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// ==UserScript== // @name Discord Custom Styling // @namespace // @version 1.2 // @description Custom styles for Discord // @author sam_speak // @match* // @grant none // @license MIT // ==/UserScript== (function() { 'use strict'; // Function to add CSS styles to the page function addStyles() { // Styles for NSFW labeling const nsfwStyle = document.createElement('style'); nsfwStyle.innerHTML = ` [class*=linkTop_]:has(> [class*=iconContainer__] [d^="M18.09 1.63"]) > [class*=children_]::after { content: "NSFW"; background: var(--status-danger-background); color: var(--status-danger-text); padding: 0 6px; border-radius: 8px; font-size: 12px; font-weight: 700; letter-spacing: .02em; line-height: 16px; margin-left: 4px; } `; document.head.appendChild(nsfwStyle); // Additional styles for custom scrollbar const scrollbarStyle = document.createElement('style'); scrollbarStyle.innerHTML = ` [class*="none_"]::-webkit-scrollbar { width: 5px; background: transparent; border: none; } [class*="none_"]::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb { background: #101115; 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