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// ==UserScript== // @namespace // @name Gitlab CI/CD Demo // @author Ryan Swart // @description CI/CD demonstration for gitlab // @version 1.0.6 // @compatible chrome Chrome_46.0.2490.86 + TamperMonkey // @compatible firefox Firefox_42.0 + GreaseMonkey // @compatible opera Opera_33.0.1990.115 + TamperMonkey // @require // @match* // @license MIT // @run-at document-start // ==/UserScript== /* FOR EDIT SCREEN - put a CI CD explanation on top - put steps for edit and commit - hide editor elements that arent needed */ /* FOR PIPELINE SCREEN - put a running pipeline description - remove all ui except for list of pipelines - instructions to wait until everything is green and then view api result or in-app result */ /* global window, $ */ $(() => { $('.nav-sidebar').hide(); // addClass('sidebar-collapsed-desktop') $('header').hide(); $('.nav-links').hide(); $('.col-form-label').hide(); $('.breadcrumbs-container').hide(); $('.js-file-title').hide(); $('.blob-edit-page-title').text('Step 1. Edit the code below with a new welcome message'); $('.commit_message-group').prepend('<h3 class="page-title blob-edit-page-title"> Step 2. Add a description for your changes </h3>'); $('#branch_name').val('CI-CD-Demo'); if (window.location.pathname.includes('edit')) { $('nav.breadcrumbs').html('<h2>CI/CD Pipelines are triggered by changes in the Version Control repository - try it yourself by making a change</h2>'); $('.commit-btn').text('Step 3. Commit the code - This will trigger the CI Pipeline to run -'); $('.commit-btn').click(() =>'')); } else if (window.location.pathname.includes('pipelines')) { $('.alert-wrapper').html('<h2>Once a change has been detected, a pipeline will run, according to the defined stage. In our case, it is <a title class="ci-status ci-success">Test</a> > <a title class="ci-status ci-success">Build</a> > <a title class="ci-status ci-success">Deploy</a></h2> <br />' + '<h4>Wait a while if you have committed code to see your pipeline appear, and click on status icons to see the progress</h4>' + '<h4>If the latest pipeline passes all checks (all icons green), view your changes running on the backend here: <a href="">Here</a></h4>'); $('.top-area').hide(); } else if (window.location.pathname.includes('-/jobs')) { $('.js-build-page').prepend('<h4><a href="">Back to pipelines</a></h4>') } else { window.location.pathname = 'dbank/starter-node-hapi-ms/edit/CI-CD-Demo/src/api/hello-plugin/constants/hello-message.js'; } });