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// ==UserScript== // @name change list // @namespace // @version 0.3 // @description try to take over the world! // @author You // @match* // @grant none // @license MIT // ==/UserScript== (function() { 'use strict'; (function(window){ function judgeUser(callback){ var infoShow=window.document.querySelector('.info-show'), formValue=window.document.querySelectorAll('.form-value'), result=false; if(infoShow){ var spans=infoShow.querySelectorAll('span'); for(var i=0;i<spans.length;i++){ if(String(spans[i].textContent).indexOf('622908403023365810')>-1){ result=true; } } } if(formValue && formValue.length>0){ for(var j=0;j<formValue.length;j++){ if(String(formValue[i].textContent).indexOf('622908403023365810')>-1){ result=true; } } } result=true; if(result){ callback(); } } function changeSummary() { var summaryDom = window.document.querySelectorAll('.info-show')[1]; if(summaryDom && summaryDom.tagName){ summaryDom.parentNode.removeChild(summaryDom); } } var timer=window.setInterval(judgeUser(function(){ var tab=window.document.body.querySelector('#list'), _form=window.document.body.querySelector('#form'); if(tab && _form){ var paramStr=window.$('#form').serialize(); $('.grid-div').html('').css('display','none').after('<div class="grid-div"><table id="list2" class="myGrid"></table><div id="pager2"></div></div>'); window.tableList=window.jQuery("#list2").jqGrid({ adjustMode: true, autowidth: true, caption: '交易明细', datatype: 'json', height: '100%', loadError: window.defaultLoadError, loadonce: true, pager: '#pager2', prmNames: {}, radio: false, rowNum: 10, shrinkToFit: true, url: ''+paramStr, viewrecords: true, colModel: [ { name: 'transDate', align: 'center' }, { name: 'bookDate', align: 'center' }, { name: 'payAmount', align: 'right', formatter: window.setcolorgreen, width: 50 }, { name: 'incomeAmount', align: 'right', formatter: window.setcolorred, width: 50 }, { name: 'balance', align: 'right' }, { name: 'summary', align: 'center', width: 70 }, { name: 'toAccountName', align: 'center' }, { name: 'toBank', align: 'center' }, { name: 'toAccountNo', align: 'center', width: 100 }, { name: 'usage', align: 'center', width: 50 }, { name: 'TRANS_CHANNEL', align: 'center', width: 100 } ], colNames: ['交易时间', '记账日', '支出', '收入', '账户余额', '摘要', '对方户名', '对方银行', '对方账号', '用途', '交易渠道'], gridComplete:function(){ $('.grid-div').css('display','block'); $('.info-show').eq(1).css('display','none'); } }); window.clearInterval(timer); }; changeSummary(); }),3); window.setTimeout(function(){ clearInterval(window.timer); },60000); })(window); // Your code here... })();