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// ==UserScript== // @name Carrier Loader // @namespace // @include http://** // @version 1.4 // @grant GM_xmlhttpRequest // ==/UserScript== // Version 1.0 = Original version by ? // Version 1.1 = small fixes & auto-reaload page when finished (by Seko) // Version 1.2 = some fixes for Firefox 4+ (by Seko) // Version 1.3 = some fixes of fixes :-) (by Seko) // Version 1.4 = fixed unsafeWindow (by Seko) var assignBtn = document.getElementsByName('addships')[0]; var shipSel = document.getElementsByName('ship')[0]; // "serialize" form elements function serialize(form) { var Elms = form.getElementsByTagName('*'); var serialized = []; for (var i = 0; i < Elms.length; i++) { if (Elms[i].hasAttribute('name')) { switch (Elms[i].tagName.toLowerCase()) { case 'input': switch (Elms[i].type) { case 'radio': if (Elms[i].checked == true) { serialized.push(Elms[i].name + '=' + Elms[i].value); } break; default: serialized.push(Elms[i].name + '=' + Elms[i].value); } break; case 'select': for (var o = 0; o < Elms[i].options.length; o++) { if (Elms[i].options[o].selected == true) { serialized.push(Elms[i].name + '=' + form[n].value); } } break; case 'textarea': serialized.push(Elms[i].name + '=' + Elms[i].options[o].value); break; } } } return serialized.join('&'); } function loadAllCarriers(form, repeat) { // We use repeat incase we get the "Blank Screen of Death" // Go no further if we're finished. if (shipSel.selectedIndex + 1 == shipSel.options.length && !repeat) { alert("We're Finished!"); var link = document.evaluate("//a/text()[contains(.,'<< Back')]/..", document, null, XPathResult.ORDERED_NODE_ITERATOR_TYPE, null).iterateNext(); window.location.href = link.href; setTimeout("alert('Done!');", 500); return; } // Advance ships by 1 if (!repeat) { shipSel.options[shipSel.selectedIndex + 1].selected = true; form.elements["ship"].value = shipSel.value; } // Setup parameters var method = 'POST'; var action = form.action ? form.action : window.location.href; var params = serialize(form); GM_xmlhttpRequest({ method : method, url : action, headers : { 'Content-Type' : 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', }, data : params, onload : function (responseDetails) { if (responseDetails.responseText == '') { // Blank Screen of Death loadAllCarriers(form, true); } else { loadAllCarriers(form, false); } } }); } if (assignBtn && shipSel && shipSel.selectedIndex == 0) { exportFunction(loadAllCarriers, unsafeWindow, { defineAs : "loadAllCarriers" }); // Load All button var loadAll = document.createElement('input'); loadAll.setAttribute('type', 'button'); loadAll.setAttribute('value', 'Load All'); loadAll.setAttribute('onclick', 'loadAllCarriers(this.form,false);'); assignBtn.parentNode.insertBefore(loadAll, assignBtn.nextSibling); }