rpatterson / American Whitewater section/run map KML link fix


Version: 0.3+a707301 updated

Summary: Fix the river section/run KML links to return useful KML containing all the points that appear on the map tab. Useful for downloading the rapid locations with an image if available into external apps such as Google Earth, Locus Map, etc.

Homepage: https://github.com/rpatterson/americanwhitewater-section-kml

Support: https://github.com/rpatterson/americanwhitewater-section-kml/issues

License: GPL-3.0-or-later; http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt

Fix the American Whitewater river section/run KML links to return useful KML containing all the points that appear on the map tab. Useful for downloading the rapid locations with an image if available into external apps such as Google Earth, Locus Map, etc.

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