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// ==UserScript== // @name Pirate Bay Top 100 Movies IMDb // @namespace // @version 0.1 // @description Add imdb ratings to The Priate Bay top 100 // @author select // @match* // @grant GM_xmlhttpRequest // @license MIT // @copyright 2020, select ( // ==/UserScript== const apiKey = 'XXXXXX'; // please create your api key at const movieTitleRexEx = /(www\.[^ ]+ -)?(\[\w+\] )*([^(]*)( \()?(\d{4})[^p]/; const movie_db = initDatabase(); function getImdbInfo(title, year) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { if (title in movie_db) resolve(movie_db[title]); let url = `${apiKey}&i=&t=${encodeURIComponent(title)}`; if (year) url += `&y=${year}`; GM_xmlhttpRequest({ method: 'GET', url, onload: (response) => { const data = JSON.parse(response.responseText); if (data.Response === 'False') { movie_db[title] = false; reject(); } else { movie_db[title] = data; resolve(data); } localStorage.movie_db = JSON.stringify(movie_db); }, onerror: () => { console.warn('request failed:' + title); reject(); }, }); }); } function initDatabase() { const c = localStorage.getItem('movie_db'); return !c ? {} : JSON.parse(c); } async function run() { 'use strict'; document.body.innerHTML += `<style>.klsdkjf-votes { display: flex; justify-content: space-between; margin: 0 1rem; }</style>`; const entries = await Promise.all( [...document.querySelectorAll('.list-entry')].map(async ($el) => { const rawTitle = $el.querySelector('.item-title a').textContent; const match = movieTitleRexEx.exec(rawTitle); const cleanTitle = match ? match[3].replace(/\./g, ' ').trim() : ''; const year = match ? match[5] : ''; let imdbInfo = false; try { imdbInfo = match ? await getImdbInfo(cleanTitle, year) : false; } catch (error) { console.error('getImdbInfo Errro', error) } let rating = imdbInfo ? parseFloat(imdbInfo.imdbRating) : 0; if (isNaN(rating)) rating = 0; const imdbQuery = (t) => `<a href="${t}&s=all" target="_blank">🔎</a>`; const $firstField = $el.querySelector('span:first-child'); if (!(match && match.length)) { $firstField.innerHTML = imdbQuery(rawTitle); } else if (!imdbInfo) { $firstField.innerHTML = imdbQuery(cleanTitle); } else { $firstField.innerHTML = `<a class="klsdkjf-votes" href="${imdbInfo.imdbID}" target="_blank" title="${imdbInfo.imdbVotes} votes"> <span>${imdbInfo.imdbRating}</span><span>${imdbInfo.imdbVotes}</span> </a>`; if (rating > 7.5) $ = `bold`; const $secondField = $el.querySelector('.item-title'); $ = 'flex'; $ = 'space-between'; $secondField.innerHTML += `<span style="color: #666; margin-left: 1rem">${imdbInfo.Genre}</span>`; if (rating < 7.0) $ = 0.4; } return { $el, rating, }; }) ); entries.sort((a, b) => (a.rating >= b.rating ? -1 : 1)); const $parent = document.querySelector('#torrents'); const $header = $parent.querySelector('.list-header'); $parent.innerHTML = `${$header.outerHTML}${{ $el }) => $el.outerHTML).join(' ')}`; } (function () { run().then(() => console.log('The End')); })();