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// ==UserScript== // @name Spam ist tot // @description Say no to spammers. // @namespace resterman // @version 0.1 // @author resterman // @run-at document-end // @match*/* // @grant none // ==/UserScript== var injectCode = function () { ChatDialogue.prototype.incrementMessageCount = function (a) { var hasCount = a.getElementsByClassName('spam-count').length > 0; if (hasCount) { var count = a.getElementsByClassName('spam-count')[0], amount = parseInt(count.getAttribute('amount')); count.innerHTML = 'x' + (amount + 1); count.setAttribute('amount', amount + 1) } else { a.getElementsByTagName('p')[0].innerHTML += '<span amount="2" class="spam-count" style="float: right; color: #888">x2</span>'; } }; ChatDialogue.prototype.compareMessages = function (a, b) { if (!a || !b) return false; var c = a.getElementsByClassName('username')[0].getAttribute('username'), d = b.getElementsByClassName('username')[0].getAttribute('username'), e = a.getElementsByClassName('message')[0].innerHTML, f = b.getElementsByClassName('message')[0].innerHTML; return c == d && e == f; }; ChatDialogue.prototype.insert = function(a, b, c) { var d = this, e = this._message_window_node, f = this._holodeck; f.scheduleRender(function() { var g = e.getHeight(), h = g + e.scrollTop + ChatDialogue.SCROLL_FUDGE >= e.scrollHeight, r = 0 !== g && h; f.scheduleRender(function() { var messages = e.getElementsByClassName('chat-message'); var lastMsg = messages.length ? messages[messages.length - 1] : null; if ("string" == typeof a || a instanceof String) a = $j("<div/>", { html: a, "class": "chat-message" }); if (d.compareMessages(lastMsg, a[0])) { d.incrementMessageCount(lastMsg); return; } if (c && c.timestamp) { var f = $j(e).children(".chat-message").filter(function() { return $j(this).data("timestamp") > c.timestamp }); 0 < f.length ? ($j(a).data(c).insertBefore(f.first()), r = !1) : $j(a).data(c).appendTo(e) } else $j(a).appendTo(e); r && d.scrollToBottom(); b && b() }) }) }; } var init = function () { if (window['ChatDialogue'] === undefined) setTimeout(init, 100); else injectCode(); }; init();