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// ==UserScript== // @name Full Mod // @namespace // @description All the mods // @include http://** // @exclude http://* // @exclude http://* // @exclude http://* // @version 1.23.25ff // @grant GM_xmlhttpRequest // @grant GM_getValue // @grant GM_setValue // @grant GM_log // ==/UserScript== // Copyright (c) 2006 Michael Wanush, all rights reserved. // There is absolutely no warrantee whatsoever. If this script messes up // your computer the user is responsible, not the writer. You have been // warned. That said, the script is tested for Grease Monkey 0.6.4 ONLY. var fm_version = "1.23.25"; // Show Scientists useShowScientist = true; // Starlog Mod Options var useStarlog = true; var EmpireName = ''; var showExploreTime = false; var showRegularTime = true; // End Starlog Mod Options // Fleet Hider Options var useFleetHider = true; // End Fleet Hider Options // Pager Options var usePager = true; // End Pager Options // Battle Log Options var useBattleLog = true; // End Battle Log Options // Universe Options var useUniverse = true; // End Universe Options // "Other" Colonies Options var useOtherColony = true; // End "Other" Colonies Options // Planet Options var usePlanet = true; var useReillan = false; // End Planet Options // Blueprints Options var useBlueprints = true; var useBlueprintsBuild = true; // End Blueprints Options // Fleet Move Options var useFleetMove = true; // End Fleet Move Options // Explorer Helper Options var useExploreHelp = false; var ExploreOrder = "Xplo A01,Xplo A03,Xplo A13,Xplo A17,Xplo E,Xplo M,Xplo A"; var NoExplore = "Xplo A03"; // End Explorer Helper Options // Colony Options var useColony = true; var useTokmor = false; // User editable values. Put yours here! // Malls and farm values will be overridden by any configuration // done within the browser. // Best Mall Efficiency var gMallEff = 1.00*1.00; // Best Farm Efficiency var gFarmEff = 4.00*1.00; // The percentage of workers you want in malls var gMallWorkerFraction = 2.5 / 100; // Percentage of total mall efficiency, divided by best mall efficiency. This will // alert you if you should destroy old malls. var gMallRebuild = 70 / 100; // Alert level for happiness, crime, and health - below this percentage there will be an alert var gAlertLevel = 90 / 100; // Alert level for education - below this percentage there will be an alert var gEduAlertLevel = 40 / 100; // Alert for low storage capacity - above this percentage there will be an alert var gStorageAlert = 90 / 100; // End Colony Options // Forum Options var useForum = true; // End Forum Options // DO NOT ALTER THE BELOW! :) var base = window.location.href; var instance = base.substring(base.indexOf("//") + 2); instance = instance.substring(0, instance.indexOf(".")); var iLeftBox = document.evaluate("//div[@class='leftbox']", document, null, XPathResult.ORDERED_NODE_ITERATOR_TYPE, null); var leftBox = iLeftBox.iterateNext(); var iRightBox = document.evaluate("//div[@class='rightbox']", document, null, XPathResult.ORDERED_NODE_ITERATOR_TYPE, null); var rightBox = iRightBox.iterateNext(); 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edate = edate.getTime(); var diff = (sdate - edate) / 1000 / 60; sd = Math.floor(diff / (24 * 60)); diff = diff - sd * 24 * 60; sh = Math.floor(diff / 60); sm = diff - sh * 60; ttime = " " + sd + " days, " + sh + " hours, " + sm + " minutes"; var n = document.createElement('u'); n.appendChild(document.createTextNode(textt)); ret.appendChild(n); ret.appendChild(document.createTextNode(ttime)); return ret; } window.fullmod_onResearchLoad = function(e) { var iScientist = document.evaluate("//b[text()[contains(.,'Scientists available')]]/parent::*/parent::*/parent::*", centerBox, null, XPathResult.ORDERED_NODE_ITERATOR_TYPE, null); var scientist = iScientist.iterateNext(); var start = false; var insertThing = new Array(); var insertPlace = new Array(); var insertLinks = new Array(); for (var i = 0; i < scientist.rows.length - 1; i++) { if (!start && scientist.rows[i].cells[0].innerHTML.indexOf('Scientists available') != -1) { start = true; } else if (start) { insertLinks.push(scientist.rows[i].cells[0].innerHTML.replace(/^.*scrollext\('(.*)'\).*$/g,"$1")); insertPlace.push(scientist.rows[i+1]); var nrow = document.createElement('tr'); var ncol = document.createElement('td'); ncol.setAttribute("colspan", "2"); nrow.appendChild(ncol); insertThing.push(nrow); } } while (insertThing.length != 0) { var Thing = insertThing.pop(); var Place = insertPlace.pop(); var lnk = insertLinks.pop(); function getSciInfo(theLink, thePlace, theThing) { GM_xmlhttpRequest({ method:"GET", url:'http://' + instance + '' + theLink, onload:getSciLoaded }); function getSciLoaded(resp) { var page = resp.responseText; var output = document.createElement('span'); page = page.substring(page.indexOf('Gender:')+7); page = page.substring(page.indexOf('>')+1); page = page.substring(page.indexOf('>')+1); output.appendChild(document.createTextNode(page.substring(0, page.indexOf('<')) + ", ")); page = page.substring(page.indexOf('Current Salary:')+15); page = page.substring(page.indexOf('>')+1); page = page.substring(page.indexOf('>')+1); output.appendChild(document.createTextNode("Salary: " + page.substring(0, page.indexOf('<')) + ", ")); page = page.substring(page.indexOf('Ingenuity:')+7); page = page.substring(page.indexOf('>')+1); page = page.substring(page.indexOf('>')+1); page = page.substring(page.indexOf('>')+1); page = page.substring(page.indexOf('>')+1); output.appendChild(document.createTextNode("Ingen: " + page.substring(0, page.indexOf('<')))); output.appendChild(document.createElement('br')); page = page.substring(page.indexOf('Agriculture:')+7); page = page.substring(page.indexOf('>')+1); page = page.substring(page.indexOf('>')+1); page = page.substring(page.indexOf('>')+1); page = page.substring(page.indexOf('>')+1); output.appendChild(document.createTextNode("AGR: " + page.substring(0, page.indexOf('<')) + " ")); page = page.substring(page.indexOf('Mining:')+7); page = page.substring(page.indexOf('>')+1); page = page.substring(page.indexOf('>')+1); page = page.substring(page.indexOf('>')+1); page = page.substring(page.indexOf('>')+1); output.appendChild(document.createTextNode("MIN: " + page.substring(0, page.indexOf('<')) + " ")); page = page.substring(page.indexOf('Processing:')+7); page = page.substring(page.indexOf('>')+1); page = page.substring(page.indexOf('>')+1); page = page.substring(page.indexOf('>')+1); page = page.substring(page.indexOf('>')+1); output.appendChild(document.createTextNode("PRC: " + page.substring(0, page.indexOf('<'))+ " ")); page = page.substring(page.indexOf('Production:')+7); page = page.substring(page.indexOf('>')+1); page = page.substring(page.indexOf('>')+1); page = page.substring(page.indexOf('>')+1); page = page.substring(page.indexOf('>')+1); output.appendChild(document.createTextNode("PRD: " + page.substring(0, page.indexOf('<')) + " ")); page = page.substring(page.indexOf('Physics:')+7); page = page.substring(page.indexOf('>')+1); page = page.substring(page.indexOf('>')+1); page = page.substring(page.indexOf('>')+1); page = page.substring(page.indexOf('>')+1); output.appendChild(document.createTextNode("PHY: " + page.substring(0, page.indexOf('<')))); output.appendChild(document.createElement('br')); page = page.substring(page.indexOf('Chemics:')+7); page = page.substring(page.indexOf('>')+1); page = page.substring(page.indexOf('>')+1); page = page.substring(page.indexOf('>')+1); page = page.substring(page.indexOf('>')+1); output.appendChild(document.createTextNode("CHE: " + page.substring(0, page.indexOf('<')) + " ")); page = page.substring(page.indexOf('Medical:')+7); page = page.substring(page.indexOf('>')+1); page = page.substring(page.indexOf('>')+1); page = page.substring(page.indexOf('>')+1); page = page.substring(page.indexOf('>')+1); output.appendChild(document.createTextNode("MED: " + page.substring(0, page.indexOf('<'))+ " ")); page = page.substring(page.indexOf('Weapons:')+7); page = page.substring(page.indexOf('>')+1); page = page.substring(page.indexOf('>')+1); page = page.substring(page.indexOf('>')+1); page = page.substring(page.indexOf('>')+1); output.appendChild(document.createTextNode("WEA: " + page.substring(0, page.indexOf('<')) + " ")); page = page.substring(page.indexOf('Drives:')+7); page = page.substring(page.indexOf('>')+1); page = page.substring(page.indexOf('>')+1); page = page.substring(page.indexOf('>')+1); page = page.substring(page.indexOf('>')+1); output.appendChild(document.createTextNode("DRI: " + page.substring(0, page.indexOf('<'))+ " ")); page = page.substring(page.indexOf('Construction:')+7); page = page.substring(page.indexOf('>')+1); page = page.substring(page.indexOf('>')+1); page = page.substring(page.indexOf('>')+1); page = page.substring(page.indexOf('>')+1); output.appendChild(document.createTextNode("CON: " + page.substring(0, page.indexOf('<')))); theThing.childNodes[0].appendChild(output); thePlace.parentNode.insertBefore(theThing, thePlace); } } getSciInfo(lnk, Place, Thing); } } window.fullmod_onStarlogLoad = function(e) { if (centerBox) { var imidBox = centerBox.getElementsByTagName('table'); if (imidBox) { for (var row = 0; row < imidBox.length; row++) { var midBox = imidBox[row]; var col1 = midBox.rows[0].cells[0]; var col2 = midBox.rows[0].cells[1]; var advisor = col1.childNodes[0]; var empire = col1.childNodes[2]; if (advisor && advisor.tagName == "B") { var msgFrom = advisor.getElementsByTagName('font')[0]; if (!msgFrom) msgFrom = advisor; var msg = msgFrom.innerHTML; if (msg == "Science Advisor" && col2.innerHTML.indexOf('Your research project #') != -1) { var starttime = col1.getElementsByTagName('font')[1].childNodes[0].nodeValue; var endtime = col2.getElementsByTagName('span')[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue; var insertafter = col2.childNodes[0]; var nnode = col2.firstChild; nnode.appendChild(document.createElement('br')); nnode.appendChild(timediff('Total Time:',starttime, endtime)); //alert(col2.childNodes[0].childNodes[2]); col2.insertBefore(nnode, col2.childNodes[1]); } if (msg == "Exploration Staff") { if (col2.innerHTML.indexOf('FAILED') != -1) { // Replace FAIL with red col2.replaceChild(document.createTextNode(" has "), col2.childNodes[1]); var newElement = document.createElement("font"); newElement.setAttribute("color", "red"); newElement.appendChild(document.createTextNode("FAILED")); col2.appendChild(newElement); col2.appendChild(document.createTextNode(" to explore anything.")); } if (!showExploreTime) { if (col1.childNodes[4].childNodes[0].childNodes[0].tagName == "B") { col1.childNodes[0].innerHTML += " *"; } col1.removeChild(col1.childNodes[4]); col1.removeChild(col1.childNodes[3]); } } else if (!showRegularTime) { col1.removeChild(col1.childNodes[4]); col1.removeChild(col1.childNodes[3]); } if (EmpireName == empire.innerHTML) { col1.removeChild(col1.childNodes[2]); col1.removeChild(col1.childNodes[1]); } } } } } } window.fullmod_onFleetsLoad = function(e) { var iFleets = document.evaluate("//a[@href='javascript:listfleetsall();']/parent::*/parent::*/parent::*/parent::*", document, null, XPathResult.ORDERED_NODE_ITERATOR_TYPE, null); var fleets = iFleets.iterateNext(); fh_toggle = function() { var mod = this; var fleettype = mod.previousSibling.previousSibling.href.replace(/javascript:listfleets\(\'(.*)\'\)/,"$1").replace(/ /,""); var stat = 1 - GM_getValue(instance + fleettype, 1); toggleFleetValue(fleettype); if (stat == 1) mod.innerHTML = 'Close'; else mod.innerHTML = 'Open'; press(fleettype); } if (fleets) { for (var row = 0; row < fleets.rows.length; row++) { var fleettype = fleets.rows[row].cells[0].getElementsByTagName('b')[0]; if (fleettype) { if (!fleets.rows[row].cells[0].getElementsByTagName('b')[0].childNodes[0].tagName) { fleettype = fleettype.innerHTML.replace(/\s/g,""); var stat = GM_getValue(instance + fleettype, 1); if (stat == 0) press(fleettype); var lnk = document.createElement('a'); //lnk.setAttribute("onclick", "fh_toggle('" + fleettype + "', " + row + ");return false;"); lnk.addEventListener('click', fh_toggle, false); lnk.setAttribute("href", "#"); if (stat == 1) lnk.appendChild(document.createTextNode('Close')); else lnk.appendChild(document.createTextNode('Open')); fleets.rows[row].cells[0].appendChild(document.createTextNode(" ")); fleets.rows[row].cells[0].appendChild(lnk); } } } } function toggleFleetValue(ft) { var val = GM_getValue(instance + ft, 1); GM_setValue(instance + ft, 1 - val); } function press(ftype) { try { unsafeWindow.listfleets(ftype); } catch (ex) { } } } var addedPager = false; window.fullmod_onPagerLoad = function(e) { var pager = 'http://' + instance + ''; var radio = ''; var pagertime = 45; var radiotime = 5 * 60; var attempt = 0; setTimeout(getPagerMessage, 100); function getPagerMessage() { var app, txt, myCell0, myCell1, myCell2, myCell3, myCell4; var iExtInfo = document.evaluate("//table[@id='mgametab']", document, null, XPathResult.ORDERED_NODE_ITERATOR_TYPE, null); var ext = iExtInfo.iterateNext(); var toptable = ext.rows[0].cells[1].getElementsByTagName('table')[0]; if (ext) ext = ext.rows[0].cells[1].getElementsByTagName('table')[1]; if (ext && toptable.rows.length != 2) { addedPager = true; var nRow = document.createElement('tr'); myCell0 = document.createElement('td'); myCell0.setAttribute("colspan","1"); myCell0.setAttribute("align","center"); myCell0.setAttribute("class","strong"); txt = document.createTextNode("working..."); myCell0.appendChild(txt); myCell1 = document.createElement('td'); myCell1.setAttribute("colspan","1"); myCell1.setAttribute("align","center"); myCell1.setAttribute("class","strong"); txt = document.createTextNode("working..."); myCell1.appendChild(txt); myCell2 = document.createElement('td'); myCell2.setAttribute("align","center"); myCell2.setAttribute("colspan", "1"); myCell2.setAttribute("class","strong"); txt = document.createTextNode("working..."); myCell2.appendChild(txt); toptable.rows[0].insertBefore(myCell2, myCell1.nextSibling); myCell3 = document.createElement("td"); myCell3.setAttribute("align","center"); myCell3.setAttribute("colspan", "1"); myCell3.setAttribute("class","strong"); txt = document.createTextNode("working..."); myCell3.appendChild(txt); myCell4 = document.createElement("td"); myCell4.setAttribute("align","center"); myCell4.setAttribute("colspan", "1"); myCell4.setAttribute("class","strong"); txt = document.createTextNode("- - - - - - -"); myCell4.appendChild(txt); nRow.appendChild(myCell0); nRow.appendChild(myCell1); nRow.appendChild(myCell2); nRow.appendChild(myCell3); nRow.appendChild(myCell4); toptable.rows[0].parentNode.appendChild(nRow); } else { myCell0 = toptable.rows[1].cells[0]; myCell1 = toptable.rows[1].cells[1]; myCell2 = toptable.rows[1].cells[2]; myCell3 = toptable.rows[1].cells[3]; myCell4 = toptable.rows[1].cells[4]; } var pop = ext.rows[1].cells[0].innerHTML; pop = pop.substr(pop.indexOf(":")+1); pop = pop.replace(/,/g,""); pop = parseInt(pop,10); var popg = ext.rows[1].cells[0].innerHTML; popg = popg.substr(popg.indexOf("(")+1); popg = popg.substr(0, popg.indexOf(")")).replace(/,/g,"");; if (popg.substr(0,1) == "+") { popg = parseInt(popg.substr(1)); } else { popg = -parseInt(popg.substr(1)); } app = document.createElement("span"); app.setAttribute("style", "font-size: 80%;"); var str = document.createElement("strong"); var pgp = Math.ceil(popg / pop * 1000000) / 10000; str.appendChild(document.createTextNode("Pop Growth: " + pgp + "%")); app.appendChild(str); while (myCell3.firstChild) myCell3.removeChild(myCell3.firstChild); myCell3.appendChild(app); var income = ext.rows[1].cells[1].innerHTML; income = income.substr(income.indexOf(":")+1); income = parseInt(income.replace(/,/g,""),10); app = document.createElement("span"); app.setAttribute("style", "font-size: 80%;"); str = document.createElement("strong"); pgp = Math.ceil(income / pop * 1000) / 1000; str.appendChild(document.createTextNode("Income / Person: " + pgp + " cr")); app.appendChild(str); while (myCell2.firstChild) myCell2.removeChild(myCell2.firstChild); myCell2.appendChild(app); var lastCheck = GM_getValue(instance + "lastPagerCheck", "20000101010101"); var lastY = lastCheck.substr(0, 4); var lastT = lastCheck.substr(4, 2); var lastD = lastCheck.substr(6, 2); var lastH = lastCheck.substr(8, 2); var lastM = lastCheck.substr(10,2); var lastS = lastCheck.substr(12,2); var lastDate = new Date(lastY, lastT, lastD, lastH, lastM, lastS); lastDate.setTime(lastDate.getTime() + 1000 * pagertime); var nowDate = new Date(); if (lastDate.getTime() < nowDate.getTime() || base.indexOf('starlog.php') != -1) { if (attempt == 0) { attempt++; GM_xmlhttpRequest({ method:"GET", url:pager, onload:getPagerMessageLoaded }); } } else { var mpt = GM_getValue(instance + "lastPagerTicks", 0); if (mpt == 0) mpt = "In Progress..."; else mpt = "Next Economy Tick: " + mpt + " hours"; displayPagerMsg(mpt, GM_getValue(instance + "lastPagerNum", 0)); } function displayPagerMsg(msg, num) { msg = msg.replace(/next Economy/i,""); app = document.createElement("span"); app.setAttribute("style", "font-size: 80%;"); str = document.createElement("strong"); str.appendChild(document.createTextNode("Messages: " + num)); // + " / " + msg)); app.appendChild(str); while (myCell0.firstChild) myCell0.removeChild(myCell0.firstChild); myCell0.appendChild(app, myCell0.firstChild); app = document.createElement("span"); app.setAttribute("style", "font-size: 80%;"); str = document.createElement("strong"); str.appendChild(document.createTextNode(msg)); app.appendChild(str); while (myCell1.firstChild) myCell1.removeChild(myCell1.firstChild); myCell1.appendChild(app, myCell1.firstChild); } function getPagerMessageLoaded(response) { var nowDate = new Date(); var nowY = nowDate.getYear() + 1900; nowY = nowY.toString(); var nowT = nowDate.getMonth().toString(); var nowD = nowDate.getDate().toString(); var nowH = nowDate.getHours().toString(); var nowM = nowDate.getMinutes().toString(); var nowS = nowDate.getSeconds().toString(); while (nowY.length < 4) nowY = "0" + nowY; while (nowT.length < 2) nowT = "0" + nowT; while (nowD.length < 2) nowD = "0" + nowD; while (nowH.length < 2) nowH = "0" + nowH; while (nowM.length < 2) nowM = "0" + nowM; while (nowS.length < 2) nowS = "0" + nowS; GM_setValue(instance + "lastPagerCheck", nowY + nowT + nowD + nowH + nowM + nowS); var resp = response.responseText; var tick = resp.substr(resp.indexOf("Next")); var lpt = 0; tick = tick.substr(0,tick.indexOf("<")); lpt = parseInt(tick.substr(tick.indexOf(": ")+1),10); if (!lpt) { lpt = 0; tick = "In Progress....."; } GM_setValue(instance + "lastPagerTicks", lpt); var msg = resp.substr(resp.indexOf("new messag") - 15); msg = msg.substr(msg.indexOf(">")+1); msg = parseInt(msg,10); if (!msg) { msg = 0; } GM_setValue(instance + "lastPagerNum", msg); displayPagerMsg(tick, msg); attempt = 0; } var lastRadio = GM_getValue("lastRadioCheck", "20000101010101"); var lastRY = lastRadio.substr(0, 4); var lastRT = lastRadio.substr(4, 2); var lastRD = lastRadio.substr(6, 2); var lastRH = lastRadio.substr(8, 2); var lastRM = lastRadio.substr(10,2); var lastRS = lastRadio.substr(12,2); lastDate = new Date(lastRY, lastRT, lastRD, lastRH, lastRM, lastRS); lastDate.setTime(lastDate.getTime() + 1000 * radiotime); if (lastDate.getTime() < nowDate.getTime()) { GM_xmlhttpRequest({ method:"GET", url:radio, onload:getRadioMessageLoaded }); } else { setRadio(GM_getValue("wfradio", 0)); } function setRadio(val) { var ext = toptable.rows[0].cells[3].childNodes[0].childNodes[10]; ext.removeChild(ext.childNodes[0]); var rad = document.createElement("font"); if (val == 1) rad.setAttribute("class", "warn"); rad.appendChild(document.createTextNode("Radio")); ext.appendChild(rad); } function getRadioMessageLoaded(response) { var nowDate = new Date(); var nowY = nowDate.getYear() + 1900; nowY = nowY.toString(); var nowT = nowDate.getMonth().toString(); var nowD = nowDate.getDate().toString(); var nowH = nowDate.getHours().toString(); var nowM = nowDate.getMinutes().toString(); var nowS = nowDate.getSeconds().toString(); while (nowY.length < 4) nowY = "0" + nowY; while (nowT.length < 2) nowT = "0" + nowT; while (nowD.length < 2) nowD = "0" + nowD; while (nowH.length < 2) nowH = "0" + nowH; while (nowM.length < 2) nowM = "0" + nowM; while (nowS.length < 2) nowS = "0" + nowS; GM_setValue("lastRadioCheck", nowY + nowT + nowD + nowH + nowM + nowS); var resp = response.responseText; resp = resp.substr(resp.indexOf("newscontent")+13); resp = resp.substr(0, resp.indexOf("</div>")).replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g,''); if (resp != " ") { setRadio(1); GM_setValue("wfradio", 1); } else { setRadio(0); GM_setValue("wfradio", 0); } } setTimeout(getPagerMessage, 15000); } } window.fullmod_onBattleLoad = function(e) { // Get the base battle-log table var tblNode = centerBox; var thisNode = tblNode.getElementsByTagName('table')[0]; if (thisNode) { // Get the href attribute to grab battle number var linkNode = document.evaluate("//@href[contains(.,'battle=')]", thisNode, null, XPathResult.ORDERED_NODE_ITERATOR_TYPE, null); var linkText = linkNode.iterateNext(); if (linkText) { // Get battle number var battleNum = linkText.nodeValue.replace(/^.*battle=(\d+).*$/m,"$1"); // Create 'Previous' link and add it to table var newlink = document.createElement("a"); battleNum--; if (battleNum < 0) battleNum = 0; newlink.setAttribute("href", "/battle_history.php?battle=" + battleNum); newlink.appendChild(document.createTextNode("< < < Prev ")); thisNode.rows[0].cells[0].insertBefore(newlink, thisNode.rows[0].cells[0].childNodes[0]); // Create 'Next' link and add it to table battleNum+=2; newlink = document.createElement("a"); newlink.setAttribute("href", "/battle_history.php?battle=" + battleNum); newlink.appendChild(document.createTextNode(" Next > > >")); thisNode.rows[0].cells[0].appendChild(newlink); } } } window.fullmod_onUniverseLoad = function(e) { var tblNode = document.evaluate("//td[@class='head']/strong/text()[contains(.,'Universe Statistics')]/parent::*/parent::*/parent::*/parent::*/parent::*", document, null, XPathResult.ORDERED_NODE_ITERATOR_TYPE, null); var thisNode = tblNode.iterateNext(); if ( thisNode ) { var univpop = thisNode.rows[6].cells[3].childNodes[0].nodeValue.replace(/,/g,""); var tblTopNode = document.evaluate("//table[@id='mgametab']/tbody/tr/td/table[2]/tbody/tr[2]/td/strong", document, null, XPathResult.ORDERED_NODE_ITERATOR_TYPE, null); var thisTopNode = tblTopNode.iterateNext(); if (thisTopNode) { var totalpop = thisTopNode.childNodes[0].nodeValue.replace(/Total Population:/,"").replace(/,/g,""); var pct = Math.round(totalpop * 10000000/univpop ) / 100000; var newText = document.createTextNode("Percent of colonists:"); thisNode.rows[10].cells[2].appendChild(document.createTextNode("Percent of colonists:")); var newdiv = document.createElement('div'); newdiv.setAttribute("align", "right"); newdiv.appendChild(document.createTextNode(pct + "%")); thisNode.rows[10].cells[3].appendChild(newdiv); } } } window.fullmod_onOtherColonyLoad = function(e) { var mod = centerBox.getElementsByTagName('table')[1]; var cnum = 1; var land = 0; for (var i = 0; i < mod.rows.length-2; i+=5) { mod.rows[i].cells[0].insertBefore(document.createTextNode(cnum + " "), mod.rows[i].cells[0].childNodes[0]); if (mod.rows[i+2].cells[0].innerHTML.indexOf("Capital") != -1) i++; land += parseInt(mod.rows[i+3].cells[0].innerHTML.replace(/,/g,"")); cnum++; } var nrow = document.createElement('tr'); var ncol = document.createElement('td'); ncol.setAttribute('class', 'head'); var nb = document.createElement('strong'); nb.appendChild(document.createTextNode('Landmass to take:')); ncol.appendChild(nb); nrow.appendChild(ncol); ncol = document.createElement('td'); ncol.setAttribute('class', 'head'); ncol.appendChild(document.createTextNode(land.toLocaleString() + " km˛")); nrow.appendChild(ncol); mod.childNodes[1].appendChild(nrow); } window.fullmod_onPlanetLoad = function(e) { var tblNode = document.evaluate("//table[2]", document, null, XPathResult.ORDERED_NODE_ITERATOR_TYPE, null); var mod = tblNode.iterateNext(); var tst = instance == "www2" ? false : true; if (mod) { //if (tst) gravc = 4; else gravc = 4; var gravc = tst ? 4 : 3; var grav = parseFloat(mod.rows[gravc].cells[3].childNodes[0].nodeValue); if (grav < 11) { mod.rows[gravc].cells[3].style.background = "green"; mod.rows[gravc].cells[3].style.color = "black"; } else if (grav < 14) { mod.rows[gravc].cells[3].style.background = "yellow"; mod.rows[gravc].cells[3].style.color = "black"; } else if (grav < 18) { mod.rows[gravc].cells[3].style.background = "orange"; mod.rows[gravc].cells[3].style.color = "black"; } else if (grav > 25) { mod.rows[gravc].cells[3].style.background = "red"; mod.rows[gravc].cells[3].style.color = "black"; } gravc++; var hab = parseFloat(mod.rows[gravc].cells[3].childNodes[0].nodeValue); if (!hab) hab = 0; while (mod.rows[gravc].cells[3].firstChild) mod.rows[gravc].cells[3].removeChild(mod.rows[gravc].cells[3].firstChild); var div = document.createElement('div'); div.setAttribute("class", "outer"); var div2 = document.createElement('div'); div2.setAttribute("style", "width: " + parseInt(hab) + "%;"); div2.setAttribute("class", "inner"); div.appendChild(div2); div2 = document.createElement('div'); div2.setAttribute("class", "percent"); div2.appendChild(document.createTextNode(hab + "%")); div.appendChild(div2); mod.rows[gravc].cells[3].appendChild(div); gravc += 7; mod.rows[gravc].cells[2].childNodes[0].nodeValue = "*Max Hab:"; mod.rows[gravc].cells[2].setAttribute("class", "head"); mod.rows[gravc].cells[3].setAttribute("class", "strong"); hab = Math.round( (100 - 8/3 * (Math.abs(10.0 - grav))) * 100 ) / 100; if (hab < 0) hab = 0; var div = document.createElement('div'); div.setAttribute("class", "outer"); var div2 = document.createElement('div'); div2.setAttribute("style", "width: " + parseInt(hab) + "%;"); div2.setAttribute("class", "inner"); div.appendChild(div2); div2 = document.createElement('div'); div2.setAttribute("class", "percent"); div2.appendChild(document.createTextNode(hab + "%")); div.appendChild(div2); while (mod.rows[gravc].cells[3].firstChild) mod.rows[gravc].cells[3].removeChild(mod.rows[gravc].cells[3].firstChild); mod.rows[gravc].cells[3].appendChild(div); gravc -= 5; for (var i = gravc; i < mod.rows.length; i++) { for (var j = 1; j < 5; j+=2) { var nods = mod.rows[i].cells[j].firstChild.getElementsByTagName('div'); for (var k = 0; k < nods.length; k++) { if (nods[k].getAttribute('class') == "percent") { if (nods[k].firstChild.nodeValue == "0%") { //mod.rows[i].cells[j-1].setAttribute("class", "warn"); nods[k].setAttribute("style", "color: red;"); } } } } } } } window.fullmod_onKnownUniverseLoad = function(e) { var mod = centerBox.getElementsByTagName('table')[3]; if (mod.rows[0].cells[0] && mod.rows[0].cells[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue != 'Please select a view!') { /*if (useReillan) { var debug = 0; for (var i = 0; i < mod.rows.length; i++) { var isSystem = mod.rows[i].getElementsByTagName('table').length == 0 ? true : false; if (isSystem) { } } } else { */ var maxOre = 0; var maxOreRow = 0; var maxOreRow2 = 0; for (var i = 1; i < mod.rows.length; i+=2) { var systemMod = mod.rows[i].cells[0].childNodes[0]; if (instance != "www4") { for (var j = 0; j < systemMod.rows.length; j+=3) { if (systemMod.rows[j].cells[1].firstChild.nodeName == "A") { for (var c = 0; c < 3; c++) { systemMod.rows[j].cells[c].style.backgroundColor = "green"; systemMod.rows[j].cells[c].style.color = "black"; } } var grav = parseFloat(systemMod.rows[j+1].cells[2].childNodes[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue.replace(/Gravity: /,"")); if (grav < 11) { systemMod.rows[j+1].cells[2].style.backgroundColor = "#68F40B"; systemMod.rows[j+1].cells[2].style.color = "black"; } else if (grav < 14) { systemMod.rows[j+1].cells[2].style.backgroundColor = "yellow"; systemMod.rows[j+1].cells[2].style.color = "black"; } else if (grav < 18) { systemMod.rows[j+1].cells[2].style.backgroundColor = "orange"; systemMod.rows[j+1].cells[2].style.color = "black"; } else if (grav > 25) { systemMod.rows[j+1].cells[2].style.backgroundColor = "red"; systemMod.rows[j+1].cells[2].style.color = "black"; } // Test habitability var hab = parseFloat(systemMod.rows[j+1].cells[4].childNodes[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue.replace(/Habitability: /,"")); if (!hab) hab = 0; if (hab >= 75) { systemMod.rows[j+1].cells[4].style.background = "#68F40B"; systemMod.rows[j+1].cells[4].style.color = "black"; } else if (hab >= 50) { systemMod.rows[j+1].cells[4].style.background = "yellow"; systemMod.rows[j+1].cells[4].style.color = "black"; } else if (hab >= 25) { systemMod.rows[j+1].cells[4].style.background = "orange"; systemMod.rows[j+1].cells[4].style.color = "black"; } else if (hab == 0) { systemMod.rows[j+1].cells[4].style.background = "red"; systemMod.rows[j+1].cells[4].style.color = "black"; } // Test ores var hasallores = true; var allores = 0; for (y = 0; y < 11; y++) { var ores = parseInt(systemMod.rows[j+2].cells[y].childNodes[0].childNodes[2].nodeValue, 10); if (ores == 0) hasallores = false; allores += ores; if (ores == 100) { systemMod.rows[j+2].cells[y].style.background = "#ED57F9"; systemMod.rows[j+2].cells[y].style.color = "black"; } else if (ores >= 75) { systemMod.rows[j+2].cells[y].style.background = "#68F40B"; systemMod.rows[j+2].cells[y].style.color = "black"; } else if (ores >= 50) { systemMod.rows[j+2].cells[y].style.background = "yellow"; systemMod.rows[j+2].cells[y].style.color = "black"; } else if (ores >= 25) { systemMod.rows[j+2].cells[y].style.background = "orange"; systemMod.rows[j+2].cells[y].style.color = "black"; } else if (ores != 0) { systemMod.rows[j+2].cells[y].style.background = "red"; systemMod.rows[j+2].cells[y].style.color = "black"; } } var nnode = document.createElement('font'); = "80%"; nnode.appendChild(document.createTextNode(" Tot: " + allores)); systemMod.rows[j+1].cells[0].appendChild(document.createElement("br")); systemMod.rows[j+1].cells[0].appendChild(nnode); if (hasallores) { systemMod.rows[j+1].cells[0].style.background = "green"; systemMod.rows[j+1].cells[0].style.color = "white"; } if (maxOre < allores) { maxOre = allores; maxOreRow = i; maxOreRow2 = j; } } } else { for (var j = 0; j < systemMod.rows.length; j+=2) { // If there is a colony if (systemMod.rows[j+1].cells[0].childNodes.length > 0) { systemMod.rows[j+1].cells[0].style.background = "green"; systemMod.rows[j+1].cells[0].style.color = "black"; } // Test gravity var grav = parseFloat(systemMod.rows[j].cells[3].childNodes[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue.replace(/Gravity: /,"")); if (grav < 11) { systemMod.rows[j].cells[3].style.background = "#68F40B"; systemMod.rows[j].cells[3].style.color = "black"; } else if (grav < 14) { systemMod.rows[j].cells[3].style.background = "yellow"; systemMod.rows[j].cells[3].style.color = "black"; } else if (grav < 18) { systemMod.rows[j].cells[3].style.background = "orange"; systemMod.rows[j].cells[3].style.color = "black"; } else if (grav > 25) { systemMod.rows[j].cells[3].style.background = "red"; systemMod.rows[j].cells[3].style.color = "black"; } // Test habitability var hab = parseFloat(systemMod.rows[j].cells[5].childNodes[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue.replace(/Habitability: /,"")); if (!hab) hab = 0; if (hab >= 75) { systemMod.rows[j].cells[5].style.background = "#68F40B"; systemMod.rows[j].cells[5].style.color = "black"; } else if (hab >= 50) { systemMod.rows[j].cells[5].style.background = "yellow"; systemMod.rows[j].cells[5].style.color = "black"; } else if (hab >= 25) { systemMod.rows[j].cells[5].style.background = "orange"; systemMod.rows[j].cells[5].style.color = "black"; } else if (hab == 0) { systemMod.rows[j].cells[5].style.background = "red"; systemMod.rows[j].cells[5].style.color = "black"; systemMod.rows[j].cells[5].childNodes[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue += "NONE"; } // Test ores var hasallores = true; var allores = 0; for (y = 1; y < 12; y++) { var ores = parseInt(systemMod.rows[j+1].cells[y].childNodes[0].childNodes[2].nodeValue, 10); if (ores == 0) hasallores = false; allores += ores; if (ores >= 75) { systemMod.rows[j+1].cells[y].style.background = "#68F40B"; systemMod.rows[j+1].cells[y].style.color = "black"; } else if (ores >= 50) { systemMod.rows[j+1].cells[y].style.background = "yellow"; systemMod.rows[j+1].cells[y].style.color = "black"; } else if (ores >= 25) { systemMod.rows[j+1].cells[y].style.background = "orange"; systemMod.rows[j+1].cells[y].style.color = "black"; } else if (ores == 0) { systemMod.rows[j+1].cells[y].style.background = "red"; systemMod.rows[j+1].cells[y].style.color = "black"; } } var nnode = document.createElement('font'); = "80%"; nnode.appendChild(document.createTextNode(" Tot: " + allores)); systemMod.rows[j+1].cells[0].appendChild(nnode); if (hasallores) { systemMod.rows[j+1].cells[0].style.background = "green"; systemMod.rows[j+1].cells[0].style.color = "white"; } if (maxOre < allores) { maxOre = allores; maxOreRow = i; maxOreRow2 = j; } } } } mod.rows[maxOreRow].cells[0].childNodes[0].rows[maxOreRow2].cells[0].style.background="blue"; } } window.fullmod_onFleetNavLoad = function(e) { var transNode = document.evaluate("//b[text()='In Transit']", document, null, XPathResult.ORDERED_NODE_ITERATOR_TYPE, null); var mod = transNode.iterateNext(); // If we are 'in transit' if (mod) { // Find the proper table from which to grab time left var tblNode = document.evaluate("//text()[contains(.,'Mission Objective')]/parent::*/parent::*/parent::*/parent::*/parent::*", document, null, XPathResult.ORDERED_NODE_ITERATOR_TYPE, null); var tblmod = tblNode.iterateNext(); if (tblmod) { // Get time left var timeLeft = parseInt(tblmod.rows[0].cells[3].childNodes[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue. replace(/Time left:/i, "").replace(/,/g,""), 10); var allTime = " (Now)"; // If we need to figure the time.. if (timeLeft > 0) { // Get the current time and add timeleft. Remove GMT info and year var now = new Date(); now = new Date(now.getTime() + timeLeft * 60 * 1000); var ndt = now.toString().substring(0, now.toString().indexOf("GMT")-4); var nYear = now.getYear() + 1900; var regx = new RegExp(nYear.toString()); ndt = ndt.replace(regx, ""); allTime = " (" + ndt + ")"; } mod.appendChild(document.createTextNode(allTime)); } } // Add Transport button var tblNode = document.evaluate("//input[@value='Launch!']", document, null, XPathResult.ORDERED_NODE_ITERATOR_TYPE, null); mod = tblNode.iterateNext(); if (mod) { var newBtn = document.createElement("input"); newBtn.type = "submit"; newBtn.value = "Transport!"; newBtn.setAttribute("class", "warn"); newBtn.setAttribute("name", "verify"); newBtn.setAttribute("onclick","javascript:document.forms['form2'].mtype.selectedIndex=6;"); mod.parentNode.appendChild(document.createTextNode(' ')); mod.parentNode.appendChild(newBtn); } // Highlight View Colonies tblNode = document.evaluate("//a[contains(@href,'/list_colonies.php') and not(@class='greyed')]", document, null, XPathResult.ORDERED_NODE_ITERATOR_TYPE, null); mod = tblNode.iterateNext(); if (mod) { = 'rgb(205,0,0)'; = 'bold'; } } window.fullmod_onForumLoad = function(e) { var lastReadH = GM_getValue(instance + "hour", 1); var lastReadM = GM_getValue(instance + "min", 1); var lastReadS = GM_getValue(instance + "sec", 1); var lastReadT = GM_getValue(instance + "mth", 1); var lastReadD = GM_getValue(instance + "day", 1); var lastReadY = GM_getValue(instance + "year", 2000); var lastRead = new Date(lastReadY, lastReadT, lastReadD, lastReadH, lastReadM, lastReadS); var latestRead = lastRead; var doc = centerBox.getElementsByTagName('table')[0]; for (var row = 1; row < doc.rows.length; row ++) { if (doc.rows[row].cells[0].attributes.length == 1) { var cell = doc.rows[row].cells[1]; var lr = checkOut(lastRead, cell); if (lr > latestRead) latestRead = lr; } } //latestRead = new Date(2000, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1); //alert(latestRead); GM_setValue(instance + "hour",latestRead.getHours()); GM_setValue(instance + "min" ,latestRead.getMinutes()); GM_setValue(instance + "sec" ,latestRead.getSeconds()); GM_setValue(instance + "mth" ,latestRead.getMonth()); GM_setValue(instance + "day" ,latestRead.getDate()); GM_setValue(instance + "year",latestRead.getFullYear()); function checkOut(lastR, cell) { var txt = cell.innerHTML; var time = txt.substr(txt.indexOf(">")+1); var time = time.substr(0, time.indexOf("<")); var lastReadH = parseInt(time.substr(0, 2),10); var lastReadM = parseInt(time.substr(3, 2),10); var lastReadS = parseInt(time.substr(6, 2),10); if (time.substr(9,1) == "p" && lastReadH != 12) lastReadH += 12; if (time.substr(9,1) == "a" && lastReadH == 12) lastReadH -= 12; var lastReadT = parseInt(time.substr(12,2),10)-1; var lastReadD = parseInt(time.substr(15,2),10); var lastReadY = parseInt(time.substr(18,4),10); var thisPost = new Date(lastReadY, lastReadT, lastReadD, lastReadH, lastReadM, lastReadS); cell = cell.getElementsByTagName('font')[0]; if (thisPost > lastR) = "red"; return new Date(lastReadY, lastReadT, lastReadD, lastReadH, lastReadM, lastReadS); } } window.fullmod_onBlueprintLoad = function(e) { var tst = centerBox.getElementsByTagName('table'); var processing = ""; for (var j = 0; j < tst.length; j++) { if (tst[j].parentNode.nodeName == "FORM") { var i = 0; doc = tst[j]; while (i < doc.rows.length) { if (doc.rows[i].cells[1].innerHTML == " ") { i++; processing = doc.rows[i].cells[1].childNodes[0].childNodes[0].innerHTML; } else { doProcessing(processing, doc.rows[i]); } i++; } } } // Add upper options - stolen for the most part unsafeWindow.GM_wfbp_hideNamed = function(node) { var xpath; xpath = "//a[contains(text(), 'Archived Blueprints')]/../following-sibling::div"; if(node.value.indexOf('Hide')!=-1) node.value = 'Show Unnamed'; else node.value = 'Hide Unnamed'; var ds = document.evaluate(xpath, document, null, XPathResult.ORDERED_NODE_ITERATOR_TYPE, null); var dNode; var nl = []; while(dNode = ds.iterateNext()) { nl.push(dNode); } if (node.value == 'Show Unnamed') { node.value = 'Show Unnamed (' + nl.length + ')'; } for(n in nl) { dNode = nl[n]; if( == '') { = 'none'; } else { = ''; } } } unsafeWindow.GM_wfbp_toggleBoxes = function() { var xpath; xpath = "//input[@value = 'Name']/following::input[position()<4 and @type='checkbox' and starts-with(@name,'delete')]"; var ds = document.evaluate(xpath, document, null, XPathResult.ORDERED_NODE_ITERATOR_TYPE, null); var dNode; var nl = [] while(dNode = ds.iterateNext()) { nl.push(dNode); } for(n in nl) { nl[n].checked = !nl[n].checked; } } var cs = document.evaluate("//a[contains(text(),'Archived Blueprints')]/..", document, null, XPathResult.ORDERED_NODE_ITERATOR_TYPE, null); var cNode = cs.iterateNext(); var cs = document.evaluate("//a[contains(text(), 'Archived Blueprints')]/../.. | //a[contains(text(), 'Archived Blueprints')]/../following-sibling::*[2]", document, null, XPathResult.ORDERED_NODE_ITERATOR_TYPE, null); var aNode = cs.iterateNext(); var bNode = cs.iterateNext(); var par = document.createElement("p"); var but = document.createElement("input"); but.type = "button"; but.value = "Hide Unnamed"; but.setAttribute("onclick","GM_wfbp_hideNamed(this)"); par.appendChild(but); var hnibut = but; aNode.insertBefore(par, bNode); // In progress -- toggleBoxes is not working... cNode.appendChild(document.createElement("br")); but = document.createElement("input"); but.type = "button"; but.value = "Toggle Delete Unnamed"; but.setAttribute("onclick","GM_wfbp_toggleBoxes()"); cNode.appendChild(but); cNode.appendChild(document.createElement("br")); unsafeWindow.GM_wfbp_hideNamed(hnibut); } window.doProcessing = function(processing, node) { var bp = node.cells[1].getElementsByTagName('table')[0]; // Look for NR var ores = node.cells[2].getElementsByTagName('table')[0]; var orec = 0; //var numores = 11; //if (instance == "test") numores = 8 for (var i = 1; i < ores.rows.length-1; i++) { var orenum = ores.rows[i].cells[1].childNodes[0]; while (orenum.nodeName != "#text") orenum = orenum.childNodes[0]; orec += parseInt(orenum.nodeValue.replace(/,/g,""),10); } if (orec == 0) = '#717100'; switch (processing) { case "Empire Administration": var workers = parseInt(bp.rows[0].cells[1].innerHTML.replace(/,/g,""), 10); var effic = parseInt(bp.rows[1].cells[1].innerHTML.replace(/,/g,""), 10); var ntr = document.createElement('tr'); var ntd1 = document.createElement('td'); var ntd2 = document.createElement('td'); ntd1.innerHTML = "Corruption:"; ntd2.innerHTML = Math.ceil(workers * effic * 0.05 * 100) / 100; ntd2.innerHTML += "%"; ntr.appendChild(ntd1); ntr.appendChild(ntd2); bp.appendChild(ntr); addANode(node, "Upkeep", workers * effic * 1000); addCosts(node, workers * effic * 0.05, "Cost / % Corruption"); break; case "Mall": var workers = parseInt(bp.rows[0].cells[1].innerHTML.replace(/,/g,""), 10); var effic = parseInt(bp.rows[1].cells[1].innerHTML.replace(/,/g,""), 10); var ntr = document.createElement('tr'); var ntd1 = document.createElement('td'); var ntd2 = document.createElement('td'); ntd1.innerHTML = "People Served:"; ntd2.innerHTML = Math.ceil(workers * effic * 40 / 100); ntr.appendChild(ntd1); ntr.appendChild(ntd2); bp.appendChild(ntr); addCosts(node, workers * effic / 100, "Cost / Eff Worker"); break; case "Entertainment Facility": case "Hospital": case "Police Station": case "School": case "Copper Mine": case "Diamond Mine": case "Drilling Rig": case "Farm": case "Gold Mine": case "Iron Mine": case "Platinum Mine": case "Silver Mine": case "Titanium Mine": case "Uranium Mine": case "Well": var workers = parseInt(bp.rows[0].cells[1].innerHTML.replace(/,/g,""), 10); var effic = parseInt(bp.rows[1].cells[1].innerHTML.replace(/,/g,""), 10); addCosts(node, workers * effic / 100, "Cost / Eff Worker"); break; case "Research Facility": var workers = parseInt(bp.rows[0].cells[1].innerHTML.replace(/,/g,""), 10); //var effic = parseInt(bp.rows[1].cells[1].innerHTML.replace(/,/g,""), 10); addCosts(node, workers, "Cost / Worker"); break; case "Terraformer": var workers = parseInt(bp.rows[0].cells[1].innerHTML.replace(/,/g,""), 10); var effic = parseInt(bp.rows[1].cells[1].innerHTML.replace(/,/g,""), 10); addCosts(node, workers * effic / 100, "Cost / Eff Worker"); break; case "Battleship Hull": case "Bomber Hull": case "Corvette Hull": case "Destroyer Hull": case "Troop Transport": var cannons = parseInt(bp.rows[1].cells[1].innerHTML.replace(/,/g,""), 10); addCosts(node, cannons, "Cost / Cannon"); var layout = parseInt(bp.rows[8].cells[1].innerHTML.replace(/,/g,""), 10); addANode(node, "Layout / Cannon", Math.ceil(layout / cannons*100)/100); var eng = parseInt(bp.rows[9].cells[1].innerHTML.replace(/,/g,""),10); var mass = parseInt(bp.rows[10].cells[1].innerHTML.replace(/,/g,""),10); addANode(node, "Mass / Engine", Math.ceil(mass / eng * 100) / 100); addANode(node, "Layout / Engine", Math.ceil(layout / eng * 100) / 100); break; case "Carrier Hull": var fighter = parseInt(bp.rows[3].cells[1].innerHTML.replace(/,/g,""), 10); addCosts(node, fighter, "Cost / Fighter"); var eng = parseInt(bp.rows[9].cells[1].innerHTML.replace(/,/g,""),10); var mass = parseInt(bp.rows[10].cells[1].innerHTML.replace(/,/g,""),10); var layout = parseInt(bp.rows[8].cells[1].innerHTML.replace(/,/g,""), 10); addANode(node, "Mass / Engine", Math.ceil(mass / eng * 100) / 100); addANode(node, "Layout / Engine", Math.ceil(layout / eng * 100) / 100); break; case "Colony Ship Hull": case "Genesis Hull": var colonist = parseInt(bp.rows[5].cells[1].innerHTML.replace(/,/g,""), 10); addCosts(node, colonist, "Cost / Colonist"); var eng = parseFloat(bp.rows[9].cells[1].innerHTML.replace(/,/g,"")); var mass = parseFloat(bp.rows[10].cells[1].innerHTML.replace(/,/g,"")); var layout = parseFloat(bp.rows[8].cells[1].innerHTML.replace(/,/g,"")); addANode(node, "Mass / Engine", Math.ceil(mass / eng * 100) / 100); addANode(node, "Layout / Engine", Math.ceil(layout / eng * 100) / 100); break; case "Command Frigate Hull": case "High Stability Sphere Hull": var layout = parseInt(bp.rows[8].cells[1].innerHTML.replace(/,/g,""), 10); addCosts(node, layout/1000, "Cost / 1k Layout"); var eng = parseInt(bp.rows[9].cells[1].innerHTML.replace(/,/g,""),10); var mass = parseInt(bp.rows[10].cells[1].innerHTML.replace(/,/g,""),10); addANode(node, "Mass / Engine", Math.ceil(mass / eng * 100) / 100); addANode(node, "Layout / Engine", Math.ceil(layout / eng * 100) / 100); break; case "Crimson Gunboat": var cannons = parseInt(bp.rows[1].cells[1].innerHTML.replace(/,/g,""), 10); addCosts(node, cannons, "Cost / Cannon"); var layout = parseInt(bp.rows[8].cells[1].innerHTML.replace(/,/g,""), 10); addANode(node, "Layout / Cannon", Math.ceil(layout / cannons*100)/100); var guns = parseInt(bp.rows[0].cells[1].innerHTML.replace(/,/g,""), 10); addCosts(node, guns, "Cost / Gun"); addANode(node, "Layout / Gun", Math.ceil(layout / guns * 100)/100); var eng = parseInt(bp.rows[9].cells[1].innerHTML.replace(/,/g,""),10); var mass = parseInt(bp.rows[10].cells[1].innerHTML.replace(/,/g,""),10); addANode(node, "Mass / Engine", Math.ceil(mass / eng * 100) / 100); addANode(node, "Layout / Engine", Math.ceil(layout / eng * 100) / 100); break; case "Crimson Cruiser": case "Fighter Hull": var guns = parseInt(bp.rows[0].cells[1].innerHTML.replace(/,/g,""), 10); addCosts(node, guns, "Cost / Gun"); var layout = parseInt(bp.rows[8].cells[1].innerHTML.replace(/,/g,""), 10); addANode(node, "Layout / Gun", Math.ceil(layout / guns * 100)/100); var eng = parseInt(bp.rows[9].cells[1].innerHTML.replace(/,/g,""),10); var mass = parseInt(bp.rows[10].cells[1].innerHTML.replace(/,/g,""),10); addANode(node, "Mass / Engine", Math.ceil(mass / eng * 100) / 100); addANode(node, "Layout / Engine", Math.ceil(layout / eng * 100) / 100); break; case "Space Station Hull": var layout = parseInt(bp.rows[8].cells[1].innerHTML.replace(/,/g,""), 10); addCosts(node, layout/1000, "Cost / 1k Layout"); var transp = parseInt(bp.rows[4].cells[1].innerHTML.replace(/,/g,""), 10); addCosts(node, transp/1000, "Cost / 1k Transport"); break; case "Transport Hull": var transp = parseInt(bp.rows[4].cells[1].innerHTML.replace(/,/g,""), 10); addCosts(node, transp/1000, "Cost / 1k Transport"); var eng = parseInt(bp.rows[9].cells[1].innerHTML.replace(/,/g,""),10); var mass = parseInt(bp.rows[10].cells[1].innerHTML.replace(/,/g,""),10); var layout = parseInt(bp.rows[8].cells[1].innerHTML.replace(/,/g,""), 10); addANode(node, "Mass / Engine", Math.ceil(mass / eng * 100) / 100); addANode(node, "Layout / Engine", Math.ceil(layout / eng * 100) / 100); break; case "Cannon": case "Gun Battery": case "Single Barrel Gun": var damage = parseFloat(bp.rows[0].cells[1].innerHTML.replace(/,/g,""), 10); var rate = bp.rows[1].cells[1].innerHTML.replace(/,/g,""); var rate1 = parseInt(rate, 10); var rate2 = parseInt(rate.substr(rate.indexOf('.')+1), 10); rate = rate1 + rate2 / 100; var mass = parseInt(bp.rows[2].cells[1].innerHTML.replace(/,/g,""), 10); addANode(node, "Dmg / 1000kg", Math.ceil(damage * rate / mass * 100*1000) / 100); addCosts(node, Math.ceil(damage * rate / mass * 100*1000) / 100, "Cost / Dmg"); break; case "Anti Matter Drive": case "Capital Ship Drive": case "Small Vessel Drive": var power = parseFloat(bp.rows[0].cells[1].innerHTML.replace(/,/g,"")); var eff = parseFloat(bp.rows[1].cells[1].innerHTML.replace(/,/g,"")); var mass = parseFloat(bp.rows[2].cells[1].innerHTML.replace(/,/g,"")); addANode(node, "Power / Mass", Math.ceil(power / mass * 1000)); addANode(node, "Eff / Mass", Math.ceil(eff / mass * 1000)); break; case "Armor Plating": var armor = parseInt(bp.rows[0].cells[1].innerHTML.replace(/,/g,""), 10); var stab = parseInt(bp.rows[2].cells[1].innerHTML.replace(/,/g,""), 10); var mass = parseInt(bp.rows[3].cells[1].innerHTML.replace(/,/g,""), 10); addANode(node, "Armor / Mass", Math.ceil(armor * stab * 1000 / 100 / mass )); addCosts(node, armor * stab / 100, "Cost / Armor"); break; case "Energy Shield": var shield = parseInt(bp.rows[1].cells[1].innerHTML.replace(/,/g,""), 10); var stab = parseInt(bp.rows[2].cells[1].innerHTML.replace(/,/g,""), 10); var mass = parseInt(bp.rows[3].cells[1].innerHTML.replace(/,/g,""), 10); addANode(node, "Shield / Mass", Math.ceil(shield * stab * 1000 / 100 / mass * 1000) / 1000); addCosts(node, shield * stab / 100, "Cost / Shield"); break; case "AA Battery": case "Guided Missile Launcher": var damage = parseInt(bp.rows[0].cells[1].innerHTML.replace(/,/g,""), 10); var rate = bp.rows[1].cells[1].innerHTML.replace(/,/g,""); var rate1 = parseInt(rate, 10); var rate2 = parseInt(rate.substr(rate.indexOf('.')+1), 10); rate = rate1 + rate2 / 100; var mass = parseInt(bp.rows[2].cells[1].innerHTML.replace(/,/g,""), 10); addANode(node, "Damage", Math.ceil(damage * rate * 100) / 100); addCosts(node, Math.ceil(damage * rate * 100) / 100, "Cost / Dmg"); break; } } window.addANode = function(node, tag, val) { var bp = node.cells[1].getElementsByTagName('table')[0]; var nval = ""; val = val.toString(); if (Number(val) != Number.NaN) { if (val.indexOf(".") != -1) { nval = val.substr(val.indexOf(".")); val = val.substr(0, val.indexOf(".")); } while (val.length > 0) { nval = val.length < 3 ? val + nval : val.substr(val.length-3) + nval; val = val.substr(0, val.length-3); if (val.length > 0) nval = "," + nval; } } else { nval = val; } ntr = document.createElement('tr'); ntd1 = document.createElement('td'); ntd2 = document.createElement('td'); ntd1.appendChild(document.createTextNode(tag)); ntd2.appendChild(document.createTextNode(nval)); ntr.appendChild(ntd1); ntr.appendChild(ntd2); bp.appendChild(ntr); } window.addCosts = function(node, workers, tag) { var bp = node.cells[1].getElementsByTagName('table')[0]; var cost = node.cells[2].getElementsByTagName('table')[0].rows[0].cells[1].childNodes[0]; while (cost.nodeName != "#text") cost = cost.childNodes[0]; cost = parseInt(cost.nodeValue.replace(/,/g,""),10); cost = Math.ceil(cost / workers) + ""; var ncost = ""; if (cost.indexOf(".") != -1) { ncost = cost.substr(cost.indexOf(".")); cost = cost.substr(0, cost.indexOf(".") - 1); } while (cost.length > 0) { ncost = cost.length < 3 ? cost + ncost : cost.substr(cost.length-3) + ncost; cost = cost.substr(0, cost.length-3); if (cost.length > 0) ncost = "," + ncost; } ntr = document.createElement('tr'); ntd1 = document.createElement('td'); ntd2 = document.createElement('td'); ntd1.appendChild(document.createTextNode(tag)); ntd2.appendChild(document.createTextNode(ncost + " cr")); ntr.appendChild(ntd1); ntr.appendChild(ntd2); bp.appendChild(ntr); } window.fullmod_onBuildFacilityLoad = function(e) { var doc = centerBox.getElementsByTagName('table')[0]; var mod = centerBox; var part = mod.getElementsByTagName('p')[0]; if (part.innerHTML.indexOf('acknowledged') != -1) part = mod.getElementsByTagName('p')[1]; // Grab Planet ID var pid = part.innerHTML.replace(/[\r\n]/g,"").replace(/^.*colony=(\d+).*$/m,"$1"); // var i = 1; var processing = ""; while (i < doc.rows.length) { if (doc.rows[i].cells[1].childNodes[0].nodeName == "B") { processing = doc.rows[i].cells[1].childNodes[0].childNodes[0].innerHTML; } else { var orelist = doc.rows[i].cells[2].childNodes[0]; for (var ore = 1; ore < orelist.rows.length - 1; ore++) { var mine = orelist.rows[ore].cells[0].innerHTML; var newlink = document.createElement('a'); var theurl = "http://" + instance + "" + pid + "&subtype=" + ore; newlink.setAttribute("href", theurl); newlink.appendChild(document.createTextNode(mine)); orelist.rows[ore].cells[0].replaceChild(newlink, orelist.rows[ore].cells[0].firstChild); } doProcessing(processing, doc.rows[i]); } i++; } } window.GM_wfcm_replaceCommas = function(s) { return parseInt(s.replace(/,/g,"").replace(/%/g,""),10); } var thisPID = -1; WF_wfcm_setMall = function() { var cm = gMallEff; if (confirm("Malls currently set to " + cm + " effective workers. Change?")) { var meff; var mwrk; if (mwrk = parseInt(prompt("Enter number of mall workers"),10)) { if (meff = parseInt(prompt("Enter mall efficiency in percent"), 10)) { if (confirm("Set Malls to " + mwrk + " workers at " + meff + "% efficiency and reload?")) { GM_wfcm_setMallData(mwrk * meff / 100); window.location.reload(true); } } } } }; WF_wfcm_setFarm = function() { var cm = gFarmEff; if (confirm("Farms currently set to " + cm + " effective workers. Change?")) { var meff; var mwrk; if (mwrk = parseInt(prompt("Enter number of farm workers"),10)) { if (meff = parseInt(prompt("Enter farm efficiency in percent"), 10)) { if (confirm("Set Farms to " + mwrk + " workers at " + meff + "% efficiency and reload?")) { GM_wfcm_setFarmData(mwrk * meff / 100); window.location.reload(true); } } } } } WF_wfcm_clearFert = function() { var pid = thisPID; var tFert = GM_wfcm_getFertData(pid); if (tFert == -1) { tFert = "nothing"; } else { tFert = tFert + "%"; } if (confirm("Do you really want to clear the saved fertilization data for this planet?\n(Currently set to " + tFert + ")")) { GM_wfcm_clearFertData(pid); window.location.reload(true); } } window.fullmod_onViewColonyLoad = function(e) { var gTemp; /* if (gTemp = GM_getValue(instance + 'mall')) { gMallEff = parseFloat(gTemp); } else { gMallEff = 1; } if (gTemp = GM_getValue(instance + 'farm')) { gFarmEff = parseFloat(gTemp); } else { gFarmEff = 1; } */ // Get to the middle table var mod = centerBox; // Get to the top text area var part = mod.getElementsByTagName('p')[0]; // Grab Planet ID var pid = part.innerHTML.replace(/[\r\n]/g,"").replace(/^.*planet=(\d+)'\).*$/m,"$1"); //' thisPID = pid; part = part.nextSibling; part = part.nextSibling; // Stop and grab colony ID and planet ID for later var col = part.innerHTML.replace(/[\r\n]/g,"").replace(/^.*colony=(\d+)">.*$/m,"$1"); //" // Continue var toptext = part.childNodes[0].innerHTML; toptext = toptext + "| <a href=\"/build_facility.php?colony=" + col + "&type=1\">Resources</a> "; toptext = toptext + "| <a href=\"/build_facility.php?colony=" + col + "&type=3\">Institutions</a> "; toptext = toptext + "| <a href=\"/build_facility.php?colony=" + col + "&type=8\">Defenses</a> "; toptext = toptext + "| <a href=\"/demolish_building.php?colony=" + col + "&type=8\">Demolish</a>"; part.childNodes[0].innerHTML = toptext; // Move on to the table mod = mod.getElementsByTagName('form')[0]; var mainTable = mod.getElementsByTagName('table')[0]; var topMainTableEnd = mainTable.rows[12]; // Grab data from the table part = mainTable.rows[2].cells[1]; var pop = GM_wfcm_replaceCommas(part.innerHTML.replace(/[\r\n]/g,"").replace(/^([,\d]+)\s.*$/m,"$1")); var popg = GM_wfcm_replaceCommas(part.innerHTML.replace(/[\r\n]/g,"").replace(/^.*\((.*)\).*$/m,"$1")); part = mainTable.rows[2].cells[3]; var size = GM_wfcm_replaceCommas(part.innerHTML.replace(/[\r\n]/g,"").replace(/^([,\d]+)\s.*$/m,"$1")); var sizeg = GM_wfcm_replaceCommas(part.innerHTML.replace(/[\r\n]/g,"").replace(/^.*\(.*([\+-][,\d]+).*<.*km.*$/m,"$1")); part = mainTable.rows[13].cells[1]; if (instance == "test") part = mainTable.rows[14].cells[1]; var usedStorage = GM_wfcm_replaceCommas(part.innerHTML.replace(/[\r\n]/g,"").replace(/^([,\d]+)\s.*$/m,"$1")); var storage = GM_wfcm_replaceCommas(part.innerHTML.replace(/[\r\n]/g,"").replace(/^.*\/\s([,\d]+)\s.*$/m,"$1")); part = mainTable.rows[10].cells[3]; if (instance == "test") part = mainTable.rows[11].cells[3]; var income = GM_wfcm_replaceCommas(part.innerHTML.replace(/[\r\n]/g,"").replace(/^([,\d]+)\s.*$/m,"$1")); part = mainTable.rows[10].cells[1]; if (instance == "test") part = mainTable.rows[11].cells[1]; var flwages = GM_wfcm_replaceCommas(part.innerHTML.replace(/[\r\n]/g,"").replace(/^.*value=\"(\d+)\".*$/m,"$1")); if (usedStorage / storage > gStorageAlert) { part = mainTable.rows[13].cells[0]; if (instance == "test") part = mainTable.rows[14].cells[0]; part.innerHTML = "<font color=\"red\">" + part.innerHTML + "</font>"; } part = mainTable.rows[14].cells[3]; if (instance == "test") part = mainTable.rows[20].cells[1]; var food = GM_wfcm_replaceCommas(part.innerHTML.replace(/[\r\n]/g,"").replace(/^([,\d]+)\s.*$/m,"$1")); var popt = pop; // Do calculations var toBuy = 0; var toDem = ""; percent = 0; var ppm = Math.round(pop / size * 100) / 100; var ppmg= Math.round(popg / sizeg * 100) / 100; toBuy = Math.ceil(popt * gMallWorkerFraction / gMallEff); var ppm = Math.round(pop / size * 100) / 100; var ppmg= Math.round(popg / sizeg * 100) / 100; if (instance != "test") { mainTable.rows[6].cells[2].innerHTML = 'Growth:'; mainTable.rows[6].cells[3].innerHTML = Math.round(popg / sizeg * 1000) / 1000; } unsafeWindow.GM_wfcm_checkMalls = function(colny) { var oldout = mainTable.rows[1].cells[0]; var mallarea = document.getElementById('malls'); while (mallarea.firstChild) { mallarea.removeChild(mallarea.firstChild); } var tempo = document.createTextNode('**Please Wait**'); mallarea.appendChild(tempo); req = new XMLHttpRequest();"GET", "http://" + instance + "" + colny, true); req.send(null); req.onreadystatechange = function() { if (req.readyState == 4) { if (req.status == 200) { page = req.responseText; page = page.substring(page.indexOf("<b>Mall</u></b>")); page = page.substring(0, page.indexOf("</table>")); page = page.substring(page.indexOf("<td>")+4); page = page.substring(page.indexOf("<td>")+4); var mwork = parseInt(GM_wfcm_replaceCommas(page)); page = page.substring(page.indexOf("<td>")+4); page = page.substring(page.indexOf("<td>")+4); var meff = parseInt(GM_wfcm_replaceCommas(page)); page = page.substring(page.indexOf('Buildings')+9); page = page.substring(page.indexOf("<td>")+4); var bldgs = parseInt(GM_wfcm_replaceCommas(page)); if (isNaN(mwork)) mwork = 0; if (isNaN(meff)) meff = 0; if (isNaN(bldgs)) bldgs = 0; percent = Math.round(mwork * meff / 100.0 / popt * 1000000) / 10000; toBuy = Math.ceil((popt * (gMallWorkerFraction - percent/100)) / gMallEff); if (toBuy < 0) toBuy = 0; while (mallarea.firstChild) { mallarea.removeChild(mallarea.firstChild); } var toDem = document.createTextNode(''); var origEff = meff/100 * mwork / bldgs; if (origEff < gMallRebuild * gMallEff) { toDem = document.createElement('a'); toDem.setAttribute("href", "http://" + instance + "" + col + "&type=8"); toDem.appendChild(document.createTextNode('DEM')); } var tempa = document.createElement('a'); tempa.setAttribute("href", "http://" + instance + "" + col + "&type=3&subtype=8"); var malltemp = percent + '%'; if (toBuy == 0) malltemp += ' Perfect'; else malltemp += ' Buy ' + toBuy; tempa.appendChild(document.createTextNode(malltemp)); var pnode = mallarea.parentNode; pnode.replaceChild(tempa, mallarea); pnode.insertBefore(toDem, tempa.nextSibling); } else { while (mallarea.firstChild) { mallarea.removeChild(mallarea.firstChild); } tempo = document.createTextNode('Failed!'); mallarea.appendChild(tempo); } } } } // Write Output var nnrow = document.createElement('tr'); var nncol = document.createElement('td'); nncol.setAttribute("class", "strong"); nncol.appendChild(document.createTextNode('Malls:')); nnrow.appendChild(nncol); nncol = document.createElement('td'); nncol.setAttribute("class", "strong"); var nnode = document.createElement('a'); nnode.setAttribute("href", "javascript:GM_wfcm_checkMalls(" + col + ")"); nnode.setAttribute("id", "malls"); nnode.appendChild(document.createTextNode(toBuy + " total needed")); nncol.appendChild(nnode); nnrow.appendChild(nncol); // Do Farms farms = "Good"; if (food * 10 < pop) { farms = "(*retrieving*)"; } nncol = document.createElement('td'); nncol.setAttribute("class", "strong"); nncol.appendChild(document.createTextNode('Farms:')); nnrow.appendChild(nncol); nncol = document.createElement('td'); nncol.setAttribute("class", "strong"); nnode = document.createElement('a'); nnode.setAttribute("href", "build_facility.php?colony=" + col + "&type=1&subtype=11"); nnode.appendChild(document.createTextNode(farms)); nncol.appendChild(nnode); nnrow.appendChild(nncol); // Add income calculation and configuration newLine = document.createElement("tr"); newCols = document.createElement("td"); var newFont = document.createElement("font"); newFont.setAttribute("color", "#B3C0B3"); newFont.appendChild(document.createTextNode('Colony Mod')); newCols.appendChild(newFont); newCols.setAttribute("align","center"); newCols.setAttribute("colspan","1"); newCols.setAttribute("class","head"); newLine.appendChild(newCols); var incpop = Math.ceil(income / pop * 100) / 100; newCols = document.createElement("td"); newCols.appendChild(document.createTextNode('Income/Pop: ' + incpop)); newCols.setAttribute("align","center"); newCols.setAttribute("colspan","1"); newCols.setAttribute("class","head"); newLine.appendChild(newCols); var aa = document.createElement("a"); aa.setAttribute("href", "#"); //aa.setAttribute("href", "javascript:WF_wfcm_setMall(" + gMallEff + ");"); aa.addEventListener('click', WF_wfcm_setMall, true); aa.appendChild(document.createTextNode('Set Mall')); newCols = document.createElement("td"); newCols.appendChild(aa); newCols.setAttribute("align","center"); newCols.setAttribute("colspan","1"); newCols.setAttribute("class","head"); newLine.appendChild(newCols); var aa = document.createElement("a"); aa.setAttribute("href", "#"); //aa.setAttribute("href", "javascript:WF_wfcm_setFarm(" + gFarmEff + ");"); aa.addEventListener('click', WF_wfcm_setFarm, true); aa.appendChild(document.createTextNode('Set Farm')); newCols = document.createElement("td"); newCols.appendChild(aa); newCols.appendChild(document.createTextNode(" / ")); aa = document.createElement("a"); aa.setAttribute("href", "#"); //aa.setAttribute("href", "javascript:WF_wfcm_clearFert(" + pid + ");"); aa.addEventListener('click', WF_wfcm_clearFert, true); aa.appendChild(document.createTextNode('Clear Fert')); newCols.appendChild(aa); newCols.setAttribute("align","center"); newCols.setAttribute("colspan","1"); newCols.setAttribute("class","head"); newLine.appendChild(newCols); mainTable.childNodes[1].insertBefore(newLine, topMainTableEnd); mainTable.childNodes[1].insertBefore(nnrow, topMainTableEnd); // add links to buildings for (rw = 3; rw < 22; rw++) { for (cl = 0; cl < 4; cl+=2) { if (mainTable.rows[rw].cells[cl]) { var ore = mainTable.rows[rw].cells[cl].innerHTML; var nore = document.createElement('a'); var doIt = true; switch (ore) { case "Water:": nore.setAttribute('href', 'build_facility.php?colony=' + col + '&type=1&subtype=10'); break; case "Food:": nore.setAttribute('href', 'build_facility.php?colony=' + col + '&type=1&subtype=11'); break; case "Iron:": nore.setAttribute('href', 'build_facility.php?colony=' + col + '&type=1&subtype=1'); break; case "Copper:": nore.setAttribute('href', 'build_facility.php?colony=' + col + '&type=1&subtype=2'); break; case "Silver:": nore.setAttribute('href', 'build_facility.php?colony=' + col + '&type=1&subtype=3'); break; case "Gold:": nore.setAttribute('href', 'build_facility.php?colony=' + col + '&type=1&subtype=5'); break; case "Platinum:": nore.setAttribute('href', 'build_facility.php?colony=' + col + '&type=1&subtype=7'); break; case "Diamonds:": nore.setAttribute('href', 'build_facility.php?colony=' + col + '&type=1&subtype=8'); break; case "Titanium:": nore.setAttribute('href', 'build_facility.php?colony=' + col + '&type=1&subtype=4'); break; case "Uranium:": nore.setAttribute('href', 'build_facility.php?colony=' + col + '&type=1&subtype=6'); break; case "Oil:": nore.setAttribute('href', 'build_facility.php?colony=' + col + '&type=1&subtype=9'); break; case "Happiness:": nore.setAttribute('href', 'build_facility.php?colony=' + col + '&type=3&subtype=1'); break; case "Education:": nore.setAttribute('href', 'build_facility.php?colony=' + col + '&type=3&subtype=2'); break; case "Sick People:": nore.setAttribute('href', 'build_facility.php?colony=' + col + '&type=3&subtype=3'); break; case "Crime:": nore.setAttribute('href', 'build_facility.php?colony=' + col + '&type=3&subtype=4'); break; default: doIt = false; break; } if (doIt) { mainTable.rows[rw].cells[cl].innerHTML = ""; nore.appendChild(document.createTextNode(ore)); mainTable.rows[rw].cells[cl].appendChild(nore); } } } } if (food * 10 < pop) { var fert = GM_getValue(instance + 'planet' + pid, -1); if (fert == -1) { GM_setValue(instance + 'lookupPlanet', pid); GM_setValue(instance + 'lookupPop', pop); GM_setValue(instance + 'lookupFood', food); setTimeout(getFertilization, 10); } else { var temp = (pop/10 - food); var fpct = gFarmEff * Math.sqrt(fert); var need = Math.ceil(temp / fpct * 10) / 10; var repl = centerBox.getElementsByTagName('form')[0].getElementsByTagName('table')[0]; repl.innerHTML = repl.innerHTML.replace(/\(\*retrieving\*\)/m,need + " needed"); } } } function safeWrap(f) { return function() { setTimeout.apply(window, [f, 0].concat([], 1))); }; } function GM_wfcm_setMallData(mdat) { GM_setValue(instance + 'mall',String(mdat)); } function GM_wfcm_setFarmData(fdat) { GM_setValue(instance + 'farm',String(fdat)); } function GM_wfcm_clearFertData(pid) { GM_setValue(instance + 'planet' + pid, -1); } function GM_wfcm_getFertData(pid) { return GM_getValue(instance + 'planet' + pid, -1); } function getFertilizationLoaded(response) { var resp = response.responseText; resp = resp.substr(resp.indexOf('Fertilization')); resp = resp.substr(resp.indexOf('percent')+3); resp = resp.substr(resp.indexOf('>')+1); var fert = parseInt(resp.substr(0, resp.indexOf('%')),10); var pop = GM_getValue(instance + 'lookupPop'); var food = GM_getValue(instance + 'lookupFood'); var pid = GM_getValue(instance + 'lookupPlanet'); GM_setValue(instance + "planet" + pid, fert); var temp = (pop/10 - food); var fpct = gFarmEff * Math.sqrt(fert); var need = Math.ceil(temp / fpct * 10) / 10; var repl = centerBox.getElementsByTagName('form')[0].getElementsByTagName('table')[0]; //var repl = document.body.childNodes[3].rows[0].cells[1].getElementsByTagName('form')[0].getElementsByTagName('table')[0]; 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var tdNode = exp.iterateNext(); var newA = document.createElement("input"); newA.setAttribute("onclick", "GM_wfscout_open(); return false;"); newA.value = ">>>"; newA.type = "button"; tdNode.appendChild(document.createTextNode(" ")); tdNode.appendChild(newA); */ } window.fullmod_onViewColonyExtendedLoad = function(e) { var mod = document.evaluate("//strong/text()[contains(.,'Buildings')]", document, null, XPathResult.ORDERED_NODE_ITERATOR_TYPE, null); var imod = mod.iterateNext(); if (imod) { var tbl = imod.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode; var workcountcell = tbl.rows[1].cells[1]; var i; var meffwork; var allworkers = 0; for (i = 3; i < tbl.rows.length; i++) { var bnamecell = tbl.rows[i].cells[0]; var binfocell = tbl.rows[i].cells[1].getElementsByTagName('table')[0]; if (bnamecell.childNodes[0].innerHTML != 'AA Battery' && bnamecell.childNodes[0].innerHTML != 'Guided Missile Launcher') { var workers = GM_wfcm_replaceCommas(binfocell.rows[0].cells[1].innerHTML.replace(/[\r\n]/g,"").replace(/^([,\d]+)\s.*$/m,"$1")); var effic = GM_wfcm_replaceCommas(binfocell.rows[1].cells[1].innerHTML.replace(/[\r\n]/g,"").replace(/^([,\d]+)\s.*$/m,"$1")); var effwork = workers * effic / 100; allworkers += workers; if (bnamecell.childNodes[0].innerHTML == 'Mall') { meffwork = effwork; } var nrow = document.createElement("tr"); var ncol1 = document.createElement("td"); var ncol2 = document.createElement("td"); var lbl = document.createTextNode("Effective Workers:"); ncol1.appendChild(lbl); lbl = document.createTextNode(effwork); ncol2.appendChild(lbl); nrow.appendChild(ncol1); nrow.appendChild(ncol2); //alert(binfocell.childNodes[0].innerHTML); binfocell.getElementsByTagName('tbody')[0].appendChild(nrow); } } if (isNaN(meffwork)) meffwork = 0; var workcount = document.createTextNode(allworkers); workcountcell.appendChild(workcount); var nrow = document.createElement("tr"); var ncol1 = document.createElement("td"); var ncol2 = document.createElement("td"); ncol1.setAttribute('class', 'strong'); ncol2.setAttribute('class', 'strong'); 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break; default: otype = ''; break; } if (otype != '') { while (newplace.firstChild) newplace.removeChild(newplace.firstChild); newplace.appendChild(document.createTextNode("/ Getting planet info \\")); var round = 0; var done = false; function moveInfo() { if (!done) { var np; switch (round) { case 0: np = "- Getting planet info -"; break; case 1: np = "\\ Getting planet info /"; break; case 2: np = "| Getting planet info |"; break; case 3: np = "/ Getting planet info \\"; break; } round++; round %= 4; while (newplace.firstChild) newplace.removeChild(newplace.firstChild); newplace.appendChild(document.createTextNode(np)); if (!done) setTimeout(moveInfo, 50); } } function getPlanetInfo() { GM_xmlhttpRequest({ method:"GET", url:'http://' + instance + '' + pid, onload:getPlanetLoaded, onerror:getPlanetFail }); function getPlanetFail(resp) { done = true; while (newplace.firstChild) newplace.removeChild(newplace.firstChild); newplace.appendChild(document.createTextNode('Failed!')); } function getPlanetLoaded(resp) { done = true; resp = resp.responseText; resp = resp.substr(resp.indexOf(otype)); resp = resp.substr(resp.indexOf('percent')+3); resp = window.GM_wfcm_replaceCommas(resp.substr(resp.indexOf('>')+1)); while (newplace.firstChild) newplace.removeChild(newplace.firstChild); var nnn; if (resp == "0") { nnn = document.createElement('font'); nnn2 = document.createElement('b'); nnn.setAttribute("color", "red"); nnn2.appendChild(document.createTextNode(otype + ' ' + resp + '%')); nnn.appendChild(nnn2); } else { nnn = document.createTextNode(otype + ' ' + resp + '%'); } newplace.appendChild(nnn); } } setTimeout(moveInfo, 10); setTimeout(getPlanetInfo, 100); } } } function addLink(txt, ref) { var lnk = document.createElement('a'); lnk.href = ref; = "_new"; lnk.appendChild(document.createTextNode(txt)); return lnk; } window.fullmod_onColonyOverview = function(e) { if (document.body.innerHTML.indexOf("Set Local Laws for all Colonies") != -1) { var mod = centerBox.getElementsByTagName("table")[0]; var alertcount = 0; 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if (edu / pop < gEduAlertLevel) { alertcount++; = "red"; = "black"; ncol.appendChild(addLink("Education", "/build_facility.php?colony=" + colnum + "&type=3&subtype=2")); ncol.appendChild(document.createTextNode(" ")); } part = tbl.rows[2].cells[1]; var hap = GM_wfcm_replaceCommas(part.innerHTML.replace(/[\r\n]/g,"").replace(/^([,\d]+)\s.*$/m,"$1")); if (hap / pop < gAlertLevel) { alertcount++; = "red"; = "black"; if (ncol.childNodes.length > 0) ncol.appendChild(document.createTextNode(" / ")); ncol.appendChild(addLink("Happiness", "/build_facility.php?colony=" + colnum + "&type=3&subtype=1")); } part = tbl.rows[4].cells[1]; var hea = GM_wfcm_replaceCommas(part.innerHTML.replace(/[\r\n]/g,"").replace(/^([,\d]+)\s.*$/m,"$1")); if (hea / pop > 1-gAlertLevel) { alertcount++; = "red"; = "black"; if (ncol.childNodes.length > 0) ncol.appendChild(document.createTextNode(" / ")); ncol.appendChild(addLink("Health", "/build_facility.php?colony=" + colnum + "&type=3&subtype=3")); } part = tbl.rows[5].cells[1]; var cri = GM_wfcm_replaceCommas(part.innerHTML.replace(/[\r\n]/g,"").replace(/^([,\d]+)\s.*$/m,"$1")); if (cri / pop > 1-gAlertLevel) { alertcount++; = "red"; = "black"; if (ncol.childNodes.length > 0) ncol.appendChild(document.createTextNode(" / ")); ncol.appendChild(addLink("Crime", "/build_facility.php?colony=" + colnum + "&type=3&subtype=4")); } tbl = mod.rows[i].cells[2].getElementsByTagName("table")[0]; part = tbl.rows[0].cells[1]; var stou = GM_wfcm_replaceCommas(part.innerHTML.replace(/[\r\n]/g,"").replace(/^([,\d]+)\s.*$/m,"$1")); var stot = GM_wfcm_replaceCommas(part.innerHTML.substr(part.innerHTML.indexOf("/") + 2).replace(/[\r\n]/g,"").replace(/^([,\d]+)\s.*$/m,"$1")); if (stou / stot > gStorageAlert) { alertcount++; = "red"; = "black"; if (ncol.childNodes.length > 0) ncol.appendChild(document.createTextNode(" / ")); ncol.appendChild(addLink("Storage", "/buy_storage.php?colony=" + colnum)); } part = tbl.rows[1].cells[3]; var food = GM_wfcm_replaceCommas(part.innerHTML.replace(/[\r\n]/g,"").replace(/^([,\d]+)\s.*$/m,"$1")); 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false : true; } if (GM_getValue('blueprints') != undefined) { gTemp = GM_getValue('blueprints'); useBlueprints = parseInt(gTemp) == 0 ? false : true; } if (GM_getValue('blueprintsbuild') != undefined) { gTemp = GM_getValue('blueprintsbuild'); useBlueprintsBuild = parseInt(gTemp) == 0 ? false : true; } if (GM_getValue('fleetmove') != undefined) { gTemp = GM_getValue('fleetmove'); useFleetMove = parseInt(gTemp) == 0 ? false : true; } if (GM_getValue('forum') != undefined) { gTemp = GM_getValue('forum'); useForum = parseInt(gTemp) == 0 ? false : true; } if (GM_getValue(instance + 'empname') != undefined) { gTemp = GM_getValue(instance + 'empname'); EmpireName = gTemp; } if (GM_getValue('showexploretime') != undefined) { gTemp = GM_getValue('showexploretime'); showExploreTime = parseInt(gTemp) == 0 ? false : true; } if (GM_getValue('showregtime') != undefined) { gTemp = GM_getValue('showregtime'); showRegularTime = parseInt(gTemp) == 0 ? false : true; } if (GM_getValue('colonymod') != undefined) { gTemp = GM_getValue('colonymod'); useColony = parseInt(gTemp) == 0 ? 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