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// ==UserScript== // @name Torrentz + IMDB Ratings Phoenix // @namespace http://your.homepage/ // @version 0.09 // @description Show movie ratings and geners from IMDB for movies. // @author select // @license MIT // @include* // @include* // @require // @grant GM_xmlhttpRequest // ==/UserScript== // regext for cleaning the titles var re = /\d{4}/; movie_db = {}; try { var getImdbInfo = function(title) { if (title in movie_db) { return true; } GM_xmlhttpRequest({ method: 'GET', url: '' + encodeURIComponent(title), onload: function(response) { var data = JSON.parse(response.responseText); if (data.Response === 'False') { movie_db[title] = false; } else { movie_db[title] = data; } localStorage.setItem('movie_db', JSON.stringify(movie_db)); }, onerror: function(){ console.warn('request failed:' + title); } }); return false; }; var c = localStorage.getItem('movie_db'); if (c) { $.extend(movie_db, JSON.parse(c)); } var count = 0; $(document).ready(function() { $('dl').each(function() { var title = $('a', this).html(), match = re.exec(title); if (match && match.length && count < 5) { title = title.substr(0,; if (getImdbInfo(title) === true) { if (movie_db[title] !== false) { var el = '<a href="' + movie_db[title].imdbID + '" target="_blank" title="' + movie_db[title].imdbVotes + ' votes">' + movie_db[title].imdbRating + '</a>'; var rating = parseFloat(movie_db[title].imdbRating); if (rating > 7.7) { el = '<b>'+el+'</b>'; } $('b', this).prepend(movie_db[title].Genre); $('dt', this).prepend(el+ ' '); if(rating < 7.2){ $('dt', this).css({opacity: 0.5}); } } } else { count++; } } else if (match && match.length) { title = title.substr(0,; var nel = '<a href="' + title + '&s=all" target="_blank">🔎</a>'; $('dt', this).prepend(nel+ ' '); } else { var nel = '<a href="' + title + '&s=all" target="_blank">🔎</a>'; $('dt', this).prepend(nel+ ' '); } }); }); } catch (e) { unsafeWindow.console.log(e); }