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// ==UserScript== // @name Leantime keyboard shortcuts // @namespace // @description Leantime keyboard shortcuts // @match https://*leantime.*/* // @match* // @version 0.0.1 // @author Mikkel Ricky // @license MIT // @require,npm/@violentmonkey/ui@0.7 // @grant GM_addStyle // ==/UserScript== (async () => { (function (web, ui) { 'use strict'; var css_248z = ""; var styles = {"keyboardShortcuts":"style-module_keyboardShortcuts__ZcRL0","table":"style-module_table__OPM9X"}; var stylesheet=".style-module_keyboardShortcuts__ZcRL0 h1,.style-module_keyboardShortcuts__ZcRL0 h2{margin:0}.style-module_table__OPM9X td:first-child{text-align:right}.style-module_table__OPM9X td:first-child kbd{color:orange}.style-module_table__OPM9X td:first-child:after{content:\" : \"}"; var w = Object.defineProperty; var A = (a, e, t) => e in a ? w(a, e, { enumerable: !0, configurable: !0, writable: !0, value: t }) : a[e] = t; var r = (a, e, t) => (A(a, typeof e != "symbol" ? e + "" : e, t), t); const R = { /* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-empty-function, @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars */ addEventListener: (...a) => { }, removeEventListener: (...a) => { }, dispatchEvent: (...a) => { } /* eslint-enable @typescript-eslint/no-empty-function, @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars */ }, E = { userAgent: "" }, K = () => typeof document < "u" ? document : R, x = () => typeof navigator < "u" ? navigator : E, q = () => x().userAgent.toLowerCase().includes("mac"); let C = !1; const I = (a) => { !q() || a.key !== "Meta" || (C = !0); }, M = (a) => { !C || a.key !== "Meta" || (C = !1, k()); }, b = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(), B = (a) => { b.set(a.key, a); }, W = (a) => { b.delete(a.key); }, k = () => { for (const a of b.values()) { const e = new KeyboardEvent("keyup", { key: a.key, code: a.code, bubbles: !0, cancelable: !0 }); K().dispatchEvent(e); } b.clear(); }, L = (a) => { try { const e = () => a(); return addEventListener("focus", e), () => { removeEventListener("focus", e); }; } catch { } }, O = (a) => { try { const e = () => { k(), a(); }; return addEventListener("blur", e), () => removeEventListener("blur", e); } catch { } }, z = (a) => { try { const e = (t) => { B(t), I(t), a({ key: t.key, aliases: [`@${t.code}`], originalEvent: t, composedPath: () => t.composedPath(), preventDefault: () => t.preventDefault() }); }; return K().addEventListener("keydown", e), () => K().removeEventListener("keydown", e); } catch { } }, T = (a) => { try { const e = (t) => { W(t), M(t), a({ key: t.key, aliases: [`@${t.code}`], originalEvent: t, composedPath: () => t.composedPath(), preventDefault: () => t.preventDefault() }); }; return K().addEventListener("keyup", e), () => K().removeEventListener("keyup", e); } catch { } }; class S { constructor(e) { r(this, "_onPressed"); r(this, "_onPressedWithRepeat"); r(this, "_onReleased"); r(this, "_isPressed"); r(this, "_identity"); this._isPressed = !1, this._identity = e, typeof e == "function" ? this._onPressedWithRepeat = e : (this._onPressed = e.onPressed, this._onPressedWithRepeat = e.onPressedWithRepeat, this._onReleased = e.onReleased); } get isEmpty() { return !this._onPressed && !this._onPressedWithRepeat && !this._onReleased; } isOwnHandler(e) { return this._identity === e; } executePressed(e) { var t, s; this._isPressed || (t = this._onPressed) == null ||, e), this._isPressed = !0, (s = this._onPressedWithRepeat) == null ||, e); } executeReleased(e) { var t; this._isPressed && ((t = this._onReleased) == null ||, e)), this._isPressed = !1; } } const h = class h { constructor(e, t, s = {}) { r(this, "_normalizedKeyCombo"); r(this, "_parsedKeyCombo"); r(this, "_handlerState"); r(this, "_keyComboEventMapper"); r(this, "_movingToNextSequenceAt"); r(this, "_sequenceIndex"); r(this, "_unitIndex"); r(this, "_lastActiveKeyPresses"); r(this, "_lastActiveKeyCount"); r(this, "_isPressedWithFinalUnit"); this._normalizedKeyCombo = h.normalizeKeyCombo(e), this._parsedKeyCombo = h.parseKeyCombo(e), this._handlerState = new S(s), this._keyComboEventMapper = t, this._movingToNextSequenceAt = 0, this._sequenceIndex = 0, this._unitIndex = 0, this._lastActiveKeyPresses = [], this._lastActiveKeyCount = 0, this._isPressedWithFinalUnit = null; } static parseKeyCombo(e) { if (h._parseCache[e]) return h._parseCache[e]; const t = e.toLowerCase(); let s = "", i = [], n = [i], o = [n]; const _ = [o]; let u = !1; for (let c = 0; c < e.length; c += 1) if (t[c] === "\\") u = !0; else if ((t[c] === "+" || t[c] === ">" || t[c] === ",") && !u) { if (s) throw new Error("cannot have two operators in a row"); s = t[c]; } else t[c].match(/[^\s]/) && (s && (s === "," ? (i = [], n = [i], o = [n], _.push(o)) : s === ">" ? (i = [], n = [i], o.push(n)) : s === "+" && (i = [], n.push(i)), s = ""), u = !1, i.push(t[c])); const d = => => => f.join("")))); return h._parseCache[e] = d, d; } static stringifyKeyCombo(e) { return => => => i === "+" ? "\\+" : i === ">" ? "\\>" : i === "," ? "\\," : i).join("+")).join(">")).join(","); } static normalizeKeyCombo(e) { if (h._normalizationCache[e]) return h._normalizationCache[e]; const t = this.stringifyKeyCombo(this.parseKeyCombo(e)); return h._normalizationCache[e] = t, t; } get isPressed() { return !!this._isPressedWithFinalUnit; } get sequenceIndex() { return this.isPressed ? this._parsedKeyCombo.length : this._sequenceIndex; } isOwnHandler(e) { return this._handlerState.isOwnHandler(e); } executePressed(e) { var t, s; !((t = this._isPressedWithFinalUnit) != null && t.has(e.key)) && !((s = e.aliases) != null && s.some((i) => { var n; return (n = this._isPressedWithFinalUnit) == null ? void 0 : n.has(i); })) || this._handlerState.executePressed(this._wrapEvent(this._lastActiveKeyPresses, { key: e.key, aliases: new Set(e.aliases), event: e })); } executeReleased(e) { var t, s; !((t = this._isPressedWithFinalUnit) != null && t.has(e.key)) && !((s = e.aliases) != null && s.some((i) => { var n; return (n = this._isPressedWithFinalUnit) == null ? void 0 : n.has(i); })) || (this._handlerState.executeReleased(this._wrapEvent(this._lastActiveKeyPresses, { key: e.key, aliases: new Set(e.aliases), event: e })), this._isPressedWithFinalUnit = null); } updateState(e, t) { const s = e.length, i = s < this._lastActiveKeyCount; this._lastActiveKeyCount = s; const n = this._parsedKeyCombo[this._sequenceIndex], o = n.slice(0, this._unitIndex), _ = n.slice(this._unitIndex), u = () => { this._movingToNextSequenceAt = 0, this._sequenceIndex = 0, this._unitIndex = 0, this._lastActiveKeyPresses.length = 0, this._handlerState.isEmpty && (this._isPressedWithFinalUnit = null); }; let d = 0; if (i) { if (this._movingToNextSequenceAt === 0) return u(); if (this._movingToNextSequenceAt + t < || s !== 0) return; this._movingToNextSequenceAt = 0, this._sequenceIndex += 1, this._unitIndex = 0; return; } for (const c of o) { for (const m of c) { let f = !1; for (let l = d; l < e.length && l < d + c.length; l += 1) if (e[l].key === m || e[l].aliases.has(m)) { f = !0; break; } if (!f) return u(); } d += c.length; } if (this._movingToNextSequenceAt === 0) { for (const c of _) { for (const m of c) { let f = !1; for (let l = d; l < e.length && l < d + c.length; l += 1) if (e[l].key === m || e[l].aliases.has(m)) { f = !0; break; } if (!f) return; } this._unitIndex += 1, d += c.length; } if (d < s - 1) return u(); if (this._lastActiveKeyPresses[this._sequenceIndex] = e.slice(0), this._sequenceIndex < this._parsedKeyCombo.length - 1) { this._movingToNextSequenceAt =; return; } this._isPressedWithFinalUnit = new Set(n[n.length - 1]); } } _wrapEvent(e, t) { return { ...this._keyComboEventMapper(e, t), keyCombo: this._normalizedKeyCombo, keyEvents: e.flat().map((i) => i.event), finalKeyEvent: t.event }; } }; r(h, "_parseCache", {}), r(h, "_normalizationCache", {}); let y = h; const U = 1e3; class P { constructor(e = {}) { r(this, "sequenceTimeout"); r(this, "_isActive"); r(this, "_unbinder"); r(this, "_onActiveBinder"); r(this, "_onInactiveBinder"); r(this, "_onKeyPressedBinder"); r(this, "_onKeyReleasedBinder"); r(this, "_keyComboEventMapper"); r(this, "_selfReleasingKeys"); r(this, "_keyRemap"); r(this, "_handlerStates"); r(this, "_keyComboStates"); r(this, "_keyComboStatesArray"); r(this, "_activeKeyPresses"); r(this, "_activeKeyMap"); r(this, "_watchedKeyComboStates"); this.sequenceTimeout = U, this._isActive = !0, this._onActiveBinder = () => { }, this._onInactiveBinder = () => { }, this._onKeyPressedBinder = () => { }, this._onKeyReleasedBinder = () => { }, this._keyComboEventMapper = () => ({}), this._selfReleasingKeys = [], this._keyRemap = {}, this._handlerStates = {}, this._keyComboStates = {}, this._keyComboStatesArray = [], this._activeKeyPresses = [], this._activeKeyMap = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(), this._watchedKeyComboStates = {}, this.bindEnvironment(e); } get pressedKeys() { return => e.key); } bindKey(e, t) { var i; if (typeof e == "object") { for (const n of e) this.bindKey(n, t); return; } e = e.toLowerCase(); const s = new S(t); (i = this._handlerStates)[e] ?? (i[e] = []), this._handlerStates[e].push(s); } unbindKey(e, t) { if (typeof e == "object") { for (const i of e) this.unbindKey(i, t); return; } e = e.toLowerCase(); const s = this._handlerStates[e]; if (s) if (t) for (let i = 0; i < s.length; i += 1) s[i].isOwnHandler(t) && (s.splice(i, 1), i -= 1); else s.length = 0; } bindKeyCombo(e, t) { var i; if (typeof e == "object") { for (const n of e) this.bindKeyCombo(n, t); return; } e = y.normalizeKeyCombo(e); const s = new y(e, this._keyComboEventMapper, t); (i = this._keyComboStates)[e] ?? (i[e] = []), this._keyComboStates[e].push(s), this._keyComboStatesArray.push(s); } unbindKeyCombo(e, t) { if (typeof e == "object") { for (const i of e) this.unbindKeyCombo(i, t); return; } e = y.normalizeKeyCombo(e); const s = this._keyComboStates[e]; if (s) if (t) { for (let i = 0; i < s.length; i += 1) if (s[i].isOwnHandler(t)) { for (let n = 0; n < this._keyComboStatesArray.length; n += 1) this._keyComboStatesArray[n] === s[i] && (this._keyComboStatesArray.splice(n, 1), n -= 1); s.splice(i, 1), i -= 1; } } else s.length = 0; } checkKey(e) { return this._activeKeyMap.has(e.toLowerCase()); } checkKeyCombo(e) { return this._ensureCachedKeyComboState(e).isPressed; } checkKeyComboSequenceIndex(e) { return this._ensureCachedKeyComboState(e).sequenceIndex; } bindEnvironment(e = {}) { this.unbindEnvironment(), this._onActiveBinder = e.onActive ?? L, this._onInactiveBinder = e.onInactive ?? O, this._onKeyPressedBinder = e.onKeyPressed ?? z, this._onKeyReleasedBinder = e.onKeyReleased ?? T, this._keyComboEventMapper = e.mapKeyComboEvent ?? (() => ({})), this._selfReleasingKeys = e.selfReleasingKeys ?? [], this._keyRemap = e.keyRemap ?? {}; const t = this._onActiveBinder(() => { this._isActive = !0; }), s = this._onInactiveBinder(() => { this._isActive = !1; }), i = this._onKeyPressedBinder((o) => { this._handleKeyPress(o); }), n = this._onKeyReleasedBinder((o) => { this._handleKeyRelease(o); }); this._unbinder = () => { t == null || t(), s == null || s(), i == null || i(), n == null || n(); }; } unbindEnvironment() { var e; (e = this._unbinder) == null ||; } _ensureCachedKeyComboState(e) { e = y.normalizeKeyCombo(e), this._watchedKeyComboStates[e] || (this._watchedKeyComboStates[e] = new y(e, this._keyComboEventMapper)); const t = this._watchedKeyComboStates[e]; return t.updateState(this._activeKeyPresses, this.sequenceTimeout), t; } _handleKeyPress(e) { var n; if (!this._isActive) return; e = { ...e, key: e.key.toLowerCase(), aliases: ((n = e.aliases) == null ? void 0 : => o.toLowerCase())) ?? [] }; const t = this._keyRemap[e.key]; if (t && (e.key = t), e.aliases) for (let o = 0; o < e.aliases.length; o += 1) { const _ = this._keyRemap[e.aliases[o]]; _ && (e.aliases[o] = _); } const s = this._handlerStates[e.key]; if (s) for (const o of s) o.executePressed(e); const i = this._activeKeyMap.get(e.key); if (i) i.event = e; else { const o = { key: e.key, aliases: new Set(e.aliases), event: e }; this._activeKeyMap.set(e.key, o), this._activeKeyPresses.push(o); } this._updateKeyComboStates(); for (const o of this._keyComboStatesArray) o.executePressed(e); } _handleKeyRelease(e) { var i; e = { ...e, key: e.key.toLowerCase(), aliases: ((i = e.aliases) == null ? void 0 : => n.toLowerCase())) ?? [] }; const t = this._keyRemap[e.key]; if (t && (e.key = t), e.aliases) for (let n = 0; n < e.aliases.length; n += 1) { const o = this._keyRemap[e.aliases[n]]; o && (e.aliases[n] = o); } const s = this._handlerStates[e.key]; if (s) for (const n of s) n.executeReleased(e); if (this._activeKeyMap.has(e.key)) { this._activeKeyMap.delete(e.key); for (let n = 0; n < this._activeKeyPresses.length; n += 1) if (this._activeKeyPresses[n].key === e.key) { this._activeKeyPresses.splice(n, 1), n -= 1; break; } } this._tryReleaseSelfReleasingKeys(), this._updateKeyComboStates(); for (const n of this._keyComboStatesArray) n.executeReleased(e); } _updateKeyComboStates() { for (const e of this._keyComboStatesArray) e.updateState(this._activeKeyPresses, this.sequenceTimeout); } _tryReleaseSelfReleasingKeys() { for (const e of this._activeKeyPresses) for (const t of this._selfReleasingKeys) e.key === t && this._handleKeyRelease(e.event); } } let g, v; const F = (a) => { v = a ?? new P(g); }, p = () => (v || F(), v), N = (...a) => p().bindKey(...a), G = (...a) => p().bindKeyCombo(...a); y.normalizeKeyCombo; y.stringifyKeyCombo; y.parseKeyCombo; var _tmpl$ = /*#__PURE__*/web.template(`<span>`), _tmpl$2 = /*#__PURE__*/web.template(`<span class=then>then`), _tmpl$3 = /*#__PURE__*/web.template(`<kbd>`), _tmpl$4 = /*#__PURE__*/web.template(`<div><h1>Keyboard shortcuts`), _tmpl$5 = /*#__PURE__*/web.template(`<section><h2></h2><table>`), _tmpl$6 = /*#__PURE__*/web.template(`<tr><td></td><td>`); const shortcuts = [{ title: 'Global', shortcuts: [{ keys: '?', description: 'Open keyboard navigation help. You already knew that, right?!', callable: () => }, { keys: 'Escape', description: 'Close this overlay', callable: () => { panel.hide(); } }, { keys: 'g, h', description: 'Go home', path: '/' }, { keys: 'g, p', description: 'Show projects', path: '/projects/showMy' }, { keys: 'g, c', description: 'Show calendar', path: '/calendar/showMyCalendar' }, { keys: 'g, m', description: 'Show profile', path: '/users/editOwn/' }, { keys: 'g, t, w', description: 'Show week timesheets', path: '/timesheets/showMy' }, { keys: 'g, t, l', description: 'Show list timesheets', path: '/timesheets/showMyList' }] }, { title: 'Project (@todo)', shortcuts: [{ keys: 'c', description: 'Create new to-do' }] }, { title: 'To-do (@todo)', shortcuts: [{ keys: 't', description: 'Track time on current to-do' }] }]; function Help() { const renderKeys = keys => { const items = keys.split(/\s*(,)\s*/g); return (() => { var _el$ = _tmpl$(); web.insert(_el$, () => => ',' === key ? [' ', _tmpl$2(), ' '] : (() => { var _el$3 = _tmpl$3(); web.insert(_el$3, key); return _el$3; })())); return _el$; })(); }; return (() => { var _el$4 = _tmpl$4(); _el$4.firstChild; web.insert(_el$4, () => => (() => { var _el$6 = _tmpl$5(), _el$7 = _el$6.firstChild, _el$8 = _el$7.nextSibling; web.insert(_el$7, () => section.title); web.insert(_el$8, () => => (() => { var _el$9 = _tmpl$6(), _el$10 = _el$9.firstChild, _el$11 = _el$10.nextSibling; web.insert(_el$10, () => renderKeys(shortcut.keys)); web.insert(_el$11, () => shortcut.description); return _el$9; })())); web.effect(() => web.className(_el$8, styles.table)); return _el$6; })()), null); web.effect(() => web.className(_el$4, styles.keyboardShortcuts)); return _el$4; })(); } // Let's create a movable panel using @violentmonkey/ui // @see const panel = ui.getPanel({ theme: 'dark', style: [css_248z, stylesheet].join('\n') }); Object.assign(, { top: '10vh', left: '10vw' }); web.render(Help, panel.body); const allShortcuts = [].concat( => section.shortcuts)); const navigate = path => { if (window.location.pathname !== path) { window.location.pathname = path; } }; // Build navigate shortcuts for (const shortcut of allShortcuts.filter(shortcut => shortcut.path)) { (1 === shortcut.keys.length ? N : G)(shortcut.keys, () => navigate(shortcut.path)); } // Build callback shortcuts for (const shortcut of allShortcuts.filter(shortcut => shortcut.callable)) { (1 === shortcut.keys.length ? N : G)(shortcut.keys, () => { shortcut.callable(); }); } })(await import(""), VM); })();