? fusion(objet_retour[attribut], arguments[i][attribut]) : arguments[i][attribut];
				return objet_retour;

			function draw_pie(data) {
				var data_url = data.join(",");
				var taille = "280x100";
				if ((url.indexOf('page=overview', 0)) >= 0) {
					if (options.generale.mine) { var labels_url = text.Mines + "|" + text.Other_structure + "|" + text.Technology + "|" + text.Fleet + "|" + text.Defense; }
					if (options.generale.BatTotal) { var labels_url = text.Structure + "|" + text.Technology + "|" + text.Fleet + "|" + text.Defense; }
				else if ((url.indexOf('page=research', 0)) >= 0) { var labels_url = text.inutile + " " + pourcent(pointsInutile, pointRecherche) + "|" + text.utile + " " + pourcent(pointRecherche - pointsInutile, pointRecherche); }

				else if ((url.indexOf('page=movement', 0)) >= 0) { var labels_url = text.aQuai + "|" + text.en_vol; }
				else if (/page=resources/.test(url)) { var labels_url = text.tag.m + "|" + text.tag.c + "|" + text.tag.d.replace('érium', ''); taille = "180x100" }
				else err('error', 'Page incorrect pour le graphique (' + url + ')');

				var google_url = "https://chart.googleapis.com/chart?cht=p3&chf=bg,s,efefef00&chs=" + taille + "&chld=M&&chtt=&chl=" + labels_url + "&chco=" + CouleurGraph + "&chd=t:" + data_url;

				var img = document.createElement("img");
				img.setAttribute("src", google_url);
				img.setAttribute("align", "top");
				img.setAttribute("style", "margin-top:-30px");
				return img;

			function calculDefLune(f) {
				var nb_zero = 11;
				niveau = '';
				listeNiveau = '';
				totNiv = 0;
				for (i = 0; i < DATA.planet.length; i++) {
					if (DATA.planet[i].moon == 'true') {
						nb_zero = 8 - parseInt((addTrait(DATA.planet[i].defense[nom_def[f]]) + '').length);
						if (nb_zero < 0) nb_zero = 0;

						for (var k = 0; k < nb_zero; k++) { niveau += '_'; }

						niveau += '[color=#' + options.couleur.CoulBBcode + ']' + addTrait(DATA.planet[i].defense[nom_def[f]]) + '[/color]';

						if (nb_zero > 0) listeNiveau += '|' + niveau + '_';
						else listeNiveau += '|' + niveau;

						niveau = '';
						totNiv += DATA.planet[i].defense[nom_def[f]] == "" ? 0 : parseInt(DATA.planet[i].defense[nom_def[f]]);

			function addTrait(nombre) {
				if (nombre < 0) { return '_____0'; }
				nombre = parseInt(nombre);
				var str = nombre.toString(), n = str.length;
				if (n < 4) { return nombre; }
				else {
					return (((n % 3) ? str.substr(0, n % 3) + '_' : '') + str.substr(n % 3).match(new RegExp('[0-9]{3}', 'g')).join('_'));

			function calculNiv(f) {
				listeNiveau = '';
				totNiv = 0;

				for (i = 0; i < DATA.planet.length; i++) {
					if (DATA.planet[i].moon == 'false') {
						if (DATA.planet[i].building[nom_bat[f]] < 0)
							niveau = '00';
						else if (DATA.planet[i].building[nom_bat[f]] < 10)
							niveau = '_' + DATA.planet[i].building[nom_bat[f]] + '';
							niveau = '' + DATA.planet[i].building[nom_bat[f]] + '';

						if (BatRes_const[i].split('|')[0] == nom_bat[f]) {
							if (parseInt(BatRes_const[i].split('|')[1]) > start_time)
								niveau = '[color=#' + options.couleur.CoulBBcode2 + ']' + niveau + '[/color]';
						if (BatSta_const[i].split('|')[0] == nom_bat[f]) {
							if (parseInt(BatSta_const[i].split('|')[1]) > start_time)
								niveau = '[color=#' + options.couleur.CoulBBcode2 + ']' + niveau + '[/color]';

						listeNiveau += '|_' + niveau + '_';
						totNiv += DATA.planet[i].building[nom_bat[f]] == '' ? 0 : parseInt(DATA.planet[i].building[nom_bat[f]]);
				totNiv = '[color=#' + options.couleur.CoulBBcode + ']' + totNiv + '[/color]';

			function calculFlotte(f) {
				var nbVaisseau = 0;
				nbVaisseau += DATA.fleet[nom_flotte[f]] == '' ? 0 : parseInt(DATA.fleet[nom_flotte[f]]);

				for (var i = 0; i < DATA.planet.length; i++) {
					nbVaisseau += DATA.planet[i].fleet[nom_flotte[f]] == "" ? 0 : parseInt(DATA.planet[i].fleet[nom_flotte[f]]);
				return nbVaisseau;

			function calculNivLune(f) {
				listeNiveau = '';
				totNiv = 0;
				for (i = 0; i < DATA.planet.length; i++) {
					if (DATA.planet[i].moon == 'true') {
						if (DATA.planet[i].building[nom_bat[f]] < 0)
							niveau = '00';
						else if (DATA.planet[i].building[nom_bat[f]] < 10)
							niveau = '_' + DATA.planet[i].building[nom_bat[f]];
							niveau = DATA.planet[i].building[nom_bat[f]];

						if (BatRes_const[i].split('|')[0] == nom_bat[f]) {
							if (parseInt(BatRes_const[i].split('|')[1]) > start_time)
								niveau = '[color=#' + options.couleur.CoulBBcode2 + ']' + niveau + '[/color]';
						if (BatSta_const[i].split('|')[0] == nom_bat[f]) {
							if (parseInt(BatSta_const[i].split('|')[1]) > start_time)
								niveau = '[color=#' + options.couleur.CoulBBcode2 + ']' + niveau + '[/color]';

						listeNiveau += '|_' + niveau + '_';
						totNiv += DATA.planet[i].building[nom_bat[f]] == "" ? 0 : parseInt(DATA.planet[i].building[nom_bat[f]]);
				totNiv = '[color=#' + options.couleur.CoulBBcode + ']' + totNiv + '[/color]';

			function calculPlanete() {
				var nb_zero = 11;
				niveau = '';
				listeNiveau = '';
				totNivCase = 0;
				totNivCaseMax = 0;
				listeNiveauUse = '';
				listeNiveauMax = '';
				listenom = '';

				for (i = 0; i < DATA.planet.length; i++) {
					if (DATA.planet[i].moon == 'false') {
						nb_zero = 4 - (DATA.planet[i].resource.tailleConst + '').length;
						if (nb_zero < 0) nb_zero = 0;

						for (var k = 0; k < nb_zero; k++) { niveau += '_'; }

						niveau += DATA.planet[i].resource.tailleConst;

						if (DATA.planet[i + 1]) { if (DATA.planet[i + 1].moon == 'true') niveau = '[color=#' + options.couleur.CoulBBcode + ']' + niveau + '[/color]'; }

						listeNiveauUse += '|' + niveau + '_';
						niveau = '';
						totNivCase += parseInt(DATA.planet[i].resource.tailleConst);

						nb_zero = 4 - (DATA.planet[i].resource.taille + '').length;
						if (nb_zero < 0) nb_zero = 0;

						for (var k = 0; k < nb_zero; k++) { niveau += '_'; }

						niveau += DATA.planet[i].resource.taille;

						if (DATA.planet[i + 1]) { if (DATA.planet[i + 1].moon == 'true') niveau = '[color=#' + options.couleur.CoulBBcode + ']' + niveau + '[/color]'; }

						listeNiveauMax += '|' + niveau + '_';
						niveau = '';
						totNivCaseMax += parseInt(DATA.planet[i].resource.taille);

			function calculDef(f) {
				var nb_zero = 11;

				niveau = '';
				listeNiveau = '';
				totNiv = 0;
				for (i = 0; i < DATA.planet.length; i++) {
					if (DATA.planet[i].moon == 'false') {
						nb_zero = 8 - parseInt((addTrait(DATA.planet[i].defense[nom_def[f]]) + '').length);
						if (nb_zero < 0) nb_zero = 0;

						for (var k = 0; k < nb_zero; k++) { niveau += '_'; }

						niveau += '[color=#' + options.couleur.CoulBBcode + ']' + addTrait(DATA.planet[i].defense[nom_def[f]]) + '[/color]';

						if (nb_zero > 0) listeNiveau += '|' + niveau + '_';
						else listeNiveau += '|' + niveau;
						niveau = '';
						totNiv += DATA.planet[i].defense[nom_def[f]] == "" ? 0 : parseInt(DATA.planet[i].defense[nom_def[f]]);

			function addPoints(nombre) {

				var signe = '';
				if (nombre < 0) {
					nombre = Math.abs(nombre);
					signe = '-';
				nombre = parseInt(nombre);
				var str = nombre.toString(), n = str.length;
				if (n < 4) { return signe + nombre; }
				else {
					return signe + (((n % 3) ? str.substr(0, n % 3) + '.' : '') + str.substr(n % 3).match(new RegExp('[0-9]{3}', 'g')).join('.'));


			function pourcent(nombre, ref) {
				if (ref == 0) { return 0; }
				else {
					var pourcent = parseInt(nombre / ref * 100 * Math.pow(10, digits)) / Math.pow(10, digits);
					return pourcent;

			function arrondi(nombre) {
				if (Math.round(nombre) == 0) return 1;
				else return Math.round(nombre);

			function oui_non_en_checked(oui_non) {
				if (oui_non == "true" || oui_non == true) { return "checked"; } else { return "unchecked"; }

			function decheck(check) {
				if (check + '' == 'checked') return "unchecked";
				else return "checked";

			function checkLang(lang) {
				if (lang + '' == options.generale.langue + '') { return 'checked="checked"'; } else { return ""; }

			function err(type, message) {
				setTimeout(function () {
					throw new Error(message);
				}, 0);

			function plus(nb) {
				if (nb < 0) return addPoints(nb);
				else return '+' + addPoints(nb);

			function prodMetalbase(mm, speed) {

				return 30 * (mm) * Math.pow(1.1, (mm)) * speed;

			function prodCristalbase(mc, speed) {
				return 20 * (mc) * Math.pow(1.1, (mc)) * speed;

			function prodDeutbase(md, speed, temperature) {
				return 10 * (md) * (Math.pow(1.1, (md)) * (1.44 - (temperature * 0.004))) * speed;

			function prodMetal(mm, speed, lvlplasma, geologue, booster) {

				var base = prodMetalbase(mm, speed);
				return Math.round(base * geologue) + Math.round(base * lvlplasma / 100) + Math.round(base * booster / 100);

			function prodCristal(mc, speed, lvlplasma, geologue, booster) {
				var base = prodCristalbase(mc, speed);
				return Math.round(base * geologue) + Math.round(base * lvlplasma * 0.66 / 100) + Math.round(base * booster / 100);

			function prodDeut(md, speed, lvlplasma, temperature, geologue, booster) {
				var base = prodDeutbase(md, speed, temperature);
				return Math.round(base * geologue) + Math.round(base * lvlplasma * 0.33 / 100) + Math.round(base * booster / 100);
		if (true) {
			if (((url.indexOf('vulca', 0)) >= 0 && url.indexOf('news.php') == -1)) // Site de signature 
				if (/signature/.test(url)) {
					GM_setValue(nomScript + 'couleurSign' + trim(document.getElementById("univers").innerHTML), document.getElementById("couleurFond").innerHTML + '-' + document.getElementById("couleurText").innerHTML);

			else if (url.indexOf('techtree&tab=3&techID=1') > -1) {
				var nom = document.getElementsByTagName('a');
				var nom_vaisseau = '';
				var nom_def = '';
				for (var i = 0; i < 14; i++)
					nom_vaisseau += trim(nom[nom.length - 48 + i * 2].text) + ';';

				for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++)
					nom_def += trim(nom[nom.length - 20 + i * 2].text) + ';';

				var serveur_split = url.split('/')[2].split('.');
				var domain_ = '.' + serveur_split[1] + "." + serveur_split[2];
				if (serveur_split.length == 4) {
					domain_ += "." + serveur_split[3];
				GM_setValue(nomScript + domain_, nom_vaisseau + '|' + nom_def + '|');

				//	alert(nom_vaisseau+'|'+nom_def);
			else if (document.getElementById('playerName') || url.indexOf('page=combatreport') >= 0 || (url.indexOf('page=showmessage')) >= 0) // Ogame Nouvelle version

				// *********************************************************************************************************************************************************************
				// ************************************************************** Recherche de l'ID PM   **********************************************************************************
				// *********************************************************************************************************************************************************************

				if (document.getElementById('playerName')) {
					//Détermine si on est sur une lune
					var IsMoon = document.getElementsByName('ogame-planet-type')[0].content == 'moon';
					var pseudo = document.getElementsByName('ogame-player-name')[0].content;
					var IdJoueur = document.getElementsByName('ogame-player-id')[0].content;
					var serveur = document.getElementsByName('ogame-universe')[0].content;
					var numUni = serveur.split('-')[0];

					var serveur_split = serveur.split('.');
					var domain = '.' + serveur_split[1] + "." + serveur_split[2];

					if (serveur_split.length == 4)//à supprimer plus tard
						domain += "." + serveur_split[3];

					var numeroplanete = 0;
					var nbLune = 0;
					var th_style = "height:20px; font-size: 12px; font-weight:normal; color: white; border:1px solid black;";

					var coordPM = document.getElementsByClassName('planet-koords')[0].innerHTML;
					var idPlanete = GM_getValue(nomScript + 'idPlanet' + IdJoueur + serveur, GM_getValue(nomScript + 'idPlanet' + pseudo + serveur, '10;')).split(';');

					var listeId = '';
					var nbPlanet = 1;

					var planets = document.getElementById("rechts").getElementsByClassName("smallplanet");
					var Lune = new Array();

					//if ( planets.length > 1 )
						numeroplanete = -1;
						nbPlanet = 0;
						var testlabelPlanet = 'planetlink active';;
						var testlabelLune = 'moonlink active';

						for (var i = 0; i < planets.length; i++) {
							idPlanete[nbPlanet] = planets[i].innerHTML.split('moonlink')[0].split('&amp;cp=')[1].split('" title')[0];
							if (planets[i].innerHTML.split('class="planetPic')[0].indexOf(testlabelPlanet) > -1 || planets.length == 1) // Si planete active
								numeroplanete = nbPlanet;
								if (IsMoon) {
							listeId += idPlanete[nbPlanet] + ';';

							if (planets[i].innerHTML.indexOf('class="icon-moon"') > 0) {

								Lune[nbPlanet] = true;

								idPlanete[nbPlanet] = planets[i].innerHTML.split('moonlink')[1].split('&amp;cp=')[1].split('&quot;>')[0].replace(/[^0-9-]/g, "");
								if (numeroplanete == -1 && planets[i].innerHTML.indexOf(testlabelLune) > -1) {
									numeroplanete = nbPlanet;
								listeId += idPlanete[nbPlanet] + ';';
							else Lune[nbPlanet] = false;


						var idPlaneteTrie = listeId.slice(0, listeId.length - 1).split(';').sort();
						idPlanete = listeId.slice(0, listeId.length - 1).split(';');

						var f = 0;
						for (var i = 0; i < idPlaneteTrie.length; i++) {
							if (!Lune[i]) {
								if (idPlaneteTrie[0] == idPlanete[i]) { coordPM = document.getElementsByClassName('planet-koords')[f].innerHTML; }

					var CoordPM = coordPM;
					coordPM = coordPM.replace(':', '0').replace(':', '0').replace('[', '').replace(']', '');

					GM_setValue(nomScript + 'Pseudo' + serveur, pseudo + '#' + coordPM + '#' + CoordPM);

					var DefPla = GM_getValue(nomScript + "DefPlanete" + coordPM + serveur, '||||||||||||||;||||||||||||||;||||||||||||||;||||||||||||||;||||||||||||||;||||||||||||||;||||||||||||||;||||||||||||||;||||||||||||||;||||||||||||||;||||||||||||||;||||||||||||||;||||||||||||||;||||||||||||||;||||||||||||||;||||||||||||||;||||||||||||||;||||||||||||||;||||||||||||||;||||||||||||||;||||||||||||||;||||||||||||||;||||||||||||||;||||||||||||||;||||||||||||||;||||||||||||||;').split(';');
					var BatRes = GM_getValue(nomScript + "BatRes" + coordPM + serveur, '||||||||||||||;||||||||||||||;||||||||||||||;||||||||||||||;||||||||||||||;||||||||||||||;||||||||||||||;||||||||||||||;||||||||||||||;||||||||||||||;||||||||||||||;||||||||||||||;||||||||||||||;||||||||||||||;||||||||||||||;||||||||||||||;||||||||||||||;||||||||||||||;||||||||||||||;||||||||||||||;||||||||||||||;||||||||||||||;||||||||||||||;||||||||||||||;||||||||||||||;||||||||||||||;').split(';');
					var BatSta = GM_getValue(nomScript + "BatSta" + coordPM + serveur, '|||||||||||||;|||||||||||||;|||||||||||||;|||||||||||||;|||||||||||||;|||||||||||||;|||||||||||||;|||||||||||||;|||||||||||||;|||||||||||||;|||||||||||||;|||||||||||||;|||||||||||||;|||||||||||||;|||||||||||||;|||||||||||||;|||||||||||||;|||||||||||||;|||||||||||||;|||||||||||||;|||||||||||||;|||||||||||||;|||||||||||||;|||||||||||||;|||||||||||||;|||||||||||||;').split(';');
					var Techno = GM_getValue(nomScript + "nivTechno" + coordPM + serveur, '-1;-1;-1;-1;-1;-1;-1;-1;-1;-1;-1;-1;-1;-1;-1;-1;-1;-1').split(';');
					var flotte = GM_getValue(nomScript + "flotte" + coordPM + serveur, '0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0;0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0;0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0;0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0;0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0;0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0;0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0;0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0;0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0;0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0;0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0;0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0;0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0;0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0;0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0;0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0;0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0;0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0;0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0;0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0;0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0;0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0;0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0;0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0;0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0;0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0;').split(';');
					var boost = GM_getValue(nomScript + "boost" + coordPM + serveur, '0|0|0;0|0|0;0|0|0;0|0|0;0|0|0;0|0|0;0|0|0;0|0|0;0|0|0;0|0|0;0|0|0;0|0|0;0|0|0;0|0|0;0|0|0;0|0|0;0|0|0;0|0|0;0|0|0;0|0|0;0|0|0;0|0|0;0|0|0;0|0|0;0|0|0;0|0|0;0|0|0;0|0|0;0|0|0;0|0|0;0|0|0;0|0|0;0|0|0;0|0|0;0|0|0;0|0|0;0|0|0;0|0|0;0|0|0;0|0|0;0|0|0;0|0|0;0|0|0;0|0|0;0|0|0;0|0|0;').split(';');

					var BatSta_const = GM_getValue(nomScript + "BatSta_const" + coordPM + serveur, '|;|;|;|;|;|;|;|;|;|;|;|;|;|;|;|;|;|;|;|;|;|;|;|;|;|').split(';');
					var BatRes_const = GM_getValue(nomScript + "BatRes_const" + coordPM + serveur, '|;|;|;|;|;|;|;|;|;|;|;|;|;|;|;|;|;|;|;|;|;|;|;|;|;|').split(';');
					var Res_const = GM_getValue(nomScript + "Res_const" + coordPM + serveur, '|');
					var Def_const = GM_getValue(nomScript + "Def_const" + coordPM + serveur, '|;|;|;|;|;|;|;|;|;|;|;|;|;|;|;|;|;|;|;|;|;|;|;|;|;|').split(';');

					var minPla = Math.min(DefPla.length, BatRes.length, BatSta.length, flotte.length, boost.length, BatSta_const.length, BatRes_const.length, Def_const.length);

					while (nbPlanet >= minPla - 1) {

						GM_setValue(nomScript + "DefPlanete" + coordPM + serveur, DefPla.join(';') + '||||||||||||||;||||||||||||||;||||||||||||||;');
						GM_setValue(nomScript + "BatRes" + coordPM + serveur, BatRes.join(';') + '||||||||||||||;||||||||||||||;||||||||||||||;');
						GM_setValue(nomScript + "BatSta" + coordPM + serveur, BatSta.join(';') + '||||||||||||||;||||||||||||||;||||||||||||||;');
						GM_setValue(nomScript + "flotte" + coordPM + serveur, flotte.join(';') + '0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0;0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0;0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0;');
						GM_setValue(nomScript + "boost" + coordPM + serveur, boost.join(';') + '0|0|0;0|0|0;0|0|0;');

						GM_setValue(nomScript + "BatSta_const" + coordPM + serveur, BatSta_const.join(';') + ';|;|;|');
						GM_setValue(nomScript + "BatRes_const" + coordPM + serveur, BatRes_const.join(';') + ';|;|;|');
						GM_setValue(nomScript + "Def_const" + coordPM + serveur, Def_const.join(';') + ';|;|;|');

						DefPla = GM_getValue(nomScript + "DefPlanete" + coordPM + serveur, '||||||||||||||;||||||||||||||;||||||||||||||;||||||||||||||;||||||||||||||;||||||||||||||;||||||||||||||;||||||||||||||;||||||||||||||;||||||||||||||;||||||||||||||;||||||||||||||;||||||||||||||;||||||||||||||;||||||||||||||;||||||||||||||;||||||||||||||;||||||||||||||;||||||||||||||;||||||||||||||;||||||||||||||;||||||||||||||;||||||||||||||;||||||||||||||;||||||||||||||;||||||||||||||;').split(';');
						BatRes = GM_getValue(nomScript + "BatRes" + coordPM + serveur, '||||||||||||||;||||||||||||||;||||||||||||||;||||||||||||||;||||||||||||||;||||||||||||||;||||||||||||||;||||||||||||||;||||||||||||||;||||||||||||||;||||||||||||||;||||||||||||||;||||||||||||||;||||||||||||||;||||||||||||||;||||||||||||||;||||||||||||||;||||||||||||||;||||||||||||||;||||||||||||||;||||||||||||||;||||||||||||||;||||||||||||||;||||||||||||||;||||||||||||||;||||||||||||||;').split(';');
						BatSta = GM_getValue(nomScript + "BatSta" + coordPM + serveur, '|||||||||||||;|||||||||||||;|||||||||||||;|||||||||||||;|||||||||||||;|||||||||||||;|||||||||||||;|||||||||||||;|||||||||||||;|||||||||||||;|||||||||||||;|||||||||||||;|||||||||||||;|||||||||||||;|||||||||||||;|||||||||||||;|||||||||||||;|||||||||||||;|||||||||||||;|||||||||||||;|||||||||||||;|||||||||||||;|||||||||||||;|||||||||||||;|||||||||||||;|||||||||||||;').split(';');
						flotte = GM_getValue(nomScript + "flotte" + coordPM + serveur, '0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0;0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0;0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0;0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0;0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0;0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0;0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0;0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0;0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0;0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0;0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0;0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0;0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0;0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0;0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0;0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0;0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0;0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0;0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0;0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0;0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0;0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0;0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0;0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0;0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0;0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0;').split(';');
						boost = GM_getValue(nomScript + "boost" + coordPM + serveur, '0|0|0;0|0|0;0|0|0;0|0|0;0|0|0;0|0|0;0|0|0;0|0|0;0|0|0;0|0|0;0|0|0;0|0|0;0|0|0;0|0|0;0|0|0;0|0|0;0|0|0;0|0|0;0|0|0;0|0|0;0|0|0;0|0|0;0|0|0;0|0|0;0|0|0;0|0|0;0|0|0;0|0|0;0|0|0;0|0|0;0|0|0;0|0|0;0|0|0;0|0|0;0|0|0;0|0|0;0|0|0;0|0|0;0|0|0;0|0|0;0|0|0;0|0|0;0|0|0;0|0|0;0|0|0;0|0|0;').split(';');

						BatSta_const = GM_getValue(nomScript + "BatSta_const" + coordPM + serveur, '|;|;|;|;|;|;|;|;|;|;|;|;|;|;|;|;|;|;|;|;|;|;|;|;|;|').split(';');
						BatRes_const = GM_getValue(nomScript + "BatRes_const" + coordPM + serveur, '|;|;|;|;|;|;|;|;|;|;|;|;|;|;|;|;|;|;|;|;|;|;|;|;|;|').split(';');
						Def_const = GM_getValue(nomScript + "Def_const" + coordPM + serveur, '|;|;|;|;|;|;|;|;|;|;|;|;|;|;|;|;|;|;|;|;|;|;|;|;|;|').split(';');

						minPla = Math.min(DefPla.length, BatRes.length, BatSta.length, flotte.length, boost.length, BatSta_const.length, BatRes_const.length, Def_const.length);

					var ancienID = GM_getValue(nomScript + 'idPlanet' + IdJoueur + serveur, GM_getValue(nomScript + 'idPlanet' + pseudo + serveur, '10;')).split(';');

					if (! /[^0-9;]/.test(listeId) && ! /[^0-9;]/.test(idPlanete.join(';')) && ! /[^0-9;]/.test(ancienID.join(';')) && nbPlanet > 1 && (url.indexOf('page=defense') != -1 || url.indexOf('page=fleet1') != -1 || url.indexOf('page=shipyard') != -1 || url.indexOf('page=station') != -1 || url.indexOf('page=resources') != -1 || url.indexOf('page=overview') != -1)) // Evite bug disparition des planetes au fleet2

						if (idPlanete.join(';') + ';' != ancienID.join(';') && idPlanete.join(';').length > 10 && ancienID.join(';').length > 10) {
							var copieDefPla = new Array();
							var copieBatRes = new Array();
							var copieBatSta = new Array();
							var copieConsDefPla = new Array();
							var copieConsBatRes = new Array();
							var copieConsBatSta = new Array();
							var copieBoost = new Array();

							for (var i = 0; i < DefPla.length; i++) {
								copieDefPla[i] = DefPla[i];
								copieBatRes[i] = BatRes[i];
								copieBatSta[i] = BatSta[i];
								copieConsBatRes[i] = BatRes_const[i];
								copieConsBatSta[i] = BatSta_const[i];
								copieBoost[i] = boost[i];

							for (var i = 0; i < idPlanete.length; i++) {

								if (idPlanete[i] != ancienID[i]) {
									var findId = false;
									for (var j = 0; j < ancienID.length; j++) {
										if (idPlanete[i] == ancienID[j]) {
											DefPla[i] = copieDefPla[j];
											BatRes[i] = copieBatRes[j];
											BatSta[i] = copieBatSta[j];

											BatRes_const[i] = copieConsBatRes[j];
											BatSta_const[i] = copieConsBatSta[j];

											boost[i] = copieBoost[i];
											findId = true;

									if (!findId) // Nouvelle id n'etait pas la avant 
										//if(confirm('Planet id '+idPlanete[i]+' (planet n '+i+(' not found ...) :\n')+idPlanete.join(';')+'(id planet)\n'+ancienID.join(';')+'(id stored)\n\n Delete data about this planet ?'))
											//alert('delete id '+idPlanete[i]);
											DefPla[i] = '|||||||||||||';
											BatRes[i] = '|||||||||||||';
											BatSta[i] = '|||||||||||||';

											BatRes_const[i] = '|';
											BatSta_const[i] = '|';
											boost[i] = '0|0|0';

											//Def_const[i]= '|';


							GM_setValue(nomScript + "DefPlanete" + coordPM + serveur, DefPla.join(';'));
							GM_setValue(nomScript + "BatRes" + coordPM + serveur, BatRes.join(';'));
							GM_setValue(nomScript + "BatSta" + coordPM + serveur, BatSta.join(';'));
							GM_setValue(nomScript + "boost" + coordPM + serveur, boost.join(';'));
							GM_setValue(nomScript + "BatSta_const" + coordPM + serveur, BatRes_const.join(';'));
							GM_setValue(nomScript + "BatRes_const" + coordPM + serveur, BatSta_const.join(';'));


						if (! /[^0-9;]/.test(listeId))

							// Les id trouvé ressemble a des id
							GM_setValue(nomScript + 'idPlanet' + IdJoueur + serveur, listeId);
				else {
					var pseudo = GM_getValue(nomScript + 'Pseudo' + serveur, "pseudo#coordPM#CoordPM").split('#')[0];
					var coordPM = GM_getValue(nomScript + 'Pseudo' + serveur, "pseudo#coordPM#CoordPM").split('#')[1];
				// *********************************************************************************************************************************************************************
				// ************************************************************ Options  ************************************************************************************************
				{// *********************************************************************************************************************************************************************

					var OptionSauvegarde = GM_getValue(nomScript + "options" + coordPM + serveur, '00F00F,0000CC,FF0000,FFFF00,6F006F' + ';' + false + ';' + true + ';' + true + ';' + true + ';' + true + ';' + true + ';' + false + ';' + false + ';' + true + ';' + true + ';' + true + ';' + true + ';' + true + ';' + true + ';' + false + ';' + true + ';' + true + ';' + true + ';' + false + ';' + true + ';' + true + ';' + true + ';' + false + ';' + false + ';' + false + ';' + true + ';' + true + ';' + false + ';' + true + ';' + true + ';' + true + ';' + true + ';' + true + ';' + true + ';' + false + ';;;;;');
					var option = OptionSauvegarde.split(/;/);

					// TEMPORAIRE §§§
					if (option[35] == '') { option[35] = false; GM_setValue(nomScript + "options" + coordPM + serveur, option.join(';')); }

					for (i = 1; i < option.length; i++) {
						if (option[i] == 'true' || option[i] == true) option[i] = true;
						else option[i] = false;

					var CouleurGraph = option[0];

					var listeCouleur = option[0].split(/,/);

					var couleurFTurl = (GM_getValue(nomScript + 'couleurSign' + serveur + coordPM, '0;0;0;-255;255;255|url|') + '|url|').split('|url|');

					var couleurFT = couleurFTurl[0].split('-')

					var couleurT = couleurFT[1].split(';');
					var couleurF = couleurFT[0].split(';');

					var optionCouleur = GM_getValue(nomScript + 'OptionCouleur' + coordPM + serveur, 'FF0000;00FF00;5050FF;ff9933;;;;;').split(';');

					function getLang() {
						// Language detection from Ogame Fleet Tools
						var url = document.location.href;
						//var server = url.match(/(http|https):\/\/([^\\\/]+[\\\/])/i);

						var server = url.match(/(-)([^\\\/]+[\\\/])/g);
						var lang = 'en';
						if (server) server = server[0].toUpperCase();
						//server = server.replace(/\\/i, '/');

						if (server.indexOf('AR.OGAME.GAMEFORGE.COM') > -1 || server.indexOf('AR.OGAME.ORG/') > -1 || server.indexOf('OGAME.COM.AR/') > -1) lang = 'AR'; // Argentina
						else if (server.indexOf('BA.OGAME.GAMEFORGE.COM') > -1 || server.indexOf('BA.OGAME.ORG/') > -1) lang = 'BA'; // Balkan countries
						else if (server.indexOf('BG.OGAME.GAMEFORGE.COM') > -1 || server.indexOf('BG.OGAME.ORG/') > -1) lang = 'BG'; // Bulgaria
						else if (server.indexOf('BR.OGAME.GAMEFORGE.COM') > -1 || server.indexOf('OGAME.COM.BR/') > -1) lang = 'PT'; // Brasil
						else if (server.indexOf('CN.OGAME.GAMEFORGE.COM') > -1 || server.indexOf('CN.OGAME.ORG/') > -1) lang = 'CN'; // China
						else if (server.indexOf('CZ.OGAME.GAMEFORGE.COM') > -1 || server.indexOf('OGAME.CZ/') > -1) lang = 'CZ'; // Czech Republic
						else if (server.indexOf('DE.OGAME.GAMEFORGE.COM') > -1 || server.indexOf('OGAME.DE/') > -1) lang = 'DE'; // Germany
						else if (server.indexOf('DK.OGAME.GAMEFORGE.COM') > -1 || server.indexOf('OGAME.DK/') > -1) lang = 'DK'; // Denmark
						else if (server.indexOf('ES.OGAME.GAMEFORGE.COM') > -1 || server.indexOf('OGAME.COM.ES/') > -1) lang = 'ES'; // Spain
						else if (server.indexOf('FI.OGAME.GAMEFORGE.COM') > -1 || server.indexOf('FI.OGAME.ORG/') > -1 || server.indexOf('OGAME.COM.FI/') > -1) lang = 'FI'; // Finnland
						else if (server.indexOf('FR.OGAME.GAMEFORGE.COM') > -1 || server.indexOf('OGAME.FR/') > -1) lang = 'FR'; // France
						else if (server.indexOf('GR.OGAME.GAMEFORGE.COM') > -1 || server.indexOf('OGAME.GR/') > -1) lang = 'GR'; // Greece
						else if (server.indexOf('HR.OGAME.GAMEFORGE.COM') > -1 || server.indexOf('OGAME.COM.HR/') > -1 || server.indexOf('HR.OGAME./') > -1) lang = 'HR'; // Croatia
						else if (server.indexOf('HU.OGAME.GAMEFORGE.COM') > -1 || server.indexOf('OGAME.HU/') > -1) lang = 'HU'; // Hungary
						else if (server.indexOf('IT.OGAME.GAMEFORGE.COM') > -1 || server.indexOf('OGAME.IT/') > -1) lang = 'IT'; // Italy
						else if (server.indexOf('JP.OGAME.GAMEFORGE.COM') > -1 || server.indexOf('OGAME.JP/') > -1) lang = 'JP'; // Japan
						else if (server.indexOf('KR.OGAME.GAMEFORGE.COM') > -1 || server.indexOf('OGAME2.CO.KR/') > -1) lang = 'KR'; // Korea
						else if (server.indexOf('LT.OGAME.GAMEFORGE.COM') > -1 || server.indexOf('OGAME.LT/') > -1) lang = 'LT'; // Lithuania
						else if (server.indexOf('LV.OGAME.GAMEFORGE.COM') > -1 || server.indexOf('OGAME.LV/') > -1) lang = 'LV'; // Latvia
						else if (server.indexOf('MX.OGAME.GAMEFORGE.COM') > -1 || server.indexOf('MX.OGAME.ORG/') > -1) lang = 'MX'; // Mexico
						else if (server.indexOf('NL.OGAME.GAMEFORGE.COM') > -1 || server.indexOf('OGAME.NL/') > -1) lang = 'NL'; // Netherlands
						else if (server.indexOf('NO.OGAME.GAMEFORGE.COM') > -1 || server.indexOf('OGAME.NO/') > -1) lang = 'NO'; // Norway
						else if (server.indexOf('PL.OGAME.GAMEFORGE.COM') > -1 || server.indexOf('OGAME.PL/') > -1) lang = 'PL'; // Poland
						else if (server.indexOf('PT.OGAME.GAMEFORGE.COM') > -1 || server.indexOf('OGAME.COM.PT/') > -1) lang = 'PT'; // Portugal
						else if (server.indexOf('RO.OGAME.GAMEFORGE.COM') > -1 || server.indexOf('OGAME.RO/') > -1) lang = 'RO'; // Romania
						else if (server.indexOf('RU.OGAME.GAMEFORGE.COM') > -1 || server.indexOf('OGAME.RU/') > -1) lang = 'RU'; // Russia
						else if (server.indexOf('SE.OGAME.GAMEFORGE.COM') > -1 || server.indexOf('OGAME.SE/') > -1) lang = 'SE'; // Sweden
						else if (server.indexOf('SI.OGAME.GAMEFORGE.COM') > -1 || server.indexOf('OGAME.SI/') > -1) lang = 'SI'; // Slovenia
						else if (server.indexOf('SK.OGAME.GAMEFORGE.COM') > -1 || server.indexOf('OGAME.SK/') > -1) lang = 'SK'; // Slovakia
						else if (server.indexOf('TR.OGAME.GAMEFORGE.COM') > -1 || server.indexOf('OGAME.COM.TR/') > -1 || server.indexOf('TR.OGAME.ORG/') > -1) lang = 'TR'; // Turkey
						else if (server.indexOf('TW.OGAME.GAMEFORGE.COM') > -1 || server.indexOf('OGAME.TW/') > -1) lang = 'TW'; // Taiwan
						else if (server.indexOf('US.OGAME.GAMEFORGE.COM') > -1 || server.indexOf('OGAME.US/') > -1) lang = 'US'; // USA
						else if (server.indexOf('ORG.OGAME.GAMEFORGE.COM') > -1 || server.indexOf('OGAME.ORG/') > -1) lang = 'ORG'; // UK
						else if (server.indexOf('RS.OGAME.GAMEFORGE.COM') > -1 || server.indexOf('OGAME.RS/') > -1) lang = 'RS'; // Serbia

						if (lang == 'US' || lang == 'ORG') lang = 'EN';
						else if (lang == 'AR' || lang == 'MX') lang = 'ES';

						return lang.toLowerCase();

					var options =
							BatTotal: option[1],
							indestructible: option[2],
							techno: option[3],
							flottes: option[4],
							Def: option[5],
							VaisseauxVol: option[6],
							pointLune: option[7],
							sauterLignePourPourcentageFlotteVol: option[8],
							progression: option[9],
							couleurPoint: option[10],
							ProgJours: option[11],
							ProdJours: option[12],
							Techno_utile: option[13],
							progOW: option[24],

							Point_planete: option[14],
							Masquer: option[15],
							Signa: option[16],
							SignaRc: option[26],
							langue: GM_getValue(nomScript + 'Langue_text' + coordPM + serveur, getLang()),
							bbcode_center: option[17],
							bbcode_pixel: option[18],
							bbcode_SMF: option[19],
							saveFleet: option[20],
							rank: option[21],
							Alternative: option[22],
							transparant: option[23],
							baliseCenterHTML: option[25],
							constructing: option[27],
							AffDetailPla: option[28],
							graphProd: option[29],
							affCout: option[30],
							affExpe: option[31],
							affConvert: option[32],
							upSite: option[33],
							posTable: option[34],
							useBoost: option[35]
							graphA: listeCouleur[0], graphB: listeCouleur[1], graphC: listeCouleur[2], graphD: listeCouleur[3], graphE: listeCouleur[4],
							progPos: optionCouleur[1], progNeg: optionCouleur[0],

							SigntxtR: couleurT[0].replace(' ', ''),
							SigntxtV: couleurT[1].replace(' ', ''),
							SigntxtB: couleurT[2].replace(' ', ''),
							SignfondR: couleurF[0].replace(' ', ''),
							SignfondV: couleurF[1].replace(' ', ''),
							SignfondB: couleurF[2].replace(' ', ''),
							url: couleurFTurl[1].replace(' ', ''),
							CoulBBcode: optionCouleur[2],
							CoulBBcode2: optionCouleur[3]

					if (options.generale.upSite) GM_deleteValue('upSite' + serveur + coordPM);
					else GM_setValue('upSite' + serveur + coordPM, 'false');

					var accStartDate = GM_getValue(nomScript + 'speed' + serveur + coordPM, '1;0;0;0;1;').split(';');
					var accStartTime = (new Date(parseInt(accStartDate[3]), parseInt(accStartDate[2]) - 1, parseInt(accStartDate[1]), 0, 0, 0, 0)).getTime();

					var taux = GM_getValue(nomScript + 'taux' + serveur + coordPM, '2;1;1;;').split(';');
					var empireoptions = GM_getValue(nomScript + 'empire' + serveur + coordPM, 'true;true;;;').split(';');
					var digits = parseInt(accStartDate[4]);

					if (isNaN(accStartTime)) accStartTime = 0;

					if (isNaN(digits)) digits = 1;

					if (document.getElementsByName('ogame-universe-speed')[0])
						var speedUni = parseInt(document.getElementsByName('ogame-universe-speed')[0].content);
						var speedUni = parseInt(accStartDate[0])

					GM_setValue(nomScript + 'speed' + serveur + coordPM, accStartDate.join(';'))

				// *****************************************************************************************************************************************************************
				// *********************************************************** Traduction ******************************************************************************************
				// *****************************************************************************************************************************************************************

				var text = new Array();

				text =
						ICoption: 'Madenciler Ayarları',
						Save: 'Kaydet',
						Total: 'Total',
						Lune: 'Ay',
						Mines: 'Kaynaklar',
						Other_structure: 'Diğer yapılar',
						Structure: 'Yapılar',
						Ressource: 'Madenler',
						Facilities: 'Tesisler',
						Technology: 'Araştırma',
						Technologies: 'Teknolojiler',
						Fleet: 'Filo',
						Defense: 'Savunma',
						Progression: 'İlerleme',
						Moyenne: 'Ortalama',
						Production: 'Üretim',
						ProductionConstruction: '  Biten maden ile üretim, plazma seviyesi',
						ProductionBrute: '  Jeolog ve güçlendirici olmadan üretim',
						Indestructible: 'Yıkılmazlık',
						Depuis: 'den beri',
						Points: 'Puan',
						soit: 'representing',
						BBcode_debut: "İmparatorluk Durumu: ",
						BBcode_debut2: "Toplam puan: ",
						BBcode_mine: "Kaynaklar puanı: ",
						BBcode_bat: "Diğer yapılardaki puan: ",
						BBcode_batT: "Yapılar puanı: ",
						BBcode_fin1: "Araştırma puanı: ",
						Bcode_fin2: "Filo puanı: ",
						BBcode_fin3: "Savunma puanı: ",
						BBcode_fin4: "Hesabınızın ",
						BBcode_fin5: "Yıkılmaz puan ",
						BBcode_fin6: "Average Progress: ",
						Point_day: "Günlük kazanılan puan ",
						Units: "Birimler",
						sur_lune: 'ayda',
						en_vol: 'Havadaki gemiler',
						aQuai: 'Yerdeki gemiler',
						vaisseaux: 'ships',
						Avertissement: 'İlerlermeyi sıfırlamak istediğinize emin misiniz ?',
						restart: 'İzleme sayacını sıfırlamak için tıklayın',
						AffBBcodeDetail: 'Detaylı BBcode\'u görmek için tıklayın',
						AffBBcodeSimple: 'Basit BBcode\'u görmek için tıklayın',
						AffBBcodeSansBBcode: 'BBcode olmadan görüntüleyin',
						valeurdefaut: 'Varsayılan değerler',
						Manque: 'Aşağıdaki ekranları gezmeniz gerekiyor:',
						empireMaj: 'İmparatorluk görüntüsünü açarak tek seferde halledin',
						pas_a_jours: 'Bir güncelleme var: ',
						install: 'Tıklayın ve kurun',
						utile: 'yararlı',
						inutile: 'yararsız',
						BBcode_fin42: "Gereksiz araştırmalar ",
						creeSign: 'Madenciler ile bir imza oluşturun',
						signature: 'imza',
						manqueVG: 'Diğer gezegenlerin genel görünümü',
						info_new_version: 'complete changelog link',
						addTrad: 'add/complete/modify a translation',
						rank: 'rank',
						rank_indest: 'Tüm filo ve savunmanızı kaybetmeniz durumunda sıralamanız',
						degats_infliges: 'total damage inflicted by',
						luneCree: 'moons given',
						constructing: 'İnşa halindeki puan',
						affDetailPla: 'click to display the planet points in detail',
						affRentaPla: 'click to display the following possibilities for upgrading your mines',
						descriptAlti: 'this is a website to participate in OGame records, to see your personal statistics, the evolution of your account and your alliance ...',
						sendAlti: 'Send your account data to Alternative',
						probFlotteAlti: 'There is a problem with your ships, \n\n Go though each shipyard page and a fleet page (fleet movement if you can) and/or defence pages to solve the problem \n(if it does nothing, try going though building/technology pages)',
						adresse: 'Which email do you want to use for Alternative website?',
						rcSave: 'Save it to convert it with another CR \n(CR/Harvest reports saved are erased if you get out of the message page)',
						raid: 'raids',
						rc: 'harvest reports',
						renta: 'Payback ',
						textrenta: 'Tip: The payback time will describe the time after the further production has recouped the costs of the mine. It`\'s recommended to develop mines with the minimum amortization period first. ',
						ordre_mine: 'Sequence of mines/techno to build',
						years: "years",
						months: "months",
						days: "days",
							planete: 'Gezegen',
							niveau: 'Kaynak durumu gösterilen oyuncu',
							le: 'at',
							temperature: 'sıcaklık',
							pointsminesm: 'Metal kademesinden kaynaklanan puan',
							pointsminesc: 'Kristal kademesinden kaynaklananpuan',
							pointsminesd: 'Deuterium kademesinden kaynaklanan puan',
							pointsmines: 'Kademeden kaynaklanan toplam puan',
							parheure: 'Saatte',
							parjour: 'Günde',
							parsem: 'Haftada',
							parsemnt: 'Ayda',
							exportmine: 'Siz de bu eklentiyi kurmak istiyor iseniz'
							creeSign: 'Display link to use SR and CR',
							creeSignRc: 'CR',
							Graphiccolours: 'Graphic colours',
							BatTotal: 'Show total structure points',
							indestructible: 'Show indestructible points',
							techno: 'Show technology points',
							flottes: 'Show fleet points',
							Def: 'Show defence points',
							VaisseauxVol: 'Show percentage of fleet in movement',
							pointLune: 'Show moon points',
							sauterLignePourPourcentageFlotteVol: 'Show all in the same line (for moving fleet and moon points)',
							progression: 'Show progress',
							PlusieurSurMemeUni: 'Fill in if there is more than one player on the same computer and universe',
							couleurPoint: 'Show in colours in function of the progress',
							ProgJours: 'Show progress per day',
							ProdJours: 'Show points earned from mines',
							Techno_utile: "Show technologies in detail",
							Point_planete: "Show invested points on the planet",
							Masquer: "Hide the table of InfoCompte by default",
							progNeg: "Negative progression\'s colour",
							progPos: "Positive progression\'s colour",
							Signtxt: 'Signature colour (text)',
							Signfond: 'Signature colour (Background)',
							langue: 'Which language do you want to use?',
							CoulBBcode: 'Colour of BBcode title',
							BBcode_center: 'How to centre the text with BBcode?',
							BBcode_size: 'Maximal size for BBcode (px / %)',
							enregFlotte: 'Save fleet',
							rank: 'Display ranks',
							alternative: 'Display the link to send information to <a href="http://www.projet-alternative.fr">Alternative website</a>',
							sansDesing: 'Disable the script design',
							design: 'Design',
							Display: 'Display',
							speed: 'Speed of the universe',
							constructing: 'Display points which are building',
							detailPointsPla: 'Display planet points in detail automatically',
							graphProd: 'Display the production graphic',
							timeStart: 'Date of your account creation, only fill if you want your progression since this date (day/month/year)',
							nbDigits: 'Number of digits after the comma for percentages',
							affCout: 'Display the building\'s and research\'s costs and construction time',
							affExpe: 'Display the link to send your expeditions on Alternative',
							affConvert: 'Display the link to convert CR and espi report',
							tauxCommerce: 'Ratio  >= 1  <= 5',
							texthangar: 'Time remaining before full storage for all planets',
							textrentaempire: 'Display next mines to develop on empire view',
							upSite: 'Auto update your mine on Oprojekt',
							posTable: 'Put infocompte table, at the bottom',
							useBoost: 'Consider boosters in profitability calculations',
							progression_data: 'Save those data to restore progression, later'
							mmet: 'Metal madeni', mcri: 'Kristal madeni', mdet: 'Deuterium madeni', ces: 'Solar Plant', cef: 'Fusion Reactor', rob: 'Robotics Factory', nan: 'Nanite Factory', cspa: 'Shipyard', hmet: 'Metal Storage', hcri: 'Crystal Storage', hdet: 'Deuterium Tank', lab: 'Research Lab', ter: 'Terraformer', depo: 'Alliance Depot', silo: 'Missile Silo', base: 'Lunar Base', phal: 'Sensor Phalanx', port: 'Jump Gate',
							espi: 'Espionage Technology', ordi: 'Computer Technology', arme: 'Weapons Technology', bouc: 'Shielding Technology', prot: 'Armour Technology', ener: 'Energy Technology', hype: 'Hyperspace Technology', comb: 'Combustion Drive', impu: 'Impulse Drive', phyp: 'Hyperspace Drive', lase: 'Laser Technology', ions: 'Ion Technology', plas: 'Plasma Technology', rese: 'Intergalactic Research Network', expe: 'Astrophysics', grav: 'Graviton Technology',
							pt: 'Small Cargo', gt: 'Large Cargo', cle: 'Light Fighter', clo: 'Heavy Fighter', crois: 'Cruiser', vb: 'Battleship', vc: 'Colony Ship', rec: 'Recycler', esp: 'Espionage Probe', bomb: 'Bomber', ss: 'Solar Satellite', dest: 'Destroyer', edlm: 'Deathstar', traq: 'Battlecruiser',
							lm: 'Rocket Launcher', lle: 'Light Laser', llo: 'Heavy Laser', gauss: 'Gauss Cannon', ion: 'Ion Cannon', pla: 'Plasma Turret', pb: 'Small Shield Dome', gb: 'Large Shield Dome', mic: 'Anti-Ballistic Missiles', mip: 'Interplanetary Missiles',
							m: 'Metal',
							c: 'Kristal',
							d: 'Deuterium',
							rc: new Array('S.Cargo', 'L.Cargo', 'L.Fighter', 'H.Fighter', 'Cruiser', 'Battleship', 'Col.Ship', 'Recy', 'Esp.Probe', 'Bomb', 'Dest', 'Deathstar', 'Battlecr', 'Sol. Sat', 'R.Launcher', 'L.Laser', 'H.Laser', 'Gauss', 'Ion C.', 'Plasma', 'S.Dome', 'L.Dome', 'enormous amounts of free metal and crystal draw together')

							Scientifique: 'Scientific',
							planet: 'Planets',
							Lune: 'Moons',
							Stockage: 'Storage',
							Construction: 'Construction',
							Militaire: 'Military',
							Technologies_de_combat: 'Warfare Technologies',
							Technologies_de_vaisseaux: "Spacecraft Technologies",
							Technologies_annexes: 'Other Technologies',
							genere: 'generate the',
							rapport: 'Account details of',
							dont: 'with',
							empirePoint: '.:: Empire\'s total points ',
							Production: '.:: Empire\'s daily production',
							Structure: '.:: Building ',
							Technology: '.:: Research',
							Defense: '.:: Defence',
							Taille: '.:: Planet Sizes',
							Energie: 'Energy',
							vaisseauCivil: 'Civil Ships',
							vaisseauCombat: 'Combat ships',
							UsedField: 'Used Fields',
							TotField: 'Total Fields'
							Jan: 'January',
							Feb: 'February',
							Mar: 'March',
							Apr: 'April',
							May: 'May',
							Jun: 'June',
							Jul: 'July',
							Aug: 'August',
							Sep: 'September',
							Oct: 'October',
							Nov: 'November',
							Dec: 'December',
							DMY: false,
							time: { h: 'h', j: 'd', s: 'w', m: 'm' }

				if (options.generale.langue == 'fr') {
					text =
							Total: 'Total',
							Lune: 'Lune',
							Mines: 'Mines ',
							Other_structure: 'Autres bâtiments ',
							Structure: 'Bâtiments ',
							Technology: 'Recherche',
							Technologies: 'Technologies',
							Ressource: 'Ressources',
							Facilities: 'Installations',
							Fleet: 'Flotte ',
							Defense: 'Défense ',
							Progression: '  Progression  ',
							Moyenne: '  Moyenne ',
							Production: '  Production ',
							ProductionConstruction: '  Production avec bâtiments en construction terminées, ou technologie plasma',
							ProductionBrute: '  Production sans geologue et sans booster',
							Indestructible: '  Indestructibles ',
							Depuis: ' depuis ',
							Points: '  Points ',
							soit: '  soit ',
							BBcode_debut: 'Détail de l\'investissement des points ',
							BBcode_debut2: 'Points totaux : ',
							BBcode_mine: 'Points mines : ',
							BBcode_bat: 'Points autres bâtiments : ',
							BBcode_batT: 'Points bâtiment : ',
							BBcode_fin1: ' Points technologie : ',
							Bcode_fin2: ' Points flotte : ',
							BBcode_fin3: ' Points défense : ',
							BBcode_fin4: ' Votre compte a ',
							BBcode_fin5: ' points indestructibles',
							BBcode_fin6: ' Progression moyenne : ',
							Point_day: ' Points par jour',
							sur_lune: ' sur lune ',
							en_vol: ' en vol ',
							aQuai: 'à quai',
							vaisseaux: 'vaisseaux',
							Avertissement: ' Etes vous sur de vouloir réinitialiser votre progression ? ',
							restart: '  Cliquez pour remettre votre progression à 0 ',
							AffBBcodeDetail: 'Cliquez pour afficher le BBcode détaillé',
							AffBBcodeSimple: 'Cliquez pour afficher le BBcode non détaillé',
							AffBBcodeSansBBcode: 'Version sans BBcode :',
							done: ' Enregistré ! Actualisez la page ! ',
							ICoption: '  Options Madenciler ',
							Save: ' Sauvegarder ',
							valeurdefaut: '  Valeur par defaut ',
							Manque: ' Il manque des infos, allez visiter les pages suivantes : ',
							empireMaj: 'Utilisez la vue empire, pour mettre à jour en un click',
							pas_a_jours: 'Il y a une nouvelle version disponible :',
							install: ' Cliquez pour l\'installer',
							utile: '  utile ',
							inutile: ' inutile ',
							BBcode_fin42: 'Vos investissements en technologies inutiles représentent ',
							creeSign: ' Créer une signature InfoCompte ',
							signature: 'signature',
							manqueVG: "La vue générale d'une autre planète",
							info_new_version: 'voir la liste complete des nouvelles versions',
							addTrad: 'ajouter/modifier/compléter une traduction',
							rank: 'Place',
							rank_indest: 'C\'est votre classement en cas de perte de votre flotte et de vos défenses',
							degats_infliges: 'Dégâts totaux infligés par',
							luneCree: 'Lunes créées',
							constructing: 'Points en construction',
							affDetailPla: 'Cliquez pour afficher le détail des points des planètes',
							affRentaPla: 'Cliquez pour afficher les indications pour vos futures améliorations de mines',
							descriptAlti: 'C\'est un site permettant de participer aux records globaux ou d\'alliance, de voir ses statistiques personnelles, l\'évolution de son compte, de son alliance etc',
							sendAlti: 'Envoyer les infos vers Alternative',
							probFlotteAlti: 'Il y a un problème avec vos vaisseaux, \n\n Visitez toutes vos pages chantier spatial et une page flotte ( mouvement de flotte si vous avez des flottes en vol) et/ou defense pour résoudre le problème \n(Si cela ne change rien, allez voir les pages batiments/technologies) \n\n Si vous êtes sûr d\'être passé sur toutes les pages nécessaires, merci de reporter le problème ici : http://board.ogame.fr/index.php?page=Thread&threadID=850132',
							adresse: 'Quelle adresse email voulez vous utiliser pour le site Alternative ?',
							rcSave: 'Enregistre le pour le convertir avec un autre CR \n(Les RC/rapport de recyclage enregistré s\'efface si vous sortez de la page message)',
							raid: 'pillages',
							rc: 'recyclages',
							renta: 'Renta ',
							textrenta: 'Info: Le temps de rentabilisation correspond au temps que met le surplus de production du niveau supplémentaire à rembourser son prix. Il est recommandé de développer les faibles temps de rentabilisation d\'abord. ',
							ordre_mine: 'Ordre des mines/techno à construire',
							years: "années",
							months: "mois",
							days: "jours",
								planete: 'Planète',
								niveau: 'Niveau des mines du joueur',
								le: 'le',
								temperature: 'température de',
								pointsminesm: 'Points dans les mines de métal',
								pointsminesc: 'Points dans les mines de cristal',
								pointsminesd: 'Points dans les mines de deut',
								pointsmines: 'Points dans les mines',
								parheure: 'Par heure',
								parjour: 'Par jour',
								parsem: 'Par semaine',
								parmois: 'Par mois',
								exportmine: 'Export de vos mines'
								BatTotal: ' Afficher les points bâtiments totaux ',
								indestructible: ' Afficher les points Indestructibles ',
								techno: ' Afficher les points Technologie ',
								flottes: ' Afficher les points Flotte ',
								Def: ' Afficher les points Défense ',
								VaisseauxVol: ' Afficher le pourcentage des vaisseaux en vol ',
								pointLune: ' Afficher les points lune ',
								sauterLignePourPourcentageFlotteVol: ' Tout afficher sur la même ligne (pour flotte en vol et points lune) ',
								progression: ' Afficher la progression',
								couleurPoint: ' Afficher en couleur en fonction de la progression ',
								ProgJours: ' Afficher la progression par jours ',
								ProdJours: ' Afficher la production des mines par jours  ',
								Techno_utile: 'Montrer le détail des technos',
								Point_planete: ' Montrer les points investis sur la planète ',
								Masquer: 'Masquer InfoCompte par défaut',
								Graphiccolours: ' Couleurs du graphique  ',
								progNeg: 'Couleur pour les chutes de points',
								progPos: 'Couleur pour les gains de points',
								Signtxt: 'Couleur des Signatures (texte) ',
								Signfond: 'Couleur des Signatures (Fond)',
								creeSign: 'Afficher les lien pour utiliser les RE et RC',
								creeSignRc: 'RC',
								langue: 'Quelle langue voulez vous ?',
								CoulBBcode: 'Couleur des titres du BBcode',
								BBcode_center: 'Comment centrer le texte ?',
								BBcode_size: 'Taille maximum du BBcode (px / %)',
								enregFlotte: 'Enregistrer la flotte',
								rank: 'Afficher les classements',
								alternative: 'Afficher le lien pour envoyer ses informations sur le <a href="http://www.projet-alternative.fr">site Alternative</a>',
								sansDesing: 'Désactiver le Design du script',
								design: 'Design',
								Display: 'Affichage',
								speed: 'Vitesse de l\'univers',
								constructing: 'Afficher les points en cours de construction',
								detailPointsPla: 'Afficher le détail des points des planètes par défaut',
								graphProd: 'Afficher le graphique des productions',
								timeStart: 'Entrez la date de création du compte pour que votre progression moyenne soit calculée depuis cette date',
								nbDigits: 'Nombre de décimales pour les pourcentages',
								affCout: 'Afficher le coût des bâtiments et des recherches',
								affExpe: 'Afficher le lien pour envoyer les expeditions sur Alternative',
								affConvert: 'Afficher le lien pour convertir les RC et les RE',
								tauxCommerce: 'Taux  >=1  <= 5',
								texthangar: 'Afficher le temps restant avant que les hangars ne soient pleins',
								textrentaempire: 'Afficher les futures mines à construire sur la vue empire',
								upSite: 'Mettre à jours votre compte sur les sites tels que MinePact, Oprojekt ou OgameTools quand vous aller voir vos profils',
								posTable: 'Mettre le tableau infocompte en bas',
								useBoost: 'Compter les booster dans les calculs de rentabilité',
								progression_data: 'Sauvegarder ses infos pour restaurer votre progression si problème'
								mmet: 'Mine de métal', mcri: 'Mine de cristal', mdet: 'Synthétiseur de deutérium', ces: 'Centrale électrique solaire', cef: 'Centrale électrique de fusion',
								rob: 'Usine de robots', nan: 'Usine de nanites', cspa: 'Chantier spatial', hmet: 'Hangar de métal', hcri: 'Hangar de cristal', hdet: 'Réservoir de deutérium',
								lab: 'Laboratoire de recherche', ter: 'Terraformeur', depo: 'Dépôt de ravitaillement', silo: 'Silo de missiles',
								base: 'Base lunaire', phal: 'Phalange de capteur', port: 'Porte de saut spatial',
								espi: 'Technologie Espionnage', ordi: 'Technologie Ordinateur', arme: 'Technologie Armes', bouc: 'Technologie Bouclier',
								prot: 'Technologie Protection des vaisseaux spatiaux', ener: 'Technologie Energie', hype: 'Technologie Hyperespace', comb: 'Réacteur à combustion',
								impu: 'Réacteur à impulsion', phyp: 'Propulsion hyperespace', lase: 'Technologie Laser', ions: 'Technologie Ions', plas: 'Technologie Plasma',
								rese: 'Réseau de recherche intergalactique', expe: 'Astrophysique', grav: 'Technologie Graviton',
								pt: 'Petit transporteur', gt: 'Grand transporteur', cle: 'Chasseur léger', clo: 'Chasseur lourd', crois: 'Croiseur', vb: 'Vaisseau de bataille',
								vc: 'Vaisseau de colonisation', rec: 'Recycleur', esp: 'Sonde d`espionnage', bomb: 'Bombardier', ss: 'Satellite solaire', dest: 'Destructeur',
								edlm: 'Étoile de la mort', traq: 'Traqueur',
								lm: 'Lanceur de missiles', lle: 'Artillerie laser légère', llo: 'Artillerie laser lourde', gauss: 'Canon de Gauss', ion: 'Artillerie à ions',
								pla: 'Lanceur de plasma', pb: 'Petit bouclier', gb: 'Grand bouclier', mic: 'Missile d`interception', mip: 'Missile Interplanétaire',
								m: 'Métal',
								c: 'Cristal',
								d: 'Deutérium',
								rc: new Array('P.transp.', 'G.transp.', 'Ch.léger', 'Ch.lourd', 'Croiseur', 'V.bataille', 'V.colo', 'Recycleur', 'Sonde', 'Bomb.', 'Destr.', 'Rip', 'Traqueur', 'Sat.sol.', 'Missile', 'L.léger.', 'L.lourd', 'Can.Gauss', 'Art.ions', 'Lanc.plasma', 'P.bouclier', 'G.bouclier', 'Les quantités énormes de métal et de cristal s')
								genere: 'Généré le',
								rapport: 'Rapport du compte de',
								dont: 'dont',
								empirePoint: '[img]http://infocompte.topraider.eu/image/points.png[/img] ',
								Production: '[img]http://infocompte.topraider.eu/image/production.png[/img]',
								Structure: '[img]http://infocompte.topraider.eu/image/batiment.png[/img]',
								Technology: '[img]http://infocompte.topraider.eu/image/labo.png[/img]',
								Defense: '[img]http://infocompte.topraider.eu/image/defense.jpg[/img]',
								Taille: '[img]http://infocompte.topraider.eu/image/planet.png[/img]',
								Energie: 'Energie',
								Scientifique: 'Scientifique',
								planet: 'Planétaire',
								Lune: 'Lunaire',
								Stockage: 'Stockage',
								Construction: 'Construction',
								Militaire: 'Militaire',
								Technologies_de_combat: 'Technologies de combat',
								Technologies_de_vaisseaux: "Technologies de vaisseaux",
								Technologies_annexes: 'Technologies annexes',
								vaisseauCivil: 'Vaisseaux civils',
								vaisseauCombat: 'Vaisseaux de combat',
								UsedField: 'Case utilisées',
								TotField: 'Case totales'
								Jan: 'Janvier',
								Feb: 'Fevrier',
								Mar: 'Mars',
								Apr: 'Avril',
								May: 'Mai',
								Jun: 'Juin',
								Jul: 'Juillet',
								Aug: 'Août',
								Sep: 'Septembre',
								Oct: 'Octobre',
								Nov: 'Novembre',
								Dec: 'Décembre',
								DMY: true,
								time: { h: 'h', j: 'j', s: 's', m: 'm' }
				else if (FireFox || Tamper) {
					if (unsafeWindow.infocompte_text) {
						if (options.generale.langue == 'de' && unsafeWindow.infocompte_text.de) {
							text = fusion(text, unsafeWindow.infocompte_text.de);
							if (unsafeWindow.infocompte_text.de.tag.rc) text.tag.rc = unsafeWindow.infocompte_text.de.tag.rc;

						else if (options.generale.langue == 'com_pt' && unsafeWindow.infocompte_text.pt) { text = fusion(text, unsafeWindow.infocompte_text.pt); if (unsafeWindow.infocompte_text.pt.tag.rc) text.tag.rc = unsafeWindow.infocompte_text.pt.tag.rc; }
						else if (options.generale.langue == 'com_es' && unsafeWindow.infocompte_text.es) { text = fusion(text, unsafeWindow.infocompte_text.es); if (unsafeWindow.infocompte_text.es.tag.rc) text.tag.rc = unsafeWindow.infocompte_text.es.tag.rc; }
						else if (options.generale.langue == 'se' && unsafeWindow.infocompte_text.se) { text = fusion(text, unsafeWindow.infocompte_text.se); if (unsafeWindow.infocompte_text.se.tag.rc) text.tag.rc = unsafeWindow.infocompte_text.se.tag.rc; }
						else if (options.generale.langue == 'bg' && unsafeWindow.infocompte_text.bg) { text = fusion(text, unsafeWindow.infocompte_text.bg); if (unsafeWindow.infocompte_text.bg.tag.rc) text.tag.rc = unsafeWindow.infocompte_text.bg.tag.rc; }
						else if (options.generale.langue == 'nl' && unsafeWindow.infocompte_text.nl) { text = fusion(text, unsafeWindow.infocompte_text.nl); if (unsafeWindow.infocompte_text.nl.tag.rc) text.tag.rc = unsafeWindow.infocompte_text.nl.tag.rc; }
						else if (options.generale.langue == 'fi' && unsafeWindow.infocompte_text.fi) { text = fusion(text, unsafeWindow.infocompte_text.fi); if (unsafeWindow.infocompte_text.fi.tag.rc) text.tag.rc = unsafeWindow.infocompte_text.fi.tag.rc; }
						else if (options.generale.langue == 'dk' && unsafeWindow.infocompte_text.dk) { text = fusion(text, unsafeWindow.infocompte_text.dk); if (unsafeWindow.infocompte_text.dk.tag.rc) text.tag.rc = unsafeWindow.infocompte_text.dk.tag.rc; }
						else if (options.generale.langue == 'no' && unsafeWindow.infocompte_text.no) { text = fusion(text, unsafeWindow.infocompte_text.no); if (unsafeWindow.infocompte_text.no.tag.rc) text.tag.rc = unsafeWindow.infocompte_text.no.tag.rc; }
						else if (options.generale.langue == 'pl' && unsafeWindow.infocompte_text.onet_pl) { text = fusion(text, unsafeWindow.infocompte_text.onet_pl); if (unsafeWindow.infocompte_text.onet_pl.tag.rc) text.tag.rc = unsafeWindow.infocompte_text.onet_pl.tag.rc; }
						else if (options.generale.langue == 'gr' && unsafeWindow.infocompte_text.gr) { text = fusion(text, unsafeWindow.infocompte_text.gr); if (unsafeWindow.infocompte_text.gr.tag.rc) text.tag.rc = unsafeWindow.infocompte_text.gr.tag.rc; }
						else if (options.generale.langue == 'ba' && unsafeWindow.infocompte_text.ba) { text = fusion(text, unsafeWindow.infocompte_text.ba); if (unsafeWindow.infocompte_text.ba.tag.rc) text.tag.rc = unsafeWindow.infocompte_text.ba.tag.rc; }
						else if (options.generale.langue == 'com_br' && unsafeWindow.infocompte_text.pt) { text = fusion(text, unsafeWindow.infocompte_text.pt); if (unsafeWindow.infocompte_text.pt.tag.rc) text.tag.rc = unsafeWindow.infocompte_text.pt.tag.rc; }
						else if (options.generale.langue == 'ru' && unsafeWindow.infocompte_text.ru) { text = fusion(text, unsafeWindow.infocompte_text.ru); if (unsafeWindow.infocompte_text.ru.tag.rc) text.tag.rc = unsafeWindow.infocompte_text.ru.tag.rc; }
						else if (options.generale.langue == 'ro' && unsafeWindow.infocompte_text.ro) { text = fusion(text, unsafeWindow.infocompte_text.ro); if (unsafeWindow.infocompte_text.ro.tag.rc) text.tag.rc = unsafeWindow.infocompte_text.ro.tag.rc; }
						else if (options.generale.langue == 'com_hr' && unsafeWindow.infocompte_text.hr) { text = fusion(text, unsafeWindow.infocompte_text.hr); if (unsafeWindow.infocompte_text.hr.tag.rc) text.tag.rc = unsafeWindow.infocompte_text.hr.tag.rc; }
						else if (options.generale.langue == 'ae' && unsafeWindow.infocompte_text.ae) { text = fusion(text, unsafeWindow.infocompte_text.ae); if (unsafeWindow.infocompte_text.ae.tag.rc) text.tag.rc = unsafeWindow.infocompte_text.ae.tag.rc; }

						else if (options.generale.langue == 'hu' && unsafeWindow.infocompte_text.hu) { text = fusion(text, unsafeWindow.infocompte_text.hu); if (unsafeWindow.infocompte_text.hu.tag.rc) text.tag.rc = unsafeWindow.infocompte_text.hu.tag.rc; }
						else if (options.generale.langue == 'it' && unsafeWindow.infocompte_text.it) { text = fusion(text, unsafeWindow.infocompte_text.it); if (unsafeWindow.infocompte_text.it.tag.rc) text.tag.rc = unsafeWindow.infocompte_text.it.tag.rc; }
						else if (options.generale.langue == 'lt' && unsafeWindow.infocompte_text.lt) { text = fusion(text, unsafeWindow.infocompte_text.lt); if (unsafeWindow.infocompte_text.lt.tag.rc) text.tag.rc = unsafeWindow.infocompte_text.lt.tag.rc; }
						else if (options.generale.langue == 'cn' && unsafeWindow.infocompte_text.cn) { text = fusion(text, unsafeWindow.infocompte_text.cn); if (unsafeWindow.infocompte_text.cn.tag.rc) text.tag.rc = unsafeWindow.infocompte_text.cn.tag.rc; }
						else if (options.generale.langue == 'jp' && unsafeWindow.infocompte_text.jp) { text = fusion(text, unsafeWindow.infocompte_text.jp); if (unsafeWindow.infocompte_text.jp.tag.rc) text.tag.rc = unsafeWindow.infocompte_text.jp.tag.rc; }
						else if (options.generale.langue == 'cz' && unsafeWindow.infocompte_text.cz) { text = fusion(text, unsafeWindow.infocompte_text.cz); if (unsafeWindow.infocompte_text.cz.tag.rc) text.tag.rc = unsafeWindow.infocompte_text.cz.tag.rc; }
						else if (options.generale.langue == 'kr' && unsafeWindow.infocompte_text.kr) { text = fusion(text, unsafeWindow.infocompte_text.kr); if (unsafeWindow.infocompte_text.kr.tag.rc) text.tag.rc = unsafeWindow.infocompte_text.kr.tag.rc; }
						else if (options.generale.langue == 'lv' && unsafeWindow.infocompte_text.lv) { text = fusion(text, unsafeWindow.infocompte_text.lv); if (unsafeWindow.infocompte_text.lv.tag.rc) text.tag.rc = unsafeWindow.infocompte_text.lv.tag.rc; }
						else if (options.generale.langue == 'tr' && unsafeWindow.infocompte_text.tr) { text = fusion(text, unsafeWindow.infocompte_text.tr); if (unsafeWindow.infocompte_text.tr.tag.rc) text.tag.rc = unsafeWindow.infocompte_text.tr.tag.rc; }
						else if (options.generale.langue == 'sk' && unsafeWindow.infocompte_text.sk) { text = fusion(text, unsafeWindow.infocompte_text.sk); if (unsafeWindow.infocompte_text.sk.tag.rc) text.tag.rc = unsafeWindow.infocompte_text.sk.tag.rc; }
						else if (options.generale.langue == 'sr' && unsafeWindow.infocompte_text.sr) { text = fusion(text, unsafeWindow.infocompte_text.sr); if (unsafeWindow.infocompte_text.sr.tag.rc) text.tag.rc = unsafeWindow.infocompte_text.sr.tag.rc; }

				else // Changement de langue chrome/Opéra

					function getLangChrome() {
						for (attribut in arguments[0]) {
							if (typeof arguments[0][attribut] != "object") {
								arguments[0][attribut] = GM_getValue(attribut + '.' + arguments[1], arguments[0][attribut])

							else {
								getLangChrome(arguments[0][attribut], attribut);


					getLangChrome(text, '');


				// *************************** Design du Script ****************************
				if (document.getElementById('playerName')) {
					if (options.generale.transparant) {
						var background = '';
						var background2 = '';
						var background3 = '';
					else {
						var background = '';
						var background2 = '';
						var background3 = '';

					// **********************************************************************************************************************************************************************
					// *********************************************************** Page Options   **********************************************************************************************
					// **********************************************************************************************************************************************************************

					// Page Options
					if ((url.indexOf('infocompte=scriptOptions', 0)) >= 0) {
						var couleur = new Array('', '', '', '', '');
						for (var i = 0; i < listeCouleur.length; i++) { couleur[i] = listeCouleur[i]; }
						for (var i = 0; i < option.length; i++) { option[i] = oui_non_en_checked(option[i]); }

						var majLang = '';

						var updateLang = false;

						if (FireFox || Tamper) {
							if (unsafeWindow.infocompte_text) // Si y'a le script lang
								if (unsafeWindow.infocompte_text.maj) // si y'a une version
									if (unsafeWindow.infocompte_text.maj == 'false') updateLang = true;
								else updateLang = true;

						if (updateLang) majLang = '<a id="Maj lang" title="' + text.pas_a_jours + ' ' + text.install + '" href="https://openuserjs.org/scripts/benneb/InfoCompte3"><span style="font-color:#FF5555;">/!\\</span></a> ';

						var aff = '<table id="IFC_table" style="width:675px; clear:right;"><tr style="width:675px;"><th><table id="IFC_top" style="width:675px; margin:auto;margin-bottom: -2px; text-align:center;"><tr ><th style="width:675px; font-size: 12px; font-weight: bold; color: #539fc8; line-height: 30px; height: 30px;" background="' + background + '" colspan="1" >' + text.ICoption + '</th><th class="IFC_th" ></th><th class="IFC_th2"></th></tr></table><center><table width="657px" background-color="#0d1014" id="IFC_mid" background="' + background2 + '"><tr ><th width="4px">';

						aff += '<div class="group bborder"><span ' + (FireFox || Tamper ? '' : ' style="display:none;" ') + ' ><div class="fieldwrapper"><label  class="styled textBeefy">' + text.options.langue + majLang + '</label>';
						aff += '<div class="thefield"><input style="cursor:pointer;" type="radio" class="langue" name="langue" ' + checkLang('org') + ' value="org" id="org" /> <label for="org"> en </label> <input style="cursor:pointer;" type="radio" class="langue" name="langue" ' + checkLang('fr') + ' value="fr" id="fr" /> <label for="fr"> fr </label>';

						if (FireFox || Tamper) {
							if (unsafeWindow.infocompte_text) {
								if (unsafeWindow.infocompte_text.de) aff += '<input style="cursor:pointer;" type="radio" class="langue" name="langue" ' + checkLang('de') + ' value="de" id="de" /> <label for="de"> de </label>';
								if (unsafeWindow.infocompte_text.se) aff += '<input style="cursor:pointer;" type="radio" class="langue" name="langue" ' + checkLang('se') + ' value="se" id="se" /> <label for="se"> se </label><br/>';
								if (unsafeWindow.infocompte_text.pt) aff += '<input style="cursor:pointer;" type="radio" class="langue" name="langue" ' + checkLang('com_pt') + ' value="com_pt" id="com_pt" /> <label for="com_pt"> pt </label>';
								if (unsafeWindow.infocompte_text.es) aff += '<input style="cursor:pointer;" type="radio" class="langue" name="langue" ' + checkLang('com_es') + ' value="com_es" id="com_es" /> <label for="com_es"> es </label>';
								if (unsafeWindow.infocompte_text.bg) aff += '<input style="cursor:pointer;" type="radio" class="langue" name="langue" ' + checkLang('bg') + ' value="bg" id="bg" /> <label for="bg"> bg </label>';
								if (unsafeWindow.infocompte_text.nl) aff += '<input style="cursor:pointer;" type="radio" class="langue" name="langue" ' + checkLang('nl') + ' value="nl" id="nl" /> <label for="nl"> nl </label><br/>';
								if (unsafeWindow.infocompte_text.fi) aff += '<input style="cursor:pointer;" type="radio" class="langue" name="langue" ' + checkLang('fi') + ' value="fi" id="fi" /> <label for="fi"> fi </label>';
								if (unsafeWindow.infocompte_text.dk) aff += '<input style="cursor:pointer;" type="radio" class="langue" name="langue" ' + checkLang('dk') + ' value="dk" id="dk" /> <label for="dk"> dk </label>';
								if (unsafeWindow.infocompte_text.no) aff += '<input style="cursor:pointer;" type="radio" class="langue" name="langue" ' + checkLang('no') + ' value="no" id="no" /> <label for="no"> no </label>';
								if (unsafeWindow.infocompte_text.onet_pl) aff += '<input style="cursor:pointer;" type="radio" class="langue" name="langue" ' + checkLang('pl') + ' value="pl" id="pl" /> <label for="pl"> pl </label><br/>';
								if (unsafeWindow.infocompte_text.gr) aff += '<input style="cursor:pointer;" type="radio" class="langue" name="langue" ' + checkLang('gr') + ' value="gr" id="gr" /> <label for="gr"> gr </label>';
								if (unsafeWindow.infocompte_text.ba) aff += '<input style="cursor:pointer;" type="radio" class="langue" name="langue" ' + checkLang('ba') + ' value="ba" id="ba" /> <label for="ba"> ba </label>';
								if (unsafeWindow.infocompte_text.ru) aff += '<input style="cursor:pointer;" type="radio" class="langue" name="langue" ' + checkLang('ru') + ' value="ru" id="ru" /> <label for="ru"> ru </label>';
								if (unsafeWindow.infocompte_text.ro) aff += '<input style="cursor:pointer;" type="radio" class="langue" name="langue" ' + checkLang('ro') + ' value="ro" id="ro" /> <label for="ro"> ro </label><br/>';
								if (unsafeWindow.infocompte_text.it) aff += '<input style="cursor:pointer;" type="radio" class="langue" name="langue" ' + checkLang('it') + ' value="it" id="it" /> <label for="it"> it </label>';
								if (unsafeWindow.infocompte_text.cn) aff += '<input style="cursor:pointer;" type="radio" class="langue" name="langue" ' + checkLang('cn') + ' value="cn" id="cn" /> <label for="cn"> cn </label>';
								if (unsafeWindow.infocompte_text.cz) aff += '<input style="cursor:pointer;" type="radio" class="langue" name="langue" ' + checkLang('cz') + ' value="cz" id="cz" /> <label for="cz"> cz </label>';
								if (unsafeWindow.infocompte_text.kr) aff += '<input style="cursor:pointer;" type="radio" class="langue" name="langue" ' + checkLang('kr') + ' value="kr" id="kr" /> <label for="kr"> kr </label><br/>';
								if (unsafeWindow.infocompte_text.hu) aff += '<input style="cursor:pointer;" type="radio" class="langue" name="langue" ' + checkLang('hu') + ' value="hu" id="hu" /> <label for="hu"> hu </label>';
								if (unsafeWindow.infocompte_text.hr) aff += '<input style="cursor:pointer;" type="radio" class="langue" name="langue" ' + checkLang('com_hr') + ' value="com_hr" id="com_hr" /> <label for="com_hr"> hr </label>';
								if (unsafeWindow.infocompte_text.tr) aff += '<input style="cursor:pointer;" type="radio" class="langue" name="langue" ' + checkLang('tr') + ' value="tr" id="tr" /> <label for="tr"> tr </label>';

								if (unsafeWindow.infocompte_text.ae) aff += '<input style="cursor:pointer;" type="radio" class="langue" name="langue" ' + checkLang('ae') + ' value="ae" id="ae" /> <label for="ae"> ae </label><br/>';

								if (unsafeWindow.infocompte_text.lt) aff += '<input style="cursor:pointer;" type="radio" class="langue" name="langue" ' + checkLang('lt') + ' value="lt" id="lt" /> <label for="ro"> lt </label>';
								if (unsafeWindow.infocompte_text.jp) aff += '<input style="cursor:pointer;" type="radio" class="langue" name="langue" ' + checkLang('jp') + ' value="jp" id="jp" /> <label for="jp"> jp </label>';
								if (unsafeWindow.infocompte_text.lv) aff += '<input style="cursor:pointer;" type="radio" class="langue" name="langue" ' + checkLang('lv') + ' value="lv" id="lv" /> <label for="lv"> lv </label>';
								if (unsafeWindow.infocompte_text.sk) aff += '<input style="cursor:pointer;" type="radio" class="langue" name="langue" ' + checkLang('sk') + ' value="sk" id="sk" /> <label for="sk"> sk </label>';
								if (unsafeWindow.infocompte_text.sr) aff += '<input style="cursor:pointer;" type="radio" class="langue" name="langue" ' + checkLang('sr') + ' value="sr" id="sr" /> <label for="sr"> sr </label>';

								aff += '</div></div><a href="http://vulca.1s.fr/forum/viewtopic.php?f=23&t=7" style="float:center; font-size: 9px;" target="_blank"><br/>' + text.addTrad + ' </a><br/>';
							else aff += ' </div></div><br/><sub><a href="https://openuserjs.org/scripts/benneb/InfoCompte_lang" > click here to install other languages and place it before InfoCompte script</a> </sub>';

						aff += '</div></div></span></th></tr><tr><th style="width:675px; font-size: 12px; font-weight: bold; color: #539fc8; line-height: 30px; height: 30px;" background="' + background + '" ><div style="size:30px; border-color:black; border-style:solid; border-width:1px; text-align:center;">' + text.options.Display + '</div></th></tr><tr><th><div class="group bborder">'

						aff += '<div style=display:none; class="fieldwrapper"><label class="styled textBeefy">' + text.options.speed + '</label>';
						aff += '<div class="thefield"><input class="speed" value="' + speedUni + '" size="1" alt="24" maxlength="1" type="text"></div></div>';

						aff += '<div class="fieldwrapper"><label class="styled textBeefy">' + text.options.Masquer + '</label>';
						aff += '<div class="thefield"><input style="cursor:pointer;" class="InfoOptions" ' + option[15] + ' alt="15" type="checkbox"> </div></div>';
						aff += '<div class="fieldwrapper"><label class="styled textBeefy">' + text.options.posTable + '</label>';
						aff += '<div class="thefield"><input style="cursor:pointer;" class="InfoOptions" ' + option[34] + ' alt="34" type="checkbox"> </div></div>';

						aff += '<div class="fieldwrapper"><label class="styled textBeefy">' + text.options.BatTotal + '</label>';
						aff += '<div class="thefield"><input style="cursor:pointer;" class="InfoOptions" ' + option[1] + ' alt="1" type="checkbox"></div></div>';
						aff += '<div class="fieldwrapper"><label class="styled textBeefy">' + text.options.indestructible + '</label>';
						aff += '<div class="thefield"><input style="cursor:pointer;" class="InfoOptions" ' + option[2] + ' alt="2" type="checkbox"> </div></div>';

						aff += '<div class="fieldwrapper"><label class="styled textBeefy">' + text.options.techno + '</label>';
						aff += '<div class="thefield"><input style="cursor:pointer;" class="InfoOptions" ' + option[3] + ' alt="3" type="checkbox"></div></div>';
						aff += '<div class="fieldwrapper"><label class="styled textBeefy">' + text.options.flottes + '</label>';
						aff += '<div class="thefield"><input style="cursor:pointer;" class="InfoOptions" ' + option[4] + ' alt="4" type="checkbox"> </div></div>';
						aff += '<div class="fieldwrapper"><label class="styled textBeefy">' + text.options.Def + '</label>';
						aff += '<div class="thefield"><input style="cursor:pointer;" class="InfoOptions" ' + option[5] + ' alt="5" type="checkbox"></div></div>';
						aff += '<div class="fieldwrapper" ><label class="styled textBeefy">' + text.options.VaisseauxVol + '</label>';
						aff += '<div class="thefield"><input style="cursor:pointer;" class="InfoOptions" ' + option[6] + ' alt="6" type="checkbox"> </div></div>';
						aff += '<div class="fieldwrapper"><label class="styled textBeefy">' + text.options.pointLune + '</label>';
						aff += '<div class="thefield"><input style="cursor:pointer;" class="InfoOptions" ' + option[7] + ' alt="7" type="checkbox"> </div></div>';

						aff += '<div class="fieldwrapper"><label class="styled textBeefy">' + text.options.progression + '</label>';
						aff += '<div class="thefield"><input style="cursor:pointer;" class="InfoOptions" ' + option[9] + ' alt="9" type="checkbox"> </div></div>';

						aff += '<div class="fieldwrapper"><label class="styled textBeefy">' + text.options.ProgJours + '</label>';
						aff += '<div class="thefield"><input style="cursor:pointer;" class="InfoOptions" ' + option[11] + ' alt="11" type="checkbox"> </div></div>';
						aff += '<div class="fieldwrapper"><label class="styled textBeefy">' + text.options.ProdJours + '</label>';
						aff += '<div class="thefield"><input style="cursor:pointer;" class="InfoOptions" ' + option[12] + ' alt="12" type="checkbox"> </div></div>';
						aff += '<div class="fieldwrapper"><label class="styled textBeefy">' + text.options.Techno_utile + '</label>';
						aff += '<div class="thefield"><input style="cursor:pointer;" class="InfoOptions" ' + option[13] + ' alt="13" type="checkbox"> </div></div>';
						aff += '<div class="fieldwrapper"><label class="styled textBeefy">' + text.options.Point_planete + '</label>';
						aff += '<div class="thefield"><input style="cursor:pointer;" class="InfoOptions" ' + option[14] + ' alt="14" type="checkbox"> </div></div>';

						aff += '<div class="fieldwrapper"><label class="styled textBeefy">' + text.options.constructing + '</label>';
						aff += '<div class="thefield"><input style="cursor:pointer;" class="InfoOptions" ' + option[27] + ' alt="27" type="checkbox"> </div></div>';

						aff += '<div class="fieldwrapper"><label class="styled textBeefy">' + text.options.enregFlotte + '</label>';
						aff += '<div class="thefield"><input style="cursor:pointer;" class="InfoOptions" ' + option[20] + ' alt="20" type="checkbox"> </div></div>';
						aff += '<div class="fieldwrapper"><label class="styled textBeefy">' + text.options.rank + '</label>';
						aff += '<div class="thefield"><input style="cursor:pointer;" class="InfoOptions" ' + option[21] + ' alt="21" type="checkbox"> </div></div>';

						aff += '<div class="fieldwrapper"><label class="styled textBeefy">' + text.options.creeSign + '</label>';
						aff += '<div class="thefield"><input style="cursor:pointer;" class="InfoOptions" ' + option[16] + ' alt="16" type="checkbox"> </div></div>';
						aff+= '<div class="fieldwrapper"><label class="styled textBeefy">'+ text.options.creeSign +'('+text.options.creeSignRc+')</label>';
						aff+=       '<div class="thefield"><input style="cursor:pointer;" class="InfoOptions" '+option[26]+' alt="26" type="checkbox"> </div></div>';

						aff+= '<div  class="fieldwrapper"><label class="styled textBeefy">'+ text.options.alternative +'</label>';
						aff+=       '<div class="thefield"><input style="cursor:pointer;" class="InfoOptions" '+option[22]+' alt="22" type="checkbox"> </div></div>';
						aff+= '<div  class="fieldwrapper"><label class="styled textBeefy">'+ text.adresse +'</label>';
						aff+=       '<div class="thefield"><input style="cursor:pointer;" id="adrAlt" class="InfoOptions" value="'+GM_getValue(nomScript+"email"+coordPM+serveur,'')+'" type="text"> </div></div>';
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						aff += '<div  class="thefield"><input style="cursor:pointer;" class="InfoOptions" ' + option[28] + ' alt="28" type="checkbox"> </div></div>';
						aff += '<div class="fieldwrapper"><label class="styled textBeefy">' + text.options.graphProd + '</label>';
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						aff += '<div class="fieldwrapper"><label class="styled textBeefy">' + text.options.timeStart + '</label>';
						aff += '<div class="thefield"><input class="speed" value="' + accStartDate[1] + '" size="1" alt="24" maxlength="2" type="text"> <input class="speed" value="' + accStartDate[2] + '" size="1" alt="24" maxlength="2" type="text"> <input class="speed" value="' + accStartDate[3] + '" size="4" alt="24" maxlength="4" type="text"> </div></div>';
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						aff += '<div class="thefield"><input class="speed" value="' + digits + '" size="1" alt="24" maxlength="1" type="text"></div></div>';
						aff += '<div class="fieldwrapper"><label class="styled textBeefy">' + text.options.affCout + '</label>';
						aff += '<div  class="thefield"><input style="cursor:pointer;" class="InfoOptions" ' + option[30] + ' alt="30" type="checkbox"> </div></div>';
						aff+= '<div class="fieldwrapper"><label class="styled textBeefy">'+ text.options.affExpe +'</label>';
						aff+=       '<div  class="thefield"><input style="cursor:pointer;" class="InfoOptions" '+option[31]+' alt="31" type="checkbox"> </div></div>';
						aff+= '<div class="fieldwrapper"><label class="styled textBeefy">'+ text.options.affConvert +'</label>';
						aff+=       '<div  class="thefield"><input style="cursor:pointer;" class="InfoOptions" '+option[32]+' alt="32" type="checkbox"> </div></div>';
						aff+= '<div class="fieldwrapper"><label class="styled textBeefy">'+ text.options.upSite +'</label>';
						aff+=       '<div  class="thefield"><input style="cursor:pointer;" class="InfoOptions" '+option[33]+' alt="33" type="checkbox"> </div></div>';
						aff += '<div class="fieldwrapper"><label class="styled textBeefy">' + text.options.useBoost + '</label>';
						aff += '<div  class="thefield"><input style="cursor:pointer;" class="InfoOptions" ' + option[35] + ' alt="35" type="checkbox"> </div></div>';

						aff += '</div></th></tr><tr><th style="width:675px; font-size: 12px; font-weight: bold; color: #539fc8; line-height: 30px; height: 30px;" background="' + background + '" ><div style="size:30px; border-color:black; border-style:solid; border-width:1px; text-align:center;">' + text.options.design + '</div></th></tr><tr><th><div class="group bborder">'

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							aff += '<div class="thefield" ><input TITLE="' + text.Mines + ' / ' + text.en_vol + ' / ' + text.inutile + ' / ' + text.tag.m + '" class="couleur" name="couleur" maxlength="6" value="' + couleur[0] + '" type="text" size="6" style="text-align:center; border:1px solid black;">  <input TITLE="' + text.Other_structure + '" class="couleur" name="couleur" maxlength="6" value="' + couleur[1] + '" type="text" size="6" style="text-align:center; border:1px solid black;">  <input TITLE="' + text.Technology + ' / ' + text.tag.c + '" class="couleur" name="couleur" maxlength="6" value="' + couleur[2] + '" type="text" size="6" style="text-align:center; border:1px solid black;"><br/><input TITLE="' + text.Fleet + '"  class="couleur" name="couleur" maxlength="6" value="' + couleur[3] + '" type="text" size="6" style="text-align:center; border:1px solid black;"> <input TITLE="' + text.Defense + ' / ' + text.aQuai + ' / ' + text.utile + ' / ' + text.tag.d + '" class="couleur" name="couleur" maxlength="6" value="' + couleur[4] + '" type="text" size="6" style="text-align:center; border:1px solid black;"></div></div>';
							aff += '<div class="thefield" ><input TITLE="' + text.Structure + ' / ' + text.en_vol + ' / ' + text.inutile + ' / ' + text.tag.m + '" class="couleur" name="couleur" maxlength="6" value="' + couleur[0] + '" type="text" size="6" style="text-align:center; border:1px solid black;">  <input TITLE="' + text.Technology + '" class="couleur" name="couleur" maxlength="6" value="' + couleur[1] + '" type="text" size="6" style="text-align:center; border:1px solid black;">  <input TITLE="' + text.tag.c + '" class="couleur" name="couleur" maxlength="6" value="' + couleur[2] + '" type="text" size="6" style="text-align:center; border:1px solid black;"><br/><input TITLE="' + text.Fleet + '" class="couleur" name="couleur" maxlength="6" value="' + couleur[3] + '" type="text" size="6" style="text-align:center; border:1px solid black;"> <input TITLE="' + text.Defense + ' / ' + text.aQuai + ' / ' + text.utile + ' / ' + text.tag.d + '" class="couleur" name="couleur" maxlength="6" value="' + couleur[4] + '" type="text" size="6" style="text-align:center; border:1px solid black;"></div></div>';

						aff += '<div class="fieldwrapper"><label class="styled textBeefy">' + text.options.Signtxt + '</label>';
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						aff += '<div class="fieldwrapper"><label class="styled textBeefy">' + text.options.Signfond + '</label>';
						aff += '<div class="thefield"><input class="sign" name="couleur" maxlength="3" value="' + options.couleur.SignfondR + '" type="text" size="4" style="text-align:center; border:1px solid black;"> <input class="sign" name="couleur" maxlength="3" value="' + options.couleur.SignfondV + '" type="text" size="4" style="text-align:center; border:1px solid black;"> <input class="sign" name="couleur" maxlength="3" value="' + options.couleur.SignfondB + '" type="text" size="4" style="text-align:center; border:1px solid black;"> <input size="1" maxlength="0" class="testCouleur"/></div></div>';
						aff += '<div class="fieldwrapper"><label class="styled textBeefy">' + text.options.progNeg + '</label>';
						aff += '<div class="thefield"><input class="coul" name="couleur" maxlength="6" value="' + options.couleur.progNeg + '" type="text" size="6" style="text-align:center; border:1px solid black;"></div></div>';
						aff += '<div class="fieldwrapper"><label class="styled textBeefy">' + text.options.progPos + '</label>';
						aff += '<div class="thefield"><input class="coul" name="couleur" maxlength="6" value="' + options.couleur.progPos + '" type="text" size="6" style="text-align:center; border:1px solid black;"></div></div>';
						aff += '<div class="fieldwrapper"><label class="styled textBeefy">' + text.options.CoulBBcode + '</label>';
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						aff += '<div class="fieldwrapper"><label class="styled textBeefy">' + text.options.BBcode_center + '</label>';
						aff += '<div class="thefield"><sub><input style="cursor:pointer;" type="radio" alt="17"  name="17"  id="center" ' + option[17] + ' class="InfoOptions" /> <label for="center">[center]</label> <input style="cursor:pointer;" type="radio" id="align" name="17" ' + decheck(option[17]) + ' class="bbcode" /> <label for="align">[align=center]</label>';
						aff += ' <input style="cursor:pointer;" type="radio" id="center2" alt="25" name="17" ' + option[25] + ' class="InfoOptions" /> <label for="align">&lt;center&gt;</label></sub></div></div>';

						aff += '<div class="fieldwrapper"><label class="styled textBeefy">' + text.options.BBcode_size + '</label>';
						aff += '<div class="thefield"><input style="cursor:pointer;" type="radio" alt="18"  name="18" ' + option[18] + ' id="30" class="InfoOptions" /> <label for="30">30</label> <input style="cursor:pointer;" type="radio" name="18" id="200" ' + decheck(option[18]) + ' class="bbcode" /> <label for="200">200</label>';
						aff += '			<input style="cursor:pointer;" type="radio" name="18" id="SMF" alt="19" ' + option[19] + ' class="InfoOptions" /> <label for="SMF">SMF</label></div></div>';
						aff += '<div class="fieldwrapper"><label class="styled textBeefy">' + text.options.sauterLignePourPourcentageFlotteVol + '</label>';
						aff += '<div class="thefield"><input style="cursor:pointer;" class="InfoOptions" ' + option[8] + ' alt="8" type="checkbox"> </div></div>';
						aff += '<div class="fieldwrapper"><label class="styled textBeefy">' + text.options.couleurPoint + '</label>';
						aff += '<div class="thefield"><input style="cursor:pointer;" class="InfoOptions" ' + option[10] + ' alt="10" type="checkbox"> </div></div>';
						aff += '<div class="fieldwrapper"><label class="styled textBeefy">' + text.options.sansDesing + '</label>';
						aff += '<div class="thefield"><input style="cursor:pointer;" class="InfoOptions" ' + option[23] + ' alt="23" type="checkbox"> </div></div>';

						aff += '</div></th></tr><tr><th style="width:675px; font-size: 12px; font-weight: bold; color: #539fc8; line-height: 30px; height: 30px;" background="' + background + '" ><div style="size:30px; border-color:black; border-style:solid; border-width:1px; text-align:center;">Commerce</div></th></tr><tr><th><div class="group bborder">'
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						aff += '<div class="thefield"><input class="taux" value="' + taux[0] + '" size="4" alt="40" maxlength="4" type="text"> <input class="taux" value="' + taux[1] + '" size="4" alt="40" maxlength="4" type="text"> <input class="taux" value="' + taux[2] + '" size="4" alt="40" maxlength="4" type="text"> </div></div>';

						// **************************************************** empire ******************************************
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						aff += '</div></th></tr><tr  ' + hidden + ' ><th ' + hidden + ' style="width:675px; font-size: 12px; font-weight: bold; color: #539fc8; line-height: 30px; height: 30px;" background="' + background + '" ><div style="size:30px; border-color:black; border-style:solid; border-width:1px; text-align:center;">Empire view</div></th></tr><tr ' + hidden + ' ><th><div class="group bborder">'
						aff += '<div class="fieldwrapper"><label class="styled textBeefy">' + text.options.texthangar + '</label>';
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						// **************************************************** sauvegarde ******************************************

						var pointref_sav = GM_getValue(nomScript + "PointRef" + coordPM + serveur);

						aff += '</div></th></tr><tr><th style="width:675px; font-size: 12px; font-weight: bold; color: #539fc8; line-height: 30px; height: 30px;" background="' + background + '" ><div style="size:30px; border-color:black; border-style:solid; border-width:1px; text-align:center;">Progression</div></th></tr><tr><th><div class="group bborder">'
						aff += '<div class="fieldwrapper"><label class="styled textBeefy">' + text.options.progression_data + '</label>';
						aff += '<div class="thefield"><input class="progression" value="' + pointref_sav + '" size="20" type="text"></div></div>';

						// **************************************************** bas du tableau ******************************************

						aff += '</div></TH></TR></table><table id="IFC_down" style="clear: right;" width="663px" background="' + background3 + '" height="22px">';
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						function enregistreOption() {

							for (var i = 0; i < document.getElementsByClassName('couleur').length; i++) { document.getElementsByClassName('couleur')[i].style.background = '#' + document.getElementsByClassName('couleur')[i].value; }

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							// ********************************************************** SAUVEGARDE ****************************************************************
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							if (Block1[0].value) {
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									if (Block1[i].value.length == 6) {
										CouleurGraph += Block1[i].value + ',';
							CouleurGraph = CouleurGraph.substring(0, CouleurGraph.length - 1)

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							var SOptions = new Array();
							SOptions[0] = CouleurGraph;
							var Block = document.getElementsByClassName('InfoOptions');
							for (var f = 0; f < Block.length; f++) {
								SOptions[parseInt(Block[f].alt)] = Block[f].checked

							GM_setValue(nomScript + "options" + coordPM + serveur, SOptions.join(';') + ';;;;;;;;;');

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							//speed and start date
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							function isTaux(m) {
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							function saveTaux(toto) {
								GM_setValue(nomScript + 'taux' + serveur + coordPM, m.value + ';' + c.value + ';' + d.value + ';;;');
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							// Langue
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									i = list_lang.length;
							//progression 21 valeurs
							var progression = document.getElementsByClassName('progression')[0];
							if (progression.value.split(/;/).length >= 19) {
								GM_setValue(nomScript + "PointRef" + coordPM + serveur, progression.value);
							else {
								progression.setAttribute("style", "background-color:red");

						setInterval(enregistreOption, 500);


					// ***********************************************************************************************
					// *********************************************************** Page Défense   ********************
					// ***********************************************************************************************

					else if ((url.indexOf('defense', 0)) >= 0) {
						var niv = new Array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);

						var niveau = '';
						var pointRecherche = 0;
						var bati = '';
						var niveaux = document.getElementsByClassName('level');
						var Encontruction = -1;

						for (var f = 0; f < niv.length; f++) {
							if (typeof (niveaux[f].getElementsByClassName('textlabel')[0]) == "undefined") {
								niveau = niveaux[f].innerHTML;
								Encontruction = f;
							else {
								niveau = niveaux[f].innerHTML;
								bati = niveaux[f].getElementsByClassName('textlabel')[0].innerHTML;
								niveau = niveau.replace(bati, '').replace(/<span class="textlabel"><\/span>/i, '');
							niv[f] = parseInt(niveau.replace(/[^0-9-]/g, ""));

						var listeDef = niv.join('|') + '|';

						DefPla[numeroplanete] = listeDef;
						GM_setValue(nomScript + "DefPlanete" + coordPM + serveur, DefPla.join(";"));

						if (document.getElementsByClassName('shipSumCount').length > 0)
						//if(document.getElementsByClassName('shipSumCount') != null)
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							var NomAffiche = GM_getValue(nomScript + domain, '').replace('|', '').split(';');

							Def_const[numeroplanete] = start_time + '-';

							for (var i = 0; i < NomAffiche.length - 1; i++) {
								if (document.getElementById('line').getElementsByClassName('data')[0].innerHTML.indexOf(NomAffiche[i]) > -1) {
									Def_const[numeroplanete] += '' + document.getElementById('shipSumCount7').innerHTML + '|' + nom_def[i];


							if (document.getElementById('pqueue')) {
								var queue = document.getElementById('pqueue').getElementsByClassName('tooltip');
								for (var f = 0; f < queue.length; f++) {
									for (var i = 0; i < NomAffiche.length - 1; i++) {
										if (queue[f].title.indexOf(NomAffiche[i]) > -1) {
											Def_const[numeroplanete] += '-' + queue[f].title.split('<')[0].replace(/[^0-9-]/g, "") + '|' + nom_def[i];


						else Def_const[numeroplanete] = '|';

						if (GM_getValue(nomScript + domain, 'PAS') != 'PAS')  // TechTree visité 
							GM_setValue(nomScript + "Def_const" + coordPM + serveur, Def_const.join(';'));


					// **********************************************************************************************************************************************************************
					// *********************************************************** Page Recherche   *******************************************************************************************
					// **********************************************************************************************************************************************************************
					else if ((url.indexOf('page=research', 0)) >= 0) {
						var nom_techno = new Array('ener', 'lase', 'ions', 'hype', 'plas', 'comb', 'impu', 'phyp', 'espi', 'ordi', 'astro', 'rese', 'grav', 'arme', 'bouc', 'prot');

						var coutBati = new Array(new Array(0, 0.8, 0.4), new Array(0.2, 0.1, 0), new Array(1, 0.3, 0.1), new Array(0, 4, 2), new Array(2, 4, 1), new Array(0.4, 0, 0.6), new Array(2, 4, 0.6), new Array(10, 20, 6), new Array(0.2, 1, 0.2), new Array(0, 0.4, 0.6), new Array(4, 8, 4), new Array(240, 400, 160), new Array(0, 0, 0), new Array(0.8, 0.2, 0), new Array(0.2, 0.6, 0), new Array(1, 0, 0));

						var prixInitial = new Array();

						for (i = 0; i < coutBati.length; i++) { prixInitial[i] = coutBati[i][0] + coutBati[i][1] + coutBati[i][2] }

						var LevelsTech = new Array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
						var exposant = new Array(2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1.75, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2);

						var niveau = '';
						var pointRecherche = 0;
						var bati = '';
						var niveaux = document.getElementsByClassName('level');
						var listeNiv = '';
						var resEncontruction = -1;

						for (var f = 0; f < prixInitial.length; f++) {
							if (typeof (niveaux[f].getElementsByClassName('textlabel')[0]) == "undefined") {

								niveau = niveaux[f].innerHTML.split('span')[0].replace(/[^0-9-]/g, "");
								resEncontruction = f;
							else {

								niveau = niveaux[f].textContent;

								var span = niveaux[f].getElementsByTagName('span');

								for (var k = 0; k < span.length; k++) { niveau = trim(niveau.replace(span[k].textContent, "")); }

							LevelsTech[f] = parseInt(niveau);

							pointRecherche += Math.floor(prixInitial[f] * (Math.pow(exposant[f], LevelsTech[f]) - 1) / (exposant[f] - 1) * 1000) / 1000;

							listeNiv += parseInt(LevelsTech[f]) + ';';

						// Calcul labo equivalent
						var listLab = new Array();
						var laboTot = parseInt(BatSta[numeroplanete].split('|')[2]);

						var f = 0;
						for (var i = 0; i < BatSta.length - 1; i++) {
							if (i != numeroplanete && BatSta[i].split('|')[2] != '') {
								listLab[f] = parseInt(BatSta[i].split('|')[2]);
						function sortfunction(a, b) {
							return (a - b) //causes an array to be sorted numerically and ascending

						listLab = listLab.sort(sortfunction);

						for (var i = 0; i < LevelsTech[11]; i++) {
							if ((parseFloat(listLab[listLab.length - i - 1]) == parseInt(listLab[listLab.length - i - 1])) && !isNaN(listLab[listLab.length - i - 1])) {
								laboTot += listLab[listLab.length - i - 1];

						var coefIng = ((document.getElementById("officers").getElementsByTagName("a")[4].className.indexOf(" on") >= 0) ? 0.75 : 1);

						for (var ff = 0; ff < prixInitial.length; ff++) {
							if (!(typeof (niveaux[ff].getElementsByClassName('textlabel')[0]) == "undefined"))
								afficheCout(ff, ff, false);

						var pointsInutile = 0;
						var pointstechInutile = 0;

						if (LevelsTech[1] > 12) // laser
							pointsInutile += Math.floor(prixInitial[1] * (Math.pow(2, LevelsTech[1]) - 1) * 1000) / 1000 - 1228.5;
							pointstechInutile += LevelsTech[1] - 12;
						if (LevelsTech[2] > 25) // ions
							pointsInutile += Math.floor(prixInitial[2] * (Math.pow(2, LevelsTech[2]) - 1) * 1000) / 1000 - 43.4;
							pointstechInutile += LevelsTech[2] - 5;
						if (LevelsTech[3] > 8) // Tech hyperespace
							pointsInutile += Math.floor(prixInitial[3] * (Math.pow(2, LevelsTech[3]) - 1) * 1000) / 1000 - 1530;
							pointstechInutile += LevelsTech[3] - 8;

						if (LevelsTech[12] > 1) // Graviton
							pointstechInutile += LevelsTech[12] - 1;

						var PointsTech = 0;
						for (var i = 0; i < LevelsTech.length; i++) {
							PointsTech += parseInt(LevelsTech[i]);

						if (options.generale.Techno_utile) {
							var affiche = '';
							affiche += '<div><br/><table style="margin:auto;">';

							affiche += '<div><table id="IFC_top" style="clear:right; margin:auto; text-align:center;"><tr ><th style="width:675px; font-size: 12px; font-weight: bold; color: #539fc8; line-height: 30px; height: 30px;" background="' + background + '" colspan="4" >' + text.Technology + '</th><th class="IFC_th" ></th><th class="IFC_th2"></th></tr></table><center><table id="IFC_mid" width="657px" background="' + background2 + '" background-color="#0d1014">';
							affiche += '<tr ><th width="4px"></th><th style="width:70px; ' + th_style + '" >' + text.utile + '</th><th style="' + th_style + '" >' + addPoints(Math.round(pointRecherche - pointsInutile)) + ' ' + text.Points + ' (' + Math.round(PointsTech - pointstechInutile) + ' ' + text.Technologies + ')</th><th style="width:200px; border:1px solid black;" rowspan="2" id="piebox"></th></tr>';
							affiche += '<tr ><th width="4px"></th><th style="width:70px; ' + th_style + '" >' + text.inutile + '</th><th style="' + th_style + '" >' + addPoints(Math.round(pointsInutile)) + ' ' + text.Points + ' (' + pointstechInutile + ' ' + text.Technologies + ')</th><th width="4px"></th></tr>';
							affiche += '</table><table id="IFC_down" width="663px" background="' + background3 + '" height="22px"></table></div><br/><br/><br/><br/>';

							affiche += '</table></div>';

							var sp1 = document.createElement("span");
							sp1.setAttribute("id", "newDivIFC");
							var sp1_content = document.createTextNode('');
							var sp2 = document.getElementById("inhalt");
							var parentDiv = sp2.parentNode;
							parentDiv.insertBefore(sp1, sp2.nextSibling);

							var tableau = document.createElement("span");
							tableau.innerHTML = '<br/><br/>' + affiche;
							document.getElementById('newDivIFC').insertBefore(tableau, document.getElementById('newDivIFC').firstChild);

							var pie = draw_pie([pourcent(pointsInutile, pointRecherche), pourcent(pointRecherche - pointsInutile, pointRecherche)]);
							var piebox = document.getElementById('piebox');

						GM_setValue(nomScript + "pointTechnoUni" + coordPM + serveur, Math.round(pointRecherche) + ';' + pointsInutile);
						GM_setValue(nomScript + "nivTechno" + coordPM + serveur, listeNiv);

						if (resEncontruction > -1) {
							if (parseInt(Res_const.split('|')[1]) < start_time || isNaN(Res_const.split('|')[1]) || Res_const.split('|')[0] != nom_techno[resEncontruction]) // si le joueur utilise plusieurs ordi
							{ Res_const = '|'; }

							if (Res_const == '|') {
								var prix = Math.floor((coutBati[resEncontruction][0] + coutBati[resEncontruction][1]) * (Math.pow(exposant[resEncontruction], LevelsTech[resEncontruction])) * 1000);
								var timeFin = Math.round(start_time + (prix / (1000 * (1 + laboTot))) / speedUni * 3600000 * coefIng);

								Res_const = nom_techno[resEncontruction] + '|' + timeFin;
						else Res_const = '|';

						if (GM_getValue(nomScript + domain, 'PAS') != 'PAS')  // TechTree visité 		
							GM_setValue(nomScript + "Res_const" + coordPM + serveur, Res_const);

						if (options.generale.langue == 'fr') {
							var det = document.getElementById('details123');
							if (det.getElementsByClassName('ago_items_text ago_items_textName ago_text_background')[0]) {
								det.getElementsByClassName('ago_items_text ago_items_textName ago_text_background')[0].innerHTML = "RRI";
							det = document.getElementById('details111');
							if (det.getElementsByClassName('ago_items_text ago_items_textName ago_text_background')[0]) {
								det.getElementsByClassName('ago_items_text ago_items_textName ago_text_background')[0].innerHTML = "Protection";

					// **********************************************************************************************************************************************************************
					// *********************************************************** Page Bâtiments / ressources   *********************************************************************************
					// **********************************************************************************************************************************************************************

					else if (/page=resources/.test(url)) {
						var tdnode = document.getElementsByClassName('level');
						var coutBati = new Array(new Array(0.06, 0.015, 0), new Array(0.048, 0.024, 0), new Array(0.225, 0.075, 0), new Array(0.075, 0.030, 0), new Array(0.9, 0.360, 0.18), new Array(0, 2, 0.5), new Array(1, 0, 0), new Array(1, 0.5, 0), new Array(1, 1, 0), new Array(2.645, 0, 0), new Array(2.645, 1.322, 0), new Array(2.645, 2.645, 0));

						var nom_bat = new Array('mmet', 'mcri', 'mdet', 'ces', 'cef', 'sat', 'hmet', 'hcri', 'hdet');

						var exposant = new Array(1.5, 1.6, 1.5, 1.5, 1.8, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2.3, 2.3, 2.3);

						var niv = new Array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);

						var batEncontruction = -1;

						var niveaux = document.getElementsByClassName('level');

						var plapla = document.getElementById("planet-" + document.getElementsByName('ogame-planet-id')[0].content);

						var coeff = 1;
						if (plapla !== null && !IsMoon) {
							// 1 => construction  2.25 => destruction
							coeff = plapla.getElementsByClassName("icon12px icon_wrench_red").length > 0 ? 2.25 : 1;
						else {
							//à faire

						var niveau = '';
						var bati = '';
						for (var f = 0; f < nom_bat.length; f++) {
							if (typeof (niveaux[f].getElementsByClassName('textlabel')[0]) == "undefined") // Batiment en construction
								niveau = trim(niveaux[f].innerHTML);
								if (f != 5) batEncontruction = f;

							else {
								niveau = niveaux[f].innerHTML;

								bati = niveaux[f].getElementsByClassName('textlabel')[0].innerHTML;
								niveau = parseInt(trim(niveau.replace(bati, '').replace(/<span class="textlabel"><\/span>/i, '')).replace('.', ''));

								afficheCout(f, f, true);
							niv[f] = niveau;

						var nivPlanete = niv.join('|') + '|';

						var upsat = flotte[numeroplanete + 1].split('|')

						upsat[13] = niv[5];
						flotte[numeroplanete + 1] = upsat.join('|');

						BatRes[numeroplanete] = nivPlanete;

						GM_setValue(nomScript + "BatRes" + coordPM + serveur, BatRes.join(";"));

						//batiment en construction
						if (batEncontruction > -1) {

							if (parseInt(BatRes_const[numeroplanete].split('|')[1]) < start_time || isNaN(BatRes_const[numeroplanete].split('|')[1]) || nom_bat[batEncontruction] != BatRes_const[numeroplanete].split('|')[0]) { BatRes_const[numeroplanete] = '|'; }

							if (BatRes_const[numeroplanete] == '|') {
								var prix = Math.floor((coutBati[batEncontruction][0] + coutBati[batEncontruction][1]) * (Math.pow(exposant[batEncontruction], niv[batEncontruction])) * 1000);

								var timeFin = Math.round(start_time + ((prix / 5000) * (2 / (1 + parseInt(BatSta[numeroplanete].split('|')[0]))) * (1 / Math.pow(2, parseInt(BatSta[numeroplanete].split('|')[5]))) / speedUni) * 3600000 / coeff);

								BatRes_const[numeroplanete] = nom_bat[batEncontruction] + '|' + timeFin;

								if (BatSta_const[numeroplanete] != '|') {
									if (BatSta_const[numeroplanete].split('|')[1] > start_time) // Construction encore en cour, => on efface
										BatSta_const[numeroplanete] = '|';
										GM_setValue(nomScript + "BatSta_const" + coordPM + serveur, BatSta_const.join(';'));
						else BatRes_const[numeroplanete] = '|';

						if (GM_getValue(nomScript + domain, 'PAS') != 'PAS')  // TechTree visité 
							GM_setValue(nomScript + "BatRes_const" + coordPM + serveur, BatRes_const.join(';'));

						// ******************************Affichage des graphiques ********************************

						if (options.generale.graphProd) {
							var prod = new Array();

							// ******************************Production********************************

							prod[0] = 30 + prodMetal(niv[0], speedUni, Techno[4], 1, 0);
							prod[1] = 15 + prodCristal(niv[1], speedUni, Techno[4], 1, 0);
							prod[2] = prodDeut(niv[2], speedUni, Techno[4], 20, 1, 0);

							var totProd = prod[0] + prod[1] + prod[2];
							if (totProd != 0 && !IsMoon) {
								var tableGraph = '<div class="content-box-s"><div class="header"><h3>' + text.Production + '</h3></div><div class="content"> '
									+ '<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" class="construction"> <tbody><tr>'
									+ '<td class="idle" id="IFCGraph" colspan="2"> </td></tr> </tbody></table></div><div class="footer"></div></div>'

								var newElement = document.createElement("div"); // On crée un nouvelle élément div
								newElement.innerHTML = tableGraph; // On écrit le code source qu'il contient


								var pie = draw_pie([pourcent(prod[0], totProd), pourcent(prod[1], totProd), pourcent(prod[2], totProd)]);
								var piebox = document.getElementById('IFCGraph');

					// **********************************************************************************************************************************************************************
					// *********************************************************** Page Bâtiments / Station   ************************************************************************************
					// **********************************************************************************************************************************************************************

					else if ((url.indexOf('page=station', 0)) >= 0) {
						var LUNE = false;
						if (!document.getElementById('details15')) LUNE = true; // Si planete (nanite)

						if (!LUNE) 		// Si planete 

							var coutBati = new Array(new Array(0.4, 0.12, 0.2), new Array(0.4, 0.2, 0.1), new Array(0.2, 0.4, 0.2), new Array(20, 40, 0), new Array(20, 20, 1), new Array(1000, 500, 100), new Array(0, 50, 100));

							var nom_bat = new Array('rob', 'cspa', 'lab', 'depo', 'silo', 'nan', 'ter');

						else 						 					// Si Lune

							var coutBati = new Array(new Array(0.4, 0.12, 0.2), new Array(0.4, 0.2, 0.1), new Array(20, 40, 20), new Array(20, 40, 20), new Array(2000, 4000, 2000));
							var nom_bat = new Array('rob', 'cspa', 'base', 'phal', 'port');
						var exposant = new Array(2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2);
						var niv = new Array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);

						var niveaux = document.getElementsByClassName('level');
						var batEncontruction = -1;
						var niveau = '';
						var bati = '';
						var i = 0;

						for (var f = 0; f < coutBati.length; f++) {
							if (!document.getElementById('details34') && (f == 3) && !LUNE) // Pas de depo sur planete, on le saute
								niv[f] = 0;

							if (typeof (niveaux[i].getElementsByClassName('textlabel')[0]) == "undefined") {
								niveau = trim(niveaux[i].innerHTML);
								batEncontruction = f;
							else {
								niveau = trim(niveaux[i].innerHTML);
								bati = niveaux[i].getElementsByClassName('textlabel')[0].innerHTML;
								niveau = parseInt(niveau.replace(bati, '').replace(/<span class="textlabel"><\/span>/i, ''));

								afficheCout(i, f, true);
							niv[f] = niveau;


						var nivPlanete = '';

						if (!LUNE) {
							for (var ii = 0; ii < coutBati.length; ii++) { nivPlanete += niv[ii] + '|'; }
							nivPlanete += '0|0|0|' + LUNE + '|';
						else nivPlanete = niv[0] + '|' + niv[1] + '|0|0|0|0|0|' + niv[2] + '|' + niv[3] + '|' + niv[4] + '|' + LUNE + '|';

						BatSta[numeroplanete] = nivPlanete;

						GM_setValue(nomScript + "BatSta" + coordPM + serveur, BatSta.join(";"));

						if (batEncontruction > -1) {
							if (parseInt(BatSta_const[numeroplanete].split('|')[1]) < start_time || isNaN(BatSta_const[numeroplanete].split('|')[1]) || nom_bat[batEncontruction] != BatSta_const[numeroplanete].split('|')[0]) { BatSta_const[numeroplanete] = '|'; }

							if (BatSta_const[numeroplanete] == '|') {
								var prix = Math.floor((coutBati[batEncontruction][0] + coutBati[batEncontruction][1]) * (Math.pow(2, niv[batEncontruction])) * 1000);

								var timeFin = Math.round(start_time + ((prix / 5000) * (2 / (1 + parseInt(nivPlanete.split('|')[0]))) * (1 / Math.pow(2, parseInt(nivPlanete.split('|')[5]))) / speedUni) * 3600000);

								BatSta_const[numeroplanete] = nom_bat[batEncontruction] + '|' + timeFin;

								if (BatRes_const[numeroplanete] != '|') {
									if (BatRes_const[numeroplanete].split('|')[1] > start_time) // Construction encore en cour, => on efface
										BatRes_const[numeroplanete] = '|';
										GM_setValue(nomScript + "BatRes_const" + coordPM + serveur, BatRes_const.join(';'));

						else BatSta_const[numeroplanete] = '|';

						GM_setValue(nomScript + "BatSta_const" + coordPM + serveur, BatSta_const.join(';'));


					// **********************************************************************************************************************************************************************
					// *********************************************************** Page Flotte Movement  ***************************************************************************************
					// **********************************************************************************************************************************************************************

					else if ((url.indexOf('page=movement', 0)) >= 0) {

						var niv = new Array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
						var listeFlotte = document.getElementsByClassName('fleetinfo');
						var listeVaisseau = '';
						var nom_vaisseau = GM_getValue(nomScript + domain, 'PAS').split('|')[0].split(';');
						var prixFlotteVol = 0;
						var pointFlotteVol = 0;
						var pointFlotteTotal = GM_getValue(nomScript + "pointFlotte" + coordPM + serveur, 0);

						var prix_vaisseau = new Array(4, 12, 4, 10, 29, 60, 40, 18, 1, 90, 2.5, 125, 10000, 85);

						for (var i = 0; i < listeFlotte.length; i++) {
							listeVaisseau = listeFlotte[i].getElementsByTagName('td');

							for (var f = 0; f < listeVaisseau.length - 6; f++) {

								for (var j = 0; j < nom_vaisseau.length - 1; j++) {
									//alert(trim(listeVaisseau[f].innerHTML).substring(0, trim(listeVaisseau[f].innerHTML).length-1));
									if (trim(listeVaisseau[f].innerHTML).substring(0, trim(listeVaisseau[f].innerHTML).length - 1) == trim(nom_vaisseau[j])) {
										prixFlotteVol += parseInt(listeVaisseau[f + 1].innerHTML.replace(/[^0-9-]/g, "") * prix_vaisseau[j]);//+1 pour avoir le nombre
										pointFlotteVol += parseInt(listeVaisseau[f + 1].innerHTML.replace(/[^0-9-]/g, ""));
										niv[j] += parseInt(listeVaisseau[f + 1].innerHTML.replace(/[^0-9-]/g, ""));


						if (options.generale.VaisseauxVol && prixFlotteVol > 0) {

							var affiche = '<br/><br/><div style="clear:both;margin-top: 0px; margin-right:0px;"><table id="IFC_top" style="clear:right; width:675px; margin:auto;margin-bottom: -2px; text-align:center;"><tr ><th style="width:675px; font-size: 12px; font-weight: bold; color: #539fc8; line-height: 30px; height: 30px;" background="' + background + '" colspan="4" >' + text.Fleet + '</th><th></th><th class="IFC_th2"></th></tr></table><center><table id="IFC_mid" width="657px" background="' + background2 + '" background-color="#0d1014">';
							affiche += '<tr ><th width="4px"></th><th style="width:70px; ' + th_style + '" >' + text.en_vol + '</th><th class="tooltipRight js_hideTipOnMobile"  TITLE="' + pointFlotteVol + ' ' + text.vaisseaux + '" >' + addPoints(prixFlotteVol) + ' ' + text.Points + ' (' + pourcent(prixFlotteVol, pointFlotteTotal) + ' %) </th><th style="width:200px; border:1px solid black;" rowspan="2" id="piebox"></th></tr>';
							affiche += '<tr ><th width="4px"></th><th style="width:70px; ' + th_style + '" >' + text.aQuai + '</th><th style="' + th_style + '" >' + addPoints(pointFlotteTotal - prixFlotteVol) + ' ' + text.Points + ' (' + pourcent(pointFlotteTotal - prixFlotteVol, pointFlotteTotal) + ' %)</th><th width="4px"></th></tr>';
							affiche += '</table><table id="IFC_down" width="663px" background="' + background3 + '" height="22px"></table><br/><br/><br/><br/>';

							var sp1 = document.createElement("div");
							sp1.setAttribute("id", "newDivIFC");
							var sp1_content = document.createTextNode('');
							if (document.getElementsByClassName("fleetDetails detailsOpened")[0]) var sp2 = document.getElementsByClassName("fleetDetails detailsOpened")[document.getElementsByClassName("fleetDetails detailsOpened").length - 1];
							else var sp2 = document.getElementsByClassName("fleetStatus")[0];
							var parentDiv = sp2.parentNode;
							parentDiv.insertBefore(sp1, sp2.nextSibling);

							var tableau = document.createElement("div");
							tableau.innerHTML = affiche;

							var pie = draw_pie([pourcent(pointFlotteTotal - prixFlotteVol, pointFlotteTotal), pourcent(prixFlotteVol, pointFlotteTotal)]);
							var piebox = document.getElementById('piebox');

						if (options.generale.saveFleet) {
							flotte[0] = niv.join("|");
							GM_setValue(nomScript + "flotte" + coordPM + serveur, flotte.join(";"));

					// **********************************************************************************************************************************************************************
					// *********************************************************** Page shipyard ***************************************************************************************
					// **********************************************************************************************************************************************************************

					else if ((url.indexOf('page=shipyard', 0)) >= 0) {

						var niv = new Array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);

						var niveau = '';
						var bati = '';
						var niveaux = document.getElementsByClassName('level');
						var nom_vaisseau = GM_getValue(nomScript + domain, 'PAS').split('|')[0].split(';');
						for (var f = 0; f < niv.length; f++) {
							if (typeof (niveaux[f].getElementsByClassName('textlabel')[0]) == "undefined") {
								//niveau = niveaux[f].innerHTML; 
							else {
								niveau = niveaux[f].innerHTML;
								var label = niveaux[f].getElementsByClassName('textlabel')[0];

								for (var j = 0; j < nom_vaisseau.length; j++) {
									if (label.innerHTML.indexOf(nom_vaisseau[j]) > 0) {
										bati = niveaux[f].getElementsByClassName('textlabel')[0].innerHTML;
										niveau = niveau.replace(bati, '').replace(/<span class="textlabel"><\/span>/i, '');
										niv[j] = parseInt(niveau.replace(/[^0-9-]/g, ""));



						var listeFlotte = niv.join('|') + '|';

						flotte[numeroplanete + 1] = listeFlotte;
						if (options.generale.saveFleet) GM_setValue(nomScript + "flotte" + coordPM + serveur, flotte.join(";"));

						function divise(n, d) {
							if (d == 0) return n * 10 ^ 10;
							else return Math.floor(n / d / 1000);

						if (Def_const[numeroplanete] != '|') // Defense en construction

							var def = DefPla[numeroplanete].split('|');

							var timeStartConstruction = parseInt(Def_const[numeroplanete].split('-')[0]);
							var ordreDef = { 'lm': 0, 'lle': 1, 'llo': 2, 'gauss': 3, 'ion': 4, 'pla': 5, 'pb': 6, 'gb': 7, 'mic': 8, 'mip': 9 };
							var prixInitial_defEtFlotteSansDeut = { 'cle': 4, 'clo': 10, 'crois': 27, 'vb': 60, 'traq': 70, 'bb': 75, 'dest': 115, 'rip': 9000, 'pt': 4, 'gt': 12, 'vc': 30, 'rec': 16, 'esp': 1, 'sat': 2, 'lm': 2, 'lle': 2, 'llo': 8, 'gauss': 35, 'ion': 8, 'pla': 100, 'pb': 20, 'gb': 100, 'mic': 8, 'mip': 15 };

							for (var e = 1; e < Def_const[numeroplanete].split('-').length; e++) {
								var nom = Def_const[numeroplanete].split('-')[e].split('|')[1];
								var nombre = parseInt(Def_const[numeroplanete].split('-')[e].split('|')[0]);

								if (timeStartConstruction < start_time) {
									var tempsParDef = Math.max(Math.floor(((prixInitial_defEtFlotteSansDeut[nom] / 5000) * (2 / (1 + parseInt(BatSta[numeroplanete].split('|')[1]))) * (1 / Math.pow(2, parseInt(BatSta[numeroplanete].split('|')[5]))) / speedUni) * 3600000), 1) * 1000;

									var nbDefConstruite = Math.min(Math.floor((start_time - timeStartConstruction) / tempsParDef), nombre);

									if (def[ordreDef[nom]]) def[ordreDef[nom]] = parseInt(def[ordreDef[nom]]) + nbDefConstruite;

									timeStartConstruction += tempsParDef * nombre;

								else {

							DefPla[numeroplanete] = def.join('|');
							GM_setValue(nomScript + "DefPlanete" + coordPM + serveur, DefPla.join(';'));


						if (document.getElementsByClassName('shipSumCount').length > 0) {
							//var nom_def = new Array('cle','clo','crois','vb','traq','bb','dest','rip','pt','gt','vc','rec','esp','sat','mic', 'mip','lm', 'lle', 'llo', 'gauss', 'ion', 'pla', 'pb', 'gb');
							var nom_def = new Array('pt', 'gt', 'cle', 'clo', 'crois', 'vb', 'vc', 'rec', 'esp', 'bb', 'sat', 'dest', 'rip', 'traq', 'mic', 'mip', 'lm', 'lle', 'llo', 'gauss', 'ion', 'pla', 'pb', 'gb');
							var NomAffiche = GM_getValue(nomScript + domain, '').replace('|', '').split(';');

							Def_const[numeroplanete] = start_time + '-';

							for (var i = 0; i < NomAffiche.length - 1; i++) {

								if (document.getElementById('line').getElementsByClassName('data')[0].innerHTML.indexOf(NomAffiche[i]) > -1) {
									Def_const[numeroplanete] += document.getElementById('shipSumCount7').innerHTML + '|' + nom_def[i];

							if (document.getElementById('pqueue')) {
								var queue = document.getElementById('pqueue').getElementsByClassName('tooltip');
								for (var f = 0; f < queue.length; f++) {
									for (var i = 0; i < NomAffiche.length - 1; i++) {
										if (queue[f].title.indexOf(NomAffiche[i]) > -1) {
											Def_const[numeroplanete] += '-' + queue[f].title.split('<')[0].replace(/[^0-9-]/g, "") + '|' + nom_def[i];


						else Def_const[numeroplanete] = '|';

						if (GM_getValue(nomScript + domain, 'PAS') != 'PAS')  // TechTree visité 
							GM_setValue(nomScript + "Def_const" + coordPM + serveur, Def_const.join(';'));


					// **********************************************************************************************************************************************************************
					// *********************************************************** Page Flotte ***************************************************************************************
					// **********************************************************************************************************************************************************************

					else if ((url.indexOf('page=fleet1', 0)) >= 0 && options.generale.saveFleet) {

						if (!document.getElementById('movements')) { flotte[0] = '0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|'; }; // Pas de flotte en vol

						if (!document.getElementsByClassName('level')[0]) {
							flotte[numeroplanete + 1] = '0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|' + flotte[numeroplanete + 1].split('|')[13] + '|';
						} // Pas de flotte a quai
						else {

							var niv = new Array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);

							var niveau = '';
							var bati = '';
							var niveaux = document.getElementsByClassName('level');

							var nom_vaisseau = GM_getValue(nomScript + domain, 'PAS').split('|')[0].split(';');

							for (var f = 0; f < niv.length - 1; f++) {
								if (typeof (niveaux[f].getElementsByClassName('textlabel')[0]) == "undefined") {
									//niveau = niveaux[f].innerHTML; 
								else {
									niveau = niveaux[f].innerHTML;
									var label = niveaux[f].getElementsByClassName('textlabel')[0];

									for (var j = 0; j < nom_vaisseau.length; j++) {
										if (trim(label.innerHTML) == trim(nom_vaisseau[j])) {
											bati = niveaux[f].getElementsByClassName('textlabel')[0].innerHTML;
											niveau = niveau.replace(bati, '').replace(/<span class="textlabel"><\/span>/i, '');
											niv[j] = parseInt(niveau.replace(/[^0-9-]/g, ""));

							flotte[numeroplanete + 1] = niv.join("|");

						if (options.generale.saveFleet) {
							GM_setValue(nomScript + "flotte" + coordPM + serveur, flotte.join(";"));

					// **********************************************************************************************************************************************************************
					// *********************************************************** Page Statistique  ******************************************************************************************
					// **********************************************************************************************************************************************************************
					else if ((new RegExp(/page=(statistics|highscore)/)).test(url)) {
						var points = (GM_getValue(nomScript + "pointsTotal" + coordPM + serveur, '0|0|0') + '').split('|');

						var pointTot = parseInt(points[0]);
						var pointIndest = parseInt(points[1]);
						var pointConst = parseInt(points[2]);

						var statEnre = new Array();

						function chercheStat() {
							var inhalt_score = document.getElementById('inhalt').getElementsByClassName('score');
							if (inhalt_score && document.getElementById('points').className.indexOf('active') > -1 && document.getElementById('player').className.indexOf('active') > -1) { // si dans les stats points

								var table = inhalt_score[0];
								if (!table || table.getAttribute("done141121") == "done") return;
								table.setAttribute("done141121", "done");

								if (document.getElementById('inhalt').getElementsByClassName('myrank').length > 0) {
									pointTot = document.getElementById('inhalt').getElementsByClassName('myrank')[0].getElementsByClassName('score')[0].firstChild.nodeValue.replace(/[^0-9-]/g, "");
								else {
									pointTot = parseInt(points[0]);

								var rank = (GM_getValue(nomScript + 'rankIndes' + coordPM + serveur, '0|0') + '').split('|');
								for (var i = 1; i < inhalt_score.length - 1; i++) {
									inhalt_score[i].title = addPoints(parseInt(inhalt_score[i].innerHTML.replace(/[^0-9-]/g, "")) - pointTot);
									inhalt_score[i].className += ' tooltipRight js_hideTipOnMobile';

									if (pointIndest <= parseInt(inhalt_score[i].firstChild.nodeValue.replace(/[^0-9-]/g, ""))
										&& pointIndest >= parseInt(inhalt_score[i + 1].firstChild.nodeValue.replace(/[^0-9-]/g, ""))) {
										rank[0] = document.getElementById('inhalt').getElementsByClassName('position')[i].innerHTML.replace(/[^0-9-]/g, "");
										GM_setValue(nomScript + 'rankIndes' + coordPM + serveur, rank.join('|'));


									if (pointConst <= parseInt(inhalt_score[i].firstChild.nodeValue.replace(/[^0-9-]/g, ""))
										&& pointConst >= parseInt(inhalt_score[i + 1].firstChild.nodeValue.replace(/[^0-9-]/g, ""))) {
										rank[1] = document.getElementById('inhalt').getElementsByClassName('position')[i + 1].innerHTML.replace(/[^0-9-]/g, "");
										GM_setValue(nomScript + 'rankIndes' + coordPM + serveur, rank.join('|'));


						setInterval(chercheStat, 500);

					// **********************************************************************************************************************************************************************
					// *********************************************************** Page Vue Générale  ***************************************************************************************
					// **********************************************************************************************************************************************************************

					else if ((url.indexOf('page=overview', 0)) >= 0) {
						var AJours = (GM_getValue(nomScript + "aJours", 'true') + '' == 'true' ? true : false);

						// ********************************* Points total  *****************************************
						var tdnode = document.getElementsByTagName('script');

						var sentence1 = "index.php?page=highscore";
						var decalagePoint = 2;
						var sentence2 = "(";
						var sentence3 = ")";
						var nbJoueur = '';

						for (var i = 0; i < tdnode.length; i++) {
							var pos1 = (tdnode[i].innerHTML).indexOf(sentence1);
							var pos3 = (tdnode[i].innerHTML).indexOf(sentence2, 10);

							if (pos1 >= 0) {
								var pos2 = (tdnode[i].innerHTML).indexOf(sentence2, pos1 + sentence1.length);
								var PointsTotal = (tdnode[i].innerHTML).substring(pos1 + sentence1.length + decalagePoint, pos2);

								PointsTotal = parseInt(PointsTotal.replace(/[^0-9-]/g, ""));

								listeNombre = (tdnode[i].innerHTML).slice((tdnode[i].innerHTML).indexOf(sentence1) + sentence1.length + decalagePoint, (tdnode[i].innerHTML).indexOf(')', (tdnode[i].innerHTML).indexOf(sentence1) + sentence1.length + decalagePoint)).split(/[^0-9\.]/).join('|').split(/\|{1,}/);

								var totRanked = listeNombre[1];

								nbJoueur = listeNombre[2];
								GM_setValue(nomScript + "nbjoueur" + serveur, nbJoueur);

						if (DefPla[nbPlanet] != '|||||||||||||' && url.indexOf('page=overview') != -1) // Evite bug disparition des planetes ??
							//	alert('erase nb planet :'+ nbPlanet);
							//	if(confirm('probleme: une planete en trop \n lune : '+nbLune+' / planete : '+nbPlanet+ '\n\n Delete data about this planet ?'))
								DefPla[nbPlanet] = '|||||||||||||'; GM_setValue(nomScript + "DefPlanete" + coordPM + serveur, DefPla.join(';'));
								BatRes[nbPlanet] = '|||||||||||||'; GM_setValue(nomScript + "BatRes" + coordPM + serveur, BatRes.join(';'));
								BatSta[nbPlanet] = '|||||||||||||'; GM_setValue(nomScript + "BatSta" + coordPM + serveur, BatSta.join(';'));
								flotte[nbPlanet + 1] = '|||||||||||||'; GM_setValue(nomScript + "flotte" + coordPM + serveur, flotte.join(';'));
								BatRes_const[nbPlanet] = '|';
								BatSta_const[nbPlanet] = '|';
								//Def_const[nbPlanet]= '|';
								GM_setValue(nomScript + "BatSta_const" + coordPM + serveur, BatSta_const.join(';'));
								GM_setValue(nomScript + "BatRes_const" + coordPM + serveur, BatRes_const.join(';'));
							var erreur = 'probleme: une planete en trop \n lune : ' + nbLune + ' / planete : ' + nbPlanet;

						var Geolog = "1";
						if (document.getElementById("officers").classList.contains("all")) // si full officiers
							Geolog = "1.12";
						else {
							if (document.getElementById("officers").getElementsByTagName("a")[3].className.indexOf(" on") >= 0) // Si géologue
								Geolog = "1.1";

						var commandant = document.getElementById("officers").getElementsByTagName("a")[0].className.indexOf(" on") >= 0

						GM_setValue(nomScript + "Geolog" + coordPM + serveur, Geolog);
						//var DATA = new Array();	
						DATA.planet = new Array();

						DATA.info =
								player: pseudo,
								coordPM: CoordPM,
								serveur: serveur,
								speed: speedUni,
								points: (GM_getValue(nomScript + "pointsTotal" + coordPM + serveur, '0|0') + '').split('|')[0],
								BatSta_const: BatSta_const,
								BatRes_const: BatRes_const,
								idplanet: GM_getValue(nomScript + 'idPlanet' + IdJoueur + serveur, '10;'),
								numeroPlanete: numeroplanete,
								geolog: Geolog,
								pointsFleet: GM_getValue(nomScript + "pointFlotte" + coordPM + serveur, '')
						var f = 0;

						var prixInitial_defEtFlotteSansDeut = { 'cle': 4, 'clo': 10, 'crois': 27, 'vb': 60, 'traq': 70, 'bb': 75, 'dest': 115, 'rip': 9000, 'pt': 4, 'gt': 12, 'vc': 30, 'rec': 16, 'esp': 1, 'sat': 2, 'lm': 2, 'lle': 2, 'llo': 8, 'gauss': 35, 'ion': 8, 'pla': 100, 'pb': 20, 'gb': 100, 'mic': 8, 'mip': 15 };
						var prixInitial_defEtFlotte = { 'cle': 4, 'clo': 10, 'crois': 29, 'vb': 60, 'traq': 85, 'bb': 90, 'dest': 125, 'rip': 10000, 'pt': 4, 'gt': 12, 'vc': 40, 'rec': 18, 'esp': 1, 'sat': 2.5, 'mic': 10, 'mip': 25, 'lm': 2, 'lle': 2, 'llo': 8, 'gauss': 37, 'ion': 8, 'pla': 130, 'pb': 20, 'gb': 100 };

						var nom_flotte = new Array('pt', 'gt', 'cle', 'clo', 'crois', 'vb', 'vc', 'rec', 'esp', 'bb', 'sat', 'dest', 'rip', 'traq');
						var nom_def = new Array('lm', 'lle', 'llo', 'gauss', 'ion', 'pla', 'pb', 'gb', 'mic', 'mip');
						var prixInitial_def = new Array(2, 2, 8, 37, 8, 130, 20, 100, 10, 25);

						var prixInitial_defMetal = new Array(2, 1.5, 6, 20, 2, 50, 10, 50, 8, 12.5);
						var prixInitial_defCristal = new Array(0, 0.5, 2, 15, 6, 50, 10, 50, 0, 2.5);
						var prixInitial_defDeut = new Array(0, 0, 0, 2, 0, 30, 0, 0, 2, 10);

						var nom_techno = new Array('espi', 'ordi', 'arme', 'bouc', 'prot', 'ener', 'hype', 'comb', 'impu', 'phyp', 'lase', 'ions', 'plas', 'rese', 'astro');
						var OrdreTech = { 'espi': 0, 'ordi': 1, 'arme': 2, 'bouc': 3, 'prot': 4, 'ener': 5, 'hype': 6, 'comb': 7, 'impu': 8, 'phyp': 9, 'lase': 10, 'ions': 11, 'plas': 12, 'rese': 13, 'astro': 14 }

						var prixInitial_tech = new Array(1.4, 1, 1, 0.8, 1, 1.2, 6, 1, 6.6, 36, 0.3, 1.4, 7, 800, 16);
						var prixInitial_techMetal = new Array(0.2, 0, 0.8, 0.2, 1, 0, 0, 0.4, 2, 10, 0.2, 1, 2, 240, 4);
						var prixInitial_techCristal = new Array(1, 0.4, 0.2, 0.6, 0, 0.8, 4, 0, 4, 20, 0.1, 0.3, 4, 400, 8);
						var prixInitial_techDeut = new Array(0.2, 0.6, 0, 0, 0, 0.4, 2, 0.6, 0.6, 6, 0, 0.1, 1, 160, 4);

						var exposant_tech = new Array(2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1.75);

						var nom_bat = new Array('mmet', 'mcri', 'mdet', 'ces', 'cef', 'nan', 'lab', 'ter', 'silo', 'depo', 'cspa', 'rob', 'hmet', 'hcri', 'hdet', 'base', 'phal', 'port');
						var prixInitial_bat = new Array(0.075, 0.072, 0.3, 0.105, 1.44, 1600, 0.8, 150, 41, 60, 0.7, 0.720, 1, 1.5, 2, 80, 80, 8000, 2.645, 3.967, 5.290);
						var prixInitial_batMineMetal = new Array(0.060, 0.048, 0.225, 0.075, 0.9, 1000, 0.2, 0, 20, 20, 0.4, 0.4, 1, 1, 1, 20, 20, 2000, 2.645, 2.645, 2.645);
						var prixInitial_batMineCristal = new Array(0.015, 0.024, 0.075, 0.03, 0.36, 500, 0.4, 50, 20, 40, 0.2, 0.12, 0, 0.5, 1, 40, 40, 4000, 0, 1.322, 2.645);
						var prixInitial_batMineDeut = new Array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0.18, 100, 0.2, 100, 1, 0, 0.1, 0.2, 0, 0, 0, 20, 20, 2000, 0, 0, 0);
						var exposant = new Array(1.5, 1.6, 1.5, 1.5, 1.8, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2.3, 2.3, 2.3);

						var OrdreBat = { 'mmet': 0, 'mcri': 1, 'mdet': 2, 'ces': 3, 'cef': 4, 'nan': 5, 'lab': 6, 'ter': 7, 'silo': 8, 'depo': 9, 'cspa': 10, 'rob': 11, 'hmet': 12, 'hcri': 13, 'hdet': 14, 'base': 15, 'phal': 16, 'port': 17 }

						var Constructing = 0;
						var ConstructingPla = 0;
						//var listeMinepact='';

						for (var i = 0; i < nbPlanet; i++) {

							// load booster info from chrome storage
							let coordPM = document.getElementsByClassName('planet-koords')[0].innerHTML;
							boost = GM_getValue(nomScript + "boost" + coordPM + serveur, '0|0|0;0|0|0;0|0|0;0|0|0;0|0|0;0|0|0;0|0|0;0|0|0;0|0|0;0|0|0;0|0|0;0|0|0;0|0|0;0|0|0;0|0|0;0|0|0;0|0|0;0|0|0;0|0|0;0|0|0;0|0|0;0|0|0;0|0|0;0|0|0;0|0|0;0|0|0;0|0|0;0|0|0;0|0|0;0|0|0;0|0|0;0|0|0;0|0|0;0|0|0;0|0|0;0|0|0;0|0|0;0|0|0;0|0|0;0|0|0;0|0|0;0|0|0;0|0|0;0|0|0;0|0|0;0|0|0;').split(';');

							DATA.planet[i] =
									moon: BatSta[i].split('|')[10],
										'mmet': BatRes[i].split('|')[0],
										'mcri': BatRes[i].split('|')[1],
										'mdet': BatRes[i].split('|')[2],
										'ces': BatRes[i].split('|')[3],
										'cef': BatRes[i].split('|')[4],
										'nan': BatSta[i].split('|')[5],
										'lab': BatSta[i].split('|')[2],
										'ter': BatSta[i].split('|')[6],
										'silo': BatSta[i].split('|')[4],
										'depo': BatSta[i].split('|')[3],
										'cspa': BatSta[i].split('|')[1],
										'rob': BatSta[i].split('|')[0],
										'hmet': BatRes[i].split('|')[6],
										'hcri': BatRes[i].split('|')[7],
										'hdet': BatRes[i].split('|')[8],
										'base': BatSta[i].split('|')[7],
										'phal': BatSta[i].split('|')[8],
										'port': BatSta[i].split('|')[9]
										'lm': DefPla[i].split('|')[0],
										'lle': DefPla[i].split('|')[1],
										'llo': DefPla[i].split('|')[2],
										'gauss': DefPla[i].split('|')[3],
										'ion': DefPla[i].split('|')[4],
										'pla': DefPla[i].split('|')[5],
										'pb': DefPla[i].split('|')[6],
										'gb': DefPla[i].split('|')[7],
										'mic': DefPla[i].split('|')[8],
										'mip': DefPla[i].split('|')[9]
										'pt': flotte[i + 1].split('|')[0],
										'gt': flotte[i + 1].split('|')[1],
										'cle': flotte[i + 1].split('|')[2],
										'clo': flotte[i + 1].split('|')[3],
										'crois': flotte[i + 1].split('|')[4],
										'vb': flotte[i + 1].split('|')[5],
										'vc': flotte[i + 1].split('|')[6],
										'rec': flotte[i + 1].split('|')[7],
										'esp': flotte[i + 1].split('|')[8],
										'bb': flotte[i + 1].split('|')[9],
										'sat': BatRes[i].split('|')[5],//flotte[i+1].split('|')[13]
										'dest': flotte[i + 1].split('|')[11],
										'rip': flotte[i + 1].split('|')[12],
										'traq': flotte[i + 1].split('|')[13]

										'met': boost[i].split('|')[0],
										'cri': boost[i].split('|')[1],
										'det': boost[i].split('|')[2]
											'm': 0,
											'c': 0,
											'd': 0

							for (var n = 0; n < nom_bat.length; n++) {
								if (isNaN(parseInt(DATA.planet[i].building[nom_bat[n]]))) DATA.planet[i].building[nom_bat[n]] = '00';
							for (var n = 0; n < nom_def.length; n++) {
								if (isNaN(parseInt(DATA.planet[i].defense[nom_def[n]]))) DATA.planet[i].defense[nom_def[n]] = '00';
							for (var n = 0; n < nom_flotte.length; n++) {
								if (isNaN(parseInt(DATA.planet[i].fleet[nom_flotte[n]]))) DATA.planet[i].fleet[nom_flotte[n]] = '00';

							if (!Lune[i]) {

								var ogame_version = document.getElementsByName('ogame-version')[0].content;
								if (ogame_version.indexOf("6.0.") > -1)//6.0
									var tmppp = document.getElementsByClassName('smallplanet')[f].getElementsByTagName('a')[0].title.split('</B>')[0];
									DATA.planet[i].name = tmppp.split(tmppp.indexOf('<B>(') > -1 ? ')' : '<B>')[1];
									var tmppp = document.getElementsByClassName('smallplanet')[f].getElementsByTagName('a')[0].title.split('</b>')[0];
									DATA.planet[i].name = tmppp.split(tmppp.indexOf('<b>(') > -1 ? ')' : '<b>')[1];

								var tempM = planets[f].innerHTML.split('°C')[1].replace(/[^0-9-]/g, "");

								DATA.planet[i].resource.temp = parseInt(tempM);
								DATA.planet[i].resource.tempmin = parseInt(planets[f].innerHTML.split(')')[1].split('°C')[0].replace(/[^0-9-]/g, ""));

								var n = 0;
								if (planets[f].innerHTML.split(/\s?([\(\)])\s?/)[2].indexOf('overmark') > -1) n = 1;

								DATA.planet[i].resource.taille = planets[f].innerHTML.split(/\s?([\(\)])\s?/)[2].split('/')[1 + n];
								DATA.planet[i].resource.tailleConst = planets[f].innerHTML.split(/\s?([\(\)])\s?/)[2].split('/')[0].replace(/[^0-9-]/g, "");

								if (parseInt(document.getElementsByName('ogame-planet-id')[0].content) == parseInt(planets[f].id.split('-')[1])) // si la planete actuel 
									var buffBar = document.getElementById("buffBar");

									var coeffbostermetal = 0;
									var coeffbostercristal = 0;
									var coeffbosterdeut = 0;

									if (buffBar.innerHTML.indexOf("de922af379061263a56d7204d1c395cefcfb7d75") != -1) coeffbostermetal = 10;
									if (buffBar.innerHTML.indexOf("ba85cc2b8a5d986bbfba6954e2164ef71af95d4a") != -1) coeffbostermetal = 20;
									if (buffBar.innerHTML.indexOf("05294270032e5dc968672425ab5611998c409166") != -1) coeffbostermetal = 30;

									if (buffBar.innerHTML.indexOf("3c9f85221807b8d593fa5276cdf7af9913c4a35d") != -1) coeffbostercristal = 10;
									if (buffBar.innerHTML.indexOf("422db99aac4ec594d483d8ef7faadc5d40d6f7d3") != -1) coeffbostercristal = 20;
									if (buffBar.innerHTML.indexOf("118d34e685b5d1472267696d1010a393a59aed03") != -1) coeffbostercristal = 30;

									if (buffBar.innerHTML.indexOf("d9fa5f359e80ff4f4c97545d07c66dbadab1d1be") != -1) coeffbosterdeut = 10;
									if (buffBar.innerHTML.indexOf("e4b78acddfa6fd0234bcb814b676271898b0dbb3") != -1) coeffbosterdeut = 20;
									if (buffBar.innerHTML.indexOf("5560a1580a0330e8aadf05cb5bfe6bc3200406e2") != -1) coeffbosterdeut = 30;

									boost[i] = coeffbostermetal + '|' + coeffbostercristal + '|' + coeffbosterdeut;

									DATA.planet[i].booster.met = coeffbostermetal;
									DATA.planet[i].booster.cri = coeffbostercristal;
									DATA.planet[i].booster.det = coeffbosterdeut;

									GM_setValue(nomScript + "boost" + coordPM + serveur, boost.join(';'));
									console.log(i + " gezegeni güçlendiricisi after " + boost[f]);


								DATA.planet[i].resource.prod.d = prodDeut(DATA.planet[i].building['mdet'], speedUni, Techno[4], tempM, Geolog, boost[f].split('|')[2]);
								//console.log("2 "+Techno[4]);

							else {
								if (document.getElementsByClassName('moonlink  tooltipLeft tooltipClose js_hideTipOnMobile').length > 0) {
									var tmppp = document.getElementsByClassName('smallplanet')[f - 1].getElementsByTagName('a')[1].title.split('</b>')[0];
									DATA.planet[i].name = tmppp.split(tmppp.indexOf('<b>(') > -1 ? ')' : '<b>')[1];
								else {
									DATA.planet[i].name = text.Lune + ' ' + document.getElementsByClassName('planet-koords')[f - 1].innerHTML;

								DATA.planet[i].resource.temp = 0;
								DATA.planet[i].resource.tempmin = 0;
								DATA.planet[i].resource.taille = '0';
							//listeMinepact += DATA.planet[i].resource.temp+'#'+DATA.planet[i].name+'#'+DATA.planet[i].moon+';';

							if (BatRes_const[i] != '|' || BatSta_const[i] != '|') {
								var plapla = document.getElementById("planet-" + idPlanete[i]);
								var coeff = 1;
								if (plapla !== null) {
									// 1 => construction  2.25 => destruction
									coeff = plapla.getElementsByClassName("icon12px icon_wrench_red").length > 0 ? 2.25 : 1;

								if (BatRes_const[i] != '|') // Ressource en construction
									if (parseInt(BatRes_const[i].split('|')[1]) < start_time) {
										DATA.planet[i].building[BatRes_const[i].split('|')[0]] = parseInt(DATA.planet[i].building[BatRes_const[i].split('|')[0]]) + 1;
									else {
										var cout = prixInitial_bat[OrdreBat[BatRes_const[i].split('|')[0]]] * Math.pow(exposant[OrdreBat[BatRes_const[i].split('|')[0]]], parseInt(DATA.planet[i].building[BatRes_const[i].split('|')[0]]));

										Constructing += cout / coeff;
										if (i == numeroplanete) ConstructingPla += cout / coeff;

								if (BatSta_const[i] != '|') // Station en construction
									if (parseInt(BatSta_const[i].split('|')[1]) < start_time) {
										DATA.planet[i].building[BatSta_const[i].split('|')[0]] = parseInt(DATA.planet[i].building[BatSta_const[i].split('|')[0]]) + 1;
									else {
										var cout = prixInitial_bat[OrdreBat[BatSta_const[i].split('|')[0]]] * Math.pow(exposant[OrdreBat[BatSta_const[i].split('|')[0]]], parseInt(DATA.planet[i].building[BatSta_const[i].split('|')[0]]));
										Constructing += cout / coeff;

										if (i == numeroplanete) ConstructingPla += cout / coeff;
							var finiConst = false;

							if (Def_const[i] != '|') // Defense en construction
								var timeStartConstruction = parseInt(Def_const[i].split('-')[0]);

								aff += Def_const[i] + '\n';

								for (var e = 1; e < Def_const[i].split('-').length; e++) {
									if (Def_const[i].split('-')[e]) {
										var nom = Def_const[i].split('-')[e].split('|')[1];
										var nombre = isNaN(Def_const[i].split('-')[e].split('|')[0]) ? 0 : parseInt(Def_const[i].split('-')[e].split('|')[0]);

										if (timeStartConstruction < start_time) {
											var tempsParDef = Math.max(Math.floor(((prixInitial_defEtFlotteSansDeut[nom] / 5000) * (2 / (1 + parseInt(DATA.planet[i].building['cspa']))) * (1 / Math.pow(2, parseInt(DATA.planet[i].building['nan']))) / speedUni) * 3600000), 1) * 1000;

											var nbDefConstruite = Math.min(Math.floor((start_time - timeStartConstruction) / tempsParDef), nombre);

											if (!isNaN(DATA.planet[i].defense[nom]))
												DATA.planet[i].defense[nom] = parseInt(DATA.planet[i].defense[nom]) + Math.round(nbDefConstruite);

											Constructing += (nombre - nbDefConstruite) * prixInitial_defEtFlotte[nom];

											if (i == numeroplanete) ConstructingPla += (nombre - nbDefConstruite) * prixInitial_defEtFlotte[nom];

											timeStartConstruction += tempsParDef * nombre;

										else {
											Constructing += nombre * prixInitial_defEtFlotte[nom];

											if (i == numeroplanete) ConstructingPla += nombre * prixInitial_defEtFlotte[nom];;


								if (timeStartConstruction < start_time) finiConst = true;

							if (finiConst) {
								Def_const[i] = '|';
								GM_setValue(nomScript + "Def_const" + coordPM + serveur, Def_const.join(';'));

								DefPla[i] = DATA.planet[i].defense.lm + '|' + DATA.planet[i].defense.lle + '|' + DATA.planet[i].defense.llo + '|' + DATA.planet[i].defense.gauss +
									'|' + DATA.planet[i].defense.ion + '|' + DATA.planet[i].defense.pla + '|' + DATA.planet[i].defense.pb + '|' + DATA.planet[i].defense.gb + '|' +
									DATA.planet[i].defense.mic + '|' + DATA.planet[i].defense.mip;

								GM_setValue(nomScript + "DefPlanete" + coordPM + serveur, DefPla.join(';'));


						//GM_setValue(nomScript+'Minepact'+serveur ,listeMinepact+"$"+Techno[4] ); 		

						DATA.techno =
								'espi': Techno[8],
								'ordi': Techno[9],
								'arme': Techno[13],
								'bouc': Techno[14],
								'prot': Techno[15],
								'ener': Techno[0],
								'hype': Techno[3],
								'comb': Techno[5],
								'impu': Techno[6],
								'phyp': Techno[7],
								'lase': Techno[1],
								'ions': Techno[2],
								'plas': Techno[4],
								'rese': Techno[11],
								'expe': Techno[16],
								'astro': Techno[10],
								'grav': Techno[12]

						DATA.fleet =
								'pt': flotte[0].split('|')[0],
								'gt': flotte[0].split('|')[1],
								'cle': flotte[0].split('|')[2],
								'clo': flotte[0].split('|')[3],
								'crois': flotte[0].split('|')[4],
								'vb': flotte[0].split('|')[5],
								'vc': flotte[0].split('|')[6],
								'rec': flotte[0].split('|')[7],
								'esp': flotte[0].split('|')[8],
								'bb': flotte[0].split('|')[9],
								'sat': flotte[0].split('|')[10],
								'dest': flotte[0].split('|')[11],
								'rip': flotte[0].split('|')[12],
								'traq': flotte[0].split('|')[13]


						if (FireFox || Tamper) unsafeWindow.ifcDATA = DATA;
						if (Res_const != '|') {
							if (parseInt(Res_const.split('|')[1]) < start_time) {
								DATA.techno[Res_const.split('|')[0]] = parseInt(DATA.techno[Res_const.split('|')[0]]) + 1;
							else { Constructing += prixInitial_tech[OrdreTech[Res_const.split('|')[0]]] * Math.pow(exposant_tech[OrdreTech[Res_const.split('|')[0]]], parseInt(DATA.techno[Res_const.split('|')[0]])); }

						// ********************************* Options  *****************************************

						CouleurGraph = options.couleur.graphA + ',' + options.couleur.graphB + ',' + options.couleur.graphC + ',' + options.couleur.graphD + ',' + options.couleur.graphE;

						if (options.generale.BatTotal) {
							options.generale.AutreBat = false;
							options.generale.mine = false;
						else {
							options.generale.AutreBat = true;
							options.generale.mine = true;

						{// ********************************* Calcul des points  *****************************************

							var PointsBatimentsTotal = 0;
							var PointsMinesTotal = 0;
							var PointsDefTotal = 0;
							var pointLuneTotal = 0;
							var PointsTechno = 0;
							var PointsTechnoMetal = 0;
							var PointsTechnoCristal = 0;
							var PointsTechnoDeut = 0;

							var PointsBatimentsTotalP = new Array();
							var PointsBatimentsTotalMetalP = new Array();
							var PointsBatimentsTotalCristalP = new Array();
							var PointsBatimentsTotalDeutP = new Array();

							var PointsMinesTotalP = new Array();
							var PointsMinesTotalMetalP = new Array();
							var PointsMinesTotalCristalP = new Array();

							var PointsMinesMetalTotal = 0;
							var PointsMinesCristalTotal = 0;
							var PointsMinesDeutTotal = 0;
							var PointsBatMetalTotal = 0;
							var PointsBatCristalTotal = 0;
							var PointsBatDeutTotal = 0;

							var PointsDefTotalP = new Array();
							var PointsDefTotalMetalP = new Array();
							var PointsDefTotalCristalP = new Array();
							var PointsDefTotalDeutP = new Array();

							var manqueBat = '';
							var manqueDef = '';
							var manqueMine = '';

							var prod = new Array(0, 0, 0);
							var prodConstructing = new Array(0, 0, 0);
							var prodbrute = new Array(0, 0, 0);
							var listeRes = '';
							var coefArrondi = 1000;
							var lvlplasma = parseInt(DATA.techno['plas']);
							var lvllaser = parseInt(DATA.techno['lase']);
							var lvlenergie = parseInt(DATA.techno['ener']);
							var lvlions = parseInt(DATA.techno['ions']);

							var lvlespio = parseInt(DATA.techno['espi']);
							var lvlimpu = parseInt(DATA.techno['impu']);

							if (Res_const.split('|')[0] == "plas" && Res_const.split('|')[1] > start_time) //En construction
								lvlplasma += 1;

							for (var f = 0; f < DATA.planet.length; f++) {
								// ******************************Production********************************
								DATA.planet[f].resource.prod.m = prodMetal(DATA.planet[f].building['mmet'], speedUni, DATA.techno['plas'], Geolog, boost[f].split('|')[0]);
								DATA.planet[f].resource.prod.c = prodCristal(DATA.planet[f].building['mcri'], speedUni, DATA.techno['plas'], Geolog, boost[f].split('|')[1]);

								prod[0] += DATA.planet[f].resource.prod.m;
								prod[1] += DATA.planet[f].resource.prod.c;
								prod[2] += DATA.planet[f].resource.prod.d;

								prodbrute[0] += prodMetal(DATA.planet[f].building['mmet'], speedUni, DATA.techno['plas'], 1, 0);
								prodbrute[1] += prodCristal(DATA.planet[f].building['mcri'], speedUni, DATA.techno['plas'], 1, 0);
								prodbrute[2] += prodDeut(DATA.planet[f].building['mdet'], speedUni, DATA.techno['plas'], DATA.planet[f].resource.temp, 1, 0);

								if (BatRes_const[f].split('|')[1] > start_time && BatRes_const[f].split('|')[0] == "mmet") {
									prodConstructing[0] += prodMetal(parseInt(DATA.planet[f].building['mmet']) + 1, speedUni, lvlplasma, Geolog, boost[f].split('|')[0]);
								else {
									prodConstructing[0] += prodMetal(parseInt(DATA.planet[f].building['mmet']), speedUni, lvlplasma, Geolog, boost[f].split('|')[0]);

								if (BatRes_const[f].split('|')[1] > start_time && BatRes_const[f].split('|')[0] == "mcri") {
									prodConstructing[1] += prodCristal(parseInt(DATA.planet[f].building['mcri']) + 1, speedUni, lvlplasma, Geolog, boost[f].split('|')[1]);
								else {
									prodConstructing[1] += prodCristal(parseInt(DATA.planet[f].building['mcri']), speedUni, lvlplasma, Geolog, boost[f].split('|')[1]);

								if (BatRes_const[f].split('|')[1] > start_time && BatRes_const[f].split('|')[0] == "mdet")
									prodConstructing[2] += prodDeut(parseInt(DATA.planet[f].building[BatRes_const[f].split('|')[0]]) + 1, speedUni, lvlplasma, DATA.planet[f].resource.temp, Geolog, boost[f].split('|')[2]);
									prodConstructing[2] += DATA.planet[f].resource.prod.d;

								if (DATA.planet[f].moon == 'false') {
									prod[0] += 30 * speedUni;
									prod[1] += 15 * speedUni;
									prodConstructing[0] += 30 * speedUni;
									prodConstructing[1] += 15 * speedUni;

									prodbrute[0] += 30 * speedUni;
									prodbrute[1] += 15 * speedUni;


								// ******************************Batiment********************************
								if (DATA.planet[f].building[nom_bat[0]] + '' == '00' || (DATA.planet[f].moon == 'true' && DATA.planet[f].building[nom_bat[0]] != 0)) { manqueMine += '<a href="' + url.split('&cp=')[0].replace('overview', 'resources') + ('&cp=' + idPlanete[f]).replace('&cp=a', '') + '">' + DATA.planet[f].name + '</a> | '; }
								if (DATA.planet[f].building[nom_bat[5]] + '' == '00' || (DATA.planet[f].moon == 'true' && DATA.planet[f].building[nom_bat[0]] != 0)) { manqueBat += '<a href="' + url.split('&cp=')[0].replace('overview', 'station') + ('&cp=' + idPlanete[f]).replace('&cp=a', '') + '">' + DATA.planet[f].name + '</a> | '; }
								if (DATA.planet[f].defense[nom_def[0]] + '' == '00') { manqueDef += '<a href="' + url.split('&cp=')[0].replace('overview', 'defense') + ('&cp=' + idPlanete[f]).replace('&cp=a', '') + '">' + DATA.planet[f].name + '</a> | '; }

								PointsBatimentsTotalP[f] = 0;
								PointsBatimentsTotalMetalP[f] = 0;
								PointsBatimentsTotalCristalP[f] = 0;
								PointsBatimentsTotalDeutP[f] = 0;

								PointsMinesTotalP[f] = 0;
								PointsMinesTotalMetalP[f] = 0;
								PointsMinesTotalCristalP[f] = 0;

								PointsDefTotalP[f] = 0;

								PointsDefTotalMetalP[f] = 0;
								PointsDefTotalCristalP[f] = 0;
								PointsDefTotalDeutP[f] = 0;

								function arrondiBat(n) {
									return Math.floor(n * 1000) / 1000;

								for (var i = 0; i < nom_bat.length; i++) {
									var exp_build = (Math.pow(exposant[i], DATA.planet[f].building[nom_bat[i]]) - 1) / (exposant[i] - 1);
									if (i < 3) {
										//formule cout cumulé
										PointsMinesTotalP[f] += arrondiBat(prixInitial_bat[i] * exp_build);
										PointsMinesTotalMetalP[f] += arrondiBat(prixInitial_batMineMetal[i] * exp_build);
										PointsMinesTotalCristalP[f] += arrondiBat(prixInitial_batMineCristal[i] * exp_build);

										PointsMinesMetalTotal += arrondiBat(prixInitial_batMineMetal[i] * exp_build);
										PointsMinesCristalTotal += arrondiBat(prixInitial_batMineCristal[i] * exp_build);
									else {
										PointsBatimentsTotalP[f] += arrondiBat(prixInitial_bat[i] * exp_build);
										PointsBatimentsTotalMetalP[f] += arrondiBat(prixInitial_batMineMetal[i] * exp_build);
										PointsBatimentsTotalCristalP[f] += arrondiBat(prixInitial_batMineCristal[i] * exp_build);
										PointsBatimentsTotalDeutP[f] += arrondiBat(prixInitial_batMineDeut[i] * exp_build);

										PointsBatMetalTotal += arrondiBat(prixInitial_batMineMetal[i] * exp_build);
										PointsBatCristalTotal += arrondiBat(prixInitial_batMineCristal[i] * exp_build);
										PointsBatDeutTotal += arrondiBat(prixInitial_batMineDeut[i] * exp_build);

										if (DATA.planet[f].moon == 'true')
											pointLuneTotal += arrondiBat(prixInitial_bat[i] * (Math.pow(exposant[i], DATA.planet[f].building[nom_bat[i]]) - 1) / (exposant[i] - 1));

									// ******************************Defense********************************
									if (i < nom_def.length) {
										PointsDefTotalP[f] += prixInitial_def[i] * DATA.planet[f].defense[nom_def[i]];

										PointsDefTotalMetalP[f] += prixInitial_defMetal[i] * DATA.planet[f].defense[nom_def[i]];
										PointsDefTotalCristalP[f] += prixInitial_defCristal[i] * DATA.planet[f].defense[nom_def[i]];
										PointsDefTotalDeutP[f] += prixInitial_defDeut[i] * DATA.planet[f].defense[nom_def[i]];

								PointsBatimentsTotal += PointsBatimentsTotalP[f];
								PointsMinesTotal += PointsMinesTotalP[f];
								PointsDefTotal += PointsDefTotalP[f];

							// ******************************Recherche********************************
							for (var k = 0; k < prixInitial_tech.length; k++) {
								PointsTechno += arrondiBat(prixInitial_tech[k] * (Math.pow(exposant_tech[k], parseInt(DATA.techno[nom_techno[k]])) - 1) / (exposant_tech[k] - 1));
								PointsTechnoMetal += arrondiBat(prixInitial_techMetal[k] * (Math.pow(exposant_tech[k], parseInt(DATA.techno[nom_techno[k]])) - 1) / (exposant_tech[k] - 1));
								PointsTechnoCristal += arrondiBat(prixInitial_techCristal[k] * (Math.pow(exposant_tech[k], parseInt(DATA.techno[nom_techno[k]])) - 1) / (exposant_tech[k] - 1));
								PointsTechnoDeut += arrondiBat(prixInitial_techDeut[k] * (Math.pow(exposant_tech[k], parseInt(DATA.techno[nom_techno[k]])) - 1) / (exposant_tech[k] - 1));

							if (PointsTechno < 0) PointsTechno = -1; // Page message pas visité

							var PointPlanete = Math.round(PointsBatimentsTotalP[numeroplanete] + PointsMinesTotalP[numeroplanete] + PointsDefTotalP[numeroplanete]);

							// ********************************* Prod/Jours  *****************************************

							prod[0] = prod[0] * 24;
							prod[1] = prod[1] * 24;
							prod[2] = prod[2] * 24;

							prodConstructing[0] = prodConstructing[0] * 24;
							prodConstructing[1] = prodConstructing[1] * 24;
							prodConstructing[2] = prodConstructing[2] * 24;

							prodbrute[0] = prodbrute[0] * 24;
							prodbrute[1] = prodbrute[1] * 24;
							prodbrute[2] = prodbrute[2] * 24;

							var PointsFlotteTotal = Math.round(PointsTotal - PointsTechno - PointsMinesTotal - PointsBatimentsTotal - PointsDefTotal);
							GM_setValue(nomScript + "pointFlotte" + coordPM + serveur, PointsFlotteTotal + '');

							PointIndest = Math.round(PointsMinesTotal + PointsBatimentsTotal + PointsTechno - pointLuneTotal);
							pointLuneTotal = Math.round(pointLuneTotal);
							PointsBatimentsTotal = Math.round(PointsBatimentsTotal);
							PointsMinesTotal = Math.round(PointsMinesTotal);
							PointsTechno = Math.round(PointsTechno);
							PointsDefTotal = Math.round(PointsDefTotal);

							GM_setValue(nomScript + "pointsTotal" + coordPM + serveur, PointsTotal + '|' + PointIndest + '|' + (Constructing + PointsTotal));


							// ******************************Récuperation des données de reférence*******************************

							var Actuelrank = new Array(totRanked, 'v300', 'v300');

							Actuelrank[3] = (GM_getValue(nomScript + 'rankIndes' + coordPM + serveur, '0|0') + '').split('|')[0];
							Actuelrank[4] = (GM_getValue(nomScript + 'rankIndes' + coordPM + serveur, '0|0') + '').split('|')[1];

							date = new Date() + '';

							var dates = date.split(/ /);
							if (text.date.DMY) date = dates[2] + ' ' + text.date[dates[1]] + ' ' + dates[3];
							else date = text.date[dates[1]] + ' ' + dates[2] + ' ' + dates[3];

							var PointRef = GM_getValue(nomScript + "PointRef" + coordPM + serveur, '' + PointsTotal + ';' + date + ';' + PointsMinesTotal + ';' + PointsBatimentsTotal + ';' + PointsTechno + ';' + PointsFlotteTotal + ';' + PointsDefTotal + ';true;' + PointsTotal + ';' + (Date.parse(new Date()) / 1000 - 2) + ';' + start_time + ';' + Actuelrank[2] + ';' + Actuelrank[1] + ';' + Actuelrank[3] + ';' + PointIndest + ';' + Actuelrank[0] + ';;;;').split(/;/);
							if (PointRef[7] == 'true' && manqueBat == '' && manqueDef == '' && manqueMine == '' && PointsTechno != -1) // Si y'avais rien d'enregistré on enregistre
								GM_setValue(nomScript + "PointRef" + coordPM + serveur, PointsTotal + ';' + date + ';' + PointsMinesTotal + ';' + PointsBatimentsTotal + ';' + PointsTechno + ';' + PointsFlotteTotal + ';' + PointsDefTotal + ';false;' + PointsTotal + ';' + (Date.parse(new Date()) / 1000) + ';' + start_time + ';' + Actuelrank[2] + ';' + Actuelrank[1] + ';' + Actuelrank[3] + ';' + PointIndest + ';' + Actuelrank[0] + ';;;;;;');

							PointRef[0] = parseInt(PointRef[0]);
							PointRef[2] = parseInt(PointRef[2]);
							PointRef[3] = parseInt(PointRef[3]);
							PointRef[4] = parseInt(PointRef[4]);
							PointRef[5] = parseInt(PointRef[5]);
							PointRef[6] = parseInt(PointRef[6]);
							PointRef[10] = parseInt(PointRef[10]);
							PointRef[14] = parseInt(PointRef[14]);

							if (accStartTime < 1) {
								var PointRefMoy = parseInt(PointRef[8]);
								var DateRefMoy = parseInt(PointRef[9]);
							else {
								var PointRefMoy = 0;
								var DateRefMoy = accStartTime / 1000;

						{// ****************************** BBCode détaillé  ********************************

							var CoulBBcode = options.couleur.CoulBBcode;

							var size1 = '18';
							var size2 = '22';
							var size3 = '10';
							var center = 'center';
							var centerFin = 'center';

							if (!options.generale.bbcode_center && !options.generale.baliseCenterHTML) {
								center = 'align=center';
								centerFin = 'align';
							if (!options.generale.bbcode_pixel && !options.generale.bbcode_SMF) {
								size1 = '150';
								size2 = '180';
								size3 = '60';
							if (options.generale.bbcode_SMF) {
								size1 += 'pt';
								size2 += 'pt';
								size3 += 'pt';

							// ****************************** BBCode détaillé  ********************************
							CoulBBcode = options.couleur.CoulBBcode;
							var code = '<textarea style="width:100%;background-color:transparent;color:#999999;text-align:center;" onClick="javascript:this.select();">';
							var listeNiveau = '';
							var totNiv = 0;

							code += '[' + center + '][u][size=' + size2 + ']' + text.bbcode.rapport + ' ' + DATA.info.player + ' uni ' + numUni + '[/size] \n ';
							code += text.bbcode.genere + '[color=#' + options.couleur.CoulBBcode + '] ' + date + ' [/color] by [url=http://vulca.1s.fr/][color=#' + CoulBBcode + ']Madenciler [/color][/url] [color=#' + CoulBBcode + ']v' + Version + '[/color][/u][/' + centerFin + ']\n\n\n';

							code += ' [u][size=' + size2 + '][color=#' + options.couleur.CoulBBcode2 + '] ' + text.bbcode.empirePoint + ' [/color][/size][/u]\n';
							code += '- ' + text.BBcode_mine + ' [color=#' + options.couleur.CoulBBcode + ']' + addPoints(PointsMinesTotal) + ' ( ' + pourcent(PointsMinesTotal, PointsTotal) + ' %)[/color]\n';
							code += '- ' + text.BBcode_bat + ' [color=#' + options.couleur.CoulBBcode + ']' + addPoints(PointsBatimentsTotal) + ' ( ' + pourcent(PointsBatimentsTotal, PointsTotal) + ' %)[/color]\n';
							code += '- ' + text.BBcode_fin3 + ' [color=#' + options.couleur.CoulBBcode + ']' + addPoints(PointsDefTotal) + ' ( ' + pourcent(PointsDefTotal, PointsTotal) + ' %)[/color]\n';
							code += '- ' + text.BBcode_fin1 + ' [color=#' + options.couleur.CoulBBcode + ']' + addPoints(PointsTechno) + ' ( ' + pourcent(PointsTechno, PointsTotal) + ' %)[/color]\n';
							code += '- ' + text.Bcode_fin2 + ' [color=#' + options.couleur.CoulBBcode + ']' + addPoints(PointsFlotteTotal) + ' ( ' + pourcent(PointsFlotteTotal, PointsTotal) + ' %)[/color]\n';
							code += '[b]' + text.BBcode_debut2 + ' [color=#' + options.couleur.CoulBBcode + ']' + addPoints(PointsTotal) + '[/color] [size=' + size3 + ']( ' + text.bbcode.dont + ' ' + pourcent(PointIndest, PointsTotal) + '% ' + text.BBcode_fin5 + ')[/size][/b]\n\n\n';

							var niveau = '';
							code += '[u][size=' + size2 + '][color=#' + options.couleur.CoulBBcode2 + ']' + text.bbcode.Production + '[/color][/size][/u]\n';
							code += '[list][*]' + text.tag.m + ' : [color=#' + options.couleur.CoulBBcode + '][b]' + addPoints(prod[0]) + '[/b][/color]\n';
							code += '[*]' + text.tag.c + ' : [color=#' + options.couleur.CoulBBcode + '][b]' + addPoints(prod[1]) + '[/b][/color]\n';
							code += '[*]' + text.tag.d + ' : [color=#' + options.couleur.CoulBBcode + '][b]' + addPoints(prod[2]) + '[/b][/color][/list]\n\n\n';

							code += '[u][size=' + size2 + '][color=#' + options.couleur.CoulBBcode2 + ']' + text.bbcode.Taille + '[/color][/size][/u]\n';
							code += listeNiveauUse + '| [b]' + text.bbcode.UsedField + '[/b] => ' + text.Moyenne + ' = ' + Math.round(10 * totNivCase / (nbPlanet - nbLune)) / 10 + '\n';
							code += listeNiveauMax + '| [b]' + text.bbcode.TotField + '[/b] => ' + text.Moyenne + ' = ' + Math.round(10 * totNivCaseMax / (nbPlanet - nbLune)) / 10 + '\n\n\n';

							code += '[u][size=' + size2 + '][color=#' + options.couleur.CoulBBcode2 + ']' + text.bbcode.Structure + ' [/color][/size][/u]\n';
							code += '[' + center + '][i][size=' + size1 + '][color=#' + options.couleur.CoulBBcode + ']' + text.bbcode.planet + ' [/color][/size][/i][/' + centerFin + ']\n';
							code += '[color=#' + options.couleur.CoulBBcode + '][b][u]' + text.Mines + '[/u][/b][/color]\n';

							code += listeNiveau + '| [b]' + text.tag.mmet + '[/b] => ' + text.Total + ' = ' + totNiv + '\n';
							code += listeNiveau + '| [b]' + text.tag.mcri + '[/b] => ' + text.Total + ' = ' + totNiv + '\n';
							code += listeNiveau + '| [b]' + text.tag.mdet + '[/b] => ' + text.Total + ' = ' + totNiv + '\n\n';

							code += '[color=#' + options.couleur.CoulBBcode + '][b][u]' + text.bbcode.Stockage + '[/u][/b][/color]\n';
							code += listeNiveau + '| [b]' + text.tag.hmet + '[/b] => ' + text.Total + ' = ' + totNiv + '\n';
							code += listeNiveau + '| [b]' + text.tag.hcri + '[/b] => ' + text.Total + ' = ' + totNiv + '\n';
							code += listeNiveau + '| [b]' + text.tag.hdet + '[/b] => ' + text.Total + ' = ' + totNiv + '\n\n';

							code += '[color=#' + options.couleur.CoulBBcode + '][b][u]' + text.bbcode.Energie + '[/u][/b][/color]\n';
							code += listeNiveau + '| [b]' + text.tag.cef + '[/b] => ' + text.Total + ' = ' + totNiv + '\n';
							code += listeNiveau + '| [b]' + text.tag.ces + '[/b] => ' + text.Total + ' = ' + totNiv + '\n';

							totNiv = 0;
							for (i = 0; i < DATA.planet.length; i++) {
								if (DATA.planet[i].moon == 'false') {
									switch (DATA.planet[i].fleet.sat.length) {
										case 1:
											code += '|__' + DATA.planet[i].fleet.sat + '_';
										case 2:
											code += '|_' + DATA.planet[i].fleet.sat + '_';
										case 3:
											code += '|_' + DATA.planet[i].fleet.sat;
											code += '|' + DATA.planet[i].fleet.sat;
									totNiv += parseInt(DATA.planet[i].fleet.sat);

							code += '| [b]' + text.tag.ss + '[/b] => ' + text.Total + ' = [color=#' + options.couleur.CoulBBcode + ']' + totNiv + '[/color]\n\n';

							code += '[color=#' + options.couleur.CoulBBcode + '][b][u]' + text.bbcode.Construction + '[/u][/b][/color]\n';
							code += listeNiveau + '| [b]' + text.tag.rob + '[/b] => ' + text.Total + ' = ' + totNiv + '\n';
							code += listeNiveau + '| [b]' + text.tag.nan + '[/b] => ' + text.Total + ' = ' + totNiv + '\n';
							code += listeNiveau + '| [b]' + text.tag.ter + '[/b] => ' + text.Total + ' = ' + totNiv + '\n\n';

							code += '[color=#' + options.couleur.CoulBBcode + '][b][u]' + text.bbcode.Militaire + '[/u][/b][/color]\n';
							code += listeNiveau + '| [b]' + text.tag.cspa + '[/b] => ' + text.Total + ' = ' + totNiv + '\n';
							code += listeNiveau + '| [b]' + text.tag.depo + '[/b] => ' + text.Total + ' = ' + totNiv + '\n';
							code += listeNiveau + '| [b]' + text.tag.silo + '[/b] => ' + text.Total + ' = ' + totNiv + '\n\n';

							code += '[color=#' + options.couleur.CoulBBcode + '][b][u]' + text.bbcode.Scientifique + '[/u][/b][/color]\n';
							code += listeNiveau + '| [b]' + text.tag.lab + '[/b] => ' + text.Total + ' = ' + totNiv + '\n\n';

							code += '[' + center + '][i][size=' + size1 + '][color=#' + options.couleur.CoulBBcode + '] ' + text.bbcode.Lune + ' [/color][/size][/i][/' + centerFin + ']\n';

							code += '[color=#' + options.couleur.CoulBBcode + '][b][u]' + text.bbcode.Stockage + '[/u][/b][/color]\n';
							code += listeNiveau + '| [b]' + text.tag.hmet + '[/b] => ' + text.Total + ' = ' + totNiv + '\n';
							code += listeNiveau + '| [b]' + text.tag.hcri + '[/b] => ' + text.Total + ' = ' + totNiv + '\n';
							code += listeNiveau + '| [b]' + text.tag.hdet + '[/b] => ' + text.Total + ' = ' + totNiv + '\n\n';

							code += '[color=#' + options.couleur.CoulBBcode + '][b][u]' + text.bbcode.Construction + '[/u][/b][/color]\n';
							code += listeNiveau + '| [b]' + text.tag.rob + '[/b] => ' + text.Total + ' = ' + totNiv + '\n';
							code += listeNiveau + '| [b]' + text.tag.base + '[/b] => ' + text.Total + ' = ' + totNiv + '\n\n';

							code += '[color=#' + options.couleur.CoulBBcode + '][b][u]' + text.bbcode.Militaire + '[/u][/b][/color]\n';
							code += listeNiveau + '| [b]' + text.tag.cspa + '[/b] => ' + text.Total + ' = ' + totNiv + '\n';
							code += listeNiveau + '| [b]' + text.tag.phal + '[/b] => ' + text.Total + ' = ' + totNiv + '\n';
							code += listeNiveau + '| [b]' + text.tag.port + '[/b] => ' + text.Total + ' = ' + totNiv + '\n\n\n';

							var contrCoul = { 'espi': options.couleur.CoulBBcode, 'ordi': options.couleur.CoulBBcode, 'arme': options.couleur.CoulBBcode, 'bouc': options.couleur.CoulBBcode, 'prot': options.couleur.CoulBBcode, 'ener': options.couleur.CoulBBcode, 'hype': options.couleur.CoulBBcode, 'comb': options.couleur.CoulBBcode, 'impu': options.couleur.CoulBBcode, 'phyp': options.couleur.CoulBBcode, 'lase': options.couleur.CoulBBcode, 'ions': options.couleur.CoulBBcode, 'plas': options.couleur.CoulBBcode, 'rese': options.couleur.CoulBBcode, 'astro': options.couleur.CoulBBcode };

							if (Res_const != '|') {
								if (parseInt(Res_const.split('|')[1]) > start_time) {
									contrCoul[Res_const.split('|')[0]] = options.couleur.CoulBBcode2;

							code += '[u][size=' + size2 + '][color=#' + options.couleur.CoulBBcode2 + ']' + text.bbcode.Technology + '[/color][/size][/u]\n\n';
							code += '[u][b][color=#' + options.couleur.CoulBBcode + ']' + text.bbcode.Technologies_de_combat + ' [/color][/b][/u] \n';
							code += '[b]' + text.tag.arme + '[/b]:  [color=#' + contrCoul.arme + ']' + DATA.techno.arme + '[/color]\n';
							code += '[b]' + text.tag.bouc + '[/b]:  [color=#' + contrCoul.bouc + ']' + DATA.techno.bouc + '[/color]\n';
							code += '[b]' + text.tag.prot + '[/b]:  [color=#' + contrCoul.prot + ']' + DATA.techno.prot + '[/color]\n';
							code += '[b]' + text.tag.espi + '[/b]:  [color=#' + contrCoul.espi + ']' + DATA.techno.espi + '[/color]\n\n';

							code += '[u][b][color=#' + options.couleur.CoulBBcode + ']' + text.bbcode.Technologies_de_vaisseaux + ' [/color][/b][/u] \n';
							code += '[b]' + text.tag.ordi + '[/b]:  [color=#' + contrCoul.ordi + ']' + DATA.techno.ordi + '[/color]\n';
							code += '[b]' + text.tag.comb + '[/b]:  [color=#' + contrCoul.comb + ']' + DATA.techno.comb + '[/color]\n';
							code += '[b]' + text.tag.impu + '[/b]:  [color=#' + contrCoul.impu + ']' + DATA.techno.impu + '[/color]\n';
							code += '[b]' + text.tag.phyp + '[/b]:  [color=#' + contrCoul.phyp + ']' + DATA.techno.phyp + '[/color]\n\n';

							code += '[u][b][color=#' + options.couleur.CoulBBcode + ']' + text.bbcode.Technologies_annexes + ' [/color][/b][/u]\n';
							code += '[b]' + text.tag.ener + '[/b]:  [color=#' + contrCoul.ener + ']' + DATA.techno.ener + '[/color]\n';
							code += '[b]' + text.tag.hype + '[/b]:  [color=#' + contrCoul.hype + ']' + DATA.techno.hype + '[/color]\n';
							code += '[b]' + text.tag.ions + '[/b]:  [color=#' + contrCoul.ions + ']' + DATA.techno.ions + '[/color]\n';
							code += '[b]' + text.tag.lase + '[/b]:  [color=#' + contrCoul.lase + ']' + DATA.techno.lase + '[/color]\n';
							code += '[b]' + text.tag.plas + '[/b]:  [color=#' + contrCoul.plas + ']' + DATA.techno.plas + '[/color]\n';
							code += '[b]' + text.tag.rese + '[/b]:  [color=#' + contrCoul.rese + ']' + DATA.techno.rese + '[/color]\n';
							code += '[b]' + text.tag.expe + '[/b]:  [color=#' + contrCoul.astro + ']' + DATA.techno.astro + '[/color]\n';
							code += '[b]' + text.tag.grav + '[/b]:  [color=#' + options.couleur.CoulBBcode + ']' + DATA.techno.grav + '[/color]\n\n\n';

							if (options.generale.saveFleet) {
								if (options.generale.langue != 'fr') code += '[u][size=' + size2 + '][color=#' + options.couleur.CoulBBcode2 + '].:: ' + text.Fleet + ' ::.[/color][/size][/u]\n\n';
								else code += '[u][size=' + size2 + '][color=#' + options.couleur.CoulBBcode2 + '][img]http://infocompte.topraider.eu/image/flotte.jpg[/img][/color][/size][/u]\n\n';

								code += '[u][b][color=#' + options.couleur.CoulBBcode + ']' + text.bbcode.vaisseauCivil + ' [/color][/b][/u] \n';

								var nbDeVaisseau = new Array();

								nbDeVaisseau[0] = calculFlotte(0);
								code += '[b]' + text.tag.pt + '[/b]: [color=#' + options.couleur.CoulBBcode + ']' + addPoints(nbDeVaisseau[0]) + '[/color]\n';

								nbDeVaisseau[1] = calculFlotte(1);
								code += '[b]' + text.tag.gt + '[/b]: [color=#' + options.couleur.CoulBBcode + ']' + addPoints(nbDeVaisseau[1]) + '[/color]\n';

								nbDeVaisseau[6] = calculFlotte(6);
								code += '[b]' + text.tag.vc + '[/b]: [color=#' + options.couleur.CoulBBcode + ']' + addPoints(nbDeVaisseau[6]) + '[/color]\n';

								nbDeVaisseau[7] = calculFlotte(7);
								code += '[b]' + text.tag.rec + '[/b]: [color=#' + options.couleur.CoulBBcode + ']' + addPoints(nbDeVaisseau[7]) + '[/color]\n';

								nbDeVaisseau[8] = calculFlotte(8);
								code += '[b]' + text.tag.esp + '[/b]: [color=#' + options.couleur.CoulBBcode + ']' + addPoints(nbDeVaisseau[8]) + '[/color]\n';

								nbDeVaisseau[10] = calculFlotte(10);
								code += '[b]' + text.tag.ss + '[/b]: [color=#' + options.couleur.CoulBBcode + ']' + addPoints(nbDeVaisseau[10]) + '[/color]\n\n';

								code += '[u][b][color=#' + options.couleur.CoulBBcode + ']' + text.bbcode.vaisseauCombat + ' [/color][/b][/u] \n';

								nbDeVaisseau[2] = calculFlotte(2);
								code += '[b]' + text.tag.cle + '[/b]: [color=#' + options.couleur.CoulBBcode + ']' + addPoints(nbDeVaisseau[2]) + '[/color]\n';

								nbDeVaisseau[3] = calculFlotte(3);
								code += '[b]' + text.tag.clo + '[/b]: [color=#' + options.couleur.CoulBBcode + ']' + addPoints(nbDeVaisseau[3]) + '[/color]\n';

								nbDeVaisseau[4] = calculFlotte(4);
								code += '[b]' + text.tag.crois + '[/b]: [color=#' + options.couleur.CoulBBcode + ']' + addPoints(nbDeVaisseau[4]) + '[/color]\n';

								nbDeVaisseau[5] = calculFlotte(5);
								code += '[b]' + text.tag.vb + '[/b]: [color=#' + options.couleur.CoulBBcode + ']' + addPoints(nbDeVaisseau[5]) + '[/color]\n';

								nbDeVaisseau[13] = calculFlotte(13);
								code += '[b]' + text.tag.traq + '[/b]: [color=#' + options.couleur.CoulBBcode + ']' + addPoints(nbDeVaisseau[13]) + '[/color]\n';

								nbDeVaisseau[9] = calculFlotte(9);
								code += '[b]' + text.tag.bomb + '[/b]: [color=#' + options.couleur.CoulBBcode + ']' + addPoints(nbDeVaisseau[9]) + '[/color]\n';

								nbDeVaisseau[11] = calculFlotte(11);
								code += '[b]' + text.tag.dest + '[/b]: [color=#' + options.couleur.CoulBBcode + ']' + addPoints(nbDeVaisseau[11]) + '[/color]\n';

								nbDeVaisseau[12] = calculFlotte(12);
								code += '[b]' + text.tag.edlm + '[/b]: [color=#' + options.couleur.CoulBBcode + ']' + addPoints(nbDeVaisseau[12]) + '[/color]\n\n\n\n';

							code += '[u][size=' + size2 + '][color=#' + options.couleur.CoulBBcode2 + ']' + text.bbcode.Defense + '[/color][/size][/u]\n';
							code += '[' + center + '][i][size=' + size1 + '][color=#' + options.couleur.CoulBBcode + '] ' + text.bbcode.planet + ' [/color][/size][/i][/' + centerFin + ']\n\n';

							code += listeNiveau + '| [b]' + text.tag.lm + '[/b] => ' + text.Total + ' = [color=#' + options.couleur.CoulBBcode + ']' + addPoints(totNiv) + '[/color]\n';
							code += listeNiveau + '| [b]' + text.tag.lle + '[/b] => ' + text.Total + ' = [color=#' + options.couleur.CoulBBcode + ']' + addPoints(totNiv) + '[/color]\n';
							code += listeNiveau + '| [b]' + text.tag.llo + '[/b] => ' + text.Total + ' = [color=#' + options.couleur.CoulBBcode + ']' + addPoints(totNiv) + '[/color]\n';
							code += listeNiveau + '| [b]' + text.tag.ion + '[/b] => ' + text.Total + ' = [color=#' + options.couleur.CoulBBcode + ']' + addPoints(totNiv) + '[/color]\n';
							code += listeNiveau + '| [b]' + text.tag.gauss + '[/b] => ' + text.Total + ' = [color=#' + options.couleur.CoulBBcode + ']' + addPoints(totNiv) + '[/color]\n';
							code += listeNiveau + '| [b]' + text.tag.pla + '[/b] => ' + text.Total + ' = [color=#' + options.couleur.CoulBBcode + ']' + addPoints(totNiv) + '[/color]\n';
							code += listeNiveau + '| [b]' + text.tag.pb + '[/b] => ' + text.Total + ' = [color=#' + options.couleur.CoulBBcode + ']' + addPoints(totNiv) + '[/color]\n';
							code += listeNiveau + '| [b]' + text.tag.gb + '[/b] => ' + text.Total + ' = [color=#' + options.couleur.CoulBBcode + ']' + addPoints(totNiv) + '[/color]\n';
							code += listeNiveau + '| [b]' + text.tag.mic + '[/b] => ' + text.Total + ' = [color=#' + options.couleur.CoulBBcode + ']' + addPoints(totNiv) + '[/color]\n';
							code += listeNiveau + '| [b]' + text.tag.mip + '[/b] => ' + text.Total + ' = [color=#' + options.couleur.CoulBBcode + ']' + addPoints(totNiv) + '[/color]\n\n';

							code += '[' + center + '][i][size=' + size1 + '][color=#' + options.couleur.CoulBBcode + '] ' + text.bbcode.Lune + ' [/color][/size][/i][/' + centerFin + ']\n';

							code += listeNiveau + '| [b]' + text.tag.lm + '[/b] => ' + text.Total + ' = [color=#' + options.couleur.CoulBBcode + ']' + addPoints(totNiv) + '[/color]\n';
							code += listeNiveau + '| [b]' + text.tag.lle + '[/b] => ' + text.Total + ' = [color=#' + options.couleur.CoulBBcode + ']' + addPoints(totNiv) + '[/color]\n';
							code += listeNiveau + '| [b]' + text.tag.llo + '[/b] => ' + text.Total + ' = [color=#' + options.couleur.CoulBBcode + ']' + addPoints(totNiv) + '[/color]\n';
							code += listeNiveau + '| [b]' + text.tag.ion + '[/b] => ' + text.Total + ' = [color=#' + options.couleur.CoulBBcode + ']' + addPoints(totNiv) + '[/color]\n';
							code += listeNiveau + '| [b]' + text.tag.gauss + '[/b] => ' + text.Total + ' = [color=#' + options.couleur.CoulBBcode + ']' + addPoints(totNiv) + '[/color]\n';
							code += listeNiveau + '| [b]' + text.tag.pla + '[/b] => ' + text.Total + ' = [color=#' + options.couleur.CoulBBcode + ']' + addPoints(totNiv) + '[/color]\n';
							code += listeNiveau + '| [b]' + text.tag.pb + '[/b] => ' + text.Total + ' = [color=#' + options.couleur.CoulBBcode + ']' + addPoints(totNiv) + '[/color]\n';
							code += listeNiveau + '| [b]' + text.tag.gb + '[/b] => ' + text.Total + ' = [color=#' + options.couleur.CoulBBcode + ']' + addPoints(totNiv) + '[/color]\n';
							code += listeNiveau + '| [b]' + text.tag.mic + '[/b] => ' + text.Total + ' = [color=#' + options.couleur.CoulBBcode + ']' + addPoints(totNiv) + '[/color]\n';
							code += listeNiveau + '| [b]' + text.tag.mip + '[/b] => ' + text.Total + ' = [color=#' + options.couleur.CoulBBcode + ']' + addPoints(totNiv) + '[/color]\n\n</textarea>';

							// ****************************** BBCode + nb colone pour graphique ********************************

							var BBcode = '[' + center + '][size=' + size2 + '][b]' + text.BBcode_debut + '[/b][/size]\n\n[size=' + size2 + ']' + text.BBcode_debut2 + '[b][color=#ff0000]' + addPoints(PointsTotal) + '[/color][/b][/size]\n';
							var nbAfficher = 0;
							if (options.generale.mine) {
								BBcode += text.BBcode_mine + "[b][color=#ff0000]" + addPoints(PointsMinesTotal) + "[/color][/b] (" + text.soit + " [b][color=#ff0000]" + pourcent(PointsMinesTotal, PointsTotal) + "[/color][/b] %)\n";
							if (options.generale.AutreBat) {
								BBcode += text.BBcode_bat + "[b][color=#ff0000]" + addPoints(PointsBatimentsTotal) + "[/color][/b] (" + text.soit + " [b][color=#ff0000]" + pourcent(PointsBatimentsTotal, PointsTotal) + "[/color][/b] %)\n";
							if (options.generale.BatTotal) {
								BBcode += text.BBcode_batT + "[b][color=#ff0000]" + addPoints(PointsMinesTotal + PointsBatimentsTotal) + "[/color][/b] (" + text.soit + " [b][color=#ff0000]" + pourcent(PointsMinesTotal + PointsBatimentsTotal, PointsTotal) + "[/color][/b] %) \n";

							BBcode += text.BBcode_fin1 + "[b][color=#ff0000]" + addPoints(PointsTechno) + "[/color][/b] (" + text.soit + " [b][color=#ff0000]" + pourcent(PointsTechno, PointsTotal) + "[/color][/b] %)\n";;
							BBcode += text.Bcode_fin2 + "[b][color=#ff0000]" + addPoints(PointsFlotteTotal) + "[/color][/b] (" + text.soit + " [b][color=#ff0000]" + pourcent(PointsFlotteTotal, PointsTotal) + "[/color][/b] %) \n";
							BBcode += text.BBcode_fin3 += "[b][color=#fF0000]" + addPoints(PointsDefTotal) + "[/color][/b] (" + text.soit + " [b][color=#ff0000]" + pourcent(PointsDefTotal, PointsTotal) + "[/color][/b] %) \n\n";
							BBcode += text.BBcode_fin4 += "[b][color=#ff0000]" + addPoints(PointIndest) + "[/color][/b] (" + text.soit + " [b][color=#ff0000]" + pourcent(PointIndest, PointsTotal) + "[/color][/b] %) ";
							BBcode += text.BBcode_fin5 + '\n';

							if (options.generale.Techno_utile) {
								var PointsTechnoInu = (GM_getValue(nomScript + "pointTechnoUni" + coordPM + serveur, '0;0') + '').split(';')[1];
								BBcode += text.BBcode_fin42 + "[b][color=#ff0000]" + addPoints(PointsTechnoInu) + " " + text.Points + "[/color][/b] (" + text.soit + " [b][color=#ff0000]" + pourcent(PointsTechnoInu, PointsTotal) + "[/color][/b] %) \n";

							BBcode += text.BBcode_fin6 + '[b][color=#ff0000]' + addPoints(Math.round((PointsTotal - PointRef[8]) / arrondi((Date.parse(new Date()) / 1000 - PointRef[9]) / (3600 * 24)))) + ' [/color][/b]' + text.Point_day + ' \n';
							BBcode += text.Production + ' : [b][color=#ff0000]' + addPoints(Math.round((prod[0] + prod[1] + prod[2]) / 1000)) + '[/color][/b] ' + text.Point_day + ' \n';
							BBcode += "[b]uni " + numUni + "[/b][/" + centerFin + "]";

							if (options.generale.techno) nbAfficher++;
							if (options.generale.flottes) nbAfficher++;
							if (options.generale.Def) nbAfficher++;
							if (options.generale.indestructible) nbAfficher++;
							if (options.generale.constructing) nbAfficher++;

							if (options.generale.baliseCenterHTML) {
								BBcode = BBcode.replace(/\[center\]/g, '<center>').replace(/\[\/center\]/g, '</center>');
								code = code.replace(/\[center\]/g, '<center>').replace(/\[\/center\]/g, '</center>');

						{// **************************** export  mine *****************************

							var exportMine = '<textarea style="width:100%;background-color:transparent;color:#999999;text-align:center;" onClick="javascript:this.select();">';
							var compteur = 1;
							var dateAjd = new Date();

							var prod_m_total = 0;
							var prod_c_total = 0;
							var prod_d_total = 0;

							var point_m_total = 0;
							var point_c_total = 0;
							var point_d_total = 0;
							function format(x) {
								if (x == 0) { return x; } else {
									var str = x.toString(), n = str.length;

									if (n < 4) { return x; } else {
										return ((n % 3) ? str.substr(0, n % 3) + '.' : '') + str.substr(n % 3).match(new RegExp('[0-9]{3}', 'g')).join('.');
							var pseudo = GM_getValue(nomScript + 'Pseudo' + serveur, "pseudo#coordPM#CoordPM").split('#')[0];
							exportMine += "[u]" + text.exportm.niveau + " [b][color=#b9ffa3]" + pseudo + "[/color][/b] ( " + serveur_split[0] + " ) " + text.exportm.le + " " + dateAjd.toLocaleString() + " :[/u]\n\n";
							let coordPM = document.getElementsByClassName('planet-koords')[0].innerHTML;
							var boost = GM_getValue(nomScript + "boost" + coordPM + serveur, '0|0|0;0|0|0;0|0|0;0|0|0;0|0|0;0|0|0;0|0|0;0|0|0;0|0|0;0|0|0;0|0|0;0|0|0;0|0|0;0|0|0;0|0|0;0|0|0;0|0|0;0|0|0;0|0|0;0|0|0;0|0|0;0|0|0;0|0|0;0|0|0;0|0|0;0|0|0;0|0|0;0|0|0;0|0|0;0|0|0;0|0|0;0|0|0;0|0|0;0|0|0;0|0|0;0|0|0;0|0|0;0|0|0;0|0|0;0|0|0;0|0|0;0|0|0;0|0|0;0|0|0;0|0|0;0|0|0;').split(';');

							function test(valeur) {
								return parseInt(valeur) < 10 ? "0" + valeur : valeur;
							for (i = 0; i < DATA.planet.length; i++) {
								if (DATA.planet[i].moon == 'false') {
									if (boost != null) {
										//console.log("Boost bilgisi : " + boost[i]);
										var dataPlanet = DATA.planet[i].booster;
										console.log(i + " DATA PLANET : Metal : " +  dataPlanet.met + " Kristal : " +  dataPlanet.cri + " Deu : " +  dataPlanet.det);
										console.log(i + " BOOSTER     : Metal : " +  boost[i].split('|')[0] + " Kristal : " +  boost[i].split('|')[1] + " Deu : " +  boost[i].split('|')[2]);

									var boostermInfo = boost[i].split('|')[0];
									var boostercInfo = boost[i].split('|')[1];
									var boosterdInfo = boost[i].split('|')[2];

									var mm = parseInt(DATA.planet[i].building[nom_bat[0]]);
									var mc = parseInt(DATA.planet[i].building[nom_bat[1]]);
									var md = parseInt(DATA.planet[i].building[nom_bat[2]]);

									var temperature = DATA.planet[i].resource.temp;

									if (BatRes_const[i].split('|')[1] > start_time && (BatRes_const[i].split('|')[0] == "mmet" || BatRes_const[i].split('|')[0] == "mcri" || BatRes_const[i].split('|')[0] == "mdet")) {
										if (BatRes_const[i].split('|')[0] == "mmet") {
											mm += 1;
											exportMine += text.exportm.planete + ' ' + test(compteur) + ' : [color=cyan]' + text.tag.m + ' [b]' + test(mm) + '[/b][/color] [b]/[/b] [color=#b7f1ff]' + text.tag.c + ' [b]' + test(mc) + '[/b][/color] [b]/[/b] [color=#ffeb67]' + text.tag.d + ' [b]' + test(md) + '[/b][/color] [b]/[/b] [color=#ff7373][b]' + temperature + '[/b]°C[/color]\n';
										if (BatRes_const[i].split('|')[0] == "mcri") {
											mc += 1;
											exportMine += text.exportm.planete + ' ' + test(compteur) + ' : [color=#f9bd68]' + text.tag.m + ' [b]' + test(mm) + '[/b][/color] [b]/[/b] [color=cyan]' + text.tag.c + ' [b]' + test(mc) + '[/b][/color] [b]/[/b] [color=#ffeb67]' + text.tag.d + ' [b]' + test(md) + '[/b][/color] [b]/[/b] [color=#ff7373][b]' + temperature + '[/b]°C[/color]\n';
										if (BatRes_const[i].split('|')[0] == "mdet") {
											md += 1;
											exportMine += text.exportm.planete + ' ' + test(compteur) + ' : [color=#f9bd68]' + text.tag.m + ' [b]' + test(mm) + '[/b][/color] [b]/[/b] [color=#b7f1ff]' + text.tag.c + ' [b]' + test(mc) + '[/b][/color] [b]/[/b] [color=cyan]' + text.tag.d + ' [b]' + test(md) + '[/b][/color] [b]/[/b] [color=#ff7373][b]' + temperature + '[/b]°C[/color]\n';
									else {
										exportMine += text.exportm.planete + ' ' + test(compteur) + ' : [color=#f9bd68]' + text.tag.m + ' [b]' + test(mm) + '[/b][/color] [b]/[/b] [color=#b7f1ff]' + text.tag.c + ' [b]' + test(mc) + '[/b][/color] [b]/[/b] [color=#ffeb67]' + text.tag.d + ' [b]' + test(md) + '[/b][/color] [b]/[/b] [color=#ff7373][b]' + temperature + '[/b]°C[/color]\n';
									let pm = prodMetal(mm, speedUni, lvlplasma, Geolog, boostermInfo) + 30 * speedUni;
									prod_m_total += pm;

									let pc = prodCristal(mc, speedUni, lvlplasma, Geolog, boostercInfo) + 15 * speedUni;
									prod_c_total += pc;

									let pd = prodDeut(md, speedUni, lvlplasma, temperature, Geolog, boosterdInfo);
									prod_d_total += pd;

									prod_m_total += prodMetal(mm, speedUni, lvlplasma, 1, 0)   + 30*speedUni;
									prod_c_total += prodCristal(mc, speedUni, lvlplasma, 1, 0) + 15*speedUni;
									prod_d_total += prodDeut(md, speedUni, lvlplasma, temperature, 1, 0);

									point_m_total += Math.floor((75 * (1 - Math.pow(1.5, mm) / (-(1.5 - 1)))) / 1000);
									point_c_total += Math.floor((72 * (1 - Math.pow(1.6, mc) / (-(1.6 - 1)))) / 1000);
									point_d_total += Math.floor((300 * (1 - Math.pow(1.5, md) / (-(1.5 - 1)))) / 1000);

							point_mine = point_m_total + point_c_total + point_d_total;

							exportMine += "\n" + text.exportm.pointsminesm + " : [b][color=#b9ffa3]" + format(point_m_total) + "[/color][/b]";
							exportMine += "\n" + text.exportm.pointsminesc + " : [b][color=#b9ffa3]" + format(point_c_total) + "[/color][/b]";
							exportMine += "\n" + text.exportm.pointsminesd + " : [b][color=#b9ffa3]" + format(point_d_total) + "[/color][/b]";
							exportMine += "\n" + text.exportm.pointsmines + " : [b][color=#b9ffa3]" + format(point_mine) + "[/color][/b]";
							if (Res_const.split('|')[0] == "plas") exportMine += "\n" + text.tag.plas + " : [b][color=cyan]" + lvlplasma + "[/color][/b]\n";
							else exportMine += "\n" + text.tag.plas + " : [b][color=#b9ffa3]" + lvlplasma + "[/color][/b]\n";

							exportMine += "\n";

							exportMine += "[u]Güçlendirici ve Jeolog Bilgileri\n[/u]";
							for (let index = 0; index < planets.length; index++) {
								let boosterInfo = boost[index].split("|");
								exportMine += 'Gezegen ' + test(index + 1) + " : " + '[color=#f9bd68][b] Metal     %' + (boosterInfo[0]) + "[/b][/color] / "
									+ '[color=#b7f1ff][b] Kristal   %' + (boosterInfo[1]) + "[/b][/color] / "
									+ '[color=#ffeb67][b] Deuterium %' + (boosterInfo[2]) + "[/b][/color]\n";
							exportMine += '\nJeolog ve komuta heyetinden kaynaklanan yüzdesel artış : [b]%' + round((Geolog - 1) * 100, 2) + "[/b]\n\n";

							exportMine += "[b][u]Üretim Bilgileri[/b][/u]";
							exportMine += "\n" + text.exportm.parheure + " : [color=#f9bd68][b]" + format(prod_m_total) + "[/b] " + text.tag.m + "[/color] [b]/[/b] [color=#b7f1ff][b]" + format(prod_c_total) + "[/b] " + text.tag.c + "[/color] [b]/[/b] [color=#ffeb67][b]" + format(prod_d_total) + "[/b] " + text.tag.d + "[/color]\n\n";
							exportMine += text.exportm.parjour + " : [color=#f9bd68][b]" + (format(prod_m_total * 24)) + "[/b] " + text.tag.m + "[/color] [b]/[/b] [color=#b7f1ff][b]" + (format(prod_c_total * 24)) + "[/b] " + text.tag.c + "[/color] [b]/[/b] [color=#ffeb67][b]" + (format(prod_d_total * 24)) + "[/b] " + text.tag.d + "[/color]\n\n";
							exportMine += text.exportm.parsem + " : [color=#f9bd68][b]" + (format(prod_m_total * 24 * 7)) + "[/b] " + text.tag.m + "[/color] [b]/[/b] [color=#b7f1ff][b]" + (format(prod_c_total * 24 * 7)) + "[/b] " + text.tag.c + "[/color] [b]/[/b] [color=#ffeb67][b]" + (format(prod_d_total * 24 * 7)) + "[/b] " + text.tag.d + "[/color]\n\n";
							exportMine += text.exportm.parsemnt + " : [color=#f9bd68][b]" + (format(prod_m_total * 24 * 30)) + "[/b] " + text.tag.m + "[/color] [b]/[/b] [color=#b7f1ff][b]" + (format(prod_c_total * 24 * 30)) + "[/b] " + text.tag.c + "[/color] [b]/[/b] [color=#ffeb67][b]" + (format(prod_d_total * 24 * 30)) + "[/b] " + text.tag.d + "[/color]\n\n";

							exportMine += '\n';

							exportMine += '[size=8][i]Bu eklentiyi kullanın [url=https://openuserjs.org/scripts/sencagri/Madenciler]Madenciler' + Version + '[/url][/i][/size]\n';
							exportMine += '[size=8]OGameTR[/size]\n';
							exportMine += '</textarea>';


						// ****************************** options ********************************
						var br = '';
						if (!options.generale.sauterLignePourPourcentageFlotteVol) { br = '<br/>'; }

						var affichePointLune = '';
						if (options.generale.pointLune && options.generale.AutreBat) { affichePointLune = ' ' + br + pourcent(pointLuneTotal, PointsBatimentsTotal) + ' % ' + text.sur_lune; }
						else if (options.generale.pointLune && options.generale.BatTotal) { affichePointLune = ' ' + br + pourcent(pointLuneTotal, PointsMinesTotal + PointsBatimentsTotal) + ' % ' + text.sur_lune; }

						// ****************************** Etablissement des couleurs ********************************

						var Color_mine = 'style="color: #FFFFFF;"';
						var Color_autreBat = 'style="color: #FFFFFF;"';
						var Color_batTotal = 'style="color: #FFFFFF;"';
						var Color_techno = 'style="color: #FFFFFF;"';
						var Color_flotte = 'style="color: #FFFFFF;"';
						var Color_def = 'style="color: #FFFFFF;"';
						var Color_indestr = 'style="color: #FFFFFF;"';
						var Color_prog = 'style="color: #FFFFFF;"';
						var color_classFleet = 'style="color: #FFFFFF;"';
						var color_classRes = 'style="color: #FFFFFF;"';
						var color_classIndes = 'style="color: #FFFFFF;"';
						var color_classTotRank = 'style="color: #FFFFFF;"';

						if (options.generale.couleurPoint) {
							if (PointsMinesTotal > PointRef[2] + 1) { Color_mine = 'style="color: #' + options.couleur.progPos + ';"'; }
							else if (PointsMinesTotal < PointRef[2] - 1) { Color_mine = 'style="color: #' + options.couleur.progNeg + ';"'; }

							if (PointsBatimentsTotal > PointRef[3] + 1) { Color_autreBat = 'style="color: #' + options.couleur.progPos + ';"'; }
							else if (PointsBatimentsTotal < PointRef[3] - 1) { Color_autreBat = 'style="color: #' + options.couleur.progNeg + ';"'; }

							if ((PointsMinesTotal + PointsBatimentsTotal) > (PointRef[2] + PointRef[3] + 1)) { Color_batTotal = 'style="color: #' + options.couleur.progPos + ';"'; }
							else if ((PointsMinesTotal + PointsBatimentsTotal) < (PointRef[2] + PointRef[3]) - 1) { Color_batTotal = 'style="color: #' + options.couleur.progNeg + ';"'; }

							if (PointsTechno > PointRef[4] + 1) { Color_techno = 'style="color: #' + options.couleur.progPos + ';"'; }
							else if (PointsTechno < PointRef[4] - 1) { Color_techno = 'style="color: #' + options.couleur.progNeg + ';"'; }

							if (PointsFlotteTotal > PointRef[5] + 1) { Color_flotte = 'style="color: #' + options.couleur.progPos + ';"'; }
							else if (PointsFlotteTotal < PointRef[5] - 1) { Color_flotte = 'style="color: #' + options.couleur.progNeg + ';"'; }

							if (PointsDefTotal > PointRef[6] + 1) { Color_def = 'style="color: #' + options.couleur.progPos + ';"'; }
							else if (PointsDefTotal < PointRef[6] - 1) { Color_def = 'style="color: #' + options.couleur.progNeg + ';"'; }

							if ((PointIndest) > (PointRef[14]) + 1) { Color_indestr = 'style="color: #' + options.couleur.progPos + ';"'; }
							else if ((PointIndest) < (PointRef[14] - 1)) { Color_indestr = 'style="color: #' + options.couleur.progNeg + ';"'; }

							if (PointRef[11] != '') {
								if (parseInt(Actuelrank[3]) < parseInt(PointRef[13])) { color_classIndes = 'style="color: #' + options.couleur.progPos + ';"'; }
								else if (parseInt(Actuelrank[3]) > parseInt(PointRef[13])) { color_classIndes = 'style="color: #' + options.couleur.progNeg + ';"'; }

								if (parseInt(Actuelrank[0].replace(/[^0-9-]/g, "")) < parseInt(PointRef[15].replace(/[^0-9-]/g, ""))) { color_classTotRank = 'style="color: #' + options.couleur.progPos + ';"'; }
								else if (parseInt(Actuelrank[0].replace(/[^0-9-]/g, "")) > parseInt(PointRef[15].replace(/[^0-9-]/g, ""))) { color_classTotRank = 'style="color: #' + options.couleur.progNeg + ';"'; }

						// ****************************** Affichage des Rangs ********************************
						var rankRes = '';
						var rankFleet = '';
						var rankIndes = '';
						var rankTot = '';
						var rankConst = '';

						if (options.generale.rank) {
							rankRes = '';//	'<br/><sub><span '+color_classRes+' title="'+plus(-parseInt(Actuelrank[2].replace( /[^0-9-]/g, "")) +parseInt(PointRef[11].replace( /[^0-9-]/g, "")))+'"> '+text.rank+' : '+Actuelrank[2]+'</sub>';
							rankFleet = '';//	'<br/><span '+color_classFleet+' title="'+plus(-parseInt(Actuelrank[1].replace( /[^0-9-]/g, "")) +parseInt(PointRef[12].replace( /[^0-9-]/g, "")))+'"><sub>'+text.rank+' : '+Actuelrank[1]+'</sub>';
							rankIndes = '<br/><sub><span  class="tooltipRight js_hideTipOnMobile" ' + color_classIndes + ' title="' + plus(-parseInt(Actuelrank[3]) + parseInt(PointRef[13])) + ' (' + text.rank_indest + ')">' + text.rank + ' : ' + addPoints(Actuelrank[3]) + '</sub></span>';
							rankTot = '<br/><span  class="tooltipRight js_hideTipOnMobile" ' + color_classTotRank + ' title="' + plus(-parseInt(Actuelrank[0].replace(/[^0-9-]/g, "")) + parseInt(PointRef[15].replace(/[^0-9-]/g, ""))) + '"><sub>' + text.rank + ' : ' + Actuelrank[0] + '</sub>';

							rankConst = '<br/><sub>' + text.rank + ' : ' + addPoints(Actuelrank[4]) + '</sub>';

						// ****************************** Affichage ********************************
						var decaleImg = -40;
						if (Opera) decaleImg = 0;
						if (options.generale.constructing) {
							var typeTextBat = { 'mmet': text.tag.mmet, 'mcri': text.tag.mcri, 'mdet': text.tag.mdet, 'ces': text.tag.ces, 'cef': text.tag.cef, 'nan': text.tag.nan, 'lab': text.tag.lab, 'ter': text.tag.ter, 'silo': text.tag.silo, 'depo': text.tag.depo, 'cspa': text.tag.cspa, 'rob': text.tag.rob, 'hmet': text.tag.hmet, 'hcri': text.tag.hcri, 'hdet': text.tag.hdet, 'base': text.tag.base, 'phal': text.tag.phal, 'port': text.tag.port };
							var typeTextRes = { 'ener': text.tag.ener, 'lase': text.tag.lase, 'ions': text.tag.ions, 'hype': text.tag.hype, 'plas': text.tag.plas, 'comb': text.tag.comb, 'impu': text.tag.impu, 'phyp': text.tag.phyp, 'espi': text.tag.espi, 'ordi': text.tag.ordi, 'astro': text.tag.expe, 'rese': text.tag.rese, 'grav': text.tag.grav, 'arme': text.tag.arme, 'bouc': text.tag.bouc, 'prot': text.tag.prot };

							var table_tooltip_constructing = "<table align='center'  border='1' cellspacing='10px' cellpadding='10px'><td style='color:#6F9FC8'></td><td>" + text.exportm.planete + "</td><td>lvl</td>";

							for (i = 0; i < DATA.planet.length; i++) {
								if (!(BatSta_const[i].split('|')[1] == "" && BatRes_const[i].split('|')[1] == "")) {
									table_tooltip_constructing += "<tr>";

									if (BatSta_const[i].split('|')[1] > start_time) {
										table_tooltip_constructing += "<td>" + typeTextBat[BatSta_const[i].split('|')[0]] + "</td><td style='color:#6F9FC8'>" + DATA.planet[i].name.split(' ')[1] + "</td><td style='text-align:right;'>" + (parseInt(DATA.planet[i].building[BatSta_const[i].split('|')[0]]) + 1) + "</td>";

									if (BatRes_const[i].split('|')[1] > start_time) {
										table_tooltip_constructing += "<td>" + typeTextBat[BatRes_const[i].split('|')[0]] + "</td><td style='color:#6F9FC8'>" + DATA.planet[i].name.split(' ')[1] + "</td><td style='text-align:right;'>" + (parseInt(DATA.planet[i].building[BatRes_const[i].split('|')[0]]) + 1) + "</td>";
									table_tooltip_constructing += "</tr>";
							if (Res_const.split('|')[0] != "" && Res_const.split('|')[1] > start_time) {
								table_tooltip_constructing += "<tr><td>" + typeTextRes[Res_const.split('|')[0]] + "</td><td style='text-align:right;'>" + (parseInt(DATA.techno[Res_const.split('|')[0]]) + 1) + "</td></tr>";
							table_tooltip_constructing += "</table>";

						if (options.generale.Masquer) {

							var affiche = '<div><table id="IFC_table_main"  style="width:675px; clear:right;cursor:pointer;">' +

								'<tr><th>' +
								'<table id="IFC_top" style="cursor:pointer;width:660px; margin:auto;text-align:center;">' +
								'<tr >' +
								'<td style="width:80%; font-size: 12px; font-weight: bold; color: #539fc8; line-height: 30px; height: 30px;" background="' + background + '" onclick="if (document.getElementById(\'IFC_table\').style.display==\'none\') {document.getElementById(\'IFC_table\').style.display=\'\'; document.getElementById(\'zonecode\').style.display = \'none\';		document.getElementById(\'zonecode2\').style.display = \'none\';			document.getElementById(\'zonecode3\').style.display = \'none\';} else {document.getElementById(\'IFC_table\').style.display=\'none\';}">' + text.BBcode_debut + '</td>' +
								'<td style="width:20%; font-size: 12px; font-weight: bold; color: #539fc8; line-height: 30px; height: 30px;" background="' + background + '" >' +
								'<a class="tooltipLeft " TITLE="' + text.AffBBcodeSimple + '">' +
								'<img id="copybbcode" style="cursor:pointer;float:right; margin-top:6px; margin-right:35px;  position:relative;" src="data:image/gif;base64,' + codeImg + '"/>' +
								'</a>' +
								'<a class="tooltipLeft " TITLE="' + text.AffBBcodeDetail + '">' +
								'<img id="copybbcode2" style="cursor:pointer; float:right; position:relative; margin-right:3px; margin-top:6px;" src="data:image/gif;base64,' + codeImg + '"/>' +
								'</a>' +
								'<a class="tooltipLeft " TITLE="Export production">' +
								'<img id="copybbcode3" style="cursor:pointer; float:right; position:relative; margin-right:3px; margin-top:6px;" src="data:image/gif;base64,' + codeImg + '"/>' +
								'</a>' +
								'</td>' +
								'</tr>' +
							affiche += '<table id="IFC_table"  background="' + background2 + '"  cellpadding="0px" cellspacing="0px" style="cursor:default;display:none; text-align:center" border="0" >';
							affiche += '<tr >';
							affiche += '<th colspan="4"><div style="display:none;" id="zonecode" ><textarea style="width:100%;background-color:transparent;color:#999999;text-align:center;" onClick="javascript:this.select();">' + BBcode + '</textarea></div>';
							//affiche +='<div style="display:none;" id="zonecode2" >'+code+'<br/>_______________________________________________________<br/>'+text.AffBBcodeSansBBcode+'<br/><br/>'+code.replace(/\[.[^\]]*\]/g,'').replace(/http:\/\/www.vulca.projet-alternative.fr\/infoCompte\/image\//g,'').replace(/.(png|jpg)/g,'')+'</div>';
							//affiche +='<div style="display:none;" id="zonecode3" >'+exportMine+'</div></th></tr>';	

							affiche += '<div style="display:none;" id="zonecode2" >' + code + '<br/>_______________________________________________________<br/>' + text.AffBBcodeSansBBcode + '<br/><br/>' + code.replace(/\[.[^\]]*\]/g, '').replace(/http:\/\/www.vulca.projet-alternative.fr\/infoCompte\/image\//g, '').replace(/.(png|jpg)/g, '') + '</div>';

							/**** edit wuko if(options.generale.Masquer) pour utiliser AffBBcodeSansBBcode ****/
							/* Edit de code permettant d'exporter la production des mines sans BBcode */

							affiche += '<div style="display:none;" id="zonecode3" >' + exportMine + '<br/>_______________________________________________________<br/>' + text.AffBBcodeSansBBcode + '<br/><br/>' + exportMine.replace(/\[.[^\]]*\]/g, '').replace(/http:\/\/www.vulca.projet-alternative.fr\/infoCompte\/image\//g, '').replace(/.(png|jpg)/g, '') + '</div></th></tr>';

						else {
							var affiche = '<div><table id="IFC_table_main" style="width:675px; clear:right;"><br/><tr style="width:675px;"><th><table id="IFC_table_top" style="width:675px; margin:auto;margin-bottom: -2px; text-align:center;"><tr>' +
								'<th style="width:675px; font-size: 12px; font-weight: bold; color: #539fc8; line-height: 30px; height: 30px;" background="' + background + '" colspan="4" >' + text.BBcode_debut +
								'<a class="tooltipLeft " TITLE="' + text.AffBBcodeSimple + '">' +
								'<img id="copybbcode" style="cursor:pointer;float:right; margin-top:6px; margin-right:35px;  position:relative;" src="data:image/gif;base64,' + codeImg + '"/>' +
								'</a>' +
								'<a class="tooltipLeft " TITLE="' + text.AffBBcodeDetail + '">' +
								'<img id="copybbcode2" style="cursor:pointer; float:right; position:relative; margin-right:3px; margin-top:6px;" src="data:image/gif;base64,' + codeImg + '"/>' +
								'</a>' +
								'<a class="tooltipLeft " TITLE="Export production">' +
								'<img id="copybbcode3" style="cursor:pointer; float:right; position:relative; margin-right:3px; margin-top:6px;" src="data:image/gif;base64,' + codeImg + '"/>' +
								'</a>' +
								'</th></tr></table><center><table id="IFC_mid" width="657px" background="' + background2 + '">';

							affiche += '<th colspan="4"><div style="display:none;" id="zonecode" ><textarea style="width:100%;background-color:transparent;color:#999999;text-align:center;" onClick="javascript:this.select();">' + BBcode + '</textarea></div>';
							//affiche +='<div style="display:none;" id="zonecode2" >'+code+'<br/>_______________________________________________________<br/>'+text.AffBBcodeSansBBcode+'<br/><br/>'+code.replace(/\[.[^\]]*\]/g,'').replace(/http:\/\/www.vulca.projet-alternative.fr\/infoCompte\/image\//g,'').replace(/.(png|jpg)/g,'')+'</div>';
							//affiche +='<div style="display:none;" id="zonecode3" >'+exportMine+'</div></th></tr>';	

							affiche += '<div style="display:none;" id="zonecode2" >' + code + '<br/>_______________________________________________________<br/>' + text.AffBBcodeSansBBcode + '<br/><br/>' + code.replace(/\[.[^\]]*\]/g, '').replace(/http:\/\/www.vulca.projet-alternative.fr\/infoCompte\/image\//g, '').replace(/.(png|jpg)/g, '') + '</div>';

							/**** edit wuko if(options.generale.Masquer) pour utiliser AffBBcodeSansBBcode ****/
							/* Edit de code permettant d'exporter la production des mines sans BBcode */

							affiche += '<div style="display:none;" id="zonecode3" >' + exportMine + '<br/>_______________________________________________________<br/>' + text.AffBBcodeSansBBcode + '<br/><br/>' + exportMine.replace(/\[.[^\]]*\]/g, '').replace(/http:\/\/www.vulca.projet-alternative.fr\/infoCompte\/image\//g, '').replace(/.(png|jpg)/g, '') + '</div></th></tr>';

						if (options.generale.mine) { affiche += '<tr id="tr_mines"><th width="4px"></th><th style="' + th_style + '" >' + text.Mines + '</th><th style="width:250px; ' + th_style + '" ><a ' + Color_mine + ' class="tooltipRight js_hideTipOnMobile" TITLE="' + plus(Math.round(PointsMinesTotal - PointRef[2])) + ' ' + text.Points + ' (' + pourcent(PointsMinesTotal - PointRef[2], PointRef[2]) + ' %) <br />' + text.tag.m + ' : ' + addPoints(Math.round(PointsMinesMetalTotal)) + '<br />' + text.tag.c + ' : ' + addPoints(Math.round(PointsMinesCristalTotal)) + '<br />' + text.tag.m + '/' + text.tag.c + ' = ' + (Math.round(((Math.round(PointsMinesMetalTotal)) * 100 / Math.round(PointsMinesCristalTotal))) / 100) + '">' + addPoints(PointsMinesTotal) + ' (' + pourcent(PointsMinesTotal, PointsTotal) + ' %) </a></th><th   style="' + th_style + '" rowspan=' + nbAfficher + ' id="piebox" colspan="2"></th><th><a  class="tooltipRight js_hideTipOnMobile" TITLE="' + text.affRentaPla + '"><img id="Rentabilite_mines" style="cursor:pointer;" src="data:image/gif;base64,' + codeImg + '"/></a><th></tr>'; }
						if (options.generale.AutreBat) { affiche += '<tr ><th width="4px"></th><th style="' + th_style + '" >' + text.Other_structure + '</th><th style="width:250px; ' + th_style + '" ><a ' + Color_autreBat + ' class="tooltipRight js_hideTipOnMobile" TITLE="' + plus(Math.round(PointsBatimentsTotal - PointRef[3])) + ' ' + text.Points + '  (' + pourcent(PointsBatimentsTotal - PointRef[3], PointRef[3]) + ' %)<br />' + text.tag.m + ' : ' + addPoints(Math.round(PointsBatMetalTotal)) + '<br />' + text.tag.c + ' : ' + addPoints(Math.round(PointsBatCristalTotal)) + '<br />' + text.tag.d + ' : ' + addPoints(Math.round(PointsBatDeutTotal)) + '">' + addPoints(PointsBatimentsTotal) + ' (' + pourcent(PointsBatimentsTotal, PointsTotal) + ' %)  </a>' + affichePointLune + '</th><th class="IFC_th2"></th></tr>'; }
						if (options.generale.BatTotal) { affiche += '<tr id="tr_mines"><th width="4px"></th><th style="' + th_style + '" >' + text.Structure + '</th><th style="width:250px; ' + th_style + '" ><a ' + Color_batTotal + ' class="tooltipRight js_hideTipOnMobile" TITLE="' + plus(Math.round((PointsMinesTotal + PointsBatimentsTotal) - (PointRef[2] + PointRef[3]))) + ' ' + text.Points + ' (' + pourcent((PointsMinesTotal + PointsBatimentsTotal) - (PointRef[2] + PointRef[3]), PointRef[2] + PointRef[3]) + ' %)<br />' + text.tag.m + ' : ' + addPoints(Math.round(PointsMinesMetalTotal + PointsBatMetalTotal)) + '<br />' + text.tag.c + ' : ' + addPoints(Math.round(PointsMinesCristalTotal + PointsBatCristalTotal)) + '<br />' + text.tag.d + ' : ' + addPoints(Math.round(PointsMinesDeutTotal + PointsBatDeutTotal)) + '">' + addPoints(PointsMinesTotal + PointsBatimentsTotal) + ' (' + pourcent(PointsMinesTotal + PointsBatimentsTotal, PointsTotal) + ' %)  </a>' + affichePointLune + ' <a class="tooltipRight js_hideTipOnMobile"  TITLE="' + text.affRentaPla + '"><img id="Rentabilite_mines" style="cursor:pointer;" src="data:image/gif;base64,' + codeImg + '"/></a></th><th   style="' + th_style + '" rowspan=' + nbAfficher + ' id="piebox" colspan="2"></th></tr>'; }
						if (options.generale.techno) { affiche += '<tr ><th width="4px"></th><th style="' + th_style + '" >' + text.Technology + '</th><th style="width:250px; ' + th_style + '" ><a ' + Color_techno + ' class="tooltipRight js_hideTipOnMobile" TITLE="' + plus(Math.round(PointsTechno - PointRef[4])) + ' ' + text.Points + ' (' + pourcent(PointsTechno - PointRef[4], PointRef[4]) + ' %)<br />' + text.tag.m + ' : ' + addPoints(Math.round(PointsTechnoMetal)) + '<br />' + text.tag.c + ' : ' + addPoints(Math.round(PointsTechnoCristal)) + '<br />' + text.tag.d + ' : ' + addPoints(Math.round(PointsTechnoDeut)) + '">' + addPoints(PointsTechno) + ' (' + pourcent(PointsTechno, PointsTotal) + ' %) </a> ' + rankRes + '</th><th class="IFC_th2"></th></tr>'; }
						if (options.generale.flottes) { affiche += '<tr ><th width="4px"></th><th style="' + th_style + '" >' + text.Fleet + '</th><th style="width:250px; ' + th_style + '" ><a ' + Color_flotte + ' class="tooltipRight js_hideTipOnMobile" TITLE="' + plus(Math.round(PointsFlotteTotal - PointRef[5])) + ' ' + text.Points + ' (' + pourcent(PointsFlotteTotal - PointRef[5], PointRef[5]) + ' %)">' + addPoints(PointsFlotteTotal) + ' (' + pourcent(PointsFlotteTotal, PointsTotal) + ' %) </a> ' + rankFleet + '</th><th class="IFC_th2"></th></tr>'; }
						if (options.generale.Def) { affiche += '<tr ><th width="4px"></th><th style="' + th_style + '" >' + text.Defense + '</th><th style="width:250px; ' + th_style + '" ><a ' + Color_def + ' class="tooltipRight js_hideTipOnMobile" class="tooltipRight js_hideTipOnMobile" TITLE="' + plus(Math.round(PointsDefTotal - PointRef[6])) + ' ' + text.Points + ' (' + pourcent(PointsDefTotal - PointRef[6], PointRef[6]) + ' %)">' + addPoints(PointsDefTotal) + ' (' + pourcent(PointsDefTotal, PointsTotal) + ' %) </a></th><th class="IFC_th2"></th></tr>'; }
						if (options.generale.indestructible) { affiche += '<tr ><th width="4px"></th><th style="' + th_style + '" >' + text.Indestructible + '</th><th style="width:250px; ' + th_style + '" ><a ' + Color_indestr + ' class="tooltipRight js_hideTipOnMobile" TITLE="' + plus(Math.round((PointIndest) - PointRef[14])) + ' ' + text.Points + ' (' + pourcent(PointIndest - PointRef[14], PointRef[14]) + ' %)">' + addPoints(PointIndest) + ' (' + pourcent(PointIndest, PointsTotal) + ' %) </a> ' + rankIndes + '</th><th class="IFC_th2"></th></tr>'; }
						if (options.generale.constructing) { affiche += '<tr ><th width="4px"></th><th style="' + th_style + '" >' + text.constructing + '</th><th style="width:250px; ' + th_style + '" class="tooltipRight js_hideTipOnMobile" TITLE="' + DATA.planet[numeroplanete].name + ' : ' + addPoints(Math.round(ConstructingPla)) + ' (' + pourcent(ConstructingPla, Constructing) + ' %) <br />' + table_tooltip_constructing + '" >' + addPoints(Math.round(Constructing)) + ' (' + pourcent(Constructing, PointsTotal) + ' %)  ' + rankConst + '</th><th class="IFC_th2"></th></tr>'; }
						if (options.generale.Point_planete) { affiche += '<tr ><th width="4px"></th><th style="' + th_style + '" >' + DATA.planet[numeroplanete].name + '</th><th  id="listePla" colspan="3" style="' + th_style + '" ><a style="color: #FFFFFF;"  class="tooltipRight js_hideTipOnMobile" TITLE="' + text.Mines + ': ' + addPoints(PointsMinesTotalP[numeroplanete]) + ' (' + pourcent(PointsMinesTotalP[numeroplanete], PointPlanete) + ' %) | ' + text.Other_structure + ': ' + addPoints(PointsBatimentsTotalP[numeroplanete]) + ' (' + pourcent(PointsBatimentsTotalP[numeroplanete], PointPlanete) + ' %) | ' + text.Defense + ': ' + addPoints(PointsDefTotalP[numeroplanete]) + ' (' + pourcent(PointsDefTotalP[numeroplanete], PointPlanete) + ' %)">' + addPoints(PointPlanete) + ' ' + text.Points + ' (' + pourcent(PointPlanete, PointsTotal) + ' %) </a></th><th   style="background-color:transparent;"><a  class="tooltipRight js_hideTipOnMobile" TITLE="' + text.affDetailPla + '"><img id="Point_planete" style="cursor:pointer;" src="data:image/gif;base64,' + codeImg + '"/></a><th></th></th></tr>'; }
						if (options.generale.progression) { affiche += '<tr ><th width="4px"></th><th style="' + th_style + '" >' + text.Progression + '</th><th colspan="3" style="' + th_style + '" ><a style="color: #FFFFFF;"  class="tooltipRight js_hideTipOnMobile" TITLE="' + text.Mines + ': ' + plus(Math.round(PointsMinesTotal - PointRef[2])) + ' (' + pourcent(PointsMinesTotal - PointRef[2], PointsTotal - PointRef[0]) + ' %) | ' + text.Other_structure + ': ' + plus(Math.round(PointsBatimentsTotal - PointRef[3])) + ' (' + pourcent(PointsBatimentsTotal - PointRef[3], PointsTotal - PointRef[0]) + ' %) | ' + text.Technology + ': ' + plus(Math.round(PointsTechno - PointRef[4])) + ' (' + pourcent(PointsTechno - PointRef[4], PointsTotal - PointRef[0]) + ' %) | ' + text.Fleet + ': ' + plus(Math.round(PointsFlotteTotal - PointRef[5])) + ' (' + pourcent(PointsFlotteTotal - PointRef[5], PointsTotal - PointRef[0]) + ' %) | ' + text.Defense + ': ' + plus(Math.round(PointsDefTotal - PointRef[6])) + ' (' + pourcent(PointsDefTotal - PointRef[6], PointsTotal - PointRef[0]) + ' %)">' + addPoints(Math.round(PointsTotal - PointRef[0])) + ' ' + text.Points + ' (' + pourcent((PointsTotal - PointRef[0]), PointRef[0]) + ' %) ' + text.Depuis + ' ' + PointRef[1] + ' => ' + addPoints(Math.round((PointsTotal - PointRef[0]) / arrondi((Date.parse(new Date()) - PointRef[10]) / (1000 * 3600 * 24)))) + ' ' + text.Point_day + '</a>' + rankTot + '</th><th   style="background-color:transparent;"><a  class="tooltipRight js_hideTipOnMobile" TITLE="' + text.restart + '"><img id="pointRef" style="cursor:pointer" src="data:image/gif;base64,' + codeImg + '"/></a></th><th></th></tr>'; }
						if (options.generale.ProgJours) { affiche += '<tr ><th width="4px"></th><th style="' + th_style + '" >' + text.Moyenne + '</th><th colspan="3" style="' + th_style + '" >' + addPoints(Math.round((PointsTotal - PointRefMoy) / arrondi((Date.parse(new Date()) / 1000 - DateRefMoy) / (3600 * 24)))) + ' ' + text.Point_day + '</th></tr>'; }
						if (options.generale.ProdJours) { affiche += '<tr ><th width="4px"></th><th style="' + th_style + '" >' + text.Production + '</th><th class="tooltip js_hideTipOnMobile" TITLE="' + text.tag.m + '/' + text.tag.c + ' = ' + (Math.round(prod[0] * 100 / prod[1]) / 100) + ' <br />' + text.ProductionBrute + ' :  <br />' + addPoints(Math.round(prodbrute[0] / 1000)) + ' / ' + addPoints(Math.round(prodbrute[1] / 1000)) + ' / ' + addPoints(Math.round(prodbrute[2] / 1000)) + ' <br />' + text.ProductionConstruction + ' :  <br />' + addPoints(Math.round(prodConstructing[0] / 1000)) + ' / ' + addPoints(Math.round(prodConstructing[1] / 1000)) + ' / ' + addPoints(Math.round(prodConstructing[2] / 1000)) + '" colspan="3" style="' + th_style + '" >' + addPoints(Math.round((prod[0] + prod[1] + prod[2]) / 1000)) + ' (<a style="color: #FFFFFF;"  class="tooltipRight js_hideTipOnMobile" TITLE="' + text.tag.m + '">' + addPoints(Math.round(prod[0] / 1000)) + ' </a>/ <a style="color: #FFFFFF;"  class="tooltipRight js_hideTipOnMobile"  TITLE="' + text.tag.c + '">' + addPoints(Math.round(prod[1] / 1000)) + ' </a>/ <a style="color: #FFFFFF;"  class="tooltipRight js_hideTipOnMobile" TITLE="' + text.tag.d + '">' + addPoints(Math.round(prod[2] / 1000)) + '</a>) ' + text.Point_day + '</th></tr>'; }

						var techTree = GM_getValue(nomScript + domain, '|').split('|').length != 3 ? false : true;

						if (manqueBat != '' || manqueDef != '' || manqueMine != '' || PointsTechno < 0 || !techTree) {
							if (commandant) {
								affiche += '<tr ><th width="4px"><th style="' + th_style + '" ><img src="' + cautionIMG + '" /></th><th   colspan="3" style="' + th_style + ';color:lime;" >' + text.empireMaj + '<br/><br/>';
							affiche += '<tr ><th   width="4px"></th><th   style="' + th_style + '" ><img src="' + cautionIMG + '" /></th><th   colspan="3" style="' + th_style + '" >' + text.Manque + '<br/><br/>';
							if (!techTree) {

								affiche += '<a href="' + url.replace('overview', 'techtree&tab=3&techID=1') + '" target="_blank" >Techtree</a><br/>';
							else {
								if (manqueMine != '') { affiche += text.Ressource + ' : ' + manqueMine + '<br/>'; }
								if (manqueBat != '') { affiche += text.Facilities + ' : ' + manqueBat + '<br/>'; }
								if (manqueDef != '') { affiche += text.Defense + ' : ' + manqueDef + '<br/>'; }
								if (PointsTechno < 0) { affiche += '<a href="' + url.replace('overview', 'research') + '" >' + text.Technology + '</a>'; }
							affiche += '</th></tr>';

						var languesite = 'en';
						if (options.generale.langue == 'fr') languesite = 'fr';

						affiche += '</th></tr><tr ><th  width="4px"></th><th  colspan="4" >' +

							'<form action="https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr" method="post" target="_blank" style="float:right">' +
							'<input type="hidden" name="cmd" value="_s-xclick">' +
							'<input type="hidden" name="hosted_button_id" value="VFPXQ8T9GT87G">' +
							'<input width="48px" height="17px" type="image" src="https://www.paypalobjects.com/en_US/i/btn/btn_donate_SM.gif" border="0" name="submit" alt="PayPal - The safer, easier way to pay online!" />' +
							'</form>' +
							'<a style="font-style: italic;" href="' + adresse_forum + '" target="_blank">Madenciler ' + Version + ' </a></th></tr>';

						affiche += '</table>';
						if (options.generale.Masquer && options.generale.Alternative && (options.generale.langue == 'fr' || (url.indexOf('ogame.fr', 0)) >= 0)) affiche += '<center><table id="alti_table" background="' + background2 + '" style="width:657px; margin:auto; text-align:center;>' + Atlerna + '</table></center>';

						affiche += '</th></tr></table><br/></div>';

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						if (Opera) tableau.setAttribute("style", "float: left;");
						tableau.innerHTML = affiche;

						if (options.generale.posTable) {
						else {
							document.getElementById('contentWrapper').insertBefore(tableau, document.getElementById('contentWrapper').firstChild);
						// ****************************** Affichage du graphique *******************************
						if (options.generale.mine) { var pie = draw_pie([pourcent(PointsMinesTotal, PointsTotal), pourcent(PointsBatimentsTotal, PointsTotal), pourcent(PointsTechno, PointsTotal), pourcent(PointsFlotteTotal, PointsTotal), pourcent(PointsDefTotal, PointsTotal)]); }
						else if (options.generale.BatTotal) { var pie = draw_pie([pourcent(PointsMinesTotal + PointsBatimentsTotal, PointsTotal), pourcent(PointsTechno, PointsTotal), pourcent(PointsFlotteTotal, PointsTotal), pourcent(PointsDefTotal, PointsTotal)]); }
						var piebox = document.getElementById('piebox');
						if (piebox) { piebox.appendChild(pie) };

						// ****************************** Demande Email Alternative *******************************
						if (document.getElementById("alternativeBouton")) {
							document.getElementById("alternativeBouton").addEventListener("click", function (event) {

								if (GM_getValue(nomScript + "email" + coordPM + serveur, '') == '') {
									document.getElementById("email").innerHTML = prompt(text.adresse, GM_getValue(nomScript + "email" + coordPM + serveur, ''));
									GM_setValue(nomScript + "email" + coordPM + serveur, document.getElementById("email").innerHTML);
								else document.getElementById("email").innerHTML = GM_getValue(nomScript + "email" + coordPM + serveur, '')

							}, true);

						{ // ****************************** BBcode ouvrant/fermant *******************************

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							document.getElementById("copybbcode2").addEventListener("click", function (event) {
								var cellule = document.getElementById('zonecode2');

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							}, true);

							document.getElementById("copybbcode3").addEventListener("click", function (event) {
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							function AffDetailPla() {
								var aff = '<br/><table id="detail_table" style="margin:auto;"><tr><td>' + text.bbcode.planet + ' </td><td> ' + text.Mines + ' </td><td> ' + text.Other_structure + ' </td><td> ' + text.Defense + ' </td><td>=> ' + text.BBcode_debut2 + '</td></tr>';
								for (var f = 0; f < nbPlanet; f++) {

									if (DATA.planet[f].moon == 'true')
										img = 'background-image: url(http://infocompte.topraider.eu/image/lune.gif);background-repeat:no-repeat;background-position:top right;padding-right: 15px;';
									else img = '';

									aff += '<tr><td style="text-align:left;font-size:0.75em;' + img + '">' + DATA.planet[f].name + '</td><td style="font-size:0.75em;text-align:right;color:#' + options.couleur.graphA + ';">' + addPoints(Math.round(PointsMinesTotalP[f])) + '</td><td style="font-size:0.75em;text-align:right;color:#' + options.couleur.graphB + ';">' + addPoints(Math.round(PointsBatimentsTotalP[f])) + '</td><td style="font-size:0.75em;text-align:right;color:#' + options.couleur.graphE + ';">' + addPoints(Math.round(PointsDefTotalP[f])) + '</td><td style="font-size:0.75em;text-align:left;">=> ' + addPoints(Math.round(PointsMinesTotalP[f] + PointsBatimentsTotalP[f] + PointsDefTotalP[f])) + ' (' + pourcent(PointsMinesTotalP[f] + PointsBatimentsTotalP[f] + PointsDefTotalP[f], PointsTotal) + ' %) </td></tr>';

								document.getElementById('listePla').innerHTML = aff + '</table><br/>';
								document.getElementById("Point_planete").style.display = 'none';

							if (document.getElementById("Point_planete") && document.getElementById('listePla')) {
								if (options.generale.AffDetailPla) AffDetailPla();
								else {
									document.getElementById("Point_planete").addEventListener("click", function (event) {
									}, true);


						{ // fonction pour calcul de rentabilité
							function getPrix_mine_taux(type, lvlm) {
								var PointMineMetal = prixInitial_batMineMetal[type] * Math.pow(exposant[type], lvlm);
								var PointMineCristal = prixInitial_batMineCristal[type] * Math.pow(exposant[type], lvlm);
								//return (PointMineMetal*1000*taux[2]/taux[0]+PointMineCristal*1000*taux[2]/taux[1]);
								return 1000 * taux[2] * (PointMineMetal / taux[0] + PointMineCristal / taux[1]);
							function rentaeeee(type, temperature, numeroPlanet) {
								//'mmet', 'mcri' , 'mdet'

								if (type == 'mmet') {
									var lvlm = parseInt(DATA.planet[numeroPlanet].building.mmet);
									if (BatRes_const[numeroPlanet].split('|')[1] > start_time && BatRes_const[numeroPlanet].split('|')[0] == type) {
										lvlm += 1;
									var prix_mine_taux = getPrix_mine_taux(0, lvlm);
									return prix_mine_taux / ((prodMetal(lvlm + 1, speedUni, lvlplasma, Geolog, options.generale.useBoost ? DATA.planet[numeroPlanet].booster.met : 0) - prodMetal(lvlm, speedUni, lvlplasma, Geolog, options.generale.useBoost ? DATA.planet[numeroPlanet].booster.met : 0)) * taux[2] / taux[0]);
								if (type == 'mcri') {
									var lvlm = parseInt(DATA.planet[numeroPlanet].building.mcri);
									if (BatRes_const[numeroPlanet].split('|')[1] > start_time && BatRes_const[numeroPlanet].split('|')[0] == type) {
										lvlm += 1;
									var prix_mine_taux = getPrix_mine_taux(1, lvlm);
									return prix_mine_taux / ((prodCristal(lvlm + 1, speedUni, lvlplasma, Geolog, options.generale.useBoost ? DATA.planet[numeroPlanet].booster.cri : 0) - prodCristal(lvlm, speedUni, lvlplasma, Geolog, options.generale.useBoost ? DATA.planet[numeroPlanet].booster.cri : 0)) * taux[2] / taux[1]);
								if (type == 'mdet') {
									var lvlm = parseInt(DATA.planet[numeroPlanet].building.mdet);
									if (BatRes_const[numeroPlanet].split('|')[1] > start_time && BatRes_const[numeroPlanet].split('|')[0] == type) {
										lvlm += 1;
									var prix_mine_taux = getPrix_mine_taux(2, lvlm);
									return prix_mine_taux / ((prodDeut(lvlm + 1, speedUni, lvlplasma, temperature, Geolog, options.generale.useBoost ? DATA.planet[numeroPlanet].booster.det : 0) - prodDeut(lvlm, speedUni, lvlplasma, temperature, Geolog, options.generale.useBoost ? DATA.planet[numeroPlanet].booster.det : 0)) / taux[2]);
							function hourToyear(heure) {
								var annee = heure / (24 * 365);
								var mois = heure / (24 * 30);
								var jour = heure / (24);
								if (annee > 1) return Math.floor(annee * 100) / 100 + " " + text.years;
								if (mois > 1) return Math.floor(mois * 100) / 100 + " " + text.months;
								return Math.floor(jour * 100) / 100 + " " + text.days;
							var OrdreTech = { 'espi': 0, 'ordi': 1, 'arme': 2, 'bouc': 3, 'prot': 4, 'ener': 5, 'hype': 6, 'comb': 7, 'impu': 8, 'phyp': 9, 'lase': 10, 'ions': 11, 'plas': 12, 'rese': 13, 'astro': 14 }

							function cumulCoutTechno(k, lvl, lvlmax) {
								var PointsTechnoMetal = 0;
								var PointsTechnoCristal = 0;
								var PointsTechnoDeut = 0;

								if (lvl < lvlmax) {
									for (i = lvl; i <= lvlmax; i++) {
										PointsTechnoMetal += prixInitial_techMetal[k] * Math.pow(exposant_tech[k], i - 1);
										PointsTechnoCristal += prixInitial_techCristal[k] * Math.pow(exposant_tech[k], i - 1);
										PointsTechnoDeut += prixInitial_techDeut[k] * Math.pow(exposant_tech[k], i - 1);
								return 1000 * ((PointsTechnoMetal * taux[2] / taux[0]) + (PointsTechnoCristal * taux[2] / taux[1]) + (PointsTechnoDeut / taux[2]));
							function getPrix_techno_taux(k, lvll) {
								var resultat = 0;

								if (k == 12)//plasma prerequis
									resultat += cumulCoutTechno(10, lvllaser, 10);
									resultat += cumulCoutTechno(5, lvlenergie, 5);
									resultat += cumulCoutTechno(11, lvlions, 8);

								if (k == 14)//astro prerequis
									resultat += cumulCoutTechno(0, lvlespio, 4);
									resultat += cumulCoutTechno(8, lvlimpu, 3);

								var PointsTechnoMetal = prixInitial_techMetal[k] * Math.pow(exposant_tech[k], lvll - 1);
								var PointsTechnoCristal = prixInitial_techCristal[k] * Math.pow(exposant_tech[k], lvll - 1);
								var PointsTechnoDeut = prixInitial_techDeut[k] * Math.pow(exposant_tech[k], lvll - 1);

								resultat += 1000 * ((PointsTechnoMetal * taux[2] / taux[0]) + (PointsTechnoCristal * taux[2] / taux[1]) + (PointsTechnoDeut / taux[2]))
								return resultat;
							function renta_plasma(lvlprochain) {
								var prix_plasma_taux_next_lvl = getPrix_techno_taux(12, lvlprochain);

								var supp_metal_plasma = 0;
								var supp_cristal_plasma = 0;
								var supp_deut_plasma = 0;

								for (var i = 0; i < nbPlanet; i++) {
									if (DATA.planet[i].moon == 'false') {
										supp_metal_plasma += prodMetalbase(DATA.planet[i].building.mmet, speedUni) / 100;
										supp_cristal_plasma += prodCristalbase(DATA.planet[i].building.mcri, speedUni) * 0.66 / 100;
										supp_deut_plasma += prodDeutbase(DATA.planet[i].building.mdet, speedUni, DATA.planet[i].resource.temp) * 0.33 / 100;

								var supp_prod_taux_plasma = (supp_metal_plasma * taux[2] / taux[0]) + (supp_cristal_plasma * taux[2] / taux[1]) + (supp_deut_plasma / taux[2]);
								if (supp_prod_taux_plasma == 0) return -1;
								//console.log(prix_plasma_taux_next_lvl/supp_prod_taux_plasma == Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY || prix_plasma_taux_next_lvl/supp_prod_taux_plasma == Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY);
								return prix_plasma_taux_next_lvl / supp_prod_taux_plasma;
							function prodSuivante(type, temperature, lvlm, booster) {
								//'mmet', 'mcri' , 'mdet'
								if (type == 0)
									return (prodMetal(lvlm + 1, speedUni, lvlplasma, Geolog, booster) - prodMetal(lvlm, speedUni, lvlplasma, Geolog, booster)) * taux[2] / taux[0];

								if (type == 1)
									return (prodCristal(lvlm + 1, speedUni, lvlplasma, Geolog, booster) - prodCristal(lvlm, speedUni, lvlplasma, Geolog, booster)) * taux[2] / taux[1];

								if (type == 2)
									return (prodDeut(lvlm + 1, speedUni, lvlplasma, temperature, Geolog, booster) - prodDeut(lvlm, speedUni, lvlplasma, temperature, Geolog, booster)) / taux[2];
							function cumulprix(cumulprixMetal, cumulprixCristal, type, lvl)//le deut n'intervient pas dans le prix
								var i = (type == "m" ? 0 : (type == "c" ? 1 : 2));

								cumulprixMetal = parseInt(cumulprixMetal) + arrondi(prixInitial_batMineMetal[i] * Math.pow(exposant[i], lvl - 1));
								cumulprixCristal = parseInt(cumulprixCristal) + arrondi(prixInitial_batMineCristal[i] * Math.pow(exposant[i], lvl - 1));

								return cumulprixMetal + ";" + cumulprixCristal;
						function AffRentaPla() {

							{ // renta mines

								var tr_mines = document.getElementById('tr_mines');
								tr_mines.innerHTML = "";

								var month = document.createElement("th");
								month.setAttribute('colspan', '3');

								var affRenta = '<br/><table id="renta_table" style="width:640px;text-align:center;font-size:12px;margin:auto;border-spacing:2px; border:3px solid gray;"><tr>' +
									'<td>' + text.bbcode.planet + ' </td>' +
									'<td style="color:#' + options.couleur.graphA + ';">' + text.tag.m + ' </td>' +
									'<td>' + text.renta + '</td>' +
									'<td style="color:#' + options.couleur.graphC + ';">' + text.tag.c + ' </td>' +
									'<td>' + text.renta + '</td>' +
									'<td style="color:#' + options.couleur.graphD + ';">' + text.tag.d + '</td>' +
									'<td>' + text.renta + '</td>' +
								var rentabilite = new Array();
								var result_rentaM = "1000000000000000";
								var result_rentaC = "1000000000000000";
								var result_rentaD = "1000000000000000";

								for (var f = 0; f < nbPlanet; f++) {
									if (DATA.planet[f].moon != 'true') {
										var temperature = DATA.planet[f].resource.temp;

										var rm = rentaeeee('mmet', temperature, f);
										var rc = rentaeeee('mcri', temperature, f);
										var rd = rentaeeee('mdet', temperature, f);

										rentabilite[f] = rm + ';' + rc + ';' + rd;

										if (parseInt(result_rentaM) > parseInt(rm)) result_rentaM = rm;
										if (parseInt(result_rentaC) > parseInt(rc)) result_rentaC = rc;
										if (parseInt(result_rentaD) > parseInt(rd)) result_rentaD = rd;
								var couleurfond = "background-color:rgba(128, 128, 128, 0.5)";
								var couleurfond_mine_en_cour = "background-color:blue";
								var empire_result = "";
								for (var f = 0; f < nbPlanet; f++) {
									if (DATA.planet[f].moon != 'true') {
										var planet_result = "";
										affRenta += '<tr><td style="text-align:left;">' + DATA.planet[f].name + '</td>';

										if (result_rentaM == rentabilite[f].split(';')[0]) {
											if (BatRes_const[f].split('|')[1] > start_time && BatRes_const[f].split('|')[0] == 'mmet')
												affRenta += '<td style="' + couleurfond_mine_en_cour + ';text-align:center;color:#' + options.couleur.graphA + ';">' + (parseInt(DATA.planet[f].building.mmet) + 2) + '</td>';
												affRenta += '<td style="' + couleurfond + ';text-align:center;color:#' + options.couleur.graphA + ';">' + (parseInt(DATA.planet[f].building.mmet) + 1) + '</td>';

											affRenta += '<td style="' + couleurfond + ';text-align:center;">' + (hourToyear(rentabilite[f].split(';')[0])) + '</td>';
											planet_result += "-1";
										else {
											if (BatRes_const[f].split('|')[1] > start_time && BatRes_const[f].split('|')[0] == 'mmet')
												affRenta += '<td style="' + couleurfond_mine_en_cour + ';text-align:center;color:#' + options.couleur.graphA + ';">' + (parseInt(DATA.planet[f].building.mmet) + 2) + '</td>';
												affRenta += '<td style="text-align:center;color:#' + options.couleur.graphA + ';">' + (parseInt(DATA.planet[f].building.mmet) + 1) + '</td>';
											affRenta += '<td>' + (hourToyear(rentabilite[f].split(';')[0])) + '</td>';

										if (result_rentaC == rentabilite[f].split(';')[1]) {
											if (BatRes_const[f].split('|')[1] > start_time && BatRes_const[f].split('|')[0] == 'mcri')
												affRenta += '<td style="' + couleurfond_mine_en_cour + ';text-align:center;color:#' + options.couleur.graphC + ';">' + (parseInt(DATA.planet[f].building.mcri) + 2) + '</td>';
												affRenta += '<td style="' + couleurfond + ';text-align:center;color:#' + options.couleur.graphC + ';">' + (parseInt(DATA.planet[f].building.mcri) + 1) + '</td>';

											affRenta += '<td style="' + couleurfond + ';text-align:center;">' + (hourToyear(rentabilite[f].split(';')[1])) + '</td>';
											planet_result += "-2";
										else {
											if (BatRes_const[f].split('|')[1] > start_time && BatRes_const[f].split('|')[0] == 'mcri')
												affRenta += '<td style="' + couleurfond_mine_en_cour + ';text-align:center;color:#' + options.couleur.graphC + ';">' + (parseInt(DATA.planet[f].building.mcri) + 2) + '</td>';
												affRenta += '<td style="text-align:center;color:#' + options.couleur.graphC + ';">' + (parseInt(DATA.planet[f].building.mcri) + 1) + '</td>';
											affRenta += '<td>' + (hourToyear(rentabilite[f].split(';')[1])) + '</td>';

										if (result_rentaD == rentabilite[f].split(';')[2]) {
											if (BatRes_const[f].split('|')[1] > start_time && BatRes_const[f].split('|')[0] == 'mdet')
												affRenta += '<td style="' + couleurfond_mine_en_cour + ';text-align:center;color:#' + options.couleur.graphD + ';">' + (parseInt(DATA.planet[f].building.mdet) + 2) + '</td>';
												affRenta += '<td style="' + couleurfond + ';text-align:center;color:#' + options.couleur.graphD + ';">' + (parseInt(DATA.planet[f].building.mdet) + 1) + '</td>';

											affRenta += '<td style="' + couleurfond + ';text-align:center;">' + (hourToyear(rentabilite[f].split(';')[2])) + '</td>';
											planet_result += "-3";
										else {
											if (BatRes_const[f].split('|')[1] > start_time && BatRes_const[f].split('|')[0] == 'mdet')
												affRenta += '<td style=' + couleurfond_mine_en_cour + ';text-align:center;color:#' + options.couleur.graphD + ';">' + (parseInt(DATA.planet[f].building.mdet) + 2) + '</td>';
												affRenta += '<td style="text-align:center;color:#' + options.couleur.graphD + ';">' + (parseInt(DATA.planet[f].building.mdet) + 1) + '</td>';

											affRenta += '<td>' + (hourToyear(rentabilite[f].split(';')[2])) + '</td>';
										affRenta += '</tr>';
										empire_result += idPlanete[f] + planet_result + ";";
								var result_renta = Math.min(parseInt(result_rentaM), parseInt(result_rentaC), parseInt(result_rentaD));

								GM_setValue(nomScript + "empireResult" + coordPM + serveur, empire_result);

							{ // plama
								affRenta += '</table><div style="float:left;" ><table id="plasma_table" style="text-align:center;font-size:12px;margin:auto;border-spacing:2px; border:3px solid gray;" border="1"><thead><tr><th colspan="2">' + text.tag.plas + '</th></tr><tr><th>level</th><th>' + text.renta + '</th></tr></thead>';
								couleurfond_mine_en_cour = "";
								if (Res_const.split('|')[0] == "plas" && Res_const.split('|')[1] > start_time) {
									couleurfond_mine_en_cour = "background-color:blue";
								var plasmaList = new Array();
								for (var p = 1; p <= 20; p++) {
									var renta_plasma_data = renta_plasma(lvlplasma + p);
									if (renta_plasma_data >= 0) {
										if (p <= 10) {
											affRenta += '<tr><td style="' + couleurfond_mine_en_cour + ';color:#' + options.couleur.graphA + ';text-align:right;width:30px">' + (lvlplasma + p) + '</td>';
											if (renta_plasma_data <= result_renta)
												affRenta += '<td style="background-color:gray;text-align:right;width:120px">' + hourToyear(renta_plasma_data) + '</td></tr>';

												affRenta += '<td style="text-align:right;width:120px">' + hourToyear(renta_plasma_data) + '</td></tr>';

										couleurfond_mine_en_cour = "";
										plasmaList.push({ "lvl": lvlplasma + p, "renta": renta_plasma_data });

							{ // ordres des mines
								//copie des mines
								var Planet = new Array();

								for (var f = 0; f < nbPlanet; f++) {
									if (DATA.planet[f].moon != 'true') {
										Planet[f] = new Array();

										Planet[f].m = parseInt(DATA.planet[f].building.mmet) + (BatRes_const[f].split('|')[0] == 'mmet' && BatRes_const[f].split('|')[1] > start_time ? 1 : 0);
										Planet[f].c = parseInt(DATA.planet[f].building.mcri) + (BatRes_const[f].split('|')[0] == 'mcri' && BatRes_const[f].split('|')[1] > start_time ? 1 : 0);
										Planet[f].d = parseInt(DATA.planet[f].building.mdet) + (BatRes_const[f].split('|')[0] == 'mdet' && BatRes_const[f].split('|')[1] > start_time ? 1 : 0);

										Planet[f].t = DATA.planet[f].resource.temp;

										Planet[f].boosm = options.generale.useBoost ? DATA.planet[f].booster.met : 0;
										Planet[f].boosc = options.generale.useBoost ? DATA.planet[f].booster.cri : 0;
										Planet[f].boosd = options.generale.useBoost ? DATA.planet[f].booster.det : 0;

								var itmax = 200;
								var tasklist = new Array();

								for (var it = 0; it < itmax; it++) {
									var minR = 100000000000000000;
									var minF;
									var minT;
									var minPrix;
									var minProd;

									for (var f = 0; f < Planet.length; f++) {
										if (DATA.planet[f].moon != 'true') {
											var prixmtm = getPrix_mine_taux(0, Planet[f].m);
											var prixmtc = getPrix_mine_taux(1, Planet[f].c);
											var prixmtd = getPrix_mine_taux(2, Planet[f].d);

											var prodsm = prodSuivante(0, Planet[f].t, Planet[f].m, options.generale.useBoost ? Planet[f].boosm : 0);
											var prodsc = prodSuivante(1, Planet[f].t, Planet[f].c, options.generale.useBoost ? Planet[f].boosc : 0);
											var prodsd = prodSuivante(2, Planet[f].t, Planet[f].d, options.generale.useBoost ? Planet[f].boosd : 0);

											var rm = prixmtm / prodsm;
											var rc = prixmtc / prodsc;
											var rd = prixmtd / prodsd;

											if (minR > rm) { minR = rm; minF = f; minT = "m"; minPrix = prixmtm; minProd = prodsm; }
											if (minR > rc) { minR = rc; minF = f; minT = "c"; minPrix = prixmtc; minProd = prodsc; }
											if (minR > rd) { minR = rd; minF = f; minT = "d"; minPrix = prixmtd; minProd = prodsd; }
									Planet[minF][minT] += 1;

									tasklist.push({ "f": minF, "t": minT, "r": minR, "lvl": Planet[minF][minT], "prix": minPrix, "prodP": minProd });
								affRenta += '</table>';

							{ // astro

								var lvl_n = parseInt(Techno[10]) / 2 == Math.round(parseInt(Techno[10]) / 2) ? parseInt(Techno[10]) : parseInt(Techno[10]) + 1;
								var lvl_np1 = lvl_n + 1;

								//var cout_planete = 0;
								var nbmoyenne = 0;

								for (var f = 0; f < nbPlanet; f++) {
									if (DATA.planet[f].moon != 'true') {

								//production nouvelle planete
								var prod_taux = (prod[0] * taux[2] / taux[0] + prod[1] * taux[2] / taux[1] + prod[2] / taux[2]) / 24;
								var prod_supp = (prod_taux * (nbmoyenne + 1) / (nbmoyenne)) - prod_taux;

								//var astroBennebList = new Array();
								var astroZetaList = new Array();
								for (var itastro = 0; itastro < 7; itastro++) {
									//prix techno
									var astro_taux = getPrix_techno_taux(14, lvl_n) + getPrix_techno_taux(14, lvl_np1);

									//astroBennebList.push( { "lvl" : lvl_n ,  "lvlpun" : lvl_np1 , "tk_id_astro" : tk_id_astro  } );
									astroZetaList.push({ "lvl": lvl_n, "lvlpun": lvl_np1, "astro_taux": astro_taux });
									lvl_n += 2
									lvl_np1 = lvl_n + 1;


							{ // affichage ordres
								affRenta += '</div><div style="overflow-y:scroll;height:225px;">';//225
								affRenta += '<table id="ordre_table" style="font-size:12px;margin:auto;border-spacing:2px; border:3px solid gray;width:440px" ><thead>';
								affRenta += '<tr><th colspan="5">' + text.ordre_mine + '</th></tr>';
								affRenta += '<tr><th></th><th>' + text.exportm.planete + '</th><th>' + text.Mines + '</th><th>level</th></tr>';
								affRenta += '</thead>';
								var iP = 0;
								//var iAB = 0;
								var iAZ = 0;
								var nb = 1;
								var cumulprixMetal = 0;
								var cumulprixCristal = 0;

								for (var nn = 0; nn < tasklist.length; nn++) {

									if (plasmaList.length > 0 && plasmaList.length > iP && plasmaList[iP].renta < tasklist[nn].r) {
										affRenta += '<tr class="ago-infocompte" ago-data=\'{"id":122,"increase":' + plasmaList[iP].lvl + '}\' style="color:cyan;"><td>' + (nb++) + '</td><td colspan="2">' + text.tag.plas + '</td><td>' + plasmaList[iP].lvl + '</td></tr>';

									else {

										if (astroZetaList.length > 0 && astroZetaList.length > iAZ && (tasklist[nn].prodP * astroZetaList[iAZ].astro_taux) <= (tasklist[nn].prix * prod_supp)) {
											affRenta += '<tr class="ago-infocompte" ago-data=\'{"id":124,"increase":' + astroZetaList[iAZ].lvl + ',"range":1}\'  style="color:#6F9FC8;"><td>' + (nb++) + '</td><td colspan="2">' + text.tag.expe + ' ' + astroZetaList[iAZ].lvl + '+' + astroZetaList[iAZ].lvlpun + ' </td><td></td></tr>';
										var coul = tasklist[nn].t == "m" ? options.couleur.graphA : tasklist[nn].t == "c" ? options.couleur.graphC : options.couleur.graphD;
										var cumul = cumulprix(cumulprixMetal, cumulprixCristal, tasklist[nn].t, tasklist[nn].lvl);
										cumulprixMetal = cumul.split(';')[0];
										cumulprixCristal = cumul.split(';')[1];
										titlecumul = text.tag.m + " : " + format(cumulprixMetal) + "<br />" + text.tag.c + " : " + format(cumulprixCristal);

										affRenta += '<tr class="ago-infocompte" ago-data=\'{"id":' + (tasklist[nn].t == "m" ? 1 : (tasklist[nn].t == "c" ? 2 : 3)) + ',"increase":' + tasklist[nn].lvl + ',"coords":"' + DATA.planet[tasklist[nn].f].name + '"}\'><td>' + (nb++) + '</td><td>' + DATA.planet[tasklist[nn].f].name + '</td><td style="color:#' + coul + ';"  class="tooltipLeft" title="' + titlecumul + '">' + text.tag[tasklist[nn].t] + '</td><td>' + tasklist[nn].lvl + '</td></tr>';


								month.innerHTML = affRenta + '</table></div><table id="txt_renta_table"><tr><td colspan="3" style="font-size:8px;width:600px;text-align:center;">' + text.textrenta + '</td></tr></table><br/>';

						{ // Listener
							if (document.getElementById("Rentabilite_mines")) {
								document.getElementById("Rentabilite_mines").addEventListener("click", function (event) {
								}, true);

							// ****************************** RaZ progression *******************************

							if (document.getElementById("pointRef")) {
								document.getElementById("pointRef").addEventListener("click", function (event) {
									if (confirm(text.Avertissement)) {
										GM_setValue(nomScript + "PointRef" + coordPM + serveur, PointsTotal + ';' + date + ';' + PointsMinesTotal + ';' + PointsBatimentsTotal + ';' + PointsTechno + ';' + PointsFlotteTotal + ';' + PointsDefTotal + ';false;' + PointRef[8] + ';' + PointRef[9] + ';' + start_time + ';' + Actuelrank[2] + ';' + Actuelrank[1] + ';' + Actuelrank[3] + ';' + PointIndest + ';' + Actuelrank[0] + ';;;');

								}, true);

							if (!AJours || (!(FireFox || Tamper) && !Opera && parseInt(GM_getValue(nomScript+"dateMaJ",0))+ freqMaj< Date.parse(new Date()) / 1000) )
								// ******************************A Jours apres clique *******************************
								document.getElementById("MaJ").addEventListener("click", function(event) 
									GM_setValue(nomScript+"dateMaJ",Date.parse(new Date()) / 1000);
								}, true);
							if(document.getElementById("updateInfoCompte") )
								document.getElementById("updateInfoCompte3").addEventListener("click", function(event) 
									GM_setValue(nomScript+"dateMaJ",Date.parse(new Date()) / 1000);
								}, true);
							if (document.getElementById("iconeUpdate") && !AJours)
							document.getElementById("iconeUpdate").addEventListener("click", function(event) 
									GM_setValue(nomScript+"dateMaJ",Date.parse(new Date()) / 1000);
								}, true);
		// **********************************************************************************************************************************************************************
		// *********************************************************** Page RC  ******************************************************************************************
		// **********************************************************************************************************************************************************************
		if (url.indexOf('page=messages', 0) >= 0  /*&& ( options.generale.affConvert || options.generale.Signa || options.generale.affExpe )*/) {
			if (options.generale.Signa) {
				var speedfleet = document.getElementsByName('ogame-universe-speed-fleet')[0].content;
				function key() {
					//var icon_apikey = document.getElementsByClassName("icon_nf icon_apikey");
					var icon_apikey = document.getElementsByClassName("icon_nf icon_apikey tooltipCustom tooltip-width:400 fleft");

					var len = icon_apikey.length;
					if (len > 0) {
						var cr = false;
						var sr = false;

						for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
							var crkeyelement = icon_apikey[i];
							if (typeof (crkeyelement) != "undefined") {
								var title = crkeyelement.title.split("'");//<input value='sr-00-000-3806d676e5c7762076d7095031441ec597c2c7fb' readonly style='width:360px'></input>
								var crkey = title[1];
								//var crkey = crkeyelement.href;

								if (crkey != "") {
									var lettre = crkey.substr(0, 2);
									//var lettre = crkey.substr(14,2);
									if (lettre == "cr") {
										crkeyelement.className = "icon_nf icon_apikey tooltip tooltipRight tooltipClose";
										crkeyelement.title = "<a href=\'http://topraider.eu/?CR_KEY=" + crkey + "&idPlayer=" + IdJoueur + "\' target=\'_blank\'> Vulca convertor </a><br />" +
											"<a href=\'https://ogotcha.universeview.be/?CR_KEY=" + crkey + "\' target=\'_blank\'>OGotcha convertor </a><br />" +
											"<a href=\'http://ogmem.com/cr/directupload?api_id=" + crkey + "\' target=\'_blank\'>OGMem convertor </a><br /><br />" +
											"CR KEY : " + crkey;

										cr = true;
									if (lettre == "sr") {

										var Techno = GM_getValue(nomScript + "nivTechno" + coordPM + serveur, '-1;-1;-1;-1;-1;-1;-1;-1;-1;-1;-1;-1;-1;-1;-1;-1;-1;-1').split(';');

										crkeyelement.className = "icon_nf icon_apikey tooltip tooltipRight tooltipClose";
										//var nom_techno = new Array( 'ener', 'lase','ions','hype', 'plas', 'comb', 'impu', 'phyp', 'espi', 'ordi', 'astro' ,'rese', 'grav', 'arme','bouc', 'prot');
										crkeyelement.title = "<a href=\'http://topraider.eu/index.php?SR_KEY=" + crkey + "&combu=" + Techno[5] + "&impu=" + Techno[6] + "&prop=" + Techno[7] + "&arme=" + Techno[13] + "&bouclier=" + Techno[14] + "&protect=" + Techno[15] + "&speed=" + speedfleet + "' target=\'_blank\'> Websim simulator </a><br />" +
											"SR KEY : " + crkey;

										sr = true;

						if (cr || sr) {
							refreshIntervalId = setInterval(key, 500);

				var refreshIntervalId = setInterval(key, 500);

		/* **********************************************************************************************************************************************************************/
		/* *********************************************************** Page Empire  ******************************************************************************************/
		/* **********************************************************************************************************************************************************************/

		if ((url.indexOf('page=standalone&component=empire', 0)) >= 0) {

			var serveur = document.getElementsByName('ogame-universe')[0].content;
			var IdJoueur = document.getElementsByName('ogame-player-id')[0].content;
			var speedUni = document.getElementsByName('ogame-universe-speed')[0].content;
			var coordPM = GM_getValue(nomScript + 'Pseudo' + serveur, '#').split('#')[1];
			var geologue = GM_getValue(nomScript + "Geolog" + coordPM + serveur, 1);
			var idPlanete = GM_getValue(nomScript + 'idPlanet' + IdJoueur + serveur, '10;').split(';');
			var empireoptions = GM_getValue(nomScript + 'empire' + serveur + coordPM, 'true;true;;;').split(';');

			var DefPla = GM_getValue(nomScript + "DefPlanete" + coordPM + serveur, '||||||||||||||;||||||||||||||;||||||||||||||;||||||||||||||;||||||||||||||;||||||||||||||;||||||||||||||;||||||||||||||;||||||||||||||;||||||||||||||;||||||||||||||;||||||||||||||;||||||||||||||;||||||||||||||;||||||||||||||;||||||||||||||;||||||||||||||;||||||||||||||;||||||||||||||;||||||||||||||;||||||||||||||;||||||||||||||;||||||||||||||;||||||||||||||;||||||||||||||;||||||||||||||;').split(';');
			var BatRes = GM_getValue(nomScript + "BatRes" + coordPM + serveur, '||||||||||||||;||||||||||||||;||||||||||||||;||||||||||||||;||||||||||||||;||||||||||||||;||||||||||||||;||||||||||||||;||||||||||||||;||||||||||||||;||||||||||||||;||||||||||||||;||||||||||||||;||||||||||||||;||||||||||||||;||||||||||||||;||||||||||||||;||||||||||||||;||||||||||||||;||||||||||||||;||||||||||||||;||||||||||||||;||||||||||||||;||||||||||||||;||||||||||||||;||||||||||||||;').split(';');
			var BatSta = GM_getValue(nomScript + "BatSta" + coordPM + serveur, '|||||||||||||;|||||||||||||;|||||||||||||;|||||||||||||;|||||||||||||;|||||||||||||;|||||||||||||;|||||||||||||;|||||||||||||;|||||||||||||;|||||||||||||;|||||||||||||;|||||||||||||;|||||||||||||;|||||||||||||;|||||||||||||;|||||||||||||;|||||||||||||;|||||||||||||;|||||||||||||;|||||||||||||;|||||||||||||;|||||||||||||;|||||||||||||;|||||||||||||;|||||||||||||;').split(';');
			var flotte = GM_getValue(nomScript + "flotte" + coordPM + serveur, '0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0;0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0;0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0;0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0;0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0;0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0;0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0;0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0;0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0;0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0;0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0;0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0;0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0;0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0;0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0;0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0;0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0;0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0;0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0;0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0;0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0;0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0;0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0;0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0;0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0;0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0;').split(';');
			var boost = GM_getValue(nomScript + "boost" + coordPM + serveur, '0|0|0;0|0|0;0|0|0;0|0|0;0|0|0;0|0|0;0|0|0;0|0|0;0|0|0;0|0|0;0|0|0;0|0|0;0|0|0;0|0|0;0|0|0;0|0|0;0|0|0;0|0|0;0|0|0;0|0|0;0|0|0;0|0|0;0|0|0;0|0|0;0|0|0;0|0|0;0|0|0;0|0|0;0|0|0;0|0|0;0|0|0;0|0|0;0|0|0;0|0|0;0|0|0;0|0|0;0|0|0;0|0|0;0|0|0;0|0|0;0|0|0;0|0|0;0|0|0;0|0|0;0|0|0;0|0|0;').split(';');
			var infTech = GM_getValue(nomScript + "pointTechnoUni" + coordPM + serveur, '0;0').split(';');

			var BatSta_const = GM_getValue(nomScript + "BatSta_const" + coordPM + serveur, '|;|;|;|;|;|;|;|;|;|;|;|;|;|;|;|;|;|;|;|;|;|;|;|;|;|').split(';');
			var BatRes_const = GM_getValue(nomScript + "BatRes_const" + coordPM + serveur, '|;|;|;|;|;|;|;|;|;|;|;|;|;|;|;|;|;|;|;|;|;|;|;|;|;|').split(';');
			var Res_const = GM_getValue(nomScript + "Res_const" + coordPM + serveur, '|');
			var Def_const = GM_getValue(nomScript + "Def_const" + coordPM + serveur, '|;|;|;|;|;|;|;|;|;|;|;|;|;|;|;|;|;|;|;|;|;|;|;|;|;|').split(';');

			var isMoon = (url.indexOf('&planetType=1') > -1)

			var coutBati = new Array(new Array(0.06, 0.015, 0), new Array(0.048, 0.024, 0), new Array(0.225, 0.075, 0), new Array(0.075, 0.030, 0), new Array(0.9, 0.360, 0.18), new Array(0, 2, 0.5), new Array(1, 0, 0), new Array(1, 0.5, 0), new Array(1, 1, 0), new Array(2.645, 0, 0), new Array(2.645, 1.322, 0), new Array(2.645, 2.645, 0), new Array(0.4, 0.12, 0.2), new Array(0.4, 0.2, 0.1), new Array(0.2, 0.4, 0.2), new Array(20, 40, 0), new Array(20, 20, 1), new Array(1000, 500, 100), new Array(0, 50, 100));
			var nom_bat = new Array('mmet', 'mcri', 'mdet', 'ces', 'cef', 'sat', 'hmet', 'hcri', 'hdet', 'sm', 'sc', 'sd', 'rob', 'cspa', 'lab', 'depo', 'silo', 'nan', 'ter');
			var exposant = new Array(1.5, 1.6, 1.5, 1.5, 1.8, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2.3, 2.3, 2.3, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2);

			var coutBatiL = new Array(new Array(0, 2, 0.5), new Array(1, 0, 0), new Array(1, 0.5, 0), new Array(1, 1, 0), new Array(0.4, 0.12, 0.2), new Array(0.4, 0.2, 0.1), new Array(20, 40, 20), new Array(20, 40, 20), new Array(2000, 4000, 2000));
			var nom_batL = new Array('sat', 'hmet', 'hcri', 'hdet', 'rob', 'cspa', 'base', 'phal', 'port');
			var exposantL = new Array(1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2);

			var nom_techno = new Array('ener', 'lase', 'ions', 'hype', 'plas', 'comb', 'impu', 'phyp', 'espi', 'ordi', 'astro', 'rese', 'grav', 'arme', 'bouc', 'prot');
			var coutBatiT = new Array(new Array(0, 0.8, 0.4), new Array(0.2, 0.1, 0), new Array(1, 0.3, 0.1), new Array(0, 4, 2), new Array(2, 4, 1), new Array(0.4, 0, 0.6), new Array(2, 4, 0.6), new Array(10, 20, 6), new Array(0.2, 1, 0.2), new Array(0, 0.4, 0.6), new Array(4, 8, 4), new Array(240, 400, 160), new Array(0, 0, 0), new Array(0.8, 0.2, 0), new Array(0.2, 0.6, 0), new Array(1, 0, 0));
			var exposantT = new Array(2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1.75, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2);

			function capacitehangar(lvl) {
				return Math.floor((2.5 * Math.pow(1.8331954764, lvl))) * 5000;

			function empire() {
				if (empireoptions[1] == "true") {
					var empire_result_gm = GM_getValue(nomScript + "empireResult" + coordPM + serveur, '');
					var empire_result = empire_result_gm.split(';');
					var empire_result_tab = new Array();
					for (var ii = 0; ii < empire_result.length; ii++) {
						var splitt = empire_result[ii].split('-');
						empire_result_tab[splitt[0]] = new Array();
						for (tt = 1; tt < splitt.length; tt++) {
				var listeNivTech = '';
				var batEncontruction = -1;
				var numConst = 0;
				var niv = 0;
				var RaZRechConst = true;
				function getlvl(name) {
					var lvl = planetid.getElementsByClassName(name)[0];
					if (lvl) {
						if (lvl.getElementsByTagName('a').length > 0) {
							lvl = lvl.getElementsByTagName('a')[0].textContent;

							if (planetid.getElementsByClassName(name)[0].getElementsByTagName('img').length > 0) {
								batEncontruction = numConst;
								niv = lvl;
						else {
							lvl = lvl.textContent;


						return lvl.replace(/\./g, '').replace(/\,/g, '');
					else {
						return 0;

				function addConst(nRes) {
					if (batEncontruction > -1) {
						if (parseInt(BatRes_const[nbplanete].split('|')[1]) < start_time || isNaN(BatRes_const[nbplanete].split('|')[1]) || nom_bat[batEncontruction] != BatRes_const[nbplanete].split('|')[0]) { BatRes_const[nbplanete] = '|'; }
						if (parseInt(BatSta_const[nbplanete].split('|')[1]) < start_time || isNaN(BatSta_const[nbplanete].split('|')[1]) || nom_bat[batEncontruction] != BatSta_const[nbplanete].split('|')[0]) { BatSta_const[nbplanete] = '|'; }

						if (BatRes_const[nbplanete] == '|' && BatSta_const[nbplanete] == '|') {
							var prix = Math.floor((coutBati[batEncontruction][0] + coutBati[batEncontruction][1]) * (Math.pow(exposant[batEncontruction], niv)) * 1000);

							var timeFin = Math.round(start_time + ((prix / 5000) * (2 / (1 + parseInt(BatSta[nbplanete].split('|')[0]))) * (1 / Math.pow(2, parseInt(BatSta[nbplanete].split('|')[5]))) / speedUni) * 3600000);

							if (batEncontruction < nRes) {
								BatRes_const[nbplanete] = nom_bat[batEncontruction] + '|' + timeFin;
							else BatSta_const[nbplanete] = nom_bat[batEncontruction] + '|' + timeFin;
							//		alert(batEncontruction)
							//	alert(	BatRes_const[nbplanete]+BatSta_const[nbplanete]);
					else {
						BatRes_const[nbplanete] = '|';
						BatSta_const[nbplanete] = '|';
					enConst = -1;
					numConst = 0;
					niv = 0;
				function addConstTech() {
					if (batEncontruction > -1) {
						if (parseInt(Res_const.split('|')[1]) < start_time || isNaN(Res_const.split('|')[1]) || Res_const.split('|')[0] != nom_techno[batEncontruction]) // si le joueur utilise plusieurs ordi
						{ Res_const = '|'; }

						if (Res_const == '|') {
							var prix = Math.floor((coutBatiT[batEncontruction][0] + coutBatiT[batEncontruction][1]) * (Math.pow(exposantT[batEncontruction], niv)) * 1000);
							var timeFin = Math.round(start_time + (prix / (1000 * (1 + parseInt(BatSta[nbplanete].split('|')[2])))) / speedUni * 3600000);

							Res_const = nom_techno[batEncontruction] + '|' + timeFin;



				for (var nbplanete = 0; nbplanete < idPlanete.length - 1; nbplanete++) {
					if (document.getElementById('planet' + idPlanete[nbplanete])) {
						var planetid = document.getElementById('planet' + idPlanete[nbplanete]);

						if (!isMoon) {
							if (empireoptions[1] == "true") {
								if (empire_result_tab[idPlanete[nbplanete]]) {
									for (xx = 0; xx < empire_result_tab[idPlanete[nbplanete]].length; xx++) {
										planetid.getElementsByClassName(empire_result_tab[idPlanete[nbplanete]][xx])[0].setAttribute("style", "background:url();background-color:SaddleBrown  ;");
							if (empireoptions[0] == "true") {
								var lvlmetal = getlvl("1");
								var lvlcristal = getlvl("2");
								var lvldeut = getlvl("3");
								var inner = planetid.getElementsByClassName("fields textCenter")[0].innerHTML;
								var temperature = inner.substr(4, inner.length - 1).replace(/[^0-9-]/g, "");
								var lvlhangarmetal = getlvl("22");
								var lvlhangarcristal = getlvl("23");
								var lvlhangardeut = getlvl("24");
								var lvlplasma = getlvl("122");

								var metal = planetid.getElementsByClassName("metal")[0].textContent.replace(/\./g, '').replace(/\,/g, '');
								var cristal = planetid.getElementsByClassName("crystal")[0].textContent.replace(/\./g, '').replace(/\,/g, '');
								var deut = planetid.getElementsByClassName("deuterium")[0].textContent.replace(/\./g, '').replace(/\,/g, '');
								var coeffbostermetal = 0;
								var coeffbostercristal = 0;
								var coeffbosterdeut = 0;

								if (planetid.innerHTML.indexOf("de922af379061263a56d7204d1c395cefcfb7d75") != -1) coeffbostermetal = 10;
								if (planetid.innerHTML.indexOf("f582c0fcf125bfdd68cf9409f52777278b124ed8") != -1) coeffbostermetal = 20;
								if (planetid.innerHTML.indexOf("4d057a0922846a768cb5e5acc757cdee973dd5e9") != -1) coeffbostermetal = 30;

								if (planetid.innerHTML.indexOf("7c1dc1bf2d48d0f617e6f882a5df2ce8bfe7caef") != -1) coeffbostercristal = 10;
								if (planetid.innerHTML.indexOf("6777de6d91af738f2672569a27ba2f13f9ed2da7") != -1) coeffbostercristal = 20;
								if (planetid.innerHTML.indexOf("496eaa66140c81be052670dad7838b2d8522807a") != -1) coeffbostercristal = 30;

								if (planetid.innerHTML.indexOf("1467bd003a88e3b3c559a2cbebefd27651e9f7a4") != -1) coeffbosterdeut = 10;
								if (planetid.innerHTML.indexOf("d7c31c50030da4c178bc651a05a294894f105a76") != -1) coeffbosterdeut = 20;
								if (planetid.innerHTML.indexOf("746a4c39eeea1ac2ed864177505ad3f7783202ed") != -1) coeffbosterdeut = 30

								var planetName = planetid.querySelector("div.planetHead").querySelector("div.planetname").innerText;
								if (planetName.indexOf("Antep") > 0) {

								//boost[nbplanete] = coeffbostermetal + "|" + coeffbostercristal + "|" + coeffbosterdeut;
								console.log("Gezegen : " + planetName + " Güçlendiriciler : " + boost[nbplanete])

								var prod_m_total = prodMetal(lvlmetal, speedUni, lvlplasma, geologue, coeffbostermetal) + 30 * speedUni;
								var prod_c_total = prodCristal(lvlcristal, speedUni, lvlplasma, geologue, coeffbostercristal) + 15 * speedUni;
								var prod_d_total = prodDeut(lvldeut, speedUni, lvlplasma, temperature, geologue, coeffbosterdeut);

								var minMetal = (capacitehangar(lvlhangarmetal) - metal) / prod_m_total;
								var minCristal = (capacitehangar(lvlhangarcristal) - cristal) / prod_c_total;
								var minDeut = prod_d_total == 0 ? 1000000 : (capacitehangar(lvlhangardeut) - deut) / prod_d_total;

								var minimumheure = Math.min(minMetal, minCristal, minDeut);
								var type1 = "";
								var type2 = "";
								var type3 = "";

								function hourMinute(minheure) {
									var heure = Math.floor(minheure);
									var minute = Math.floor((minheure - heure) * 60);
									var resr = heure + "h" + (minute >= 10 ? minute : "0" + minute);

									return resr;
								if (minMetal == minimumheure) {
									type1 = "METAL : " + hourMinute(minMetal);
									if (minCristal <= minDeut) {
										type2 = "CRISTAL : " + hourMinute(minCristal);
										type3 = "DEUT : " + hourMinute(minDeut);
									else {
										type3 = "CRISTAL : " + hourMinute(minCristal);
										type2 = "DEUT : " + hourMinute(minDeut);

								if (minCristal == minimumheure) {
									type1 = "CRISTAL : " + hourMinute(minCristal);
									if (minMetal <= minDeut) {
										type3 = "DEUT : " + hourMinute(minDeut);
										type2 = "METAL : " + hourMinute(minMetal);
									else {
										type2 = "DEUT : " + hourMinute(minDeut);
										type3 = "METAL : " + hourMinute(minMetal);
								if (minDeut == minimumheure) {
									type1 = "DEUT : " + hourMinute(minDeut);
									if (minMetal <= minCristal) {
										type3 = "CRISTAL : " + hourMinute(minCristal);
										type2 = "METAL : " + hourMinute(minMetal);
									else {
										type2 = "CRISTAL : " + hourMinute(minCristal);
										type3 = "METAL : " + hourMinute(minMetal);

								var resr = hourMinute(minimumheure);
								if (minimumheure < 10) {
									resr = "<span style='color:red'>" + resr + "</span>";

								planetid.getElementsByClassName("row")[1].innerHTML = "<span class='tooltipRight js_hideTipOnMobile' title='" + type1 + "<br />" + type2 + "<br />" + type3 + "' style='line-height:23px'>" + resr + "</span>";
								document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0].setAttribute("style", "text-align:center");

						batEncontruction = -1;
						numConst = 0;
						niv = 0;
						if (!isMoon) {
							BatRes[nbplanete] = getlvl("1") + '|' + getlvl("2") + '|' + getlvl("3") + '|' + getlvl("4") + '|' +
								getlvl("12") + '|' + getlvl("212") + '|' + getlvl("22") + '|' + getlvl("23") + '|' +
								getlvl("24") + '|' + getlvl("25") + '|' + getlvl("26") + '|' + getlvl("27") + '|';

							BatSta[nbplanete] = getlvl("14") + '|' + getlvl("21") + '|' + getlvl("31") + '|' + getlvl("34") + '|' +
								getlvl("44") + '|' + getlvl("15") + '|' + getlvl("33") + '|' + '0|0|0|false';


							//boost[nbplanete] = coeffbostermetal+'|'+coeffbostercristal+'|'+coeffbosterdeut;

						else {

							BatRes[nbplanete] = '0|0|0|0|0|' + getlvl("212") + '|' + getlvl("22") + '|' + getlvl("23") + '|' + getlvl("24") + '|' + '0|0|0';

							BatSta[nbplanete] = getlvl("14") + '|' + getlvl("21") + '|' + '0|0|0|0|0|' + getlvl("41") + '|' + getlvl("42") + '|' + getlvl("43") + '|' +

							//boost[nbplanete] = '0|0|0';

						flotte[nbplanete + 1] = getlvl("202") + '|' + getlvl("203") + '|' + getlvl("204") + '|' + getlvl("205") + '|' +
							getlvl("206") + '|' + getlvl("207") + '|' + getlvl("208") + '|' + getlvl("209") + '|' +
							getlvl("210") + '|' + getlvl("211") + '|' + getlvl("212") + '|' + getlvl("213") + '|' +
							getlvl("214") + '|' + getlvl("215") + '|';

						DefPla[nbplanete] = getlvl("401") + '|' + getlvl("402") + '|' + getlvl("403") + '|' + getlvl("404") + '|' +
							getlvl("405") + '|' + getlvl("406") + '|' + getlvl("407") + '|' + getlvl("408") + '|' +
							getlvl("502") + '|' + getlvl("503") + '|';

						var isRechConst = planetid.getElementsByClassName('values research groupresearch')[0].getElementsByTagName('img').length

						if (isRechConst != 0) RaZRechConst = false;

						if (nbplanete == 0 || isRechConst != 0) {

							enConst = -1;
							numConst = 0;
							niv = 0;

							listeNivTech = getlvl("113") + ';' + getlvl("120") + ';' +
								getlvl("121") + ';' + getlvl("114") + ';' +
								getlvl("122") + ';' + getlvl("115") + ';' +
								getlvl("117") + ';' + getlvl("118") + ';' +
								getlvl("106") + ';' + getlvl("108") + ';' +
								getlvl("124") + ';' + getlvl("123") + ';' +
								getlvl("199") + ';' + getlvl("109") + ';' +
								getlvl("110") + ';' + getlvl("111") + ';';


							GM_setValue(nomScript + "nivTechno" + coordPM + serveur, listeNivTech);

				if (RaZRechConst) Res_const = '|';

				GM_setValue(nomScript + "DefPlanete" + coordPM + serveur, DefPla.join(';'));
				GM_setValue(nomScript + "BatRes" + coordPM + serveur, BatRes.join(';'));
				GM_setValue(nomScript + "BatSta" + coordPM + serveur, BatSta.join(';'));
				GM_setValue(nomScript + "flotte" + coordPM + serveur, flotte.join(';'));
				GM_setValue(nomScript + "boost" + coordPM + serveur, boost.join(';'));

				GM_setValue(nomScript + "BatSta_const" + coordPM + serveur, BatSta_const.join(';'));
				GM_setValue(nomScript + "BatRes_const" + coordPM + serveur, BatRes_const.join(';'));
				GM_setValue(nomScript + "Res_const" + coordPM + serveur, Res_const);
				GM_setValue(nomScript + "Def_const" + coordPM + serveur, '|;|;|;|;|;|;|;|;|;|;|;|;|;|;|;|;|;|;|;|;|;|;|;|;|;|');
			setTimeout(empire, 1000)
