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// ==UserScript== // @name WFEasyCargo // @namespace sk.seko // @description One-click to load predefined cargo // @include http://** // @version 1.1 // @grant none // ==/UserScript== var CARGO = { 'iron' : 5000, 'copper' : 3000, 'silver' : 3000, 'titanium' : 3000, 'gold' : 1000, 'uranium' : 3000, 'platinum' : 1000, 'diamonds' : 1000, 'oil' : 3000, 'water' : 5000 }; // compute and display targeting score for existing design window.doLoad = function (num) { function sumCargo() { sum = 0 for (i in CARGO) sum += CARGO[i] return sum } function loadCargo(itemname, colonists = false) { prefix = colonists ? 'load' : 'lo' loadradio = document.getElementById(prefix + itemname); if (loadradio) { cargo = document.getElementById(itemname); if (cargo) { full = parseFloat(loadradio.parentNode.previousSibling.previousSibling.previousSibling.previousSibling.textContent); if (colonists) cargo.value = full; else if (num == 0) cargo.value = Math.floor(Math.min(full, realtransport * CARGO[itemname] / wholesum)) else cargo.value = Math.floor(Math.min(num * CARGO[itemname], full / 2)); loadradio.checked = true; } } } realtransport = parseFloat(document.getElementById('realtransport').value); wholesum = sumCargo(); loadCargo('colonists', colonists = true); loadCargo('iron'); loadCargo('copper'); loadCargo('silver'); loadCargo('titanium'); loadCargo('gold'); loadCargo('uranium'); loadCargo('platinum'); loadCargo('diamonds'); loadCargo('oil'); loadCargo('water'); } // compute and display targeting score for existing design window.easy_cargo_listener = function () { var proceed = document.evaluate("//input[@value='Proceed']", document, null, XPathResult.ORDERED_NODE_ITERATOR_TYPE, null).iterateNext(); if (proceed) { vals = { 'Full' : 0, 'One' : 1, }; for (var i in vals) { // create button var btn = document.createElement('input'); btn.setAttribute('type', 'button'); btn.setAttribute('value', 'Load' + i); btn.setAttribute('id', 'loadcolonizer'); btn.setAttribute('onClick', 'doLoad(' + vals[i] + ')'); proceed.parentNode.insertBefore(btn, proceed); } } } window.addEventListener("load", easy_cargo_listener, false);