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// ==UserScript== // @name Build Millions of Storage Space // @namespace sk.seko // @description Allows you to build storage by 50% and 100% // @include http://** // @version 1.1 // @grant none // ==/UserScript== // Version 1.0 = Original version by apache // Version 1.1 = fixes and rounding (by Seko) var form = document.getElementsByTagName('form')[0]; window.add100p = function(amount, by) { var now = parseFloat(amount); var goal = String(by*now); var adjusted = goal.substr(0,2) + new Array(goal.length-1).join("0"); return parseFloat(adjusted) - now; } // + 50 % var button1 = document.createElement('input'); button1.setAttribute('onClick','{addstorage.value = add100p(form.getElementsByTagName("td")[1].textContent,1.5);form.submit();}'); button1.setAttribute('class', 'info'); button1.setAttribute('value', '+50%'); button1.setAttribute('type', 'button'); form.insertBefore(button1, null); // + 100 % var button2 = document.createElement('input'); button2.setAttribute('onClick','{addstorage.value = add100p(form.getElementsByTagName("td")[1].textContent,2.0);form.submit();}'); button2.setAttribute('class', 'info'); button2.setAttribute('value', '+100%'); button2.setAttribute('type', 'button'); form.insertBefore(button2, null);