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// ==UserScript== // @name Youtube embed to Hooktube // @namespace Krul & Brood // @description Scan page for youtube embeds and replace with a Hooktube embed. // @include * // @license MIT // @version 2.1 // ==/UserScript== var a = 0; //set to 1 to autoplay embedded videos present on initial page load (not recommended) var b = 1; //set to 0 to not autoplay embedded videos that appear on page interaction var observer = new MutationObserver(mutate); observer.observe(document,{childList:true,attributes:true,subtree:true}); function mutate(){ go(b); } function go(auto){ var filter = Array.filter || Benchmark.filter; var frames = document.getElementsByTagName("iframe"); frames = filter(frames, youtubeiFrame); for(var i=0; i<frames.length; i++){ var frame = frames[i]; var src = frame.getAttribute('src'); var hookTube = src.replace('youtube', 'hooktube'); if(hookTube.indexOf('?') === -1){ hookTube += '?autoplay=' + auto; }else{ hookTube += '&autoplay=' + auto; } frame.setAttribute('src', hookTube); } } function youtubeiFrame(el) { if(el.hasAttribute('src')){ return el.getAttribute('src').indexOf('youtube') !== -1; } return false; } go(a);