seb92kl / marchand_new_01122015

// ==UserScript==
// @name         marchand_new_01122015
// @namespace
// @version      0.1
// @description  try to take over the world!
// @author       You
// @match
// @match*
// @grant        none
// ==/UserScript==

// 30.11.2015   2_ressInDeut_30112015

nav = frames[0] || window;
win = frames[1] || window;
// win.location.href = '';
$('frameset')[0].id = 'frameset';
$('frameset')[0].cols = '350,*';
$('frameset')[0].children[0].scrolling = 'yes';

if ( win.location.href.match('buildings.php?') != null && win.location.href.match('mode=fleet') != null ) {
} else { console.log('...') };

function url_raumschiffwerft() {
    met_vorhanden = win.$('#met')[0].innerText.replace(/\./g,'');
    kris_vorhanden = win.$('#cry')[0].innerText.replace(/\./g,'');
    deut_vorhanden = win.$('#deut_rechner')[0].innerText.replace(/\./g,'');
    ress_in_deut = parseInt(met_vorhanden/3)+parseInt(kris_vorhanden/2)+parseInt(deut_vorhanden);
    anzahl_benoetigt = parseInt(ress_in_deut/500000);

    schiffID = 209;
    matchString = win.$('a[href*=' + schiffID + ']')[1].nextSibling.textContent;
    if ( matchString.match('Anzahl') != null ) { anzahl_vorhanden = matchString.match(/\d+\.*\d*/).toString().replace(/\.*/g,''); } else { anzahl_vorhanden = 0; };

    anzahl_noch_bauen = anzahl_benoetigt - anzahl_vorhanden;
    // anzahl_noch_bauen = 5000 - anzahl_benoetigt % 5000;
    if ( anzahl_noch_bauen < 0 ) {
        anzahl_noch_bauen = 0;
    } else {
        win.$('a[href*=' + schiffID + ']')[0].parentElement.parentElement.children[2].children[0].value = anzahl_noch_bauen;

    console.log('\n' + 'anzahl_vorhanden: ' + anzahl_vorhanden + '\n' + 'anzahl_benoetigt: ' + anzahl_benoetigt + '\n' + 'anzahl_noch_bauen: ' + anzahl_noch_bauen + '\n' +
                'Met: ' + met_vorhanden/1000000 + '___||___' + parseInt(met_vorhanden/3000000) + '\n' +
                'Kris: ' + kris_vorhanden/1000000 + '___||___' + parseInt(kris_vorhanden/2000000) + '\n' +
                'Deut: ' + deut_vorhanden/1000000 + '___||___' + parseInt(deut_vorhanden/1000000) + '\n' 


iframe1 = win.document.createElement('iframe'); = 'iframe1';
iframe1.src = '';
iframe1.width = '200px';
iframe1.height = '150px';

// ifr1 = nav.$('#iframe1')[0].contentDocument;
// ifr1_win = nav.$('#iframe1')[0].contentWindow;

url_marchand        = '';
url_schiffswerft    = '';
url_fleet           = '';
url_flotte1         = '';
url_flotte2         = '';
url_flotte3         = '';
url_imperium        = '';
url_galaxy          = '';

create_iframe(nav, 'iframe_metToDeut',      url_marchand,       '150px', '100px', nav, 'hidden');
create_iframe(nav, 'iframe_krisToDeut',     url_marchand,       '150px', '100px', nav, 'hidden');
create_iframe(nav, 'iframe_marchand',       url_marchand,       '150px', '100px', nav, 'hidden');
create_iframe(nav, 'iframe_schiffswerft',   url_schiffswerft,   '150px', '100px', nav, 'hidden');
create_iframe(nav, 'iframe_flotte',         url_fleet,          '250px', '200px', nav, 'show');
create_iframe(nav, 'iframe_imperium',       url_imperium,       '150px', '100px', nav, 'hidden');
create_iframe(nav, 'iframe_galaxy',         url_galaxy,         '150px', '100px', nav, 'hidden');
create_iframe(win, 'iframe_marchand_win',   url_marchand,       '600px', '200px', win, 'show');
create_iframe(win, 'iframe_gala_win',       url_galaxy,         '600px', '350px', win, 'hidden');

delete_restimer(frames[0].frames, frames[0].frames.length);

window['win_metToDeut']     = frames[0].iframe_1.window;
window['win_krisToDeut']    = frames[0].iframe_2.window;
window['win_marchand']      = frames[0].iframe_3.window;
window['win_schiffswerft']  = frames[0].iframe_4.window;
window['win_flotte']        = frames[0].iframe_5.window;
window['win_imperium']      = frames[0].iframe_6.window;
window['win_galaxy']        = frames[0].iframe_7.window;
window['win_marchand_win']  = frames[1].iframe_1.window;
window['win_galaxy_win']    = frames[1].iframe_2.window;

// win_galaxy_win.clearTimeout( win_galaxy_win['restimer'] );
// win_galaxy_win.document.body.innerHTML = spio( 2, 255, 8, 1, 2, 267, 15, 1 );

// frames[1].frames[0].window.clearTimeout(frames[1].frames[0].window['restimer']);

create_button(nav, 'btn_metToDeut', 'btn_metToDeut ', nav, get_met );
create_button(nav, 'btn_krisToDeut', 'btn_krisToDeut ', nav, get_kris );
create_button(nav, 'btn_getSchiffe', 'btn_getSchiffe', nav, get_schiffe );
create_button(nav, 'btn_insert_iframe_win', 'btn_insert' + '' + '_iframe_win', nav, insert_iframe_win );
create_button(nav, 'insert_styleSheet_hauptframe', 'insert_styleSheet' + '' + '_hauptframe', nav, insert_styleSheet_hauptframe );
create_button(nav, 'insert_styleSheetiframe_hauptframe_win', 'insert_styleSheet' + '' + 'iframe_hauptframe_win', nav, insert_styleSheet_iframe_marchand_win );


function create_button(location_, id, text, position, fn) {
    var button = nav.document.createElement('input'); = id;
    console.log(id + '\ttext: ' + text);
    button.innerHTML = text.toString();
    button.value = text.toString(); = 'green';
    button.type = 'button';
    button.addEventListener('click', fn);

function insert_iframe_win() {
    if ( frames[1].frames[0] == undefined ) {
        create_iframe(win, 'iframe_marchand_win',   url_marchand,       '600px', '200px', win, 'show');
        window['win_marchand_win']  = frames[1].iframe_1.window;

function getHTML(pID, query) {
        if ( frames[1].frames[0] == undefined ) {
            create_iframe(win, 'iframe_marchand_win',   url_marchand,       '600px', '200px', win, 'show');
            window['win_marchand_win']  = frames[1].iframe_1.window;
        url = '';
        if (pID != undefined || typeof(pID) == 'number' ) {
            url += '?cp=' + pID
        var response = frames[1].$.ajax( {
            url: url,
            type: 'GET',
            cache: false,
            async: false
        parser = new DOMParser();
        dom = parser.parseFromString(response, 'text/html');
        html = dom.querySelector(query);
        console.log( 'html: ===> ' + html.innerText );
        window['dom'] = dom;
        return html;

function get_schiffe(pID) {
    iframe_5.contentDocument.location.href = '';
    setTimeout(function() { iframe_5.contentDocument.body.innerHTML = iframe_5.contentDocument.querySelectorAll('center')[4].innerHTML; console.log('.........') }, 5000)

function get_met(pID) {
    met_vorhanden = parseInt( getHTML(pID, '#met').innerText.replace(/\./g, '') );
    setTimeout(met_to_deut(pID, met_vorhanden), 3000);

function get_kris(pID) {
    kris_vorhanden = parseInt( getHTML(pID, '#cry').innerText.replace(/\./g, '') );
    setTimeout(kris_to_deut(pID, kris_vorhanden), 3000);

function kris_to_deut(pID, kris_vorhanden) {
    kris_in_deut = parseInt( (kris_vorhanden-50000000)/2 );
    console.log('kris_vorhanden: ' + kris_vorhanden + '\t|\t' + 'kris_in_deut: ' + kris_in_deut + '\t|\t' + typeof(kris_in_deut));
    url = '';
    if ( pID != undefined ) {
        url += '?cp=' + pID
    if ( kris_in_deut > parseInt(0) ) {
        var request = win_krisToDeut.$.ajax( {
            url: url,
            type: 'POST',
            cache: false,
            async: true,
            data: { ress: 'cristal', metal: 0, deut: kris_in_deut }
        request.done( function(data) {
            frames[1].frames[0].document.body.innerHTML = data;
            // console.debug('data: ====> ' + data);
            return true;
    } else {
        return false;

function met_to_deut(pID, met_vorhanden) {
    // var met_vorhanden = parseInt( getHTML(pID, '#met').innerText.replace(/\./g, '') );
    var met_in_deut = parseInt( (met_vorhanden-50000000)/3 );
    console.log('met_vorhanden: ' + met_vorhanden + '\t|\t' + 'met_in_deut: ' + met_in_deut + '\t|\t' + typeof(met_in_deut));
    url = '';
    if ( pID != undefined ) {
        url += '?cp=' + pID
    if ( met_in_deut > parseInt(0) ) {
        var request = win_metToDeut.$.ajax({
            url: url,
            type: 'POST',
            cache: false,
            async: false,
            data: { ress: 'metal', cristal: 0, deut: met_in_deut }
        request.done( function(data) {
            frames[1].frames[0].document.body.innerHTML = data;
            return true;
    } else {
        return 0;

function spio(quelle_gala, quelle_sys, quelle_plani, quelle_planettyp, ziel_gala, ziel_sys, ziel_plani, ziel_planettyp) {
    return win_galaxy_win.$.ajax( {
        url: '',
        type: 'POST',
        cache: false,
        async: false,
        data: { thisgalaxy: quelle_gala, thissystem: quelle_sys, thisplanet: quelle_plani, thisplanettype: quelle_planettyp, mission:6, galaxy: ziel_gala, system: ziel_sys, planet: ziel_plani, planettype: ziel_planettyp, ship210:50 }

function delete_restimer(iframe, anzahl) {
    if ( anzahl != undefined && typeof(anzahl) == 'number' ) {
                    for ( var i = 0; i<anzahl; i++ ) {
                }, 5000)

function insert_styleSheet_iframe_5() {
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function insert_styleSheet_hauptframe() {
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    css_style_hauptframe = 'table[width="519"] { position: absolute; top:250px; width:350px; height:200px }';


function insert_styleSheet_iframe_marchand_win() {
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    css_style_iframe_marchand_win = '.iframe_1 { position: absolute; left:100px; top:75px; width:550px; height:150px }';
    create_button(nav, 'btn_metToDeut', nav, get_met );
    create_button(nav, 'btn_krisToDeut', nav, get_kris );
    create_button(nav, 'btn_getSchiffe', nav, get_schiffe );
    create_button(nav, 'btn_insert_iframe_win', nav, insert_iframe_win );
    create_button(nav, 'insert_styleSheet_hauptframe', nav, insert_styleSheet_hauptframe );
    create_button(nav, 'insert_styleSheet_iframe_marchand_win', nav, insert_styleSheet_iframe_marchand_win );

function insert_styleSheet_buttons() {
 css_buttons = frames[0].document.createElement('style');
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                        #btn_metToDeut { position: absolute; left:0px; top:50px; width:100px; height:20px }
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                        #btn_getSchiffe { position: absolute; left:0px; top:150px; width:100px; height:20px }
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function create_iframe(location_, id, src, width, height, position, hidden) {
    iframe_max = parseInt(location_.document.querySelectorAll('iframe').length);
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        eval('iframe_' + iframe_new + '.width = width');
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        eval('iframe_' + iframe_new + '.width = "150px"');

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        eval('iframe_' + iframe_new + '.height = height');
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        eval('iframe_' + iframe_new + '.hidden = true');

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