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// ==UserScript== // @name WhatsApp Blast // @description Tools yang digunakan untuk mengirim pesan WhatsApp Secara Otomatis. // @copyright 2018, rzlnhd ( // @license GPL-3.0-or-later; // @icon // @homepageURL // @supportURL // @version 3.6.4 // @date 2021-5-24 // @author Rizal Nurhidayat // @match // @grant GM_getResourceText // @grant GM_xmlhttpRequest // @grant GM_deleteValue // @grant GM_setValue // @grant GM_getValue // @grant GM.getResourceText // @grant GM.xmlhttpRequest // @grant GM.deleteValue // @grant GM.setValue // @grant GM.getValue // @connect // @updateURL // @downloadURL // @resource pnl // @resource clr // @resource css // ==/UserScript== // ==OpenUserJS== // @author rzlnhd // ==/OpenUserJS== /* jshint esversion: 6 */ /**===================================== Declaring Class Object =====================================*/ /** Users Class */ class Users { constructor() { this.user = null; this.url = ""; this.setUser(); } getUphone() { return getElm("header img") ? (getElm("header img").src.split("&")[2].match(/\d+/).join('')) : 0; } setUser(u = this.getUser()) { if (u) { let e = u.reg ? new Date(u.reg) : null, exp = u.expires ? new Date(u.expires) : null; if(e) {e.setMonth(e.getMonth() + Number(u.mon))}; this.user = { "name": || '', "phone":, "attempt": u.attempt ? Number(u.attempt) : 0, "expires": exp ? exp.getTime() : null, "end": e ? e.getTime() : null }; } else { this.user = null; } this.saveUser(this.user); } getUser() {return JSON.parse(getVal('user', null))} saveUser(user = this.user) { setVal('user', JSON.stringify(user)); } getingData(add = {}, loop = true){ let url = this.url, data = Object.assign({ phone: this.getUphone(), version: version }, add); xmlReq({ method: "POST", url: url, headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' }, data: JSON.stringify(data), ontimeout: rto => { users.errRes(rto, "rto", loop) }, onerror: err => { users.errRes(err, "err", loop) }, onload: res => { users.xhrRes(res, loop) }, }); } errRes(data, type, loop){ let msg = type == "rto" ? 'Request Time Out' : 'Request Error'; console.log(msg, data.status); if(loop) setTimeout(users.getingData, 10000); } xhrRes(data, loop){ let usr = JSON.parse(data.responseText); users.setUser(usr || null); if (loop && (!users.user && !(users.isPremium() || users.isTrial()))) setTimeout(users.getingData, 20000); } push(type = "add"){ let attempt = Number(this.user.attempt), tDy = new Date(), arr = { attempt: attempt += 1, action: type }; if(type == "add"){ let expires = tDy.setDate(tDy.getDate() + 2), end = new Date(expires).toLocaleString(); arr = { expires: end, action: type}; this.user.expires = expires; } else { this.user.attempt = attempt; } this.saveUser(); this.getingData(arr, false); } isPremium(){ return this.user ? (new Date()).getTime() <= this.user.end : false; } isTrial() { return this.user && this.user.expires ? (this.user.attempt < 5 && (new Date()).getTime() <= this.user.expires) : false; } trialPrompt(e) { if(!this.user.expires){ return !e ? (confirm("Apakah Anda mau mencoba 2 hari Trial?") ? (this.push(), true) : false) : e; } return e; } getAlrt(i, on = false) { let user = this.user, msg = [ "Halo kak " + setName(, 1) + "!" + "\nSelamat menggunakan fitur Pengguna Premium." + "\nMasa aktif Kakak berakhir hari " + dateFormat(user.end) + " ya...", "Saat ini Anda sedang menggunakan versi Trial." + "\nAnda dapat menggunakan fitur premium sebanyak " + (5 - user.attempt) + " kali lagi," + "\nAtau masa Trial Anda berakhir hari " + dateFormat(user.expires) + " ya...", "Saat ini Anda sedang menggunakan versi Trial." + "\nAnda masih dapat menggunakan fitur premium sebanyak " + (5 - user.attempt) + " kali lagi.", "Masa Trial Anda sudah berakhir." + "\nSilahkan berlanganan untuk menggunakan fitur premium kembali." ]; alrt = alrt || on ? (alert(msg[i]), false) : alrt; } } /** Option Class */ class Options { constructor(){ this.default = { 'wabColor':'var(--butterbar-connection-background)', 'wabTbp':100, 'maxQueue':100, 'wabDate':'auto', 'wabCaption':'caption', 'wabOpn':true, 'wabTab':0}; this.options = {}; }; load(opt){ let inp = getElmAll(".inp input[type='range']"), slc = getElmAll(".inp select"); this.options = opt ? Object.assign(this.default, JSON.parse(opt)) : this.default; this.colorList(); this.fillList(); inp.forEach(e => { let val = e.value, out = e.parentElement.querySelector('output'); out.innerText = val; e.addEventListener("input", this.sliderVal); }); slc.forEach(e => {e.addEventListener("change", this.selectVal)}); getById('wabPanel').style.backgroundColor = this.options.wabColor; setVal('options', JSON.stringify(this.options)); console.log('Options loaded Successfully'); } setOpt(key, val){ this.options[key] = val; setVal('options', JSON.stringify(this.options)); } sliderVal(e) { let val = e.currentTarget.value, id =, out = (e.currentTarget.parentElement).querySelector('output'); out.innerText = val; options.setOpt(id, Number(val)); } selectVal(e) { let val = e.currentTarget.value, id =; switch(id){ case 'wabColor' : getById('wabPanel').style.backgroundColor = val; break; case 'wabDate' : options.optDate(val); break; case 'wabCaption' : options.optCapt(val); break; } options.setOpt(id, val); } optDate(val){ if(val != 'auto'){ val = Number(val); isFormat = (val == 2); mIdx_ = val != 2 ? val : null; } else { isFormat = false; if(queue.size != 0 || getById('getFile').value != ''){ getById('getFile').value = ''; queue.reset(); updateUI(); alert( "Untuk opsi Deteksi Tanggal Otomatis, Silahkan masukkan ulang file penerima pesan." ); } } } optCapt(val){ let e = getById('capt'), c = val != 'caption'; e.disabled = c; e.readOnly = c; e.title = c ? 'Caption menggunakan pesan' : ''; } fillList(){ Object.entries(this.options).forEach(e => { const [key, val] = e, elm = getById(key); if(elm) elm.value = val; }); } colorList(){ let bg = getElm('select#wabColor'), colors = JSON.parse(getRes('clr')).colors; colors.forEach(e => { let opt = document.createElement('option'); opt.value = e.key; opt.text = e.val; bg.appendChild(opt); }); } } /** Queue Class By Kate Morley - */ class Queue { constructor() { this.queue = []; this.res = []; this.offset = 0; } set data(data) {this.queue = data; this.res = data;}; get now() {return (this.queue.length > 0 ? this.queue[this.offset] : undefined);}; get size() {return (this.queue.length - this.offset);}; run() { if (this.queue.length == 0) return undefined; let item = this.queue[this.offset]; if (++ this.offset * 2 >= this.queue.length) { this.queue = this.queue.slice(this.offset); this.offset = 0; } updateUI(); return item; }; reset() {this.queue = []; this.res = []; runL = 0; this.offset = 0;}; reload() {this.queue = this.res; this.offset = 0; updateUI();}; } /** Declaring Message Class */ class Message { constructor() { this.kons = ''; = ""; = ""; this.bp = ""; = ""; this.msg = ""; this.invs = ""; this.other = []; } setMsg(msgs, args) { if(isNaN(args[0])) args.unshift(''); [this.kons,,, this.bp,, this.invs, ...this.other] = args; this.msg = msgs ? this.subtitute(msgs) : ''; } get encodedMsg() { return encodeURIComponent(this.msg).replace(/'/g, "%27").replace(/\(/g, "%28").replace(/\)/g, "%29"); } get link() { let absLink = "", txt; txt = this.msg ? "&text=" + this.encodedMsg : ''; return absLink + setPhone( + txt; } setMessage(msg, col, val, size) { let opt = options.options, i = col, rgx, kBp, tBp = opt.wabTbp; for(i; i < (size > 3 ? 3 : size); i++){ if (i == 2 && val.length > 3 && !datePattern.test(val)) msg = msg.replace(/F_INVS/g, setName(val, 1)).replace(/INVS/g, setName(val)); if (i == 1 && datePattern.test(val)) msg = msg.replace(/L_DAY/g, this.lastDay(val)).replace(/S_DAY/g, this.lastDay(val, 1)); if (i == 0 && val.length <= 3) { kBp = tBp - Number(val); kBp = (kBp < 0) ? 0 : kBp; msg = msg.replace(/P_BP/g, val + " BP").replace(/K_BP/g, kBp + " BP"); }; } msg = col > 2 ? (rgx = new RegExp('DATA_'+ (col - 2), 'g'), msg.replace(rgx, val)) : msg; return msg; } subtitute(str){ let col = [this.bp,, this.invs, ...this.other]; str = str.replace(/F_NAMA/g, setName(, 1)).replace(/NAMA/g, setName(; str = this.kons != '' ? str.replace(/NO_KONS/g, this.kons) : str; col.forEach((e, i) => {str = e ? this.setMessage(str, i, e, col.length) : str}); return str; } lastDay(dateStr, i = 0) { let str = (!isFormat && (mIdx != mIdx_)) ? (arrMove(dateStr.split("/"), mIdx_, mIdx).join("/")) : dateStr, d = new Date(str); if(i == 0){d.setDate(d.getDate() + 30);} return dateFormat(d, i); } sendImg(imgFile, caption, done = undefined) { return window.Store.Chat.find(setPhone( + "").then(chat => { let mc = new window.Store.MediaCollection(chat); mc.processAttachments([{ file: imgFile }, 1], chat, 1).then(() => { let media = mc.models[0]; media.sendToChat(chat, { caption: this.subtitute(caption) }); if (done !== undefined) done(true); }); }); }; } /** Declaring Report Class */ class Report { constructor() { this.sukses = 0; this.gagal = 0; this.error = 0; this.a_gagal = []; this.a_error = []; = false; } reset(a) { this.sukses = 0; this.gagal = 0; this.error = 0; this.a_gagal = []; this.a_error = []; = a; }; createData(arr) { let size = arr.length, str = "", i = 0; for (i; i < size; i++) { str = (i === 0) ? (" (") : str; str += (i != (size - 1)) ? (arr[i] + ", ") : (arr[i] + ")"); } return str; } success() {this.sukses++;} fail(i, err) {i--; (err == 1) ? this.a_error[this.error++] = i : this.a_gagal[this.gagal++] = i;} showReport() { runL = ! ? (getById('getFile').value = '', queue.reset(), 0) : runL; alert( ? "[REPORT] Kirim Pesan Otomatis Selesai." + "\n • SUKSES = " + this.sukses + "\n • GAGAL = " + this.gagal + this.createData(this.a_gagal) + "\n • ERROR = " + this.error + this.createData(this.a_error) : "[REPORT] Penulisan Link Selesai. " + this.sukses + " Link Berhasil Ditulis" ); if ( && !users.isPremium()) {users.getAlrt(!users.isTrial() ? (getById("auto").click(), 3) : 2, true);} } } /** Interval Class */ class Interval { constructor() { this.timer = false; this.time = ""; this.fn = ""; } get isRunning() {return this.timer !== false;}; loop(t, fn) {this.time = t; this.fn = fn;}; start() { if (!this.isRunning) { this.timer = setInterval(this.fn, this.time); setStatus(true); } }; break(){ clearInterval(this.timer); this.timer = false; setStatus(false); } stop(report) { this.break(); this.time = ""; this.fn = ""; report.showReport(); }; } /**===================================== Initial Function =====================================*/ /** Global Minify Function */ const getElmAll = q => {return document.querySelectorAll(q);}, getById = q => {return document.getElementById(q);}, getElm = q => {return document.querySelector(q);}, xmlReq = ("function" == typeof GM_xmlhttpRequest) ? GM_xmlhttpRequest : GM.xmlhttpRequest, getRes = ("function" == typeof GM_getResourceText) ? GM_getResourceText : GM.getResourceText, delVal = ("function" == typeof GM_deleteValue) ? GM_deleteValue : GM.deleteValue, getVal = ("function" == typeof GM_getValue) ? GM_getValue : GM.getValue, setVal = ("function" == typeof GM_setValue) ? GM_setValue : GM.setValue; /** Global Variables */ const version = "v3.6.4", upDate = "24 Mei 2021", qACR = "._2GVnY", qSend = "#main span[data-icon='send']", qInp = "#main div[contenteditable='true']", datePattern = /\d{1,4}[\/|-|:]\d{1,2}[\/|-|:]\d{2,4}/, options = new Options(), queue = new Queue(), mesej = new Message(), doBlast = new Interval(), report = new Report(), users = new Users(); /** Global Reuseable Variable */ var imgFile, code, pinned, user, mIdx_, runL = 0, mIdx = 0, isFormat = false, doing = false, alrt = true, spliter = /,/; /** First Function */ console.log("WhatsApp Blast " + version + " - Waiting for WhatsApp to load..."); var timer = setInterval(general, 1000); function general(){ if (getElm("div.two")){ let head = getElmAll("header"); if(head.length < 2){ let pnl = getById("side"), itm = getElm("header"), e = itm.cloneNode(true), opt = getVal('options', null); loadModule(); initComponents(e); pnl.insertBefore(e, pnl.childNodes[1]); options.load(opt); initListener(); console.log("WhatsApp Blast " + version + " - Blast Your Follow Up NOW!"); } users.getingData(); clearInterval(timer); } } /** Load WAPI Module for Send Message & Image */ function loadModule(){ function getStore(modules) { const storeObjects = [ { id: "Store", conditions: (module) => (module.default && module.default.Chat && module.default.Msg) ? module.default : null}, { id: "MediaCollection", conditions: (module) => (module.default && module.default.prototype && module.default.prototype.processAttachments) ? module.default : null } ]; let foundCount = 0; for (let idx in modules) { if ((typeof modules[idx] === "object") && (modules[idx] !== null)) { storeObjects.forEach((needObj) => { if (!needObj.conditions || needObj.foundedModule) return; let neededModule = needObj.conditions(modules[idx]); if (neededModule !== null) { foundCount++; needObj.foundedModule = neededModule; } }); if (foundCount == storeObjects.length) {break;} } } let neededStore = storeObjects.find((needObj) => === "Store"); window.Store = neededStore.foundedModule ? neededStore.foundedModule : {}; storeObjects.splice(storeObjects.indexOf(neededStore), 1); storeObjects.forEach((needObj) => { if (needObj.foundedModule) {window.Store[] = needObj.foundedModule;} }); return window.Store; } const parasite = `parasite${}`; if (typeof webpackChunkbuild !== 'function') { webpackChunkbuild.push([[parasite], {}, function (o, e, t) { let modules = []; for (let idx in o.m) { modules.push(o(idx)); } getStore(modules); }]); console.log('WAPI Module loaded Successfully'); } else { console.log('Failed to load WAPI Module!') } } /** Load UI Component */ function initComponents(e){ let pnl = getRes("pnl").replace(/VERSION/g, version), style = getRes('css'); = 0; = "block";["justify-content"] = "flex-start";["background-color"] = 'var(--butterbar-connection-background)'; = "auto"; = "0px"; = 'wabPanel'; e.innerHTML = pnl; addStyle(style); console.log('Components loaded Successfully'); } /** Set All Component Listeners */ function initListener(){ let clk = [{ "id": "blast", "fn": blast }, { "id": "del", "fn": prevImg }, { "id": "changeLog", "fn": changeLog }], tab = getElmAll("#wbBody .tablinks"), chk = getElmAll("input.premium"), opt = options.options; clk.forEach(e => { getById("click", e.fn); }); chk.forEach(e => { e.addEventListener("click", getPremium); }); tab.forEach(e => { e.addEventListener("click", openMenu); }); getById("toggleApp").addEventListener("click", toggleApp); getById("getFile").addEventListener("change", prevDat); getById("getImg").addEventListener("change", prevImg); getById("s_mg").addEventListener("click", checking); tab[opt.wabTab].click(); if (opt.wabOpn) getById("toggleApp").click(); console.log('EventListener setted Successfully'); } /**===================================== Main Function =====================================*/ /** Main Blast! Function */ function blast(){ if (doBlast.isRunning){if(confirm("Stop WhatsApp Blast?")){doBlast.stop(report);} return;} if (runL !== 0 && !!{ if (!confirm("Lanjutkan Blast dari data ke-" + (runL + 1) + "?")){ if (confirm("Blast ulang dari awal?")){queue.reload(); runL = 0;} else{return;} } } let obj = getById("message").value, auto = getById("auto").checked, c_img = getById("s_mg").checked, opt = options.options, capt = getById("capt").value, l = runL, b = queue.size + l, no = l + 1, time = 10, clm = [], lg, ig, ch, psn, err, snd, btn; if (!obj){alert("Silahkan Masukkan Pesan terlebih dahulu..."); return;} if (b === 0){alert("Silahkan Masukkan File Penerima Pesan..."); return;} if (!getElm(qInp)){alert("Silahkan Pilih Chatroom Terlebih dahulu"); return;} if (auto){ code = getCode(); pinned = getPinned(); time = 6000; if (!code){alert("Chatroom Tidak Memiliki Foto Profil!"); return;} if (!pinned){alert("Chatroom Belum di PIN!"); return;} if (queue.size > opt.maxQueue){alert("Blast Auto tidak boleh lebih dari "+opt.maxQueue+" Nomor!"); return;} if (opt.wabCaption != 'caption'){capt = obj; obj = '';} if (users.isTrial()) {users.push('update');} } report.reset(auto); console.log("Blast!: Ignite Engine"); function execute() { if (!doBlast.isRunning){doBlast.start();} if (auto && getCode() != code) { doBlast.break(); back(code); setTimeout(execute, 50); } else if (doBlast.isRunning && !!{ clm =; mesej.setMsg(obj, clm); lg = "Link ke-" + no; dispatch(getElm(qInp), (no + "). " +; getElm(qSend).click(); if (auto){ console.log(lg + ": [TULIS]"); setTimeout(() => { ch = getElmAll("#main div.message-out"); while (getRM(ch)){getRM(ch).click();} ch[ch.length-1].querySelector('a').click(); console.log(lg + ": [EKSEKUSI]"); }, 500); setTimeout(() => { err = getElm(".overlay div[role='button']"); snd = err ? ( psn = (err.innerText.includes("OK")) ? (, 1), "ERROR" ) : (, 0), "GAGAL"),, false ) : ( (btn = obj ? getElm(qSend).click() : ''), ig = (c_img && imgFile) ? ( mesej.sendImg(imgFile, capt), true ) : false, report.success(), psn = "SUKSES", true ); console.log(lg + ": [EKSEKUSI " + psn + "]", snd); if (ig){console.log(lg + ": [GAMBAR SUKSES DIKIRIM]");} }, 4000); setTimeout(back, 5000, code); } else{report.success();} showProgress(no, b); no++; l++; runL = l; } else{ doBlast.stop(report); } } doBlast.loop(time, execute); execute(); } /** Create The Real Data */ function loadData(arr){ let data = [], dt = [], i = 0, j = 0, opt = options.options, s; spliter = arr[0].includes(';') ? /;/ : /,/; arr.forEach(e => { if (e && break_f(e)) { data[i] = e; i++; s = getSgDate(e); if(s) {dt[j] = s; j++}; } }); mIdx_ = opt.wabDate != 'auto' ? opt.wabDate : dt.length > 0 ? mPos(dt) : mIdx; isFormat = (opt.wabDate == 2); return data; } /** Get Sign Up Date Data */ function getSgDate(d) { if (datePattern.exec(d)){ return datePattern.exec(d).toString(); } return null; } /** Break When Name is Empty */ function break_f(e){return !!e.split(spliter)[0];} /** Set Name of the Recipient */ function setName(nama, opt = 0){ let fname = nama.split(' '), new_name = titleCase(fname[0]), i; if (opt != 0){ for (i = 1; i < fname.length; i++){ new_name += " " + titleCase(fname[i]); } } return new_name; } /** Title Case Text Transform */ function titleCase(str){str = str.toLowerCase(); return str.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + str.slice(1);} /** Set the Recipient's Phone Number */ function setPhone(ph){ ph = ph.match(/\d+/g).join(''); return (!ph || ph.charAt(0) === "6") ? ph : (ph.charAt(0) === "0") ? "62" + ph.substr(1) : "62" + ph; } /**===================================== Utilities Function =====================================*/ /** Setting "BLAST" Status */ function addStyle(styles) { var css = document.createElement("style"); css.type = "text/css"; = "wab-style"; css.appendChild(document.createTextNode(styles)); getElm("head").appendChild(css); } /** Setting "BLAST" Status */ function setStatus(stat){ let path = getById("blast"), ico = getById("blastIc"), side = getById("pane-side"), stopIc = "M505.16405,19.29688c-1.176-5.4629-6.98736-11.26563-12.45106-12.4336C460.61647,0,435.46433,0,410.41962,0,307.2013,0,245.30155,55.20312,199.09162,128H94.88878c-16.29733,0-35.599,11.92383-42.88913,26.49805L2.57831,253.29688A28.39645,28.39645,0,0,0,.06231,264a24.008,24.008,0,0,0,24.00353,24H128.01866a96.00682,96.00682,0,0,1,96.01414,96V488a24.008,24.008,0,0,0,24.00353,24,28.54751,28.54751,0,0,0,10.7047-2.51562l98.747-49.40626c14.56074-7.28515,26.4746-26.56445,26.4746-42.84374V312.79688c72.58882-46.3125,128.01886-108.40626,128.01886-211.09376C512.07522,76.55273,512.07522,51.40234,505.16405,19.29688ZM384.05637,168a40,40,0,1,1,40.00589-40A40.02,40.02,0,0,1,384.05637,168ZM35.68474,352.06641C9.82742,377.91992-2.94985,442.59375.57606,511.41016c69.11565,3.55859,133.61147-9.35157,159.36527-35.10547,40.28913-40.2793,42.8774-93.98633,6.31147-130.54883C129.68687,309.19727,75.97,311.78516,35.68474,352.06641Zm81.63312,84.03125c-8.58525,8.584-30.08256,12.88672-53.11915,11.69922-1.174-22.93555,3.08444-44.49219,11.70289-53.10938,13.42776-13.42578,31.33079-14.28906,43.51813-2.10352C131.60707,404.77148,130.74562,422.67188,117.31786,436.09766Z", blastIc = "M505.12019,19.09375c-1.18945-5.53125-6.65819-11-12.207-12.1875C460.716,0,435.507,0,410.40747,0,307.17523,0,245.26909,55.20312,199.05238,128H94.83772c-16.34763.01562-35.55658,11.875-42.88664,26.48438L2.51562,253.29688A28.4,28.4,0,0,0,0,264a24.00867,24.00867,0,0,0,24.00582,24H127.81618l-22.47457,22.46875c-11.36521,11.36133-12.99607,32.25781,0,45.25L156.24582,406.625c11.15623,11.1875,32.15619,13.15625,45.27726,0l22.47457-22.46875V488a24.00867,24.00867,0,0,0,24.00581,24,28.55934,28.55934,0,0,0,10.707-2.51562l98.72834-49.39063c14.62888-7.29687,26.50776-26.5,26.50776-42.85937V312.79688c72.59753-46.3125,128.03493-108.40626,128.03493-211.09376C512.07526,76.5,512.07526,51.29688,505.12019,19.09375ZM384.04033,168A40,40,0,1,1,424.05,128,40.02322,40.02322,0,0,1,384.04033,168Z"; = (stat ? (ico.setAttribute("d", stopIc), path.setAttribute("title", "STOP!"), console.log("Blasting..."), 'hidden') : (ico.setAttribute("d", blastIc), path.setAttribute("title", "BLAST!"), console.log("Stoped."), 'auto')); doing = stat; } /** Update UI */ function updateUI(){ let ok = getById("fileOk"), eNum = getById("numbDat"), num = queue.size, t = ("Data: Loaded, " + num + " Nomor"); = !num ? (queue.reset(), t = "", "none") : "inline-block"; ok.title = t; eNum.innerText = num; } /** Show Progress Bar */ function showProgress(p = .5, t = 100){ let eBar = getById("waBar"), w = (p / t) * 100; if(w > 1) eBar.setAttribute("title", p + '/' + t); = w + '%'; } /** Formating Date Data */ function dateFormat(e, i = 0) { let opt = {year: 'numeric', month: 'long', day: 'numeric' }; opt.weekday = i == 0 ? 'long' : undefined; e = new Date(e); return e.toLocaleDateString('id-ID', opt); } /** Moving Array Elements */ function arrMove(arr, oIdx, nIdx){ if (nIdx >= arr.length){ let k = nIdx - arr.length + 1; while (k--){arr.push(undefined);} } arr.splice(nIdx, 0, arr.splice(oIdx, 1)[0]); return arr; } /** Getting Month Index */ function mPos(d){ let i, x, y, bb = 1, cc = 1, formatted = /\d{4}[\/|-|:]\d{1,2}[\/|-|:]\d{1,2}/; if(formatted.test(d[0])){ isFormat = formatted.test(d[0]); return 2; } else { for (i = 0; i < d.length; i++){ let [a, b] = d[i].split(/\/|:|-/); if (i === 0){x = a; y = b;} if (Number(a) > 12){return 1;} else if (Number(b) > 12){return 0;} else{ bb += (a == x) ? 1 : 0; cc += (b == y) ? 1 : 0; } } return (bb < cc) ? 1 : 0 }; } /** Back to the First Chatroom */ function back(a){ let elm = getElm("#pane-side img[src='" + a + "']"); eventFire(elm, "mousedown"); } /** EventFire Function */ function eventFire(node, eventType){ let clickEvent = document.createEvent("MouseEvents"); clickEvent.initMouseEvent(eventType, true, false); node.dispatchEvent(clickEvent); } /** Dispatch Function */ function dispatch(input, message){ let evt = new InputEvent("input", {bubbles : true, composer : true}); input.innerHTML = message; input.dispatchEvent(evt); } /** Getting code from Selected Chatroom */ function getCode(){let elm = getElm("div" + qACR + " img"); return elm ? elm.src : elm;} /** Getting Pinned Status from Selected Chatroom*/ function getPinned(){return !!getElm("div" + qACR + " span[data-icon='pinned']");} /** Get Read More Button */ function getRM(e){return e[e.length - 1].querySelector("span[role='button']");} /**===================================== Listener Function Handler =====================================*/ /** Preview the Selected Image File */ function prevImg(e){ let output = getById("o_img"), btn = e.currentTarget.getAttributeNode("data-value"), b, res = null, del = getById("del"), mByte = Math.pow(1024, 2), maxSize = 4 * mByte; b = btn ? (getById(btn.value).value = '', true) : ( res = e.currentTarget.files[0], imgFile = (res.size <= maxSize) ? res : ( alert("Ukuran gambar tidak boleh lebih dari 4MB"), e.currentTarget.value = '', res = null, null ), false ); = res ? (output.src = URL.createObjectURL(res), "block") : (output.removeAttribute("src"), "none"); } /** Preview and Load Data */ function prevDat(e){ let reader = new FileReader(); queue.reset(); updateUI(); showProgress(); reader.onload = f => { let lines = f.currentTarget.result.split(/\r\n|\r|\n/), d = loadData(lines); = d; console.log("Blast!: Data Loaded,", !!, queue.size); updateUI(); showProgress(); }; reader.readAsText(e.currentTarget.files[0]); } /** Listeners for Checkbox */ function checking(e){ let form = getById(e.currentTarget.value), opt = options.options, attr = e.currentTarget.getAttributeNode("capt-id"); getById(attr.value).disabled = opt.wabCaption == 'caption' ? !e.currentTarget.checked : true; form.disabled = !e.currentTarget.checked; } /** Toggle Apps Listener */ function toggleApp(e){ let butn = e.currentTarget, id = butn.getAttribute("value"), acdBody = getById(id), a = butn.classList.toggle("active"); = ? null : acdBody.scrollHeight + "px"; options.setOpt("wabOpn", a); } /** Tabview Event Listeners */ function openMenu(e){ let elm = e.currentTarget, tablinks = getElmAll("#wbBody .tablinks"), menuName = elm.value, no, tabcontent = getElmAll("#wbBody .tabcontent"); tabcontent.forEach(i => { = 'none';}); tablinks.forEach((e, i) => {e.className = e.className.replace(" active", ""); if(elm == e) no = i;}); getById(menuName).style.display = "block"; elm.className += " active"; options.setOpt('wabTab', no); } /** Show Change Log */ function changeLog(){ let cLog = "WhatsApp Blast " + version + " (Last Update: " + upDate + ")."; cLog += "\n▫ Perbaikan logic alert." + "\n▫ Pesan mendukung karakter kurung '()'." + "\n▫ Perubahan aturan pada Mode Trial." + "\n▫ Migrasi file aplikasi beserta asetnya." + "\n\nVersion v3.6.3 (5 Mei 2021)." + "\n▫ Meningkatkan algoritma pemrosesan kata kunci pesan." + "\n▫ Refactoring code." + "\n▫ Bug Fixing." + "\n\nVersion v3.6.2 (21 April 2021)." + "\n▫ Meningkatkan algoritma pembacaan data Sign Up Date." + "\n\nVersion v3.6.1 (27 Maret 2021)." + "\n▫ Meningkatkan algoritma fungsi utama." + "\n▫ Mengubah perlakuan pada fungsi keamanan." + "\n\nVersion v3.6.0 (21 Maret 2021)." + "\n▫ Update panel: 1.2.01 (Menambah panel pengaturan)." + "\n▫ Opsi ubah warna panel." + "\n▫ Opsi target BP dipindah ke panel pengaturan." + "\n▫ Opsi ubah format tanggal." + "\n▫ Opsi penerima pesan sampai 200 nomor." + "\n▫ Menghapus kata kunci BC (tidak diperlukan lagi)." + "\n▫ Dukungan untuk format CSV diperluas."; alert(cLog); } /**===================================== For Credits Purpose =====================================*/ /** Get Premium User */ function getPremium(e){ let at = getById("auto").checked, ig = getById("s_mg").checked, id =; if (e.currentTarget.checked){ e.currentTarget.checked = users.isPremium() ? (users.getAlrt(0), true) : ( (users.trialPrompt(users.isTrial())) ? (users.getAlrt(1), true) : ( alert("Maaf, fitur ini hanya untuk Pengguna Premium." + "\nTampaknya Anda belum terdaftar sebagai Pengguna Premium," + "\nAtau masa berlangganan Anda mungkin telah habis." + "\n\nInformasi lebih lanjut, silahkan hubungi saya." ), alrt = true, false) ); if (id == "s_mg")if(!at){getById("auto").checked = e.currentTarget.checked;} } if (id == "auto"){if(ig){getById("s_mg").click();}} }