Raw Source
schwarztee / Vimeo Download

// ==UserScript==
// @name        Vimeo Download
// @namespace   schwarztee
// @description Adds a download button to the video player.
// @include     https://vimeo.com/*
// @copyright   2015, schwarztee
// @license     MIT
// @version     0.2.0-deprecated
// @grant       none
// @downloadURL https://greasyfork.org/scripts/16497-vimeo-download/code/Vimeo%20Download.user.js
// ==/UserScript==

'use strict';

    // helper: find DOM element
    function find( selector ) { return document.querySelector( selector ); }
    // wait for player to be ready and set up periodic video check
    function setup()
        // controller object in DOM and video element available?
        if ( window && 'clip_controller' in window && find( '#video video' ) )
            // keep track of video URL
            var currentURL = '';
            // periodically check video (to follow quality changes)
            setInterval( function checkVideo()
                // find the main video element and get source URL
                var newURL = find( '#video video' ).src;
                // different from previously found URL?
                if ( newURL != currentURL )
                    // developer information
                    console.log( "[Vimeo Download] Found new video URL:", newURL );
                    // make new download button
                    makeButton( newURL );
                    // remember new URL
                    currentURL = newURL;
            }, 500 );
            // try again later
            setTimeout( setup, 500 );
    // add download button to video player controls
    function makeButton( url )
        // retrieve active player properties
        var activePlayer = window['clip_controller']['clip_player_controller']['clip_player']['active_player'];
        // get title and video height
        var title = activePlayer['videoTitle'];
        var height = activePlayer['videoHeight'];
        // developer information
        console.log( "[Vimeo Download] Making download button for \""+title+"\" ("+height+"p)" );
        // make valid filename from title
        var filename = title.replace( /[<>:"\/\\|?*]/g, '' ) + '.mp4';
        // remove old button if existing
        var oldButton = find( '#video .button.dwnld' );
        oldButton && oldButton.remove();
        // create new button
        var button = document.createElement( 'a' );
        button.href = url;
        button.target = '_blank';
        button.download = filename;
        button.innerHTML = "тее";
        button.title = "Download ("+height+"p)";
        button.setAttribute( 'class', "button dwnld" );
        button.setAttribute( 'style', 'display: inline-block; font-size: 1.7em; margin: -0.4em 0 0 0.4em; color: #fff' );
        // apply mouseover effect
        button.onmouseenter = function() { button.style.color = 'rgb(68,187,255)'; };
        button.onmouseleave = function() { button.style.color = '#fff'; };
        // find control bar and add button
        find( '#video .play-bar' ).appendChild( button );
    // start looking for video player