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// ==UserScript== // @name Amazon Order Total // @namespace // @version 0.1 // @description Sum up the total amazon orders // @author Sameer711 // @license MIT // @updateURL // @copyright Copyright (C) 2019, by Sameer // @require // @match* // @grant GM_setValue // @grant GM_getValue // ==/UserScript== (function(jQuery) { 'use strict'; let inProgress = GM_getValue("AmazonOrderTotal_InProgress", false); if (inProgress) { getOrderTotal(); } else { var getOrderTotalsButton = jQuery('<button/>', { text: 'Get Order Totals!', click: startTracking, class: 'a-button-primary' }); jQuery(".top-controls").append(getOrderTotalsButton); } function startTracking() { GM_setValue("AmazonOrderTotal",0); GM_setValue("AmazonOrderTotal_InProgress", true); getOrderTotal(); } function getOrderTotal() { let sum = GM_getValue("AmazonOrderTotal", 0); []'value'),function(el) { if (el.innerText.startsWith('CDN$ ')) { //exclude refunds.. go up to the ancestor and look for refund text in block if (!$(el).parent().parent().parent().parent().parent().parent().parent().parent().siblings().text().includes("Refund")) { console.log(el.innerText.substr(5)); sum+= parseFloat(el.innerText.substr(5)); } } }) GM_setValue("AmazonOrderTotal", sum); console.log(sum); if (jQuery('.a-last a').length > 0) { jQuery('.a-last a')[0].click(); } else { GM_setValue("AmazonOrderTotal_InProgress", false); alert('Your total orders is: $' + sum.toFixed(2)); } } })(jQuery);